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Sony PlayStation (Games) Games

Sony Has Sold 50 Million PlayStation 4 Units (gamespot.com) 73

Sony today shared sales figures of the PlayStation 4, saying the gaming console surpassed 50 million units as of this week. The console was launched in November 2013, and hit 40 million sales mark in May this year. In a statement, the company said, via GameSpot: "We're truly delighted that the PS4 community continues to flourish since launch three years ago," Sony Interactive Entertainment boss Andrew House said in a statement. "With tremendous support from our fans and partners across the globe, this year we were able to deliver an unprecedented lineup of hardware, including the new slimmer PS4, PS4 Pro, and PlayStation VR. We will continue to provide the best gaming experiences available through our ground-breaking software lineup and network services, as we focus on accelerating our business and expanding the PS4 ecosystem."According to an estimate Nvidia provided in August, Microsoft's Xbox One has an install base of 29 million.
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Sony Has Sold 50 Million PlayStation 4 Units

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  • I bought one last week and I'm pleasantly surprised. I'm still trying to find games to play for it as it doesn't seem to have the wealth of games I enjoy like the Wii U does, but next year looks like a really good year for PS4 gaming. I'm also excited to see what they do with VR. Hopefully the Scorpio comes out and blows us away with that too.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      I bought one last week and I'm pleasantly surprised. I'm still trying to find games to play for it as it doesn't seem to have the wealth of games I enjoy like the Wii U does, but next year looks like a really good year for PS4 gaming. I'm also excited to see what they do with VR. Hopefully the Scorpio comes out and blows us away with that too.

      Some titles you may have missed:

      • The Last of Us (Remastered)
      • Bloodborne
      • Arkham Knight (best version being on the PS4)
      • Infamous: Second Son
      • Ratchet and Clank
      • The Uncharted series (including Uncharted 4)
      • Until Dawn
      • by WinkyN ( 263806 )

        I too bought one last week, and I am very happy with it so far. Uncharted 4 is fantastic. If you've played Assassin's Creed before, the controls and game play are somewhat similar. FIFA 17 is outstanding, as well. I'm also looking forward to trying out the PS Vue to see if it's a good replacement for DirecTV.

        • I subscribed to PlayStation Vue on and off last year. It's great because it's only $30/month and one only has to subscribe when there is something worth watching on Cable TV. It works really great over my Google Fiber connection.

        • I got one on black friday because at target it was $200 for a slim model (with cartwheel). One of the big things for me outside of the games mentioned above is xcom2 which is a pain to play on PC just because of the size of the download and the space it would take up on my laptop (45gb)
      • Oh god, does anyone else remember that cringe-worthy petition to get Bloodborne released on PC?

        https://www.change.org/p/from-... [change.org]

        I'm still not sure if the submitter was being serious when they created the petition.

        • Oh god, does anyone else remember that cringe-worthy petition to get Bloodborne released on PC?

          https://www.change.org/p/from-... [change.org]

          I'm still not sure if the submitter was being serious when they created the petition.

          Nope... but I do remember the petition to release the DLCs for Skyrim for the PS3. Bethesda, at the time, said that the PS3 wasn't powerful enough. I ended up having to buy the PC version of Skyrim and migrate my save games to the PC. Of course, going from the PS3 to a PC with a GTX 970 made a big difference in graphics and load times.

          This experience reminded me of the limitations of consoles. It didn't stop me from upgrading to a PS4, but it did remind me why I use my desktop as my main gaming rig.

      • I guess that's the problem. Most of these are M rated one player games. I'm more of a colorful blue skies gameplay focused kinda gamer. So far, I've enjoyed the demos to Dragon Quest Builders and Tearaway. I'm looking forward to Ni No Kuni II and Valkyria Chronicles IV.

      • by deek ( 22697 )

        To add to the list:

        The Last Guardian (released this week)
        Gravity Rush
        Little Big Planet 3 (oh c'mon! It's fun!)
        The Witness
        Valkyria Chronicles

    • by Luthair ( 847766 )
      I've found this console generation to be a colossal disappointment in terms of games. The previous generation had quite a few interesting games but this one seems like a wasteland.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    It'd be a failure. Not even 10 million a year. And near-zero margins.

  • You've managed to reach 12th place! [wikipedia.org]

    • You've managed to reach 12th place!

      The same link shows it to be number 7 among home consoles. It's slightly less then 12 million units behind number six and Sony holds the number 1 and 2 spot with the PS1 and 2 and the PS3 is at number 5.

    • Most of the consoles on that list reached end-of-life some time ago. The PS4 is still in the middle of its lifespan and, with the PS4 Pro just launched, is likely to remain live for quite some time.

      In terms of sales trajectory, which makes for better comparisons, the PS4 was tracking broadly equal with the Wii (the previous record holder at the 3-year point, though it also flatlined not long after that) until Sony announced the PS4 Pro earlier in the year. That dropped their trajectory a bit, as people who

  • Their own management probably bought majority of those units to boost sales stats. The bonuses that will be awarded for PS4 performance will cover the costs and there will be plenty left for personal yachts, jet planes and spacecrafts.

    Capitalism is soft of a perpetuum mobile... for the select few.

  • by shess ( 31691 ) on Wednesday December 07, 2016 @11:20AM (#53440367) Homepage

    Surely there would have been hundreds of millions sold if it only supported Linux. Short-sighted at best.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    I'll wait to see what the Switch has to offer. The Sony and Microsoft consoles are for specifications nerds. What matter is the games.

  • by nasch ( 598556 ) on Wednesday December 07, 2016 @12:30PM (#53440955)

    So serious question - why is the PS4 so drastically outselling the XBox One? Performance? Games? Price? Because PSN is free? Are people still gun shy from the red ring of death? Windows 10 hate carrying over? A combination of many factors?

    • I think there are many reasons:
      • Performance - The PS4 has slightly more throughput and reports show it runs at a higher resolution
      • Marketing - XB1 was initially marketed as a one-box-fits-all media center that plays games. PS4 was marketed as a game console that handles a few other things
      • DRM - XB1's first press release had some convoluted solution for sharing games with friends and trying to kneecap second-hand sales. PS4 had a demonstration for sharing games, handing a box to your friend
      • Accessories -
      • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

        Now with PS4 being the winner of this generation, developer focus is primarily on them.

        Problem is, Sony is reverting back to their previous ways.

        Sony "lost" the previous generation which turned them into a leaner, meaner competitor this time around. Just like how Microsoft "won" and became complacent. Now that the roles have switched, Microsoft's offering has gotten better, while Sony's starting to rest on their laurels. (In fact, The xbone has begun outselling the ps4).

        One of the biggest things was the inc

        • Sony "lost" the previous generation which turned them into a leaner, meaner competitor this time around. Just like how Microsoft "won" and became complacent.

          Sony "lost" the previous generation in the beginning in part due to their following the same path of the PS2. Sony went for a powerful custom chip (that 8 'core' cell processor) in the PS3 that no developer really understood while the XB360 ran a custom x86 chip. It wasn't for a few years that developers finally caught up and were able to do a lot with the PS3, and some of those awesome games starting coming around. Uncharted, Last of Us, etc... The XB360 was in the lead for many years, then Sony snuck up b

    • More and (arguably) better exclusives. Check out this list: http://www.ign.com/wikis/xbox-... [ign.com] It seems even at first, until you scroll down more and realize the Xbox One list doesn't even make it halfway. (29 for XBone, 70 for PS4)
      • by hal2814 ( 725639 )
        Can't speak for everyone but an exclusive is what got me. This is my first Playstation console. I owned an xbox 360 and had no intention of ever buying a Playstation until Street Fighter V was announced as a PS4 exclusive. Not everyone is going to go out and buy a new console (and mod their fight sticks) just to play Street Fighter V. I have no illusions V is why PS4 is outselling xbox one. But the more exclusives a console can carry, the more chance their is for this sort of thing to happen.
      • by Xest ( 935314 )

        I have both consoles (and a Wii U in fact) and whilst the PS4 can list more exclusives, the vast majority of them are just really shit indie titles.

        The PS4's exclusive lineup is definitely looking up, but until now I feel the Xbox One has had far better exclusives. Things like Dead Rising 3 and Ryse at launch were far more fun than anything Sony had on offer, and since then they've had titles like Halo 5, Quantum Break, Gears of War 4, Sunset Overdrive.

        I'm looking forward to The Last Guardian, and I did enj

    • I may be wrong, but I don't think it really is anymore. It came out of the gate with a lower price point due to XB One originally bundling Kinect. After they've ditched that though and MS has gotten XB One's price down below PS4's it seems to be picking up. I remember seeing several articles stating that XB One's outsold PS4 over Black Friday, and it may continue to do so over the rest of the holiday season.

      At this point PS4 just has a fairly significant lead overall and any ground Microsoft has gained h

    • I'll tell you what I think the major factors are. One, because basic PSN is free, yes. Two, because Microsoft so badly bungled the launch, and inertia is so very important. Inertia is the only reason we're still stuck with Windows; they got up a head of steam and managed to use it to build themselves a relatively unassailable position. Their stranglehold is only now failing on the desktop, and only because they went full spyware.

      When Microsoft first launched their console in this generation, they said all k

  • And I'm still waiting for the release of Gran Turismo

  • I wonder if the play station has as many backdoors as Sony video cameras apparently do ?

How many NASA managers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? "That's a known problem... don't worry about it."
