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New Wolfenstein Game Announced: The Old Blood 61

jones_supa writes Last year, Wolfenstein: The New Order was well received, and showed that old school shooters still can do extremely well in the current market and actually be a lot of fun. Now, Bethesda Softworks is already announcing a standalone prequel to The New Order, called Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. It's back to the roots for B.J. Blazkowicz, and you embark on a perilous journey "deep within Bavaria", with the goal of infiltrating the Castle Wolfenstein. Just like last years' game, The Old Blood has been developed by Swedish company MachineGames on the same platform including id Tech 5 engine. The release date is May 5th and the game will be available for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.
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New Wolfenstein Game Announced: The Old Blood

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  • What year is it? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by zcomuto ( 1700174 ) on Wednesday March 04, 2015 @06:56PM (#49184369)

    Between looking forward to Doom, Unreal Tournament and now this, it's like the 90s all over again.

  • Halt! (Score:4, Informative)

    by Guy From V ( 1453391 ) on Wednesday March 04, 2015 @06:59PM (#49184387) Homepage

    Kommen sie! Ausweis? Heil!

    • by gweihir ( 88907 )

      Always funny when non-native speakers try to speak/write German ;-)==)
      (Yes, everything is grammatically correct, but the nuances are all wrong...)

      • Re:Halt! (Score:5, Informative)

        by dstyle5 ( 702493 ) on Wednesday March 04, 2015 @07:40PM (#49184653)
        I could be wrong but I think that text is quoting the Apple II game Castle Wolfenstein. I'm guessing it most likely had non-native German speakers writing the dialog.
      • This was from my intentional track error written, pirated C-64 5-1/4" floppy days (made double-sided with a paper-hole punch, of course). I always thought "ausweis" was "aus pass" myself, just from memory. But I always saw "ausweis" whenever I looked at it on the net the first years on the 'Net so I figured I was hearing it wrong. I had no idea WTF they were saying but I got the gist when I knew I was going to have to start shooting the guards, though. This game plus Bard's Tale, Neuromancer, Archon (1

        • by Whiteox ( 919863 )

          Loderunner! Fantastic game and wasted hrs on it. I couldn't get past L22 in Championship Loderunner :(

        • Comment removed based on user account deletion
          • Whoa nice! I have mine in my garage along with the 1541 and 1530 drives but I think the power supply brick is screwed. You have your SN# recorded in the C64 registry? I have a rainbow style decal model, lol. The first games I played on it...Midway, Graverobbers and Telengard...all datacassette, bahahah.

      • by JBMcB ( 73720 )


    • by Anonymous Coward

      Ach! Mein Leben!

    • by mjwx ( 966435 )

      Kommen sie! Ausweis? Heil!

      Easy az bro, It is mean?

  • YAY! Orgasmic times ahead!

  • by theArtificial ( 613980 ) on Wednesday March 04, 2015 @07:13PM (#49184463)
    I'm big fan of the franchise, especially RTCW (Return to Castle Wolfenstein) and the most recent title was beautiful, just a cool story. They made a great bizarro world where the Nazi's won, I liked the attention to detail Machine Games put into the title. There were some well done spoofs of 60s era songs [] (polygon [] has a little on it)
  • by Nyder ( 754090 ) on Wednesday March 04, 2015 @07:18PM (#49184487) Journal

    I bought New Order during the Steam sale during the holidays and find the game to be a nice step from the last couple they have done. Graphics are great and I actually found myself liking BJ's character. Story so far has been really good. Very glad I picked it up. If the new one is done as well I might actually not wait for it to be on sale and pick it up after it launches. Providing it's not just a crappy console port like so many games tend to have been for the last decade.

    • I bought it and can't stand it. I quit halfway through the second mission. Too many silly scripted events and weird key combinations, plus the controls in general feel floaty - which wouldn't be a huge deal if timing and precision weren't an issue. Does it get better after the intro missions? If the rest of the game has this Prince of Persia feel I can't imagine getting through it.
  • I haven't liked many of the newer Wolfensteins, but if you haven't played The New Order, go purchase ASAP. It's game of the year material. (And was mentioned on many game of the year lists) . You also get to hear the Nazi-Beatles' famous song "Das Blaue U-Boat"
  • The controls was a bit excessive with 8 movement keys, 8 gun aiming keys plus action and shoot - you certainly got good at contorted finger manipulation in order to wander around a room with your gun always pointing the right way. But very few future games beat the immersion that was created - I think the way that a single bullet sunk you lead to much better immersion.

    • My friends and I only played it "multiplayer" on the C64--one person manning the joystick, the other firing the bullets and grenades. We'd switch places after every capture/death. We never found the plans and escaped, but it sure was a lot of fun yelling at him when he wasted all 10 bullets by pushing the button prematurely or I wasn't aiming in the right direction when a grenade was tossed...
  • The crazy action and difficulty this game brought was awesome. I'm sure this thread will serve as great market research for bethesda.

  • I'm casual gamer and have been playing wolfenstien for about 4 months now. I'm about 25% completed.... so far so good. Stay tuned for my full review, towards the later part of this year. Still, takes me about one week to get through each level. Maybe I'm not so good. still, I love the game. I'm told, I should reduce the diffuculty level.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    I wish there was something similar to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory coming out. That game was just excellent in all its simplicity. So many players world wide, such an active modding community (with gems like TC:E). And this is not from a sentimental retro slave, that game was just gold.

  • But other than that, wonderful. New Order was a fantastic game. Such a strong showing for a first game from a studio. It isn't often you can have a game that is good, silly fun where you do crazy shit like dual wield assault rifles, and yet still have a solid story that makes you care. Good mechanics, good levels, good story, good visuals, good setting, just well done all around.

    Only thing I would ding it on is the engine choice. iD Tech 5 just isn't very good compared to Unreal Engine, Cryengine or Frostbi

  • I was getting seriously depressed and after I finished The New Order last June I kept asking myself: What will I do with my life now?

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
