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Nintendo NES (Games)

Nintendo To Launch SNES Mini This Year, Reports Eurogamer ( 94

Nintendo plans to release another console this year aimed at nostalgia-seekers. The iconic game company is working on a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) classic version that would launch in time for the holidays, according to Eurogamer, which cites sources with knowledge of the plans. The device is already under development and -- like its predecessor the NES Classic Edition -- will give gamers access to some of the console's biggest hits. From the article: Nintendo's plans for SNES mini are also a major reason why last year's NES mini did not see a reprieve from discontinuation, Eurogamer understands, despite the latter's continued popularity and sell-out status.
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Nintendo To Launch SNES Mini This Year, Reports Eurogamer

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  • Or just create a big hype and discontinue the thing when they will have sold 5000 boxes as they did with the NES Classic? Damn you Nintendo. I never buy anything else from you.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by arth1 ( 260657 )

      I'm not buying anything from Nintendo because they apparently don't want my money. The NES Classic is never available in the store. The Switch is never available in the store. And I don't have time to sit outside a store for hours waiting for opening in the hope of getting one.

      They are basically telling customers "fuck you". As a result, if they one day do manage to get stores stocked, it becomes my time to say the same to them.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      You make it sound like you had the chance to buy something from them in the first place.

      I feel your pain. And it's mainly due to scalpers taking advantage of the low production rates to keep the damned thing sold out at retail prices. I can't seem to find one here where I am because some dick goes around town and buys everything up whenever it's restocked. (overheard some people at gamestop talking about it.)

      Whatever. I won't be buying from scalpers.

    • Or just create a big hype and discontinue the thing when they will have sold 5000 boxes as they did with the NES Classic? Damn you Nintendo. I never buy anything else from you.

      My inside sources suggest they'll make exactly 21 units - 1 will be a test unit. They'll hype it for a few months and then give everyone the middle finger and suggest they make a RetroPi instead.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    my gamestop got *ONE* nes mini. i dont know what nintendo is doing and i doubt they know either

  • Money in the pockets of the people who have nothing better to do all day than troll Best Buy and Game Stop stores.

    I read that Game Stop is closing stores. They could have experienced a HUGE Christmas at their stores if Nintendo had supplied enough consoles to meet demand.

    • If there was enough supply, people would just order online. Offline-only stores are only attacked in droves by prospectors when the convenience factor is cut off.

  • by cide1 ( 126814 ) on Wednesday April 19, 2017 @01:01PM (#54264001) Homepage

    All this hate on the Classic mini NES, I just don't understand. My wife was able to go to the local Target and get one for me for Christmas. It's pretty awesome, it just works, has good games, has HDMI. Great execution by Nintendo.

    • by Interfacer ( 560564 ) on Wednesday April 19, 2017 @01:06PM (#54264045)

      Then your wife pulled off a miracle because stores around here only got a couple that didn't even make it to the shelves before flying out the door. They told me they couldn't reserve any, and that some might come in, 2 weeks after Christmas. And now I find out that Nintendo discontinued the f*cking thing.

      Instead of ramping up production ahead of time and making a killing with Christmas sales, they limit supply to a couple thousand and then discontinue the thing before it becomes available off the shelf. There is no point is talking about how great the thing is when most people didn't even get the chance to just go to the store and by one before it's gone again.

      • Nintendo have a finite production resource. That was clear when they announced the equally unavailable Switch (local store says backorder estimate is 16 weeks) is getting a production boost right when the NES Classic was getting a production halt.

        These things don't grow on trees, and even if they did you'd need to cultivate them first.

    • by aicrules ( 819392 ) on Wednesday April 19, 2017 @01:12PM (#54264085)
      For every story of someone randomly being able to go in and pick one up like it was just another item on the shelf there are a thousand stories of people who were never able to find one in stock. Online stock disappeared within minutes at best. The resellers who had it jacked up to $300 or more were finally back down to about $120 when Nintendo announced it was discontinuing production. For something that is really supposed to be casual fun they made it unnecessarily insane. The system itself did really look great. I would have loved to have been able to play many of those games on my TV at home. But from release date to today there has never been a target, walmart or best buy with one on the shelf when I went in. Brickseek only once came up with a walmart in stock and by the time I got there they were gone.'s just an old bit of nostalgia. It didn't ruin my life that I didn't get one. But Nintendo can GTFO for their repeated artificial scarcity BS. That's the #1 reason why I didn't even consider a WiiU or Switch.
      • I love the mentality that says, "You made a good thing but because I can't get one you are terrible."

        They didn't break a contract, they didn't take your money and not deliver, they simply made a product that you desire and decided not to meet demand for their own reasons. Nintendo did not wrong you.
        • by Luthair ( 847766 )
          Its a disservice to the people who support them. At a certain point its hard to see it as anything but gross incompetence.
          • It's not gross incompetence. They made a certain number of things, they are not selling any more at their choice. From a business perspective in many cases it's better to leave the world wanting more than to saturate the market and wear out your brand.

