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Unreal for Linux? 45 has a story involving the upcoming Linux server port of Unreal, as well as a possible client(!) port to Linux as well. You can also read the original post over at Epic MegaGames. Epic is now looking at more 3D APIs besides Glide, and hopes to use OpenGL for any Unreal ports.
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Unreal for Linux?

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  • by gavinhall ( 33 )
    Posted by nOMAAM:

    while they're at it port unreal to the Amiga too

  • Posted by nOMAAM:

    gimme some talk about Amiga !!!
  • by CC ( 1075 )
    No Client ... NO Server

    We should be quite firm here, it will, I'm sure make a difference when games are planned. If it is known the community generally frowns on serving games for which there is no client, we will see more clients.

    As Linux becomes more mainstream and games become more and more networked, there will be a real incentive to use Linux as the server of choice. This of course because LINUX ROCKS (as well as a few other highly technical and abstruse bits of High Grade code which produce "Ass Kicking" performance).

    The new kernel ..... a thing of wonder and magic (how did he do that SGI deal so fast). Truly our God lives !
  • It's funny that the chief point that Windows users raise for -- and can substantiate -- for MS superiority is that Windows has more games. Like that really matters to most people; I couldn't care less about playing Unreal or Quake or SiN or Half-Life or Heretic or Descent on a mission-critical server. At this point, you might as well take the money you save buying/running linux instead of Windows (especially now that we have legal precedence for abolishing the MS tax) and go get yourself an N64 and a very large screen TV.
  • Thief's 3d engine is not comparable to even GLQuake... But fun, nonetheless... :)

  • Work should begin in ernest on them. With Quake III, BFRIS, and now possibly Unreal, we're going to need solid support from cards other than Voodoo based ones. I happen to have the SiS register info if someone's game (I'm not going to be able to have an AGP motherboard for at least 2-4 months at this point and the SiS is only on motherboards and AGP cards...)

    Right now, I'm going with the hardware I've got, such as it is- the Millenium II (Yes, I know that it's been discontinued, but there's a LOT of them out there...).
  •'s the whole shooting match. But I think they're constrained to just the 2D aspects- you'll have to ask XFree86 for the real skinny on the info they have in hand.
  • I remember looking at Unreal in like 1991. It was a pretty good demo, and my hat's off to Future Crew, but porting a dos 'eurodemo' to Linux seems absurd. Besides, the whole idea is to show off the hardware; hard to do that when insulated from the hardware by the kernel!
  • Mesa doesn't really support hardware acceleration for OpenGL in a window under X. Yet. Yes, I know about the crufty Voodoo hack.
  • It may be too late for you to be interested in Unreal as a game, but the Unreal engine has been licensed for use in many games that are due out this year and next. Hammering out Linux support for Unreal now may convince these developers licensing the Unreal engine to include it in their games.
  • Thank you, that made me smile :-) Hurhurhur...
  • Why are there only FPS games being ported to Linux. Everyone, get your asses to and demand a Linux port.
  • I just wanted to say thank you to Epic for acknowledging the Linux community, and spending time on a port that will make alot of people very happy. My peers on /. have overlooked this, in their eagerness to start flame wars, denounce the quality of your games, etc, etc. I think that these things don't matter, I think what's important is that you are going to give us the port we've asked for for so long. I can only hope that in the future you'll repeat this with other games, and perhaps one day your fellow developers will follow the lead of Epic and id. Despite how it may appear from the other comments, your games are very welcome in the Linux community, and you will have my money as long as this becomes a trend. Once again, thank you!
  • Do you mean Mesa, or has Mesa been OpenGL certified?
  • I love playing net Unreal on my Winblows box. I'll happily shell out another $50 to play it on Linux. -AND- I'm excited about Q3A. I'll buy that too. IMHO, Epic has been very customer-focused. Admittedly, the initial release was pretty bad for net play, but they've released patch after patch and even new maps at zero cost to us.
  • You are you correct here.

    Its seems pretty obvious to me, if you arn't interested in this game, SHUT THE FUCK UP -- some people ARE interested in it and whining bitches who want game X ported are gonna ruin it for the rest of us.

  • by TryMe ( 15131 )
    This is should be fun
  • Umm... We aren't talking about the FC demo 'ere, We're talking about "Unreal" by "Epic MegaGames".

    Go look at [] to get a decent idea of what we're talking about.

  • The reason everyone is so happy about the heretic/hexen releases is because those games were fun. Unreal just plain sucked...
    Boring single player... fux3d deathmatch/networking...
    And don't even get me started on Halflife.. (yay! run around spraying sprites all over walls watching sprite explosions going off over sprites, sprites.. crap!)
    and it's spelt id all lowercase and until someone makes a game that compares to id quality then maybe they'll be held with reverence...
    but until then, its crap.
  • The game sucks. I mean, really.. lets look at it.. It's got good graphics, but because it's soo inefficient you need a P450/Voodoo2 SLI to play with out having any second doubts on the capability of your system and the lameness of the game. I wouldn't waste my time writing an email to Epic on how llama the game is just cause it'd deface the name llama. And despite what the sellouts at PC Gamer say, there aren't any current Quake killers. id is the only company yet to make a Quake killer.

    Off Topic.. it amuses me that Valve and whoever bothered with SiN could take such a great game and make it @$$.

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh
