Dad Hacks "Donkey Kong" - Now Pauline Rescues Mario 262
H_Fisher writes "What do you do when your daughter wants the girl to be the hero of your old video game? If you're Mike Mika, you hack the game ROM to reverse the roles. He even changed the 'M' at the top of the screen to a 'P.'"
Sounds like a great father (Score:5, Interesting)
I hope he also fixed the final level bug.
oh, wow, he swapped the sprites... (Score:2, Funny)
There was a patch for DOOM that let you shoot Barney.
Maybe you shouldn't be taking your morality from Donkey Kong.
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oh man, you just reminded of that, one my favorites... he even sang the first few bars of his little song I think?
Pie factory in the NES version? (Score:2)
This ROM has the pie factory level, but it has the NES title screen. How's that work? TFA says the 2010 ROM, but what's that from?
Re:Pie factory in the NES version? (Score:5, Informative)
There was a VC release bundled with certain editions of the Wii that had a ROM of the NES version with the pie factory level grafted in.
Should Have Gone All The Way (Score:5, Interesting)
In this new version, the girl fights to stop Big Oil at the top from throwing barrels at the cute little monkey at the bottom, while the guy just stands there watching the game. When she gets to the top, she's not rescuing Mario, she's stopping Big Oil from harming cute animals. Mario just happens to come out of his comatose state when she enters the room and feels compelled to feign excitement for her quest.
In college I had a roommate who felt very strongly that depressed people should not give in to pressure to take Prozac. So I "hacked" (I think I used ResEdit or something... nothing fancy) a Pong clone to replace the ball with a green/yellow Prozac capsule. That way he could "fight the good fight" by trying to deflect the Prozac in response to my repeated attempts to stuff it down his side of the screen. This made him a much more animated opponent in Pong, and I told him this only proved that Prozac does improve people's behavior. Which upped the ante as the game continued, in much the same way that Tetris starts throwing bricks at you with more attitude the further you get into the game.
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In this new version, the girl fights to stop Big Oil at the top from throwing barrels at the cute little monkey at the bottom
Pfft, back on ur bike hippy.
Robotnik (Score:2)
stopping Big Oil from harming cute animals.
I know you love you some Sonic the Hedgehog, but I'm not sure it'd be so easy to hack Donkey Kong (Pie Factory Edition) for NES to correspond to your recommended plot changes.
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Your article is pretty old. I don't think the risk is as high as you state, but I don't doubt that there are risks.
As far as the desire to cut your wrist, was it due to suicidal ideation or due to a desire for self injury? Suicidal ideation often occurs in people that self injure, but they are very different disorders. Self-injury is usually due to a desire to make a situation feel real (stop dissociation) or to counter stressful or painful thoughts. Self-injury is actually a coping mechanism, though a very
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I had a teenage friend who only killed himself after taking prozac.
I always used to find that whole "may cause suicidal thoughts or actions" side-effect of anti-depressants quite odd. At one point, however, I wound up dating a psychiatrist and she explained it to me thus:
Major depression has two effects which bear on this, first, obviously, it causes suicidal ideations, but second, it saps your energy. Suicide is a lot of work (at least for someone who is majorly depressed), which keeps most people with SI from actually carrying through on it. Once you start taking anti
Next Step (Score:2)
Let's try to switch it further: Mario as the bad guy, DK must be rescued. Maybe DK has a daughter?
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Let's try to switch it further: Mario as the bad guy, DK must be rescued. Maybe DK has a daughter?
You mean switch genders in Donkey Kong Jr.
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Goombas lived in peace, Toads invaded (Score:2)
Mario kidnapped the Princess (and the mother of the Koopalings), Koopa rescued her, and now Mario is running around killing everything in the Mushroom Kingdom.
If true, that'd confirm the theory I'd had all along: Goombas lived in peace, Toads invaded, Goombas hired the mercenary group Koopa Troop to freeze the Toads into blocks and take Peach as a POW, Mario had to meddle in this war and help the Toads.
