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Games Politics

As Videogames Respond To Protesters, Fortnite Removes Police Cars (engadget.com) 209

Epic Games is apparently trying to navigate some difficult cultural waters, reports Engadget: Gamers report that Epic has removed all police cars from Fortnite as of the shooter's latest update, and the Wall Street Journal understands that it was in response to Black Lives Matter protests over police violence. The developer wasn't trying to make a "political statement," according to a WSJ source — rather, it was trying to be "sensitive about the issues" players are dealing with...

The broader game industry has endorsed the Black Lives Matter cause, including a message in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and temporary shutdowns of GTA Online and Red Dead Online. Epic appears to be taking a milder approach with Fortnite, acknowledging the outrage without explicitly advocating for a cause. The company previously stressed that it wouldn't ban players for political speech.

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As Videogames Respond To Protesters, Fortnite Removes Police Cars

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  • by weilawei ( 897823 ) on Monday June 22, 2020 @03:35AM (#60211364)

    Did the protesters burn too many virtual cars for their feelings?

    • by EETech1 ( 1179269 ) on Monday June 22, 2020 @04:17AM (#60211450)

      Too many flames, bogged down the server...

    • by BAReFO0t ( 6240524 ) on Monday June 22, 2020 @06:28AM (#60211712)

      You know the very first memory I have of playing GTA?
      My brother being awesome by getting so many cop cars to pile up around him, that the engine ran out of resources and the rest of the city being completely empty of cars. We crossed the entire city, and saw not one car.

      Oh, and lighting a cop on fire, stealing his own car, and running him over with it while it burned.

      And you know how much we related that to real cops and real life? *Not one single bit.*
      It was just funny. And fun. Precisely because you could and would never do this in real life. Because it isn't real life. To state the obvious.

      • by K. S. Kyosuke ( 729550 ) on Monday June 22, 2020 @06:56AM (#60211776)
        Well, at least some of those people seem to be not quite in touch with reality either, so maybe they're confusing both irrealities...
        • This. The problem isn't with intelligent people that like to hack around a game and see what's possible and how to make fun of it in other ways than was originally intended. No, the worry here is that thugs with nothing better to do, play out things in reality as they do in games. They have effectively zero imagination and have only to look to TV or games.

          So the real question is, how far will this logic carry out? From the viewpoint of those concerned with viloence in video games, what's the difference

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        Single player game where everyone but you is just an NPC.

        Fortnight is populated entirely by other players. That's why teabagging is popular.

    • Or the protesters last memory of the car was them shooting teargas at them.
      Why is must trying to be nice to people such a political statement.

  • Of course (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Luna ( 20969 ) on Monday June 22, 2020 @03:57AM (#60211412)

    Police cars may hurt the feeling of people...in a game where people kill each other for hours...daily...for years.

    • Re:Of course (Score:5, Interesting)

      by JaredOfEuropa ( 526365 ) on Monday June 22, 2020 @04:48AM (#60211498) Journal
      Does Fortnite let you burn those cars? If not, I suggest that butt-hurt protesters go play GTA5 instead. That game still has police cars, but you can steal or trash them. You can also slay a few cops if that's more your speed...

      Seriously, it's pointless to try and be sensitive about such issues to this extent. Some of these snowflakes would be offended by the lack of LGBT representation in the card deck of a Patience game. Or the fact that the bombs in Minesweeper are black...
      • Shouldn't they remove cops from GTA5 instead? And adjust the game mechanics accordingly...
  • by DrXym ( 126579 ) on Monday June 22, 2020 @05:17AM (#60211542)
    Were people offended by static cop cars in the first place? And if they were, wouldn't they be as likely to enjoy shooting them up for resources?
  • #StupidityExhaustion

  • by Qbertino ( 265505 ) <moiraNO@SPAMmodparlor.com> on Monday June 22, 2020 @06:19AM (#60211686)

    The last few days I've been wondering when the book-burning starts and we get a quasi-fascist society with a hipster design.

    Racism is bad and needs fixing, inequality is bad and needs fixing but these social-media-outrage dimwits are doing more damage than good right now. Anyone can be the next target for some stupid hearsay reason and it seems we're moving into something resembling a maoist society, fast. Opinions are oppressed, discussion is suffocated and I'm afraid of sticking my head out, because one hysteric stupid girl with a set of followers on twitter can destroy my life.

    It's probably fine to have to think twice about saying something as a white male, but there are things I see moving us to an oppressive society that won't benefit anybody.

    I don't like it and I'm questioning if I want to be a part of this society.

    • by Mashiki ( 184564 )

      The last few days I've been wondering when the book-burning starts and we get a quasi-fascist society with a hipster design.

