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Education Games

Playing Video Games Has An Unexpected Effect On Kids' IQ, Says New Study ( 106

Researchers have linked spending more time playing video games with a boost in intelligence in children, which goes some way to contradicting the narrative that gaming is bad for young minds. ScienceAlert reports: While the difference in cognitive abilities was a small one and isn't enough to show a causal relationship, it is enough to be notable -- and the study was careful to factor in variables including differences in genetics and the child's socio-economic background. Meanwhile, watching TV and using social media didn't seem to have a positive or negative effect on intelligence. The research should prove useful in the debate over how much screen time is suitable for young minds.

The researchers looked at screen time records for 9,855 kids in the ABCD Study, all in the US and aged 9 or 10. On average, the youngsters reported spending 2.5 hours a day watching TV or online videos, 1 hour playing video games, and half an hour socializing over the internet. Researchers then accessed data for more than 5,000 of those children two years later. Over the intervening period, those in the study who reported spending more time than the norm on video games saw an increase of 2.5 IQ points above the average rise. The IQ point increase was based on the kids' performance on tasks that included reading comprehension, visual-spatial processing, and a task focused on memory, flexible thinking, and self-control.
The report notes that the study "only looked at children in the US and did not differentiate between video game types (mobile versus console games)."

The research has been published in the journal Scientific Reports.
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Playing Video Games Has An Unexpected Effect On Kids' IQ, Says New Study

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  • Indeed (Score:3, Interesting)

    by nospam007 ( 722110 ) * on Tuesday May 17, 2022 @06:06AM (#62541790)

    "While the difference in cognitive abilities was a small one and isn't enough to show a causal relationship, it is enough to be notable "

    Yes, they are great in identifying trolls on a screen under a bridge from 100 yards away, a must for human evolution.

    • Re:Indeed (Score:5, Funny)

      by chas.williams ( 6256556 ) on Tuesday May 17, 2022 @06:46AM (#62541844)
      Notable, i.e. just big enough that we could generate a clickbait headline.
    • Playing with puzzles more makes you (slightly) better at playing with puzzles.

      • by taustin ( 171655 )

        In much the same way that IQ tests only measure your ability to take an IQ test.

        Does playing video games make kids smarter, or are smarter kids more likely to play video games? I doubt they even understand the difference.

    • Re:Indeed (Score:4, Insightful)

      by beelsebob ( 529313 ) on Tuesday May 17, 2022 @11:01AM (#62542622)

      I dunno - seems not unexpected to me. Two plausible explanations:

      1. Kids who spend all day solving puzzles (even how best to get to a position where you can shoot someone else before they shoot you) are better at solving puzzles.

      2. Kids of parents who can afford a games console are more likely to be able to afford a bed to sleep in, food to eat, and clothes to wear, making the kid have a more stable home life, which is already shown to be correlated with intelligence and school performance.

      • The summary says that socioeconomic factors were accounted for, so presumably that would suggest that your first hypothesis holds more weight. I suspect that it's just a matter of almost any kind of game requiring some active thinking on the part of the player. Even if you're just trying to collect some coins in a level you still need to think about where they might be and how to move about the environment to get them.

        Television is much more passive in that sense, but may activate other parts of the brai
  • I'm on a roll. Better late than never I guess. Beating Portal 1 & 2 will give your kids a solid 5 IQ points.

    • Letting young children play games such as Portal or StarCraft is surely good for their mental capacities in many ways? But I assume so is chess from an early age.

  • That is reasonable (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Reaper9889 ( 602058 ) on Tuesday May 17, 2022 @06:28AM (#62541820)

    This seems reasonable: Most games have elements of puzzles and/or tactics and I would expect playing more to correlate to being better at games and therefore puzzles and/or tactics which in turn correlates with having a high IQ.

    • by TuringTest ( 533084 ) on Tuesday May 17, 2022 @06:34AM (#62541826) Journal

      This seems reasonable: Most games have elements of puzzles and/or tactics and I would expect playing more to correlate to being better at games and therefore puzzles and/or tactics which in turn correlates with having a high IQ.

      Which implies that, if you consider solving spatial puzzles as a trait of intelligence, then intelligence as measured by IQ can be trained.