Not easy to make your daughter happy (Score:2, Interesting)
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One day I caught her rotating the mouse horizontally, because she wanted the little penguin to lay down instead of standing, and she was complaining it was not working.
Hahaha well you gotta give her points for that idea! XD
Parenting (Score:5, Insightful)
Parenting - you're doing it right!
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Agreed. Ninja parenting skills. As a dad with little girls (and a Donkey Kong fan) I wish he'd put the ROM out there.
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I beg to differ. Parenting is about teaching, not catering.
Parenting is both about teaching and loving your child. A child that is loved, grows up into a self-confident adult.
Also, a child that is loved has a nice childhood. Life isn't only about preparing for the next step - sometimes you live in the here and now.
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you sound like you are equating loving your child with giving a gift. They are most certainly not the same thing, and in fact one has nothing to do with the other. And unfortunately, as the GP was referring to, too often the former is used as a substitute for the latter.
Re:Parenting (Score:5, Insightful)
She's fucking three years old, dipshit.
At that age, I think it's okay to just show her it's possible to get what you want if you work for it. You don't have to make her do it herself!
Re:Parenting (Score:4, Funny)
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Re:Parenting (Score:4, Insightful)
My parents didn't teach me programming until I was eight, and I didn't even begin to do anything really useful with it until I was a teenager. I used it to hack ATARI games (for the ATARI home computer), sure, but that's at eight years old.
The girl in the story is three years old. So you aren't even really setting a fair standard.
What's worse, you're completely ignoring the gender-politics and DIY lessons learned. If you think there's no difference between Shigeru Miyamoto getting the job done and "Dad" getting the job done, then maybe Shigeru Miyamoto's your dad. Well, aside from you, most children (since they learn from their parents' example) would realize the connection: the game doesn't have to be made by a toy maker, it can be modified by "Dad" -- and that means it can eventually be modified by the child.
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I'm going to make my 5 week old son change his own damn diapers! He'll learn to stop crapping in his pants much sooner if he's the one that has to do the butt wiping!
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And you are an amatuer troll. A dad does something nice for his little girl and you feel the need to be a snot.
Three year olds don't play Sims.
He did sprite editing which is more that digging code with a hex editor.
"First world problem" is a stupid expression. Go back to Reddit.
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"First world problem" is a stupid expression.
I actually disagree.
Speaking as a native of the first world who has lived in the third world, I find that phrase to be quite apropos occasionally to mock the sense of entitlement that some people have, that's just a bad use of it.
When you've got children starving to death, and someone is going on about the fact that they have to start brewing their own coffee because they need the money they used to spend on starbucks to fill the gas tank on their $45,000 V8 SUV as though it were the end of the world,
Who is this...Mario? (Score:2, Informative)
The three characters are Pauline, Donkey Kong (now Cranky Kong), and Jump Man.
Cool (Score:2)
Now that is cool!
In other news ... (Score:3)
Members of PETA hacked the game to make the human the villain and the monkey the hero.
Oh, wait...
Can he hack Dragon's Lair next? (Score:2)
I'd love to see more of Daphne in that see-through dress swinging her sword to save Dirk.... Of course, that's a bit more involved since it was all hand-drawn animation.
Popeye (Score:2)
This remindes me of the mod my brother did for a company, Palm City Music many years ago. They wanted to make their own brand of Pac-Man. So they got Mark to reverse engineer the Pac-Man ROMs and modify the characters to look like the the head of Popeye and the energy pills to look like cans on spinach. The Ghosts? They became pirates.
Donkey Kong marriage proposal (Score:2)
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He did it so his daughter could play as the character she wanted to play. Not as some feminist statement.
Re:Gender roles (Score:5, Insightful)
Why not have those things? Maybe his daughter likes them? Just because they're traditionally female, doesn't mean they're inferior.
If you're going to defeat a 10 foot gorilla (Score:2)
.. a pink handbag and umbrella arn't the first things you'd pick. Not unless you wanted to ask him out on a date of course.
Re:If you're going to defeat a 10 foot gorilla (Score:5, Funny)
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I have it on good authority that the Queen carries a brick in hers.
