First Playstation 2 Screenshots 133
Catgut sent us
a collection of early screenshots from the
playstation 2.
Another generation forward... remember intellivision?
Wow we've come a ways. Update: 03/02 07:28 by S :
RPGamer is reporting that the development OS for the
PSX2 will be Linux. That doesn't mean the PSX will run Linux
though, just that the tools will run on Linux.
/.'d (Score:1)
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YAMS: Yet Another Mirror Site (Score:1)
foobar [min.net]
Mirror Site! (Score:1)
Original (Score:1)
I know that I've spoken at times (sometimes raising eyebrows from Golgotha people) about how the stuff I'm trying to bring to the table will also play into '_my_ game ideas'. It sounds like I'm holding out on Golgotha, but the fact is, I have certain goals involving severely noncommercial games. I can't go into too much detail, call 'em hacker games or serious geek games, or check out Robotwar (dunno how many platforms it is, there is a Mac game of this name and there was an Apple II game of the same design). And I don't care if it's totally crazed and nobody will ever want to play it (as some marketroids would quite justifiably claim), I have been germinating ideas for such uncommercial exploits for a long time now, and am moving steadily closer to the reality of writing 'em.
Naturally, as soon as I'm technically able to release Linux binaries or to make it possible for better pure-coders to port the stuff I'm playing with, it'll be dedicated Linux games, in a very serious way. Until that time I gotta just soldier on with nothing but determination, but damn- I _so_ sympathize, I _so_ agree with this very bleak view of the creativity gap in the game industry. One thing about it, people are learning how to do lovely graphics- guess you gotta work on one thing at a time- the graphics are just marvellous, one day we'll have entertainment beyond just pretty pictures. Current gaming is very much like _cinematography_ as visual impact is increasingly important.
Yeah, probably.. (Score:1)
Nothing beats a console system for gaming. When you buy a console you're guarenteed that any games will work, regardless of how old it is. You don't need to upgrade, etc. Also, since console systems are usually plugged into a TV, and since the TV is usually in a convenient comfortable place, console systems have an edge over a computer, which is hideously ugly and sits on top of a desk, usually uncomfortably.
Yawwwwwn. (Score:1)
yes you are. Sorry!
Ignorant fool (Score:1)
Hmm...Sound is the easiest to handle as this
is well supported in the drivers which are
implemented in the kernel level.
The VGA/SVGA code as anyone who has followed the kernel development will know was consciously left out of this arena since well -- you don't need it to operate a system.
As for using X -- yes, that's one way -- but if you take a moment to look at the games actually available for Linux, you'll see that there are plenty that give graphics and don't use X -- most of these us the svgalib package...
So in hindsight--I just have to wonder, what lack of standard graphical interface are you talking about??
Official PSX 2 Tech Specs from Sony (Score:1)
there is no way that it wont be in this.
besides, it may be usefull for expansion and add ons and since they are on the origional firewire licence its probably not that expensive for them to put it in a consumer device like this
Music (Score:1)
I remember Pong (Score:1)
Pong didn't have much of a future, though, they were pretty much a one-trick pony.
When's this puppy coming out? (Score:1)
Huh? No way is this coming out by March 99, and probably not even by March 2000; there hasn't even been any news yet about third-party companies signing on to make games for it. I want this as bad as the next glassy-eyed joystick junkie, but I'd say that Christmas 2000 is a much more likely timeframe for it.
And what's this about "Sony has stated"? As far as I know, they haven't even acknowledged the existence of the thing yet, have they?
Will it have S-VIDEO out? (Score:1)
Timur "too sexy for my code" Tabi, timur@tabi.org, http://www.tabi.org
Sony FUD, Fact and Fiction? (Score:1)
PSX devkit reboots (Score:1)
You're getting off lightly. The PSX developers I know are having to reboot 4 or 5 times a day due to Windoze instability, and having to reinstall every month or so. And that's with official publisher supplied developer kits.
ha good idea. A 399# pc thats 100 times slower (Score:1)
Agreed! DEATH TO DIRECTX! (Score:1)
Will it have S-VIDEO out? (Score:1)
According to GameSpot [gamespot.com], Playstation 2 will also be "digital TV ready." Whatever that means.
Keith Russell
I remember Pong (Score:1)
An Old Fart
MarioKart64 baby! (Score:1)
Sony FUD, Fact and Fiction (Score:1)
I've been looking over some of the specs that have been released at the playstation-europe site in PDF format on the Playstation2. All in all, I'm sure it will be very impressive hardware.