      Corollary: people from cultures where it is common to find puzzles of the types used in IQ tests will score as having higher average intelligence than those which do not. Which is something that has been said repeatedly about the interpretation of exactly what IQ tests measure.

      • by fazig ( 2909523 )
        Yes, parts of the tests can be trained given the tests that we use today.

        That is a known caveat in the testing methodology. Well, at least by those who understand what the tests are actually testing for and try to diversify the parts of the test, while also weighting the results according to given circumstances.

        I'm always reminded of this fact when there was a Mensa truck outside of my university, where they did some screening tests for people with potential. It was a relatively short tests that was mo
        • Having learned about the sequence in CS class, because it's an excellent example of how elegant recursive function calls can be

          I... what?

          To me, the basic recursive version (exponential time without more machinery!) is one of the least elegant solutions. But then again, I like linear algebra.

          • I think by "elegant" the OP was actually trying to convey "an interesting amount of complexity results from such a simple mathematical expression" rather than any sort of commentary on a naive Fibonacci computational implementation.
          • by fazig ( 2909523 )
            The recursive version is the shortest in terms of code that you have to write and resembles the mathematical expression the closest, if I remember correctly.
            I think we were taught another hand full of different methods, which were more efficient in terms of resource use, but all requires a bit more thinking from the programmer.

            Anyway, at least most of the students that did the exercises were quite familiar quite with the sequence (some also thought it was cool to listen to that Tool Lateralus song), skew
          • by Chexum ( 1498 )

            To me, the basic recursive version (exponential time without more machinery!) is one of the least elegant solutions. But then again, I like linear algebra.

            Trivial recursion may not be desired in most popular languages, but it's closely related to Complete (aka Strong) Induction, which is one of the most important methods of mathematical proof in number theory. I could just as well posit that elegant languages are where recursion is elegant and effective, but I know I'm old.

          • To me, the basic recursive version (exponential time without more machinery!) is one of the least elegant solutions.

            The simple recursive definition:

            fib 0 = 1
            fib 1 = 1
            fib n = fib (n - 2) + fib (n - 1)

            ... is an elegant definition, but not the most efficient or elegant evaluation strategy. However, this is also a simple recursive form:

            fib n = fibs !! n where fibs = 1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)

            ... and in a lazy-by-default language like Haskell it would be evaluated in linear time, not exponential, due to implicit memoization.

            Of course the most efficient version would have to be the closed form:

            fib n

            • ... is an elegant definition

              OH OK, fair. I thought you were talking about code, not the definition per-se.

              However, this is also a simple recursive form:

              Lol haskell! I am not used to reading that language and that took me minutes to parse. Got there in the end. Though I don't honestly understand your comment about linear/memoisation vs exponential. Zipwith is basically talk recursive, so linear time and tail is constant? I'd have to dig out my copy of Bird to be sure though. Very good explanation of how Hask

              • Though I don't honestly understand your comment about linear/memoisation vs exponential. Zipwith is basically talk recursive, so linear time and tail is constant?

                The reason the first version is exponential (in most languages, including Haskell) is that it evaluates "fib n" repeatedly. If you save the results (memoize) so that you only evaluate "fib n" once for each "n" then becomes linear (assuming the memoization itself is constant-time). The second version does this by arranging the results into the list "fibs" where the n-th element of the list is "fib n". In the expression "1 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)", the result of "zipWith" starts at index n = 2 whil

                • Oh so internally, it's not pure like the code you write. It can modify to a limited extent, i.e. replacing the "unevaluated" marker with values. That marker presumably is invisible/inaccessible to code, and also the only thing it can modify in place?

                  • Yes, that's correct. The Haskell runtime works primarily through a "mutator" task (or tasks, in the multithreaded case) which replaces unevaluated thunks with their results as they are needed, "forcing" them to Weak Head Normal Form or WHNF—basically a known data constructor (head) with possibly-unevaluated fields. (Normal Form or NF would additionally have fields recursively evaluated to Normal Form.)

                    This process is invisible to the code, except that there are ways to make it happen early as a perfor

      • by quenda ( 644621 )

        Which implies that, if you consider solving spatial puzzles as a trait of intelligence, then intelligence as measured by IQ can be trained.

