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China Games

Tencent Has Access To China's National Citizen Database (venturebeat.com) 40

The Chinese government doesn't want children playing games for several hours every day. It said as much in a public notice from August. Now, Tencent is going along with that recommendation. The world's biggest gaming company started pushing out its new "real name identity system" (RNIS) across China on November 1, according to market intelligence firm Niko Partners. From a report: This program aims to mitigate concerns about addiction and myopia in children. It limits people 12 and younger to an hour of gaming per day. And it forces every player to register themselves in the game with their real name and government ID. Of course, this program isn't new. Tencent introduced a version of its RNIS in May 2017. That also required players to register their age, but it was easy to fool. In September, however, the publisher revised and strengthened the program. And the government also stepped in to help. Regulators are providing Tencent with access to a massive list of every person who lives in China.
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Tencent Has Access To China's National Citizen Database

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Google already has all your personal information.

    • Google already has all your personal information.

      No, it's really not. The US Government cannot (yet) do anything quite that dictatorial to its own citizens.

  • by goombah99 ( 560566 ) on Monday November 12, 2018 @01:32AM (#57629082)

    As you may have heard China now has a social karma score. If your score is too low things get taken away like say air travel. You can see this coming a mile away: your internet access will be taken away if you speak unkindly of party officials.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Hey, we already take away air travel if your social score is too low. We just don't tell you your score, and we call them no-fly lists.

      Just sayin'.

      • This is much more comprehensive though. No-fly lists are based on a narrow focus of national security. Social Credit Scores are much broader, with people losing access to air travel and other "luxuries" for overdue debts, playing too many video games, associating with other people who have low social credit scores, etc.
    • As you may have heard China now has a social karma score. If your score is too low things get taken away like say air travel. You can see this coming a mile away: your internet access will be taken away if you speak unkindly of party officials.

      At least we don't have this system yet. I don't even have any social media accounts anymore as I deleted Facebook and Twitter. I guess when the system comes to us, my social credit and monetary credit scores will be about equal; to zero that is.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Maybe someone on here has an idea on this - Ring of Elysium originally shipped with some bizarre libraries that Tencent admitted were for verifying computers, etc. They claim they were removed. Now we find out Tencent is mapping Chinese users to games. Most of Tencent's games are entirely free.

    Is Tencent paying for their servers and hosting with revenue from scanning Ring player's computer and mapping it into the Chinese gov't system for the Chinese gov't? Anyone know exactly what is going on here?

  • Is he (she?) related to 50 Cent?

  • I'm on the deep left, but this bullshit makes me furious. Sure, we need a thriving unbiased and objective press, but Fox, CNN, MSNBC, etc. ARE NOT INDEPENDENT. There is massive control by the state and wealthy globalists. They're here to convince you exploitation is in your best interest and the hyper wealthy deserve to keep their piles of gold. Next he goes on to correlate free press with globalism. That we need the press to placate our worries about the undeniable, inevitable personal insecurity global
    • Corporate media tries to prop up the interests of the wealthy. This no longer makes me furious because I've been woke for quite a while now and have been unable to fight the system.
    • Nice comment, wrong article

  • caused by games?? As if it didn't predate phones or popular access to videogames?

Logic is the chastity belt of the mind!