      Ever wonder why the meme "And then one day, for no reason at all people voted Hitler." Is a thing? Because the amount of chaos, bullshit, literal bullshit, and even worse bullshit will push people to take even bad options as the best option. And when stability caused by extremists like we're seeing becomes a thing for the passive non-voters? Well we're not at that point yet, but the progressive and leftist blocks are sure pushing it. And when the people they're supporting start causing violence? Do you

      • Ever wonder why the meme "And then one day, for no reason at all people voted Hitler." Is a thing?

        It is interesting you make this comment, if you read up on history from that time period, the reason Hitler was able to come to power was because of how the rest of Europe had put Germany into a disastrous strangle hold after the end of WWI.

        The Germany economy was a total mess, the people weren't allowed to have an army to protect them, Europe wouldn't allow fair trade deals.

        So here comes Hitler who tells the people he will help them throw off the yoke of European oppression. So was it any wonder that

        • We disenfranchised a whole people and they got very angry.

          Rather like we do to black people here, as we have for centuries. Oh, but Hitler admired and took inspiration from our systems? What a shock... /s

          Hitler's gripe was that we danced around it too much.

      • And when the people they're supporting start causing violence?

        Occurring now.

      • > Do you notice that it's not them taking care of those
        > causing the violence, rather they claim it's
        > "infiltrators" or "racists" or "white supremacists" or
        > "far-right" or "incels" or some other trendy buzzword.

        And if you'd ever spent any time as part of the protest scene, you would know that what you wrote is exactly the case. I did spend a smallish part of my 20s in that scene; before I realized how shallow and pointless it is. I call it "the protest scene" because a scene is exactly what

      • by Luckyo ( 1726890 )

        This is actually the scary part. Most US blacks don't hate US, nor do they hate other races. Small portion of them are black power racists who are now leading the BLM movement. Which is used to basically instigate a full blown revolt.

        What happens when revolt gets crushed? How much hatred will there be from everyone else toward "blacks" in general rather than "black power racists" in particular for this outcome? How much racism toward blacks will actually make a hard come back among all other races because o

        • by XXongo ( 3986865 )

          Fuck, there weren't really any black people in Finland until twentieth century for obvious reasons of geographic realities. There were however slave raids by brown Tatars and Turks, though

          No, actually, the slave raids were mostly done by Vikings.

          The modern view of Vikings seems to be that oh, we kinda like their attitude, although they did do some amount of raping and pillaging, I guess that's bad... but we overlook the fact that the single most important commodity [natmus.dk] they got from raids was capturing slaves [nationalgeographic.com] and selling them.

          Oh, and they weren't kindly masters, [sciencenordic.com] either.

  • What a great way to show to those idiots that claim that computer game violence leads to real violence that there is no connection between computer games and reality...

    Yeah, that's gonna send the right message.

  • Why is the response to insanity and evil always insanity and evil?
    Do you *want* to show that you are just as fucked-up as the stereotype you despise?

    I am absolutely no fan of police, and exclusively had bad experiences, even when they were investigating for me. And even I know that police is a fundamental element of any stable state.

    When did "the (loud and visible parts of the) world" decide to go insane? WTF? Did some pharma company decide to sell a new drug to ALL the kids, or what?
    Is it like mild lead po

    • Much of the world has been locked down in their homes for months. This is a major disruption to people's lives. The emotional and mental strain this puts on people has been grossly underestimated.

    • This isn't new, you're just being exposed to a taste of it.

      It has always existed in this country as an economic system. Slavery and plantations, 13th amendment then was used to round up black people by inventing crimes, then we had segregation and Jim Crow, then The War on Drugs (poor people) and prison labor/private service companies, and now we're moving to an electronic monitoring system by GPS ankle bracelet and community service programs.

      Do you know that theres a very high probability your Idaho potato

  • When can we expect for doughnut shops to stop selling coffee and baked treats to the police?

    • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • What doughnut places sold coffee and baked treats to police, it is given to them freely.
      Police have to spend time filling out all this various paperwork, usually done while in the car or back at the police station. Doughnut shops chains are open 24 hours and we wanted the cops to be in there to provide free protection.
  • Censorship (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Dan East ( 318230 ) on Monday June 22, 2020 @07:18AM (#60211842) Journal

    Self-censorship, out of fear of SJW or to be hyper politically correct, is no better than government-mandated censorship that happens in countries like China and North Korea. In fact, it is worse, because we, the people, have no say so in these matters. These decisions are not being made by people we have elected, or laws supported by our representatives or that we have voted on.

    This is just one tiny example of ridiculous changes being forced on us by these corporations. Another is the removal of an American icon like Aunt Jemima (the black relatives of the woman who played this persona for 25 years until her death in the 1950s is vehemently opposed to the removal of this brand by the way).

    This is no better than if a government was restricting our free speech and rights, trying to "cleanse" our country of our history and cultural identity by mandate. This entire movement is becoming a nebulous, vague hysteria, like McCarthyism or the Salem witch trials. It needs to stop.

