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Censorship China Games

Battlefield 4 Banned In China 380

hypnosec writes "The Chinese government has officially banned Battlefield 4, stating that Electronic Arts has developed a game that not only threatens national security of the country, but is also a form of cultural invasion. The country's Ministry of Culture has issued a notice banning all material retailed to the game in any form, including the game itself, related downloads, demos, patches and even news reports. According to PCGames.com.cn [Chinese language], Battlefield 4 has been characterized as illegal game on the grounds that the game endangers national security and cultural aggression."
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Battlefield 4 Banned In China

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  • What are they, French?

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Why, did they surrender?
      I'm waiting for Battlefield 4 - Foxconn Rising
      • I would like nothing more than to destroy Foxconn!

        In the game...of course.

    • The parent post was probably ment to mock France, but he is right: their efforts were futile. France today is just as Americanized as any other western country.
      Their tactic of only playing french music didn't work so well either. Culture isn't something you can protect with legislature.
      • I wasn't trying to mock France. I just thought the similarity of their approach to cultural preservation was noteworthy.

      • I think "Americanized" is a misnomer, and a more correct term would be "commercialized."

        Granted, commercialization has its natural home here. But in the end, I think our whole-hearted embrace of greed just speeds up the process somewhat. All life is about sucking up resources, and most likely doomed to end in a race to the bottom.

  • by AlanS2002 ( 580378 ) <sanderal2@hotmail. c o m> on Friday December 27, 2013 @12:24PM (#45796799) Homepage

    Someone needs to tell these idiots that 1984 wasn't meant to be a manual.

  • by retech ( 1228598 ) on Friday December 27, 2013 @12:25PM (#45796813)
    It'll be interesting to see if anyone traveling, who is employed by, or associated with this game, is able to pass through China.
  • Banning... (Score:5, Funny)

    by Chordonblue ( 585047 ) on Friday December 27, 2013 @12:27PM (#45796829) Journal

    You'd think they would have banned it elsewhere until it was at least finished!

  • by Anonymous Coward
    They also banned Reisure Suit Rarry
  • It looks like Russia and the U.S. are also in the game, and you can play as any of them, so will it also be banned in the U.S. and Russia? Nope? Didn't think so.
  • It's ok China, you can ban the game just keep in mind that millions of BF 4 players are enjoying the game on Chinese manufactured equipment.

    Irony anyone?
    • by DexterIsADog ( 2954149 ) on Friday December 27, 2013 @12:44PM (#45797025)

      It's ok China, you can ban the game just keep in mind that millions of BF 4 players are enjoying the game on Chinese manufactured equipment. Irony anyone?

      Umm, since their intent is to prevent Chinese from getting ideas, and they do like the revenue from manufacturing computers for the rest of the world, and would probably prefer that other countries' youth wasted their time on games instead of studying, then...

      No, that's not ironic. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irony [wikipedia.org]

    • That ok. Thank you for money. (Signed) China Dictated but not read.
  • cultural aggression (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Tom ( 822 ) on Friday December 27, 2013 @01:02PM (#45797187) Homepage Journal

    Don't know about BF4 in particular, but they sure are right about "cultural aggression". The most successful invasion the USA is continually running on the rest of the world isn't military.

    I live in Europe. Most of the Americans view us as socialists, mostly because there used to be a cultural difference between Europe and the USA. Where in the US the basic concept is "everyone makes his own luck", Europe has a bigger focus on the social units you belong to - the family at the lowest level, the nation at the highest. That's why we have healthcare and unemployment benefits and all that, because we care for each other in addition to ourselves.

    Both models have advantages and disadvantages. In the US, you can make it, there are more options for venture capital or starting your own company in general, and less obstacles. At the same time, the path is smaller and more dangerous. And if you fall, you fall alone.

    But things change. With the constant battering from Hollywood, music, comics and other cultural exports, Europe is in crisis primarily because old and new social concepts are clashing, and we are the battlefield.

    Now imagine Asia, where the social groups are even more important than the individual. What kind of havoc a US-spirit can wreck there.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 27, 2013 @01:32PM (#45797479)

      You're absolutely right.

      Even here in Canada, we're seeing an emergence of increased cultural aggression from the US and many American companies are trying to bring their American values to Canada. Traditionally, we're valued our social programs, healthcare and unemployment benefits as a cultural force that has helped us to provide better governance and lifestyle to the vast majority. The American (corporate) values are really starting to push the view of letting the aggressive superstar individual succeed and everyone else fail. I'm sorry if anyone is offended but today's American values tend to let the entire middle class suffer and hurt the lower class significantly. The old adage that the rich get richer and the poor stay poor has been tilted to the extreme in today's economic reality.

      Don't get me wrong - I love the US. But they tend to think that democracy and capitalism are one and the same and that's not true. People don't exist to serve artificial constructs like corporations. People exist to help serve and better the human race and too often we forget this as we struggle in our daily lives. I want my children to live in a better world than the one that I grew up in and I don't see it happening today. The US concept of democracy has been perverted by corporate interests and aggressive corporate lobbying. Candidly, I think the world is a more violent, aggressive and dangerous place to live in today than it has been in the past. That being said, it's still better than anything coming out of the cultural toilet that is the Middle East, China and Russia.