1> Uses a graphic chip with integrated DRAM and Logic... Much like IBMs recent announcements this really does enhance performance. However, as the Graphics Processor (Graphics Synthesizer) only has 4MB of RAM, I think the 46GB/s internal bandwidth it's got ain't worth kaka.
2> Uses RAMBUS technology for the main CPU to achieve 4.3GB/s access to system RAM. That's pretty cool, and is a lot faster than my current system's PC100 RAM. However, keep in mind that I think Intel owns the company that designed RamBus, and several PC makers and CPU makers are adopting it for PCs.
So - yeah, they talk a good storm in terms of performance, and it really will be a good performer - but nowhere near the maximums and peak performances they are talking about. Yeah - it'll render 12 million polys/sec with z buffer, alphablending, and textures - if those polys only cover 48 pixels of screen area each - and all the data for them fits in that 4MB RAM of the graphics chip.... How many PC games even fit in that limit now - I think Unreal uses on the order of 200MBs of textures per level for texture maps, and light maps....
So yeah - it's a Sony FUD campaign.
- porter
Who cares? It's low-res! (Score:1)
Yeah but... (Score:1)
I still *have* SpaceWar O:) (Score:1)
TV resolution vs. monitor resolution (Score:1)
Turn on anti-aliasing. That is the only thing that a television display gets for free that a monitor doesn't.
Or take off your glasses to get the same effect for free
Playstation 2 vs. SGI (Score:1)
Put a playstation 2 next to an SGI box and prove this, if you want me to believe it.
An SGI box of equivalent cost, maybe...
The numbers coming out of Sony's marketing division are very overinflated. The screen shots prove otherwise, you say? Take a good look at them and figure out how many polygons you'd need in order to generate something that looks like that. Many, but not *that* many, by between one and two orders of magnitude (even at a decent frame rate).
I still *have* SpaceWar O:) (Score:1)
We must be talking about different "Spacewar" programs, then.
What program are you referring to?
Playstation 2 is faster? Show non-vapour, please. (Score:1)
The playstatoin is about 10 times faster then a 5,000 visual sgi workstation and only a little bit faster then a indy workstation.
Put these boxes beside each other and run them. To my knowledge, no real, production grade Playstation 2 exists. You can do wonderful things with demo hardware (I seem to recall a few Intel shennanigans in that regard...). This is vapour.
Its true that a $150 kids consule can outperform a $5,000 workstation. GO blame intel for those rediculously over engineered motherborads and [..]
Perhaps you weren't aware of this, but Intel does not make real workstations.
Real workstations are made by companies like Sun, Compaq, HP, and SGI, and are based on Sparc, Alpha, PA-RISC, and MIPS processors, respectively. Intel processors are garbage in workstation-land, and PPC processors aren't much better, I'm afraid. Likewise, real workstations and servers use well-designed motherboards and well-designed bus protocols. Never, ever confuse souped up desktop "workstations" with the real thing.
Now, go to www.spec.org and to the web sites of the manufacturers mentioned, and get specs on some real systems, please.
Oh, and FYI a real workstation costs about $50,000, not $5000.
adaptec for making scsi really expensive video card manufactors for over engineering their cards to make them 10 times as much and 5 times slower then what they could be.
The video cards that are put in PCs are about the same quality as the PCs themselves. For an example of a real video card, go to http://www.3dlabs.com and look at the high-end Oxygen boards.
I couldn't agree with Larry Elison more when he calls pc's mini mainframes.
Architecturally, they are very different. Functionally, they have very different strengths. The best thing to call a PC would be a poor man's workstation, and even that's stretching it. Please research for yourself what "mainframes", "servers", and "workstations" are before blindly believing what your favourite noteworthies tell you.
THink about how fast a mainframe can do graphics and compare that to todays pc's. hmmm they have something in common. Also isdn and scsi are all mainframe based technologies that suck. scsi is actually slower then eidi with non server single user loads. ITs true.
I believe that this demonstrates a complete lack of knowledge about what a graphics workstation is. Please look up the terms described above, and try again.
I still *have* SpaceWar O:) (Score:1)
Done. It's the same game, though my version is obviously a port of the original (it ran in monochrome CGA on an x86).
FF8 preview face again? (Score:1)
Wow, that would be impressive if the FF8 animation could be done on the PSX2.
Then again, it's a console. ehhh......
