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Minecraft Seeks New Revenue as Gaming Growth Slows (yahoo.com) 20

Mojang Studios, the creator of the globally popular video game Minecraft, is diversifying its revenue streams amid slowing growth in the gaming industry. Chief Executive Asa Bredin revealed in an interview that the company is exploring new partnerships in merchandising, education, and content streaming. The company is also venturing into film and television, with a Warner Bros. movie adaptation set to premiere in April and a Netflix series in development. From a report: Mojang's push follows repeated forays by Nintendo and Sony Group to broaden the appeal of their gaming properties at a time that spending in the industry has hit a lull. Nintendo is developing a live-action film based on the Legend of Zelda franchise, following the blockbuster success of The Super Mario Bros. Movie, while Sony has turned The Last of Us into an HBO series and created games based on the Spider-Man movies.

Minecraft Seeks New Revenue as Gaming Growth Slows

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  • Because if you aren't growing revenue you might as well not exist.

  • Roll out the OS as a service subscription model, Maybe 20 dollars a month for the privilege of using the most popular Operating system in the world. And the fans will try to turn in into a flex.
    • Roll out the OS as a service subscription model, Maybe 20 dollars a month for the privilege of using the most popular Operating system in the world. And the fans will try to turn in into a flex.

      Whoa was there a typo saying Microsoft at first? I'd just issue a writ of me being a dumbass, but I see someone else did the same as I did.

    • That's not up to Mojang Studios.
      • That's not up to Mojang Studios.

        I know - I'm just trying to figure out how two of us read that as Microsoft.

        • I clicked the link and RTFA. You?
          • I clicked the link and RTFA. You?

            Nope - I hope that doesn't bother you. If it makes your day when I make a mistake and admit it, then I'll be your cabana boy today. 8^)

            • Not at all. Not trying to give you crap. I was just being silly. And then seriously explaining that I'm someone who RTFA, which makes me some kind of pseudo-nerd, at best.
  • by sTERNKERN ( 1290626 ) on Friday July 05, 2024 @02:15PM (#64603429)
    The stakeholders expect nothing less than an everlasting growth. If You fail to achieve that and slow down You are toast.
    • Revenue in the studio’s consumer products business, ranging from clothing to plushy toys in claw machines, has doubled over the last two years, she said.

      It's their own fault for being so successful, if you doubled once why aren't you doubling again? The reward for success today is the privlege of getting milked until nothing but dust remains.

  • all we want is more ads inserted into our games! please! more ads! please!

  • by The Cat ( 19816 ) on Friday July 05, 2024 @03:20PM (#64603637)

    Another video game movie. Because when game developers make movies they always do so well.

    What is it about science people that make them believe everything except science is easy?

  • They mostly made shite Spiderman games starting with the Atari 2600 until the GameCube finally brought an amazing game. Not much has truly changed other than what technology can do to support an open world game. Sony did such an amazing job, sarcastically speaking, at eventually figuring out how badly they were utilizing their intellectual property after Marvel was desperate enough to sell it to them. Cross promotions have been going on since before the Flintstone and Jetsons so yet again nothing original
  • Endless growth above all else. Fuck your quality, we need endless quantity. Maybe they can do traffic ticket cameras with Xerox

If God is perfect, why did He create discontinuous functions?
