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Game Developers Not Interested in NFTs, Survey Finds ( 47

NFTs remain a contentious topic for developers, according to the State of the Game Industry survey, with a majority claiming their companies aren't interested at all. From a report: The survey states that 72% of respondents related to cryptocurrency and 70% of respondents related to NFTs have no interest in either. "The current implementation of both technologies is still very limited, with 1% of respondents saying that their studio already uses either." Big names like Ubisoft and Square Enix have shown interest in the NFT wave, alongside veteran developers Will Wright and Peter Molyneux. But the interest among developers themselves is far more scattered, and the general reaction from the video game community is poor.
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Game Developers Not Interested in NFTs, Survey Finds

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    NFTs remain a contentious topic for developers, according to the State of the Game Industry survey, with a majority claiming their companies aren't interested at all.

    How the fuck is that contentious? Being uninterested in something is pretty much the polar opposite of it being contentious.

    I'll admit though that Slashdot's obsession with cryptocurrencies and NFTs is getting contentious with me. I'm begining to hate loathe and despise the topic - when you can make stories out of the LACK of interest in it it's seriously time to give it a rest.

    • I would certainly say it's contentious. Saying you have any interest in NFTs usually gets a lot of people to come out and tell you that you hate the environment, that you support pyramid schemes, that you're a crypto bro, etc.

      • by fazig ( 2909523 )
        From my part of game development world, NFTs as a topic are contentious because they're seen as a buzzword, something that doesn't add anything of value beyond what can already be done.
        But beyond that they're seen as a potentially interference in the creative process.

        One of the contentious ideas of using NFTs for example is that they're advertised to transcend games. For example if you had an NFT saying that you own this nuclear grenade machinegun in that SciFi game made by development team A for publish
      • Your statement is demonstrably nonsense:

        Contentious = topic of heated disagreement (source: english language)

        Developers disinterested in NFT (source:TFA) != Developers heatedly disagree with not developers re NFT (source:logic)

        Ergo: developers disinterest towards NFT != Contentious, and by virtue of this your proposition is just palin wrong

    • ignoring attention seeking behavior probably feels contentious to the attention seeker.

  • Yes, NFTs are the next hot buzzword "thing", but it doesn't mean they work or are applicable to any and every game out there.

    It's like DLC or microtransactions (mtx). Sure, in some cases they're overpriced and really not worth the money (like buying "time resets" in mobile games that let you keep playing past daily time limits). But in some cases they do. Some people hate DLC or MTX with a passion regardless of what content it is. For some it depends on what the content is.

    I'd be interested to hear more d

    • Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Can you (or anyone) provide a compelling reason to have NFTs (rather than micro transaction DLC, or another existing way to get "unique" items)? I don't feel any particular need to ride the blockchain in order to get a red helmet....
      • I guess it could become a neutral platform so you can display your unique NFTs in-game as a an actual unique object that you canâ(TM)t find in-game. Like if I had a NFT hat, I could be seen in that hat while playing various games. Something that follows the avatar, and can be visualized within any platform. Probably the blockchain ownership history would be part of the value somehow.

        Not that this has to be blockchain, but since it exists, using it as an open sale ledger is kinda what it was supposed to

    • I suppose I can speak as one game developer. I've heard precisely zero talk in my own company about NFTs or cryptocurrency. I'm personally not interested in either. As NFTs relate to gaming, I think it's a fad, and frankly it's not a great fit for games anyhow.

      We already sell all sorts of cosmetic goodies in our games, which is how a lot of free to play games make money, which seems like a fair tradeoff to me. Not a fan of MTX that sell power or other advantages, but that's something individual develope

      • by splutty ( 43475 )

        And the whole concept that NFT "enthusiasts" promote is that "You can use your skins in all games now".

        No. No you can't. No you won't. Never EVER going to happen. So that makes the whole point of NFTs completely, well, pointless..

        • Yeah, whoever says that have no idea what they're talking about. Even if there were some incentive for a game company to try this, from a technical standpoint it's completely impractical. Every game tends to have their own in-game formats. Even for companies using the same engine, like Unreal, they'll have completely different rigs for their characters. There's simply no practical way to do that, at least that I can think of offhand.

