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Games Entertainment

Independent Game Festival Finalists Announced 17

DavidR writes "Finalists for the first annual Independent Game Festival have been announced. All of the games were developed from the ground up with no financial support from publishers. The games were created by teams of ranging from high school students to veterans with 20 years of experience. Very cool. Check out the web-pages and playable demos--the big winners will be selected at the Game Developers Conference in March. "
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Independent Game Festival Finalists Announced

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  • ...the main page ought to be run through a spell-checker....

    - A.P.

    "One World, One Web, One Program" - Microsoft Promotional Ad

  • I don't know who has the best game design, but if they have a category for best name, the winner has got to be V.D.

    Suggested copy for box:
    "Navigate through the sloppy and dangerous world of V.D. Follow your loins and risk death or dysfunction! Follow the advice of Tinky Winky hater Jerry Falwell and risk boredom or even more dysfunction! The choice is yours!

    And watch for V.D. II: S.T.D!"

    (I amuse me.)
  • I _will_ fix the Linux port. I _am_ working on it. I just got it compiling with egcs (req'd gcc2.8 bfore, whatapain). Fixed Unix server (i think). Glide is next. Fire and Darkness! []
  • From their "Elgibility" page:

    Games must run on one of the following systems:

    DOS/Windows 95/98: Pentium-266MHz, 32MB RAM, 8X CD-ROM.

    Macintosh: PowerPC 180MHz, 32MB RAM, 8X CD-ROM, MacOS 8.0.

    Sony PlayStation

    Nintendo 64

    I guess that means if it's an Xlib based game, they don't really consider it a game.
  • IGF does say on their page that they are considering other operatings systems (ie Linux) as a possibility for next year, but that they think now almost everyone is Windoze.

    I note that two games will run on Linux anyway, BFRIS (which has been on /. before) and Fire and Darkness.

    And that's 2 finalists, out of only 15...I bet we'll see quite a few more supporting Linux in next year's contest.
  • wow, it's neat to be reading a web page for a game and notice that a fellow iCE Artist did the art for it... AND it's coming out for Linux.

    How novel :)
  • by chuck ( 477 )

    Imagine what Mom thinks when she hears her kid saying something like:

    ``I can't wait to get my hands on Boobies! Just a couple more weeks. And I'm also looking forward to V.D., which should be right around the corner.''

  • VD = Venerial Disease (willy rot)
    STD = Sexually Transmitted Disease

  • Check out Terminus. I've seen this a couple times, and its a pretty impressive game and concept.
  • Admittedly, I only clicked on about four or five of the finalists, but most of the ones I looked at (the ones that struck me as interesting) didn't actually have anything out there yet. One publisher had a notice about the festival, and an amusing story about racing to get a stable build to ship to the festival by the deadline.

    Now I enjoy "sneak previews" as much as the next guy, but shouldn't one of the entry requirements be that the game is available?
  • by syntax ( 2932 )
    yet another reason why I'm dieing to go to GDC... Unfortuanately you need to be 18+ to be admitted, which I'm missing by 2 weeks *pulls hair out* Shame, they have some real awesome tutorials this year. I still miss the good ole days of mode 13h though :)
  • I've never been to GDC, but E3 actually gave us special "underage exhibitor" passes.

    I doubt anyone at GDC will care. It's for insurance reasons, and that they don't want antsy 2-year olds.

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