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Slashdot Alum Samzenpus's Fractured Veil Hits Kickstarter (kickstarter.com) 70

CmdrTaco writes: Long time Slashdot readers remember Samzenpus, who posted over 17,000 stories here, sadly crushing my record in the process! What you might NOT know is that he was frequently the Dungeon Master for D&D campaigns played by the original Slashdot crew, and for the last few years he has been applying these skills with fellow Slashdot editorial alum Chris DiBona to a Survival game called Fractured Veil. It's set in a post apocalyptic Hawaii with a huge world based on real map data to explore, as well as careful balance between PVP & PVE. I figured a lot of our old friends would love to help them meet their kickstarter goal and then help us build bases and murder monsters! The game is turning into something pretty great and I'm excited to see it in the wild!
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Slashdot Alum Samzenpus's Fractured Veil Hits Kickstarter

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  • This game looks like it will do a great job exploring all the deer to be found on the islands, there's like five shots of them. The wolves aren't quite authentic (not large enough, no lei) but it's still a project in development.

  • I initially speed-read the headline - thought for a moment Samzenpus had fractured something badly, and CmdrTaco was posting a plea for financial support on Kickstarter for medical expenses! Reading things correctly made for a better story.

  • From the game description: "Citizens of Hawaii, who have found themselves stranded on a 64 KM2 patch of Maui"

    Stuck on Maui? Oh the horror!

  • by hierofalcon ( 1233282 ) on Tuesday September 07, 2021 @01:25PM (#61772389)
    So what do we have to roll to get new polls every couple of weeks?
  • Taco's Back? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Zelucifer ( 740431 ) on Tuesday September 07, 2021 @01:42PM (#61772459)

    I thought part of the sales agreement for /. was that CmdrTaco couldn't post anymore? I'm glad to see him though. Hopefully this isn't just a one-off.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      That was more likely part of his employment agreement with the Washington Post. I don't think he works there anymore though, since like 2016.

    • Me, too. Maybe it's been long enough that they've agreed to let him post as long as he doesn't try a coup? ;)

    • by DarkOx ( 621550 )

      I thought that too - it looks like before now his last post was 2011? So maybe there was a decade statute of limitations? or Maybe the sites current owners realize having CmdrTaco back could help generate what they really want page views, and have waived his exile?

      • If I remember correctly CmdrTaco was the one who asked for that provision. So maybe they mutually agreed upon it. Either way, I'm happy to see him post again.

    • He is Risen and he brings Unicode patches.

    • I thought part of the sales agreement for /. was that CmdrTaco couldn't post anymore?

      He forgot about that. That's what happens when Alzeimer kicks in. But the retirement home staff let him do it cuz he ain't hurting nobody...

  • by JustOK ( 667959 )
    Just waiting for a dupe of this story.
  • wow (Score:5, Funny)

    by lactose99 ( 71132 ) on Tuesday September 07, 2021 @02:08PM (#61772537)

    Welcome back Rob! Its been a while.

  • by JeffSh ( 71237 ) <jeffslashdotNO@SPAMm0m0.org> on Tuesday September 07, 2021 @02:20PM (#61772589)

    holy cow, had to post a comment just to say i was here.

    also a bit shocked the last post by Taco was about Reamde, which to me, feels a lot more recent than 10 years ago. That's frightening.

  • The kickstarter mentions it is a "PC" game, but doesn't mention operating system at all.

    Do they know that PC means Personal Computer, or do they think it means Windoze?

    Does it run on linux? Or not?

    • by Tom ( 822 )

      Apparently not.

      Which is odd, given that /. probably has the largest concentration of Linux/Mac users outside the OS-specific forums. To advertise a windos-only game on /. should be modded as flamebait.

      • Honestly, I kinda felt like him showing up after such a long hiatus just to use us for an audience to hock a friend's product at was a bit mercenary, but I thought I might be being a bit cynical. Glad to see I'm not alone.

        • by Zak3056 ( 69287 ) on Tuesday September 07, 2021 @04:07PM (#61772989) Journal

          I was thinking this is probably the only Slashvertisement I've ever thought was appropriate. Coming out of "retirement" just to plug a friend's game is a pretty damned nerd thing to do. It was also great to see a Taco post after so long, it could have been hawking laundry detergent and it would still have hit the nostalgia button.

      • They should at least test if it runs in wine. I'd have considered helping out if the Taco had helped us.

        How much does slashdot have to collectively contribute to get one of the zombies named CowboyNeal? If they're gonna plug it to us, they could at least remember us!

      • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

        Hopefully it runs well under Wine.

        BTW nice to see Rob post again.

    • The answer for FAQ question 2 says that it will run on Steam, so presumably that means it will work in Linux.

      Of course, it also means you need a Steam subscription. Note: I don't have a Steam subscription, so I don't know for sure if "Steam for PC" actually means that it will work on Steam for Linux.

      • No you don't. ... Harrrr! ... O:->

        (You can still send them money via other means, if you feel it's worth giving back.)

      • I've never needed a Steam subscription for games I buy or free games they have. The game itself may need a sub I dunno.
        You can play the free games and things you bought just by installing Steam.

      • Somebody should tell that taco guy to come back and clarify.

        I've heard not all Steam games run on linux.

        For example, from the steam support pages:

        Which games are currently supported by the Steam for Linux client?