            And it's working. Around the web there are reams of stories being posted on the merest whiff of a hint of a SNES mini, real or not. You can't buy advertising like that.

        • I love the mentality that says, "You made a good thing but because I can't get one you are terrible." They didn't break a contract, they didn't take your money and not deliver, they simply made a product that you desire and decided not to meet demand for their own reasons. Nintendo did not wrong you.

          Why exactly is it unreasonable to call a company "terrible" just because they didn't break a contract with you or directly harm you?

      • My local BJs had a ton of them in stock during christmas. Costco never seemed to have any.

    • Namely that they deliberately under-produced them so they'd be out of stock and thus seen as more desirable, and then suddenly just discontinued their production for no apparent reason.

    • There are still lines at local stores when some arrive for sale.
    • by EvilSS ( 557649 )

      All this hate on the Classic mini NES, I just don't understand. My wife was able to go to the local Target and get one for me for Christmas. It's pretty awesome, it just works, has good games, has HDMI. Great execution by Nintendo.

      The hate isn't for the device. I have one (got stupid lucky and saw it on SlickDeals back in stock at Amazon one day, sold out in under 20 minutes) it's for how it was handled. It's been perpetually sold out since launch and now it's discontinued despite the obvious demand for more from consumers. OK so Nintendo underestimated the appeal of it when they launched, I can buy that. But now it's still selling out as fast as they can make them and they go "Ah, nope, no more". About the only way to get one wa

    • It's pretty awesome, it just works, has good games, has HDMI. Great execution by Nintendo.

      The problem is that almost no one who wants one has gotten one, not that the product is not good.

      I have no idea why Nintendo has such a hard time producing in sufficient quantity to fulfill demand.

  • by j2.718ff ( 2441884 ) on Wednesday April 19, 2017 @01:30PM (#54264227)

    When the NES Classic was announced, I decided I was going to buy one. Sure, I could have thrown together some kind of emulator, but this was more like the real thing, with no questions of ROM legality.

    After the NES Classic's discontinuation was announced, before it was possible for most people to buy one, I build a RetroPie. Now I have no reason to be excited about the SNES Mini.

    • Nintendo built an entirely unnecessary product, and now they're doing it again.

      I don't need a collectors item with 30 games from one system.
      I don't need a second collectors item with 30 games from another system.

      I need a device that plays games from multiple systems, and the games I want to play. They should have created a system that covers every Nintendo console that a RetroPie does (or at least up through N64, which is 20 years old at this point.) So what if it doesn't make sense that you can play
      • Nintendo built an entirely unnecessary product, and now they're doing it again.

        An unnecessary product that no store could keep on the shelves because it sold out too quickly. (Yes, one could argue that they didn't produce enough units, but it's clear that people wanted them.)

        • They made a novelty collectors item with limited entertainment value.

          I agree that they made a desirable item, and that, from a sales perspective, it is a successful product. However, they missed an opportunity to come out with a much better product, and the limited availability has driven up awareness of RetroPie.

          Its as if Apple came out with an iPod that has the top 100 albums of 2016 programmed into it (and can't be changed without modifying it), and the fanboys bought out all of the product.
  • I didn't look at the numbers, but if SNES was more commercially successful than the NES, and Nintendo realizes the fuck-up they made with the NES Classic, this move makes a ton of sense and hopefully they've learned their lesson with this one. My hat off to Nintendo for even bothering with making these though.

  • I can built a Raspberry Pi unit that will not only be an NES/SNES Classic, but also a Sega Master System, Sega MegaDrive/Genesis system, Turbografix-16 system, and a whole slew of others all at the same time for $100.

    • All of the functionality but none of the collectability. I can run those games on my PC already without needing a separate $100 device.
      • If your PC is an HDMI cable's length from your PC, that's fine. Mine is not.

        • by unrtst ( 777550 )

          "an HDMI cable's length" is a very imprecise measurement - way worse than LoC's (libraries of congress). Regardless, I'm certain your PC is within that distance from your PC.

  • If I die, I have to go before it, and it will ask me, "What is the riddle of emulation?" If I don't know it, it will cast me out of emulation-station and laugh at me. That's Retro-pi, strong in it's 3d printed case!

  • So Nintendo has been making Mario based games for decades... then to gain some relevance they came out with the classic NES (again Nostalgia) now a SNES...

    When will they come out with the retro Nintendo64 or the GameCube?

    By then the Wii will be about a decade old and they can come out with a retro Wii... before re-introducing the Retro NES again...

    Reminds me of Lucas issuing new "remastered" versions of SW every few years (VHS, LaserDisc, DVD etc...)

    • by unrtst ( 777550 )

      They should skip all that and release a Retro Nintendo Switch ASAP. It'd help fill in the empty shelf space where the Nintendo Switch should be.

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