    • by DRJlaw ( 946416 )

      This is just one tiny example of ridiculous changes being forced on us by these corporations. Another is the removal of an American icon like Aunt Jemima (the black relatives of the woman who played this persona for 25 years until her death in the 1950s is vehemently opposed to the removal of this brand by the way).

      So vehemently opposed that they sued PepsiCo for $3 billion [eater.com] for "for failing to pay royalties for the use of Anna Short Harrington's likeness" and allegedly stealing "64 original formulas and 22

    • Either that or there isn't any budget in the lower end devices to render that much variation. You forget this also has to run on mobile and Switch. I heard they were taken out for complexity reasons. Police cars aren't the only ones missing, many other cars and vehicles have disappeared as well. Most of the map is underwater and a lot of what is left is scrap as well.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by flyingfsck ( 986395 )
      Once all black faces have been removed from advertising (Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben, Old Sam...) then someone else is bound to complain that there are no black faces in advertising. It is really a lose, lose proposition.
    • Self-censorship, out of fear of SJW or to be hyper politically correct, is no better than government-mandated censorship that happens in countries like China and North Korea.

      Well, no. It's stupid and ineffective, but the only way it could be as bad is if *everyone* self censored out of fear of reprisal. That's what government-mandated censorship ultimately leads to. Otherwise, this is one company trying to win brownie points with a ridiculously stupid publicity stunt while mostly everyone else carries on as usual or confronts uncomfortable associations with their history. To say it's bad or worse as government censorship is a knee-jerk, "slippery slope" reaction argument th

  • Stop the cowardice (Score:5, Informative)

    by sabbede ( 2678435 ) on Monday June 22, 2020 @08:20AM (#60211958)
    This nonsense doesn't help anybody. Walking on eggshells doesn't help anybody. Have the balls to carry on doing what you knew was right a few years ago and quit bending over backwards to mollify idiots who take offence when none is given.

    Was Epic going to lose customers over this? No, they weren't. Nobody was going to stop playing because the game had cop cars in it.

    Is Epic going to gain any customers doing this? No, they aren't. Nobody is going to start playing a game because cop cars were removed from it. At least nobody sane.

    What does a company show about itself when it takes action like this? That they have no artistic integrity. That they are ruled by fear. That they are making decisions about their games based on assumptions about what might offend people who aren't their customers.

    I have no respect for such behavior.

    • I doubt they did this for their customers. They probably did it to satisfy activist employees/management, which has become a widespread phenomenon across corporate America.

      I've never conceived a generalized corporate response like what you're now seeing was even possible. In many cases you have companies putting messages on their websites and social media which directly alienate huge portions of their customer base.

  • The developer wasn't trying to make a "political statement," according to a WSJ source — rather, it was trying to be "sensitive about the issues" players are dealing with

    I'm fine with them being sensitive, but this statement is ludicrous. It's all politics when dealing with large numbers of people.

    • The mere statement "it's not politics" is politics.

  • I will miss the sound of a dying s1irern as I smash a cop car for metal - t'was funny sounding. XD
  • Empty gesture that does nothing but signal virtue.
  • "The developer wasn't trying to make a "political statement," according to a WSJ source — rather, it was trying to be "sensitive about the issues" players are dealing with..."

    Were that true, they would remove weaponry so that everyone who has been affected by such violence.

  • NYPD is disbanding its plain-cloths division [nbcnewyork.com].

    If you own property or a business in a big city it may be time to sell.

  • by onyxruby ( 118189 ) <onyxruby@@@comcast...net> on Monday June 22, 2020 @04:05PM (#60214030)

    It's time to stand up to the damn mob already. Cancel culture has moved from canceling people from their jobs and companies from their income to canceling our heritage, history and culture itself. Future historians will look at these times no differently than we looked at the burning of books and other historical artifacts.

    The crazy dial has been cranked up to 11. They've cancelled tv shows like COPS and even seriously talked about cancelling Paw Patrol which is a toddlers cartoon.

    I have nothing against 1st person shooters, it's just a video game - so why are they embracing this madness? Now a video game where you shoot people is worried about the depiction of cops in the game? Seriously, think about that. It's okay to pretend to murder each other, but not okay to have a virtual cop car. How the hell does that make sense?

    Get a grip, get over it. Back to reality. This anti-cop attitude isn't resulting in a summer of love. It's emboldening robberies, rapes, arson, shootings and murders.

    https://spdblotter.seattle.gov... [seattle.gov]
    https://www.faithwire.com/2020... [faithwire.com]
    https://news.yahoo.com/seattle... [yahoo.com]
    https://www.fox9.com/news/more... [fox9.com]

Support bacteria -- it's the only culture some people have!