Re:Gender roles (Score:5, Informative)
If the daughter finds them OK, what's wrong with it? Maybe she likes "girly" things.
Re:Gender roles (Score:5, Insightful)
Let the haters hate, and the lovers love. We know who's who by their comments.
If your daughter wanted it all princessy, and you loved her, you'd do it too. Remember (if you RTFA), she asked to play as not-Mario; we don't know what more she said beyond that. If my son asked for an elephant in the game, I'd make peanuts for him to use. And a little feather because of Dumbo.
Got my man-card, and my dad-card, and nobody's pulling either of them.
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This is all anyone needed to say about this story.
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making mario wear those at the top of the screen while pauline climbs up in a plumbers suit would have been a pretty fucking lousy hack.. just saying.
Re:Gender roles (Score:5, Informative)
I see gender roles are still alive and well, with Pauline using pink umbrella's and pink handbags in her quest to defeat Donkey Kong...
Has no one actually played Donkey Kong? Those were from the original game as the icons for bonus points. They were Pauline's items that she tossed for Mario to pick up. If he were going to really flip that aspect, he should change the color/style on the umbrella, and maybe make the purse a lunch pail or something. But that's more sprite editing.
Re:Out of the woodwork (Score:5, Insightful)
Are other industries as bad, or is the gaming industry one of the worst?
Everyone's this bad. Nobody RTFA's and understands that Dad took a request from his kid and decided to go all-out on it. They all think it's a political-social-economic-whatever sort of statement. Dad isn't out to make a statement. He's out to love his kid.
My guess, with absolutely no statistics to back it up, is that many of the attackers are not parents themselves and simply do understand that such a selfless, political-message-free love exists.
Re:Out of the woodwork (Score:5, Insightful)
I agree. Fuck the comments about sexism. This is 100% a dad doing something because he loves his daughter and was able to do something cool because she wanted something different.
Re:Out of the woodwork (Score:4, Insightful)
This dad did what feminists can't be arsed to do, he worked long hours past midnight to change a game so it was more of her daughter's liking, instead of bitching about it for years without doing anything.
It would have been a better story if her daughter made the hack herself instead of having to manipulate a man to get her wish, but that can be excused by her little age.
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If I see mod points in time, this is getting them!
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You used to be able to purge your comments.. didn't you?
Been a relay long time since I was in that situation.
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Agreed 100%
I am a bit doubtful about calling this a hack, this is reverse engineering.
A hack would have been: ... there you are, darling!
- Daddy but I want to be the hero!!!
- Ok! wait a sec... *puts fake mustache on girl*
Re:Out of the woodwork (Score:4, Insightful)
The whole point of this story is to stir up the sexism shrieker shitstorm. You take that aspect out, and there's no reason for it to be posted.
It would just be a combination of headlines: "This dad loves his daughter" (Also not newsworthy to anyone other than the gender warriors) and "Guy does something only marginally more complicated than hex editing 'File Manager' title bar to display 'File Mangler'"
Re:Out of the woodwork (Score:4, Insightful)
There IS sexism in games. To claim otherwise is to ignore the reality of the world.
What is great about this story is that this is how sexism ENDS. It's about little steps that fathers take for their daughters, mothers for their sons, and people for one another.
This is a feminist act because all it does is try to make a girl feel happy about the games that she plays, so that she doesn't feel excluded or lesser just because she's a girl. That's all that feminism is.
The guy wants what's best for his daughter and he's willing to go to lengths to achieve it. He was able to do something, so he did. If everyone else did the same, we wouldn't need feminism--equality would already be here.
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Oh, I wish I had mod points for you, my friend.
Actually I suspect it was more a case of... (Score:5, Funny)
... dad had a convenient excuse to spend some quality time hacking.
Wife: Hey, why the fsck are you still sitting in front of that computer, its 1am! You love that thing more than me. I'm sick of it! Come to bed and treat me like a woman!
Dad: I'm giving matriachal empowerment to the characterisation of this game for the sake of our daughters self esteem.
Wife: Oh , well, ok then! Night!
Dad: Heh , sucker. Now, lets see what this ISR does...