        It is not clear whether the tests are just increasing IQ scores, or also the underlying intelligence. The value of IQ tests is in their predictive ability, in how well the person will succeed in learning and in real-life problem solving. If playing video games in high school leads to better academic achievement at university, then we could consider that a real gain in intelligence. Or maybe gaming has just taught them to be more persistent and conscientious. More data is needed.

        Corollary: people from cultures where it is common to find puzzles of the types used in IQ tests will score as having higher average intelligence than those which do not.

        And they may or may not rea

        • It is not clear whether the tests are just increasing IQ scores, or also the underlying intelligence. The value of IQ tests is in their predictive ability, in how well the person will succeed in learning and in real-life problem solving. ... If they achieve as much as people from others cultures with the same IQ score, then the tests are valid.

          The problem is arriving to a workable rational definition of "underlying intelligence".

          IQ tests aim to be a proxy of that. But if you can be trained to solve its exercises better, someone who already has undergone some training will score higher than someone who hasn't, without this correlating to better learning and problem-solving in those individuals. That's a flaw in the test.

      • Any time you can encourage a person to think and do some kind of problem solving, you're helping them learn something. How useful the knowledge is outside of what they're specifically doing is clearly going to vary. But I'd say that even a kid playing Pac Man is learning some small things about estimating speed and distance to avoid a collision, and learning to predict movements based on previous characteristics. (The ghosts in the game all move about and react to the proximity of Pac Man a bit differently

    • Unfortunately kids today spend more time on youtube watching some other asshole play video games. I see no cognitive benefit to that. Interaction with a game is mental stimulation, albeit potentially bad for your eyes. Mindnumbingly staring at youtube idiots probably responsible for brain atrophy. At best picking bad role models as most of these 26yr old infants have million dollar homes, zero furniture, and zero cooking skills. Seriously anything more complex than PB&J warrants a doordash account.
    • Yup, I would think it would also have a strong relationship to what types of games the kiddies are playing.

      Just think.... text adventures like the original Zork vs. Animal Crossing or whatever....

    • Unfortunately for this study there's lots of plausible alternative explanations which also seem reasonable.

      Maybe the kids with higher IQs finish their homework faster, therefore giving them more time to play videogames. IQ tests are also known to have a range of biases and some psychologists have a very negative view of them. Did they control for kids in the 'average or below' videogame group who spent a similar amount of time on paper-based puzzles?
    • It follows that which selection of games played has a factor in the IQ boost provided.

    • It's not just reasonable, it's totally unsurprising. To this day, every so often something will come up that will make me recall: "Oh, I first learned about that from playing Robot Odyssey." It's not common by any means, but a couple of times in my career I've actually had to implement something IRL that I first did in Robot Odyssey. Even somewhat more contemporary (But still pretty old.) games like Dangerous Waters or xPlane are mentally fulfilling and have found practical usage in my real life.


  • Or⦠(Score:5, Interesting)

    by xgerrit ( 2879313 ) on Tuesday May 17, 2022 @06:31AM (#62541822)
    Or maybe kids with a higher IQ would rather play something interactive on a screen instead of passively watching a screen.
    • Or maybe kids with a higher IQ would rather play something interactive on a screen instead of passively watching a screen.

      Ironically, video games have a long way to go before surpassing the intellectual capability of any library.

      That pin-drop environment ranks just above Monastery on the passive scale.

      • Or maybe kids with a higher IQ would rather play something interactive on a screen instead of passively watching a screen.

        Ironically, video games have a long way to go before surpassing the intellectual capability of any library.

        Ironically, that doesn't in any way address the statement made. It's not the passive vs. active entertainment, it's the passive vs. active screen time. If I have a choice between watching a story or playing a game with a story I'd rather choose the more engaging option, and that's the one that's most immersive.

      • by fazig ( 2909523 )
        Depends on how people process the information, I suppose.

        There's seemingly types of learners with a tendency where passive information goes in one ear and goes out the other again, or goes in one eye and goes out the other eye (is that a saying?), having some interactive component that requires some active processing and application of the information presented, ought to lead to better information retention on average.

