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Games Entertainment

FF8 Teaser Movie 41

Simmons writes " Gaming Intelligence has some links to a small sampling (10mb) file of the CGI for the new FF8 movie, fairly amazing. No "Realistic" environments, but wow." Hopefully I'll have the other 6 megs before you guys attack the mirrors *grin*
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FF8 Teaser Movie

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  • Maybe it is just because I know they're CGI, but the people there didn't look quite right. They were a little plasticy IMHO, but excellent quality nonetheless. The deciding factor will be of course when I see someone actually moving (and not just the camera panning). Those blinks were quite realistic though!
    The real question is: Did the developers incorperate enough detail to make the people dynamic instead of wooden.
  • Posted by psychokid:

    Xenogears is (IMHO) the best game that Square has released to this date. Apperantly, it's release is quiet here in America, but it's pretty big stuff in Asia. None of the fracnchising weight that the FF series carries, but it's good stuff. They have cool characters plus Anime FMV clips in it.

    Even my local newspaper rated it as one of the best gifts (not just games)this last Christmas season. Too bad not enough people are into it
  • it's only a matter of time before, say,
    neuromancer can be made without a budget larger
    than the gnp of canada.

    hmm. aging actors? replace 'em with cgi.
    carrie fisher returns in star wars 7...


  • by jd ( 1658 )
    Why didn't they multicast it? It would have saved the net from a lot of stress, and probably reached more people. *Sigh* Such is the reluctance to use modern technology.

    p.s. Talking of modern technology, how many here heard about Fox's online store fiasco?

  • by jnik ( 1733 )
    Check out Summoner at Volition []. Looks really good, and I have high expectations--these are, of course, the people who did Descent and Freespace.
  • Now let's see...How long would it take to download 8/1000 of a bit---and how do you split bits anyway?

    Oh, he meant 10 Mb? Never mind...

  • Kind of an ironic name, "Final Fantasy", eh? ;) Actually, a Japanese-speaking friend of mine tells me that that's a poor translation; "Ultimate Fantasy" would be closer to the intent (but sound too much like "Ultima"). I still think it's funny.
  • The key word is "plot".

    No Mortal Kombat game or movie has ever had a plot. The second movie nearly put me to sleep.

    Final Fantasy DEFINES the word "plot". With it's epic storylines, it's tales of good vs. evil, this is one game series that I have never been disappointed with, no matter which platform. Most books don't have the deep level of character interaction that these games do, with the possible exception of Tolkien's writing or possible Asimov's Foundation series.

    Stunning musical scores and graphics that border on ART--- Square has always done a brilliant job with the games, and I have no doubt that the movie will surpass all game-->movie conversions that have ever been made.

    -- SG
  • Note, this is a snippit of FF:The Movie, not FF:8. Still pretty nifty though. There was a link to the Honolulu based development team a few days back right here on Slashdot..

    It's not _really_ a game -> movie crossover like Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter The Movie, other than that it'll probably have some of the notions of the game overview involved in it, but that's a fairly broad brush.
  • We need Sound, Now

  • Could someone please post some mirrors here? I'd mirror it, but the site is down for some reason or another ;-)

  • Could someone please post some mirrors here? I'd mirror it, but the site is loaded down for some reason or another ;-)

  • Could someone please post some mirrors here? I'd mirror it, but the site is loaded down for some reason or another ;-)
  • all i can say is WOW! i love it :)
    will this movie be entirely CGI?
    (i hope so)
  • Looks like Bioware beat the real Diablo II to the shelves, because BG is nothing but combat. In depth? My god, it's ... trite. There's nothing more to say than that. It's nothing but combat and town and dungeon crawls. Beautifully rendered scenery that is utterly not interactive. You can't even take a closer look at it like you could with Fallout2 (the smartass descriptions of stop signs and tables were worth it).

    Don't even get me started on the utter shallowness of the generic AD&D milieu it uses. Now I know there are creative and thoughtfully designed D&D campaign settings, even within Forgotten Realms, but BG is not one of them. Comes complete with the generic weapon shops, magic shops, and all those kobolds and hobgoblins you've seen in every single other module thrown together by a 13-year-old DM.

    Combat's kinda fun in BG, but as for roleplay? *snort* Even the narration is annoying. The presentation couldn't be any more flat, and it's not like I can't read ... though the intended audience for BG might not fare so well in that department.
  • Most people aren't on a multicast backbone, perhaps?
  • Got it mirrored here. It's in a dorm room in Iowa, so your mileage may vary. []
  • But I think I got the japanese version... (LANS are nice too;-))

    or some foreign version they arent speaking english....

    ohh so realistic......
  • I'm getting a bit tired of the FF hype machine. 7 was ok but a bit overrated and 8 will probably be the same. Its just getting a bit Old.

    When will someone come up with a new RPG franchise that really distinguishes itself?? Sooner then later I hope, its getting very Stale.
  • only got 170kB transfered before it crapped out.
  • I'll bite. What fiasco?
  • by seizer ( 16950 )
    this is all assuming that you *like* the idea of game --> movie conversions. like mortal kombat. eugh...
  • this is all assuming that you *like* the idea of game --> movie conversions. like mortal kombat. eugh... I for one will give that a miss... Interactivity every time thank you.
  • So what does the game Final Fantasy N have to do with the movie? Square is just leveraging the advertisement value of their games to achieve a good level of hype for a movie; its value has nothing to do with the games, unlike Mortal Kombat. The movie will succeed or fail on its own... First of all, the assumption is you have played the games, and understand that Square seems to be desparately trying to make interactive movies with its games... and is testing out new technology for its products, and a movie just happens to be one of them.

    Heck, they could have called it the SquareSoft movie, for all it has to do with Final Fantasy games...


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