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What about gender neutral ones like Shepard from Mass Effect or the Warden from Dragon Age?
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I find it amusing that you assume people know who April Ryan is, but that they don't know who Chell is... I'd say that Portal was a *much* bigger title than The Longest Journey, not to mention that TLJ came out 14 years ago, and while it has a cult following it's still quite an old game that isn't very well known in the main stream.... (that said, you're right... TLJ and Dreamfall both present strong female leads as their protagonists)
You tend to find better written female characters in CRPGs. Bioware is es
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Chell barely gets mentioned in the game and I think the only place you actually see her in the game, is in the cinematic at the end of Portal 2 (or if you set up some portals like a mirror). Chell is more anonymous than Doom Guy, at least you can see his face in the status bar and there's a pic of him in the menu screen.
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You're right. I was probably confusing it with a fan film recreation of the "cornfield" scene that showed her from the 3rd-person perspective.
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I've seen too many of them, might be this one:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4drucg1A6Xk [youtube.com]
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Nariko and her sister in Heavenly Sword (both are playable characters).
There were also female lead characters in WET and Heavy Rain but can't remember their names off the top of my head, but yes they tend to be very much in the minority, probably because of the belief that men don't want to play as female characters.
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Princess Toadstool in Super Mario 2 (though this character is powerless in almost every other Mario game)
Most others, yes, but she can hold her own in the various Mario RPG games.
And to add to that list:
Terra (FF6)
Celes (FF6)
Any of the female characters from Trails in the Sky.
I'm sure I could come up with a few more, but you are right that the number of strong male leads exceeds the number of strong female leads, though I don't think it's quite as dismal as you seem to think it is.
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Samus from Metroid Prime.
Van I have Vanellope von Schweetz from Sugar Rush in Wreck-it Ralph? Bit of a cheat I know.
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He said "that aren't sex objects"
While things like Zero-suit Samus can certainly be considered a bit of fan service, I wouldn't consider most of her outings as putting her in the sex-object position. I don't know if the GPP would agree.
Meanwhile, on the flip side, Lara Croft *definitely* is, except in her latest game (written by the excellent Rhianna Pratchett) where she's actually written like a real human being.
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A little offtopic, I know, but it took me until just now to realize that she was Terry Pratchett's daughter. Apparently she will also get all the rights to Discworld and continue writing it. I certainly hope she is up to the challenge.
Re:Why is this necessary? (Score:4, Interesting)
I guessed as soon as I saw her name mentioned as the writer for Overlord. It was a lot of the reason I even tried the game. Safe to say, I think Terry's sense of humour has rubbed off on her :)
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Re:Why is this necessary? (Score:5, Insightful)
You seriously think Lara Croft isn't a sex object? [google.com].
And? (Score:5, Insightful)
Since I have no reason to hate you with a passion, I won't suggest you watch Twilight but aren't the males in that drivel just as much sex objects?
What really is the difference between Lara Croft and Fabian? Don't know who he is? Google it and you will find he is a model who appears on countless romance novel covers and NOT because he is a novelist.
Sex... wasn't really all that much a part of the original Tomb Raider. yes, she had big polygons, which most of the time you don't see since the camera is behind her. Meanwhile the women in Planescape: Torment had FAR bigger tits but nobody complained about that. Because part of the reason to have big tits in low-rez games was so the tits would be visible at all.
In Israel right now there is a law banning thin models. To protect the feelings of the whales. Because the only thin women are freaks who don't eat of course, not just a normal percentage of women who just happen to not overeat and have a natural slender built. To protect one groups feelings, another group is excluded. For every a-cup girl supposedly offended by doubt D Lara, there is a double D girl offended by every small titted heroine. Can't girls with big busts be heroes or are they condemned like blondes to always be stupid whores?