      • The one day I don't have mod points. As a Canadian, +insightful/informative to you, AC.

      • What you aee seeing in Canada isn't American caused. It's a multi-billion dollar propaganda campaign being executed on all English speaking nations by an Austrailian media magnate. Canada has been lowest on list and is only now seeing the effects, it actuslly started in Austrailia moved to the UK and US then into Canada. It's one of the most successfull propaganda campaigns I've ever seen.

      • ...

        Don't get me wrong - I love the US. But they tend to think that democracy and capitalism are one and the same and that's not true.

        This, and your first paragraph, I absolutely agree with. but...

        People don't exist to serve artificial constructs like corporations. People exist to help serve and better the human race

        Here you have begun to project your desires of how you wish other people thought. People exist because we are biological organisms in this living universe. Or people don't exist because their would-be parents lived in a region of the living universe that wasn't able to support their successful breeding.

        Candidly, I think the world is a more violent, aggressive and dangerous place to live in today than it has been in the past.

        Really? I'm sure it depends on your geographic region, but here in the U.S. I remember *common* crime being more prevalent before the rise of

  • Battlefield 4's storyline includes a Chinese admiral attempting to overthrow the Chinese government. You're not allowed to suggest those sorts of things.

  • EA should have worked with the Chinese government to produce a version where you can invade Taiwan, Japan, and if you do really well, North Korea,,,

  • "Released in October, Battlefield 4 is available in North America, Europe, Jana, Australia, and New Zealand, and was not officially launched in China."

    What is this Jana they speak of?

  • by eyenot ( 102141 ) <eyenot@hotmail.com> on Friday December 27, 2013 @02:04PM (#45797849) Homepage

    China is smart to do this. People are far too shut-in these days. Look how much entertainment has expanded and filtered in the niches of everyone's lives. It does not always have a positive effect on individuals (does the news even bother to cover stories of MMORPG recluses any more or is it now to be taken for granted?) and therefore nor does it always have a positive effect on populations.

    Consider the effect that a film like "V for Vendetta" has had on activism itself. The iconic Guy Fawkes mask and the anonymized approach to public activism leaked directly from the film into peoples' lives, who took it seriously and decided to implement it in a fashion.

    Consider the effect that video games have on what you decide to talk about with people when you're out shopping, or at work, or at school, just "hanging out", and so on. For many people, about the only people they wouldn't talk about their video games with would be their parents, who would grow weary of the subject and try to divert them to something "more productive". And that HAS to be a dwindling case, considering how many life long gamer are now parents of kids old enough to game passionately.

    People fall in love with "weighted companion cubes" (despite the dead bodies inside). [youtube.com] People spend a great deal of time meditating on whether the cake is a lie or whether there is no spoon.

    When you add in a dimension of possible political opinion and conflict to an immersive game, it also adds those political opinions and conflicts to the discussion. With things in China as bad as they are right now, in many districts, it would be a bad idea to entertain people with some game depicting "the day after tomorrow" sort of mayhem that no doubt many of them wish was real today.

    Because that is what they would be talking about around the water cooler, or out shopping, or while stocking the coal cellar, or while cooking, or at school. Especially the at school part, that's sort of what China's mostly concerned about. Remember it was students who were active in Tiananmen Square.

    Every day, in the United States, I shake my head in shame at how many people are operating in their daily lives on a level of cinema fantasy running through their heads. It's not that they watch too many movies or that the content of the movies is wrong somehow, it's that they take what they've watched far too seriously and for whatever reason they've also adapted it to fit their self image and their perception of what their life actually is.

    It's easy to defend these people as "needing heroes", and "needing to be heroes", and so on. But it's not easy to defend people who aren't aware of their surroundings and who aren't concerned with real events and real consequences in real life, no in any sense of the word "defend". And plenty of people -- who don't have self-image and self-esteem issues, or who aren't trying to take reality escapism to a whole different level -- enjoy their hero sagas and their epic struggles as things separate from real life. It's not those people that draw my concern, it's the growing number of others who get completely absorbed and proceed to live in a psychological bubble composed of entertainment imagery.

    Case in point, "thug life", which is a cultural mainstream even in neighborhoods where there's no threat of actual gang activity and where there are plenty of opportunities for a better life. It's even a mainstream with little white upper class girls in grade school who obviously aren't going to cap anybody and if they wanted to count stacks they could learn accounting and investment from their millionaire parents. There's something lacking in someone's life besides monetary value and secure social networks, when they emulate being a thug ostensibly in pursuit of money and social standing, even when they have ready access to plenty of both.

    It's expensive to get a rich man's money, but, it's cheap to fill a poor man's pockets.

  • by braindrainbahrain ( 874202 ) on Friday December 27, 2013 @05:14PM (#45800063)

    This story reminds of the game Mercenaries 2: World in Flames [wikipedia.org] which takes place in Venezuela. The game was promptly banned a it was believed to be propaganda against Hugo Chavez, the president at the time. That was in 2006. Venezuela since banned all violent video games in 2010 [wikipedia.org]

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