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Nintendo Games

Nintendo Switch Sales Doubled Year-over-Year in March 22

NPD analyst Mat Piscatella said on Tuesday that hardware spending in March 2020 grew 63% when compared to a year ago, to $461 million. "Nintendo Switch hardware sales more than doubled when compared to a year ago, while PlayStation 4 and Xbox One each grew by more than 25 percent. First quarter hardware spending increased by 2 percent, to $773 million," he added
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Nintendo Switch Sales Doubled Year-over-Year in March

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  • Nintendo could have done quite well selling that console right now, with all the school age kids home and their parents looking for something less violent (and less expensive) than Quake 6 on the XBox. While I don't think Nintendo is hurting at all with the sales of the Switch, they could have sold their more physically active - and less expensive - home system quite well right now as well.
    • by Guspaz ( 556486 )

      The Wii U sales went from bad to no-existent (worst-selling Nintendo console apart from the VirtualBox) and it was (even after late-in-life price cuts) the same price as the Switch, and a hundred dollars more expensive than the Switch Lite. Considering how the Switch has been the best selling console on the market, or close to it, for all of 2019 and 2020, replacing it entirely was absolutely the best choice.

      Besides, virtually every Wii U game has either already been ported to the Switch or another platform

    • The fact that the Switch managed to outsell the Wii U in less than a year suggests otherwise. The Wii U was a good idea, VERY poorly executed.

      For starters, it lacked momentum out of the gate. Nintendo's launch lineup was nearly entirely aimed at casual gamers, but casual gamers didn't even realize there was a new console (a misconception that remains to this day) due to the confusing branding. Only a handful of third-party developers announced launch titles, but they largely played it safe by announcing cas

  • They release a big seller than the flop and then another big seller.
    Switch (Good) Wii-U (Bad), Wii (Good), Game Cube (Bad), Nintendo 64 (Good), Super Nintendo (Bad), NES (Good)

    That said, I don't see the bad systems as really bad, just the fact that the competition had better systems at the time, and I think it is also the primary player's point in life has changed.

    I was in elementary school when the NES was popular. I was a kid, who liked to play video games,
    I was in middle school/high school when the SNES

    • Super Nintendo and Game Cube, bad? What parallel Universe are you from?!

      • He's from this busted timeline, whereas people that actually know that the SNES and Gamecube were great are trapped here from that timeline where it was spelled 'Berenstein' and Trump was never elected.

    • SNES sold like crazy. The game library is huge. Several games that still show up on Top 50 games lists launched on that console. N64 was a pale shadow of the SNES.

    • by pavon ( 30274 )

      Nintendo has definitely established an even-odd pattern in their releases, but I don't think that describing them as good/bad is accurate. SNES was superior NES, same for Gamecube vs 64, Wii-U vs Wii. Calling it successful/unsuccessful is closer, but still not exactly right as the SNES sold more than the N64. I like to characterize it as Innovate/Refine. The SNES, Gamecube, and Wii-U were all incremental improvements over their predecessor, not game changers like NES, 64, Wii, and Switch. Thing is that Nint

  • The Switch is selling so well that it's nearly impossible to get one right now without paying for one on eBay where prices are inflated. Bot armies are buying them up and then reselling them at a profit. Buyer beware.

    • by Guspaz ( 556486 )

      It won't be that way for long. They're still making them in good quantity, and are in the process of ramping up production (the effects should be felt in around a month). Lots of places still have the Nintendo Switch Lite in stock, like BestBuy.

    • Interestingly I was talking to sales guy at local electronics store yesterday and he says the switch sales are insane BUT, the majority of his sales have gone to just a couple of people as they buy to resell at inflated prices on ebay. Wonder how true it is, maybe just like the Toilet Paper BS we have a select minority hoarders/profiteers buying up stock for resale, if so I hope they get burnt.
  • It looks like basically a tablet with controllers to me.

    But I like it a lot, that the innovative choice of the three is popular. Even if it could have gone further, by being graphically powerful *too*. It could always have been better. What matters is, that it motivates Nintendo to keep their strategy and dare innovating a little bit more. Which is good for all of us in the end.
    So yay for the kids who chose it. You're the cool kids, that give me hope.

Brain fried -- Core dumped