        For a similar reason institutions of higher learning usually hand out certifications a
      • by skam240 ( 789197 )

        Sure but good luck getting most kids to spend their free time there.

    • We were told growing up the 80's and 90's... "TV rots your brain!" Now we have the evidence.
  • Smarter kids play videos games

    • Huh.

      I guess society as a whole has become so smart that addiction, is no longer something anyone worries about.

      How convenient for video game makers.

      • by skam240 ( 789197 )

        Why don't you go peddle the evils of alcohol instead? At least then you'd actually be bravely crusading against something that does actually ruin people's lives with real life physical addiction.

        Oh wait, you probably see no problem with drinking, right? Turns out maybe you just have a problem with people enjoying something you don't?

        • Any form of escapism can be addictive. Addiction mostly lies in what you're escaping from, not in the means you use. Treating addiction means treating the trauma that makes real life unbearable.
          • by skam240 ( 789197 )

            Any form of escapism can be addictive.

            And given this fact it's stupid to label gaming as "bad" when just as you've said any form of escapism can be addictive.

  • by pele ( 151312 ) on Tuesday May 17, 2022 @06:53AM (#62541864) Homepage

    Yes. Shooters? No.

    • Tetris will improve one type of reasoning, shooters will improve another. Shooter combat isn't so much on rails any more, enemies actually use squad tactics and react to your decisions (ever since Half Life or so) and you have to actually think. And what's more, it helps you learn to make decisions in the moment. You don't have leisure to sit back and ponder.

      • Even when the AI is stupid (and thus enemies are usually made more numerous or powerful to compensate), there's still usually a puzzle element to finding ways to use the environment to exploit the AI's weaknesses. Such exploits are far less applicable to real combat, but they still offer a puzzle element that's far more intellectually stimulating than watching Star Trek re-runs.

    • Yes. Shooters? No.

      Tactical shooters can still benefit having to think really fast on your feet. But I would lean more toward Oxygen Not Included or Factorio for problem solving myself.

    • Depends what you want to train:
      - Tetris makes you a better mover
      - Shooters could come in handy if you're in ukraine right now.

    • A balance is key; I'd be willing to bet the smarter ones played several fundamentally different types of games instead of focusing hard on just one genre.

    • by Z80a ( 971949 )

      Good shooters probably train your navigation skills and visual reflexes.
      Now "movie games" that basically railroad you into a single track with mostly no challenge won't do you any good.

    • ... Shooters? No.

      I recently played a round of FPS games: AssaultCube has the most physics and the AI cheats. RedEclipse and Xonotic are both a 'stand there and shoot fast' game with eye-popping eye-candy. Playing AssaultCube means dealing with weapon recoil, new maps, small munition load-outs, no rear-view camera, impossibly bouncy targets, eject delay, covered-target difficulty. It requires more than 'run, see, shoot' hand-eye co-ordination: Winning requires practiced situational awareness.

  • by GeekWithAKnife ( 2717871 ) on Tuesday May 17, 2022 @07:10AM (#62541902)

    How can you rely on data, facts and logic when games are out there, right now, poisoning children's minds?

    You know this is an extension of how Television makes children stop knowing what;'s real and what's not right?

    A senior board member once proudly told me he doesn't let his kids use consoles because "it rots their minds".

    Some games have options people that grew up without games really don't like...and I'm not talking about some "hot coffee" patch.

    I believe this is all a result of D&D. It spread satanism in the youth of the time and they went on to create video games spreading satanism in children today.

    My granny used to tell me that I'm gonna get stupid playing all them games and in her time she played with other kids outside in the mud with rocks and sticks. It's also "close to nature" - she insisted on this despite me showing her the forests of Ultima IV.

    More IQ doesn't make you a better person. So what if the future is leaning heavily towards automation, robotics and programming. Those are not natural things...pretty sure nana would say that.

    Just because you can play minecraft with your friends does not mean it's social. You have to be outside of the house with your friends to unlock the "social activity" trophy OK??

    I once clocked 1000 hours on an MMORPG over a couple of years - when I realised how bad this was for me I stopped doing that and embraced working 70 hour weeks. I'm so much healthier now that I escaped the work of the devil.