Every personality you see in the media, is a role. Doesn't matter whether you like said role or not. It is a role. Every actor acts a role defined by the writer. Media can NEVER show reality (which is why people who take 1984 as a prophecy as such idiots) because the writer WROTE everything as if he/she was god. A personality is self-destructive or succesful because the writer made it to be like that. In Far Cry 3 and the new Tomb Raider the "hero" goes from a snivelling coward to lean mean well adjusted killing machine because that was what the writers put in the plot. A different writer could just as easily have written a plot showing how both lapse into insanity. When backdraft was made, fire departments around the world saw an increase in volunteers and Pretty Woman has been claimed to have caused an increase in girls thinking prostitution always has an happy ending... for the girl. Mind you, the postman always ring twice didn't see more people wanting to be postman. Because the writers made on proffesion seem heroic while the other... wasn't. And many movies have shown hookers in bad light. The role an actor plays is not real.
REAL people are often WAY more complex then can be put in a 1.5 hour movie. Lara Croft breasts are often the joke of back pains... and? This is well known among women and those who live in the same world as them. Breast reduction surgery does exist and STILL women with small breasts want to be sultry big bossomed and big breasted women want to be slender and cute. And men want big cocks despite most women not particularly liking to be stretched to wide or to deep while men with actual big penisses wish that girls wouldn't run out the door when they get naked. We all want what we can't have because SURELY the grass is greener on the other side, so we all climb the fence and never wonder why so many people are climbing the other way.
BUT it is NOT the media's fault, it is our own.
Take publicity shots for say Star Wars. You can probably find some of Carry Fisher in her metal bikini and say "fan service". That is because all the pictures of Harrison Ford strutting it, don't appeal to YOU. But they ARE fanservice to a LOT of women. You drooled over Leia, they drooled over Han. Or Luke. Or Obi-Wan... women are weird or Jabba... my gf picked me after all.
You might think that a Lord of the Rings does not have much fanservice but just search the net. So... does that make the characters sex symbols? YES! Just not to you, but if SOMEONE drools over it, it is a sex symbol.
Sex sells, it always has done and both genders lap it up.
Sexism is only seeing it in one gender. Note the Israeli law on thin models ONLY applies to females. Because everyone knows bulemia
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No mod points today.. but this is the most insightful comment I've seen for a long time. I had only just started considering that male characters are also made as sex objects before I read your comment :)
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Seeing that a reasonable amount of your rant was about the Israel-bans-thin-models story:
Note the Israeli law on thin models ONLY applies to females.
According to abc new [go.com], the law "targets adults in general, [but] it is clearly aimed at female models."
(I think that law btw, while possibly well-intentioned is not thought through & impossible to enforce.)
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Oh god, this is the same bullshit that willfully blind sexists like bleating about over and over again.
The problem with sexism in our nerdy community is that we think that we're above it, so we spend a lot of time trying to justify the unjustifiable, or pin the blame back on women somehow, or claim that 'both sides got it'. It's not true, and you're too smart to claim ignorance.
The Hulk or Superman aren't FEMALE sex fantasies, they're MALE power fantasies. The reason why men look the way they do in media--i
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The Hulk or Superman aren't FEMALE sex fantasies, they're MALE power fantasies.
Except the GP didn't mention Hulk or Superman. I also think Han Solo is markedly different than the likes of Hulk or Superman, so I think it's disingenuous for you to lump them all together.
For a long time, Men were effectively the only people spending large amounts of money, and they were the only demographic that mattered.
That's because men were the ones EXPECTED to spend money. Being the bread winner and provider has been the traditional male role. Gender roles affects BOTH men and women.
(And, in a terrible twist of irony, when women claim to like comics or video games despite the shitty way they're generally portrayed, they get called 'fake nerds' or 'attention whores'.)
That's not irony. That's pointing out the truth. Liking something that portrays you like crap makes you a battered wife, not a nerd.
Real nerds would do
Re:And? (Score:4, Insightful)
This post is a good example of blame shifting. By shifting the blame of sexism onto women who haven't made the non-sexist games, you think you can claim your hands are clean, right? So what do you say: "let the market decide! If sexism is bad then it will be uneconomical. We don't have to worry about that annoying subject called ethics." Heck, let's apply it in general. If LGBT people don't like negative portrayals in the media, they can just form their own media companies. If African Americans don't like racism, they can make their own media.
