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Wonder Boy Remake Finally On The Way (grabitmagazine.com) 48

SlappingOysters writes: Sega has a number of fan favorite IP locked away in its vault, and one is about to be let out after a 27-year hiatus. Lizardcube has announced a remake of Wonder Boy 3: The Dragon's Trap for PC and consoles, which originally appeared on the Sega Master System in 1989. The game has a striking, modern visual style, but retains the classic story and gameplay. Lizardcube was founded by ex-developers of Media Molecule and Dreamworks, and the original game's creator, Ryuichi Nishizawa, is also on board. You can watch the reveal trailer here.
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Wonder Boy Remake Finally On The Way

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  • by edittard ( 805475 ) on Saturday June 04, 2016 @10:03AM (#52248101)

    Sega has a number of fan favorite IP

    What language is that supposed to be?

    • That sentence parses fine
    • by Anonymous Coward

      It's the language of BeauHD, of course, whom in actuality is a Perl script written as a drop-in replacement for your typical Slashdot editor. Future versions will post more articles about systemd and increase the frequency of glaring mistakes.

  • Is the Venture Brothers going to have to change his name? [youtube.com]
  • I thought it said Wonderbread.

  • Maybe my memory is a bit fuzzy, but wasn't the main character in Wonder Boy... you know, a boy? What's with the mouse, dragon and bird? How is that still Wonder Boy?

    • Re:Wonder Boy? (Score:4, Informative)

      by Zombie Ryushu ( 803103 ) on Saturday June 04, 2016 @02:05PM (#52249021)

      Wonder Boy's proper name is Bocke Lee Temjin. This is actually the second game in the Monster World series. He gets cursed by a Mechanical Dragon robot sent by a race of Aliens to turn into a Lizard man, Mouse Man, Pirahana man, Tiger man, and Hawkman, before returning to Human status. This game has been remade and expanded several times in the past: Dragon's Curse was a port to the TurboGrafx, and a Windows Remake called Dragons Curse Remake that expanded the game, but was more based on the Turbo version.

      The sequel to this game is what Genesis owners know as Wonder Boy in Monster World, which has a different protagonist, Shion. The last game in the series, Monster World IV, hasa a Girl protagonist, Asha.

  • is

  • I was always a little under impressed by Super Metroid because I'd played WBIII and experienced that kind of exploration gameplay back on my Sega Master System. Heck, I still think it's the most underrated game of the 8bit era. I hope Monster Boy [youtube.com] is still coming though. The blog's still active but it was basically a spiritual successor. I could go for 2 Wonderboy games myself but not sure if everybody can so I hope this anouncement doesn't hurt the other games sales. If you're reading this buy both :).
    • by guises ( 2423402 )
      Wonderboy 3 was like that? I cam here to say that I would have preferred to see the Wonder Boy in Monster Land / World spinoffs, for basically that reason, but I never played 3 and if this is the same idea then that'll be really nice.
      • Yeah, it was a completely different game than the rest of the series (Except maybe for Wonder Boy IV on the Genesis, but that game's layouts were kind of simple, probably due to cartridge space being used up by (for the time) high resolution sprites). The series is also a confused mess of names because the kept changing them between US & Japan and Japan didn't always clearly indicate if a game was part of the series. Most of them are called "Monster World" in Japan. So you get things like "Monster World
  • I didn't want to be negative, when I saw the news I got super thrilled since WB3 is one of my absolute favorite games. However, I have to say it looked pretty generic, much like your average freemium game on iOS.

    Maybe I just got put off by all the cutesiness, I dunno. Am I just being old and bitter?

  • I've seen what they did to Sonic. I don't want to see this being done to Wonderboy. If that's what you have in mind, just do what you should have done with Sonic: Take him out to the shed and pet his head while you cock the gun and close your eyes.

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