          • by fazig ( 2909523 )
            Technically it is possible if the developers continuously create new assets using their custom workflow, generating everlasting maintenance costs.

            And that's the asinine part of the entire idea, having developers keep up with that bullshit from "Karens", for no good reason.
            I mean sure, there are games where that could work, because the developers already do it in a similar fashion. But expecting this to suddenly work for a much wider range of games is idiotic.
  • The only people who appear interested in offering NFTs are shady people trying to make a lot of money quickly.

    If you thought loot boxes caused gamers to be disgruntled, wait until you have NFT to win games!

    • I feel like the game were everyone compares bank statements has already been invented.

    • by fermion ( 181285 )
      Loot boxes, ads, annoying pop ups, game developers have shown they will do everything to increase revenue. Epic is on a years long campaign to squeeze a bit more profit from parents credit cards.

      Games are subscription. I remember the first time I had to use a dongle. Apple provides value to developers as it is really hard to play games outside the optional family share.

      The developers will include NFT when someone comes up with an engine that turns a profit.

  • Have you considered putting a link to your game, video, or novel on a dollar bill? Then who ever owned that dollar bill would also own the right to use that link. Well except that's not how the law works nor how our culture's concept of ownership works. too bad

  • In the 2000s, iTunes introduced the world to DRM protected content. By 2010, the DRM had been removed by market demand and we just bought content. Now, in the 2020s, the DRM is the product, and the content, well, its pretty subpar (8bit sprites and the like). By the 2030s, we should have come full circle again, so roll on the 2040s when content without the DRM becomes fashionable again.
  • Too much money (Score:4, Insightful)

    by rsilvergun ( 571051 ) on Friday January 21, 2022 @04:50PM (#62195787)
    NFTs have the potential to make people feel like they received something of value when they did not. This is a holy grail of all business. Legal snake oil. It's not going to go away ever. The suits will try it with every generation of gamers unless we make discussion of it verboten on the level of the N word (both of them).

    Don't forget, we all laughed at horse armor, and now Rockstar sells the GTA equivalent to make billions instead of making new games.
  • They need GPUs and consoles to actually develop games. And that stuff isn't especially easier for them to acquire than for the average public. So fuck crypto.
  • ... for such abusive idiocy. We don't expect anything better from dumb-ass CEOs but developers should have a brain or two.

  • No Fucking Thanks.

  • Of course it is poor, it is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. They don't need Crypto currency or NFT's to monetize virtual items, they do it already. Either of those is just an extra pointless overhead.
  • They'll NFT everything in the coming years. Buy an NFT as you enter the cinema, buy another as you exit the stadium, buy some to support your favourite candidate or cause. Your children will sell your trove at auction upon your death.
  • NFTs are a solution to a real problem.

    They are a great solution when you need immutable distributed authentication in a hostile environment. That is great for digital currency, and any other ownership claims that must publicly change hands despite advisories would want to steal, corrupt, damage, or otherwise interfere with the transaction.

    Those aren't problems that games have.

    Some people want to transfer items between games, but that's not a problem blockchain solves. The items themselves are not externa

  • It's not just game developers its everyone on earth. Please stop posting these stories.

  • > One developer said that they currently work at an NFT company and plan to quit: "Burn 'em to the ground. Ban everyone involved in them."
  • Wait till you find out what the gamers think. They deplore the idiot things, rightfully so.

  • a discussion about the discussion instead of the topic :p
    nft's are cool with the state because NFT's stand for "rich folk deciding who gets what" where crypto as such stands for "everyone can have a shot"
    i doubt its the end but the way things are unless i ask for refugee status in el salvador and join la mara or 18th street im gonna be 105 before i get out of hell - ofcourse, there's always the option to break your back so the boss can buy a pool .. i mean, opportunities EVERYWHERE !
    well then ... see
  • How about taking a slashdot poll of how many of us give two shits about NFTs?

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