What a great idea...NOT!
Here's an alternate idea: assume that women are complete human beings and that sexism is wrong. And even if you are a man, realize that you probably have a sister, daughter, or niece who will see this sexist crap and see it as a red flag to stay in her assigned gender role...or else!
Sexism is a type of bigotry. I know our culture has made it seem less damaging than racism, but really it is just as damaging. Just because sexism is largely accepted does not make it right.
Here is a list of bigoted statements:
* If those n*****s want to play golf, they should just build their own golf club
* If those f**s want equal rights, they should move to San Francisco
* If those b*****s want to play our sexist games, they can start their own game companies
Yeah, I know, sexist video games aren't the greatest form of bigotry that exists. But it is a type of bigotry. And it should be resisted.
Re:And? (Score:4)
Here's a list of bigoted statements:
* Women are frail flowers who can't look after themselves, and need to be protected from bad media.
* Blacks are poor victims who can't look after themselves, and need to be protected from bad media.
* Gays are wimpy effiminate types, and therefore just like women can't look after themselves, and need to be protected from bad media.
How about we just accept that the meaning of "adult" is "able to look after oneself in the harsh worl we inhabit, and don't need your protection"? How about we stop explaining to people that they are helpless victims?
Re:And? (Score:5, Insightful)
The Hulk or Superman aren't FEMALE sex fantasies, they're MALE power fantasies.
Oh, ok. That's not sexist at all then.
Hang on - I'm a man, and I don't fantasise about being muscle-bound and powerful. Stop fucking stereotyping me you sexist cunt.
(before we get to all the other feminist issues surrounding equality of pay, access to health services, work, etc., etc.)
..and life expectancy, retirement age on a state pension (in the UK), equality of childbirth time off work, custody and access to children following divorce, safety from assault, legalised workplace discrimination against me, etc., etc.
Don't fucking pretend it's all one-way traffic.
Trust me, I think equality's a fantastic ideal. I'd love to get some.
Re:And? (Score:4, Interesting)
In Israel right now there is a law banning thin models. To protect the feelings of the whales.
I was in Israel for a couple of weeks, and didn't notice any land whales. I'd say Israelis are rather healthy-looking, both Jews as well as Arabs.
But I did see land whales each of the three times I visited the US. It was the first (and so far, only) time in my life that I could behold examples of morbid obesity.
But, carry on.
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Forget that, he put Rayne on the list. To be more of a sex object she'd have to start taking off the stripper outfit she's wearing.
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She's an attractive grave robber. :)
Re:Why is this necessary? (Score:5, Funny)
Nobody looks like that in real life.
No? I do ... look a lot like Lara Croft. Sure, it's an odd look for a man, but I think I pull it off nicely.
Re:Why is this necessary? (Score:5, Insightful)
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They aren't sex objects.
Speak for yourself. Kratos can dominate me any day *purrrr*.
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Yuna is a typical Japanese Sex Object, the same can definitely be argued abouth Aeris.
Lara Croft, really?
Don't know about the other two.
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I would argue she's not. Not a "strong leading female character" either (used as damsel in distress and then killed off early to create a sad moment for the leading male - and the player), but definitely not a sex object.
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And since women play games maybe 10% as much as men, they are probably overrepresented.
citation needed.
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Re: What do you do? (Score:5, Insightful)
He hasn't actually released the modified game and big gaming corporations don't give a fuck about a dad hacking a 30 year old game this way to make his daughter happy. To "squash" this, a corp needs to spend more money than it's worth, so they're not going to do a thing about it. Simple as that.
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If you read the EULA of majority of commercial software, including games, it is specifically forbidden to reverse engineer and modify the Product. While you're right that without distributing the modifications, it is unlikely that he gets sued, but he still did something that is against the contract of the purchase of the software license.
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Making an example out of someone can be considered a good investment.
It's like hanging the bodies for public display, I think.
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Gibbeting [wikipedia.org] for the 21st Century.
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Download MAME Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. It's Available for Linux and Android platforms. Then Google around for a ROM set for your mame version number.
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'Hope it was at least entertaining.'