        If you are manually searching for games supported by the Linux Steam client, correct results are not guaranteed.

    • by skam240 ( 789197 )

      It's pretty commonly understood that when a game is said to be available on PC it means Windows PC. You must not be a gamer...

      • No it is not.

        It is a retarded meme that Apple's advertisement spread among the Eternal September people, to create a delusion that their PCs are not just PCs too.*
        They do not get to define that term. That would be like letting tantric new age gurus define what "transistor" means. Or "energy".

        They may misuse that term in their own sad little world,
        but you're among techies here. If you think "PC" means anything other than "personal computer", you'll be happier over at Mac&i magazine or something with arti

        • by skam240 ( 789197 )

          No it is not.

          Yes it is. It is a very common practice and you are the very first person I've seen become confused by it.

          They may misuse that term in their own sad little world,
          but you're among techies here. If you think "PC" means anything other than "personal computer", you'll be happier over at Mac&i magazine or something with articles about floral patterns.

          Hey, I'm not saying it's good clear language, I'm just explaining reality to you.

          • by Chaset ( 552418 )

            If anything, it was IBM that co-opted the term "PC" for their product, even though they were late to the market of Personal Computers. Ever since then, the lineage of hardware/OS that form the current, distant descendants of the product utilizing Intel-architecture processors and Microsoft-marketed operating systems have been called "IBM PC-compatibles" or just "PC Compatibles" and eventually "PCs".

            It's archaic, but it's stuck. I don't like it either, but denying this reality, no matter how vehemently, do

            • by skam240 ( 789197 )

              Thank you for the confirmation!

              And yeah, I hate poor uses of language too.

              • It isn't "confirmation" of anything, and Apple ][ was marketed as a Personal Computer long before. Hilariously, when IBM started using the term to mean just themselves, Apple took advantage of the lie to improve their own branding by getting people to use the name of their product instead of attempting to correct the usage of the generic term.

                If you hate poor uses of language, you should consider the fun hobby of researching words. That way you won't be led astray by by half-assed remembrance.

                See also: http [wikipedia.org]

                • by skam240 ( 789197 )

                  I took it as confirmation that PC is often used in place of Windows PC in advertising and like content. How was your post not confirmation of that?

                  And then you get all hostile about me somehow using the word wrong? Is there something wrong with your head? You even mention me stating that it wasnt a good use of language. What are you even trying to say here? I mean you literally showed me nothing new with your wikipedia link and I feel like we are literally making the same point but meanwhile you're trying t

            • IBM, also know as RedHat Linux.

              The More You Know!(TM)

          • When faced with idiocy, we are neither surprised, nor confused.

            You seem a bit confused about the nature of the complaint.

            You forgot to put on your thinking cap before visiting Nerdland.

            • by skam240 ( 789197 )

              No, you're confused here. See my other post to you where you're acting like you're doubling down on me hard when all you're doing is agreeing with me that it's a poor use of language.

              Get your head straight here guy.

              • No, you still don't understand. It isn't clear language. Not everybody speaks in "stupid." You're saying, we should recognize the author is an idiot, and also the forgive the misuse of language.

                We're trying to explain to you; there exists intelligent, educated people. They routinely use the term correctly. And you are, in fact, having a conversation with multiple parties who use the term correctly, and are used to it being used correctly. And you're still all, "hurr durr, but Biff always says it that way a

                • by skam240 ( 789197 )

                  and also the forgive the misuse of language.

                  No I am not saying that. How on earth are you coming to that conclusion, were you kicked in the head by a horse as a kid? No part of what I have said has attempted to justify the practice, I have only from the get go been saying that it is the way of the world and it is, you've agreed with me twice now on that and provided far more justifying information then I did to boot. I mean, what part of "it's a poor use of language" leads to conclude that I'm claiming we should forgive the misuse of language? It's l

  • He's back - or is this a paid placement???

  • They turned Slashdot into an ImaginaryCoin / "AI" cancer fest!

    We need a proper tech news site!

    What do we have to do?

    • by cusco ( 717999 )

      Create your own web site with forums. That's what worked for Rob Malda (CmdrTaco) when he created SlashDot. Should be simple, right?

  • Sad to see CmdrTaco back, but only for slashvertisement!

  • Kickstarter games and scams name a more iconic duo.
  • Wow. I had to double take there.

  • Does anyone actually pay attention to the use names here? I just figured the site owner publishes these stories.

  • Haven't commented on a CmdrTaco story in a couple of decades. Good to see your username pop up here, Rob. Hope you're well, old friend!

    • Since he still has posting access he should start a new Slashdot clone then post about it (nobody is watching). Might well be reported widely enough through the tech world to start a new revival.
  • And one against which all others shall forever be judged :-)

  • ... to the old Slashdot.

    You know, the one where we celebrated free speech, instead of cheering on tech giants for stamping it out.

  • Samzenpus? Iâ(TM)m willing to bet that a lot of the readers here donâ(TM)t even know who CmdrTaco is these daysâ¦

  • The chart made it look like the $180 tier gets a picture of your pet in the game.

    Went to become a backer and... nope. Looks like they changed it to $800.

    Too bad.
  • Unless I am mistaken you can find these entertaining folk lurking on their own podcast GIS - Geeks in Space. I watch it on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channe... [youtube.com] and they have a Discord https://discord.gg/NcG7DWt [discord.gg] Share and enjoy!

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