    Look I'm just saying take these computer games with a grain of anti-satanic salt. The devil is everywhere, tempting you to have fun. Stop having fun. Keep away from computer games before it's too late and you become irrecoverably addicted.

    BTW, I'm funding a study to determine if listening to music promotes satanism, serila killing and teen pregnancies - I'm sure that rock n' roll stuff is bad for you!
    • Funny you should mention playing outside with rocks and sticks. I read a study once that claimed that children who climbed trees were less likely to develop ADHD. When I mention playing outside as a kid it is usually illustrating how the media has us always living in fear. We used to get sent outside to play and be told dont come home till the street lights come on. After a few dozen over-covered stories of child abduction and murder, kids barely get to play outside much at all. There was a social benefit t

      • Jokes aside. All things in moderation. Going outside with your friends to the playground or cycling, football etc is very healthy and yes we live in a culture of fear despite being in likely the safest period for a kid to be outside.

        A bit of computer gaming, a big of swings slides and tag. It's not so much the game its the implementation. Anti-social kids existed before computer games.

        In the 80s I spent hours outside with kids my age; digging in the dirt, climbing trees, playing tag, hide and seek etc.
      • Well that can actually be true. As in US it seems likely they will be kidnapped or shot. and there seems to be 8,1% in kids adhd. compared to eu countries that are (atleast subjectively) somewhat safer and we just put our kids outside and the percentage seems to be around 1%. some less some more. Or maybe they just dont need to be scared to death here of being shot at school. Maybe even a constant on of the "fight or flight" will become chronicle and turn in to adhd. Anyway seems more relaxed kids develop l
        • by Shaeun ( 1867894 )

          Well that can actually be true. As in US it seems likely they will be kidnapped or shot. and there seems to be 8,1% in kids adhd. compared to eu countries that are (atleast subjectively) somewhat safer and we just put our kids outside and the percentage seems to be around 1%. some less some more. Or maybe they just dont need to be scared to death here of being shot at school. Maybe even a constant on of the "fight or flight" will become chronicle and turn in to adhd. Anyway seems more relaxed kids develop less adhd.

          In america we also medicate the troublemakers. Do they have ADHD or are they merely badly behaved? There is no way to know for sure. It's probably cultural. United Statsian Culture is currently extremely toxic.

        • Re: Very dangerous (Score:5, Informative)

          by Immerman ( 2627577 ) on Tuesday May 17, 2022 @10:36AM (#62542522)

          >As in US it seems likely they will be kidnapped or shot.

          Not really. What is likely is that the very rare cases where that does happens will dominate the "news" cycle across the country for weeks or months afterward, giving everyone a grossly overblown impression of how serious the problem is. "If it bleeds it leads" and all that - nothing gets people riled up and willing to stick around through the commercial break like kids in danger.

          Once upon a time if the problem didn't happen in your own neighborhood you probably wouldn't even hear about it. Now if it happens anywhere in a population of 330 million it's going to make prime time "news" for ages. And your brain will likely ascribe it just as much statistical significance as if it *had* happened in your own neighborhood, causing you to grossly overestimate the severity of the problem by many orders of magnitude.

          • Just curious, are you saying school shootings are grossly overblown? I started trying to compare the US with other countries when it comes to school shootings, and there's almost no way to do it (make a comparison), the statistics are just completely wild.

            I do agree that kids are pretty safe in general playing outside, the number of paedophiles just running around looking for kids to abduct is surely much lower than my wife imagines. I didn't think this through very much, there's no real point to this post.

            • I'll admit school shootings are a weird special case, but still... yes. There are generally what, dozens of kids killed in a year? Maybe several dozen? Versus the many millions going to school? The risks are WAY higher that they'll die in a car crash or other accident. But those don't make national news.

      • by splutty ( 43475 )

        The "Stranger Danger" nonsense has really hurt a generation of kids.

      • Re: Very dangerous (Score:4, Insightful)

        by skam240 ( 789197 ) on Tuesday May 17, 2022 @09:34AM (#62542282)

        My favorite part of this is that it's actually much safer for kids to play outside now then when most of us were kids due to the drastically lower rate of crime. Try telling that to most people and you get looked at like you're flat out lying to them though.

        • by e3m4n ( 947977 )
          thats the odd nature of percentages. Percentage-wise there is less crime per capita and less abductions. The flip side is there is a fuckton more people. So when you put dots on the map of how many sexual predators live near you, you feel like the lone base station fighting off an army of Space Invaders. Lower precentages, and yet at the same time the kids come in closer contact with victimizers than they did in the 70s. So a single kid is less likely to be victimized, but at the same time, some kid did get
    • Nice troll, I got halfway through it before I caught on.

    • Competent trolling!

      ... stop knowing what's real ...

      Like Beatrix Potter showing wild animals wearing clothes, or a story about a magical hero giving a bullied girl (Cinderella) a night-out, because she's a nice person.

      ... what's not right?

      Like a dumb farmer (Jack) traveling via beanstalk to another land, then invading someone's house and stealing a goose.

      ... teen pregnancies ...

      All that social networking on smart phones has done more to stop teen pregnancies than centuries of Christian/Islamic slut-shaming combined. Facebook/Twitter/Instagram do bring their own demons to teens, the

  • ... people who are better at symbol manipulation (which is essentially what IQ is, our ability to manipulate symbols) prefer playing video games as compared to people who are not so good at symbol manipulation.

    Um, okay?

    • Yes, IQ doesn't measure intelligence. It also doesn't correlate at all with wealth, which is a quantifiable measure of success (other measures are not quantifiable/rigorous). Measures mostly the ability to perform well on IQ tests and some other very similar tests.
      • Of course intelligence doesn't correlate well with wealth. Pretty much the only thing that *does* correlate well with wealth, is the wealth of your parents.

        After you correct for inherited wealth, wealth distribution shows all the hallmark characteristics of random chance, with none of the population distribution characteristics that would be expected if it correlated with skill, effort, or any other measure of personal contribution.

        The only way wealth is a measure of success, is if you define it as such.


  • The study would likely find a 20 point drop in IQ.

    • Nah, Fortnite lets you modify the environment and construct barriers and structures. You can be creative in setting up traps, pitfalls, and chokepoints, or other ways to give yourself an advantage on the battle field.

      My nephews quickly learned the importance of situational awareness.

  • The Singapore method - [], which is not new at all, is something new to the United States. In fact, it is very similar to the way math used to be taught in America, but more rigorous. My wife is homeschooled, and she used Singapore textbooks to teach our son, who is now about 2 grades ahead of most kids his age who are in public school.
  • IQ doesn't measure intelligence, another BS article. IQ measures the ability to solve certain toy problems with little applicability to real life. In the absence of other information it can identify serious learning difficulties, but those would be obvious without using IQ.
  • New media has always been criticised as being harmful by old people who are stuck in the old media mentality.

    TV used to be the target of criticism. When books became affordable to the masses, they were seen as harmful. Cinema caused a certain amount of concern in the 1930s.

    Essentially they're all, at worst harmless, Most are actually positive. We respond well to stories. It's the primary way we communicate abstract concepts and ideas. Video games add an element of interactivity which increases our engag
  • There's a lot of other ways that video games are bad for a person in general outside of general IQ. The biggest things that come to mind are the affects on face to face relationships with people especially parents. It also messes with a persons dopamine responses which if over done can lead to poor motivation in life and likely leading to mental health issues such as depression. And finally it takes away from time that could be spent in activities that would benefit the person in a more positive way. Ou
    • That depends greatly on what it's displacing.

      If you play video games instead of engaging in physical activities or interacting with your peers, then yeah, it's likely to be a net negative.

      If instead you play video games instead of watching TV or mindlessly browsing the internet for entertaining cat videos, it's more likely to be a net positive.

      The one caveat is that modern video games tend to lean *hard* on dopamine reward loops to keep players engaged. Far harder than any real-world efforts are going to d

  • Maybe smarter kids just like to play video games more.
  • As a video game enthusiast and a parent, effects on "intelligence" was never a concern, or hasn't seriously been for many years. It's the wide variety of effects on behavior. It affects kids and people differently —including not affecting some people at all —but that is the legitimate challenge.
  • by PackMan97 ( 244419 ) on Tuesday May 17, 2022 @09:54AM (#62542356)
    Before I started playing first person shooters and MMOs I could get lost in a one room apartment. Now you can quite literally drop me anywhere and I can find my way around on the first go. I don't need to write down directions or look at the map. If I've been there I can find it. I owe it all to Doom and Everquest! Even though i stopped gaming 12 years ago, the skills are still with me.
    • by jma05 ( 897351 )

      Meh, those skills can improve with age, in which case, the gaming interest in the interim is just a confounder.

  • i have three kids, 8yr old twins and a 9 yr old... since the twins were 6 they've been playing at the dining table on laptops, and let me tell you, hearing them strategize... at that age, to dominate games.... brings a happy tear to me eye...
  • Quacks continue to pretend that IQ is an objective scientific measurement.
  • Practicing Problem Solving Makes You Smarter? Who would have thought.

  • Games of all sorts have been around for THOUSANDS of years, some of which are more focused on mental ability, while others are about luck. Computer/console games are no different, and if strategy and tactics are required, they will potentially be a very positive thing when it comes to mental development, while pure action with very little problem solving won't have the same benefits. Reflexes and developing a quick response to stimuli isn't the only thing that games should focus on, but too many games
  • Is a couple of hypothetical non-causally connected IQ points worth it?

    My Gen-X is showing. I think spending the time fishing would be greater for personal growth. Of course, that only feeds my value set. But I'm in my early fifties and I have lots of money. My value set is clearly best.

  • In the film 'Forbidden Planet', a machine is shown that measures the power of a mind by direct means -- displacing an indicator upwards. Pretty cool. Until such time as such a culture-free and education-independent means to measure IQ exists, test results should be suspect. Any test I have encountered over the years was built up of elements that needed training to complete. And over a number of tests across a number of decades the 'number' has varied randomly across a 14 point range. Bad day? Who cares. I s

  • Programming your own video games makes you even smarter still. Gone are the days when computers offered a programming language as an OS or include a language to discover programming. I got my start in IT learning to program BASIC, Pascal, and ASM on early Z80 and 6809 computers. It would be so easy for M$ to include a variant of VB geared toward game programming with Windows. With all the talk in the past 10 years about the need for more kids to discover programming simply including one or more languages wi
  • I wonder if they tried to evaluate the price of that increase in IQ points. If you gain something you must pay for it. With social skills may be, or manual skills? How many toy cars did they open?
  • The XYZZY study shows IQ in all children goes up 50 points while playing Epic' games.

    We'd like to thank them for sponsoring this study. Click here to find out more.
  • by mveloso ( 325617 ) on Tuesday May 17, 2022 @12:32PM (#62543076)

    To play video games at any level you need to be able to hold a couple of things in your head at once. The more complicated the game, the more stuff you need to keep in your head.

    That's one of the things that differentiates smart people from other people, because a lot of what people call intelligence is really just memory. A bigger working memory = more IQ, all other things being equal.

  • Troll: so... it must be the higher IQ that causes videogamers to be more violent.
  • by neoRUR ( 674398 ) on Tuesday May 17, 2022 @05:28PM (#62544146)

    That is the old saying anyways. And why is it so? Well it puts us into uncertain environments and makes us have to use skills to cope.
    When you go to an environment that you have never been in, not only does it open your view and understanding of the world, it also fires off and creates more neurons that in turn make more connections that allow your mind to process more information faster.
    Game are like traveling, you are constantly exposed to new environments, able to see and plan in uncertain areas. If you play Tetris or Red Dead Redemption II or Among Us, they are all actively engaging your mind to work while you play, which in turns makes you use and create new neurons.
    Exposure to new things is what is vital.

  • This is just more crap science because there was no control group. Doing actual science—with a control group—is hard. Doing crap science is easy, and it's all too easy to get it published.

  • undoubtedly bogus. small effect = randomness

  • Well, games are one of the ways to study and consume information, it's just necessary to filter that info and be focused on improving your skills. I think there's nothing wrong with games, and some of them like cs go can even be a good source of additional income if you sell something like []. And in general, it's a great pastime, so I think it should be more acceptable in society.

/* Halley */ (Halley's comment.)