Never mind (Score:1)
Answer (Score:1)
2) widescreen - maybe
According to
" It will also be completely compatible with the HDTV standard, but games will run at a standard resolution of 640x480 out of the gate. It is unclear if the system will have built-in 16:9 modes for televisions with that aspect ratio, but since some PlayStation and N64 games include this feature, it's almost a definite. "
This is the *REAL* thing (Score:1)
They have screen shots, and people that went
to see the demos. Tekken was being played
real-time , and Grand Turismo (check out the screenshot) was ported and played real time.
FUD, Vaporware, and High Hopes.... (Score:1)
I don't care. I'm not going to change my life for a -GAME- system.
I've seen the Dreamcast. I've played on one extensively, and I have my own on order. Yes, it's a nice system, but the world didn't change when it was released.
How many of you are more "into" these 32bit games now, than say, when you bought your first 2600? I don't mean "more of a game fan" I mean "how much more absorbed are you into the game?" not a whole lot, when you think about it right?
I remember many a night huddled over my 2600, playing "battlezone" or "asteroids", seen the wrong side of dawn once too many from "Mario Brothers" or "excitebike" I didn't care that mario was a chincy little sprite, or that excitebike didn't have "real" motorcycle sounds, or a custom motorcycle handlebar controller with force feeback and vibrations.
I remember when games were played for the sake of enjoying the game, not how many polygons per second you could shove into your eyes...
I could care less if Linux is used for the development OS. That's called "Baiting a targeted audience" I dont' care if it could play games from the "old" playstation, sega cd, saturn, and dreamcast COMBINED. That's why I still have those systems. I'm not going to toss them out because I bought a new toy. I don't give a flying fig how many polygons per second you can display... Takes more than that to impress me.
You want to know what will get my interest? Original Ideas. I'll take 4 bit graphics and beep sound effects, if you give me a game that is original. I'm SICK AND TIRED of all these "street fighter" clones, racing clones, "final fantasy" rpg's, platform jumping clones and doom clones.. how many times can you "run down a corridor, if it moves, shoot it" before you get tired of it? How long until a "Game Shark" is created for it because 'Joe Gamer' wants the easy way out? (but -of course- nobody who reads
You want to know what I want Sony? How about a new idea.. instead of this "Let's stick with a known genre, it's safer than trying something original, the gamers will buy everything" decision paradigm that is stagnating the game industry.
Will I get a PSX2? maybe.. maybe not. I'm waiting until I see what's released before I decide. See what the console -really- is before I plonk my money down on it.
save this one under "probable vapourware" and let's see what turns up.
As always, this opinion is mine. Your opinion will vary, after all, you are not me. If you were me, you would be wondering where you put your coffee right now.
Ah yes... (Score:1)
Thank you sir, for your well thought out, poignant, and wistfully worded diatribe on my posted comment. Your elegance and skill with words has persuaded me to change my ways, and never post again! Amazing that you did it using only 4 letters and a punctuation! Such oratorial skill! I bow before your intellect kind sir, I shal run off and ask that my original comment be stricken from the record, and my posting priveledges perpetually revoked! A pox on me!
It is replies like these, that make me wonder why I don't have my threshold permanently set >0.
Intellivision -> PlayStation (Score:1)
Yeah, from playable fun games to high-speed razzle dazzle which require a help book so you can have any hopes of beating the game. And, er, "beating the game"!?!? I just want to play a game. What's so wrong with that?
Give me my comfortable disc controller anyday. . .
-Augie, cranky at 22 yrs. 364 days
mirror (Score:1)
smells like sony FUD to me (Score:1)
VIDEO OF THE PSX2!!!! (Score:1)
they look damn good!
still, like i said before, i'm not gonna believe it until i see a PS2 connected to the display that's outputting these movies. They could've been rendered on "special development version" PS2's for all we know. After a while you learn not to bite the bait too quickly. I still recall Intel demonstrating bogus high-speed Pentium Pro's a few years back... they were in special refrigeration units under a table!!!
Who cares? It's low-res! (Score:1)
YEAH! Whatever happened to the good sidescrollers? (Score:1)
I'll ask again (Score:1)
Yawwwwwn. (Score:1)
Am I the only one that sees console gaming slowly riding off into the sunset, in the face of today's $399 PCs?
John Riney III
Not quite. (Score:1)
Speaking only about the console I have any experience with(the n64), I have yet to find a game that are even close to being as entertaining as the majority of titles on the PC. Some friends and I tried last weekend to play 007 multiplayer. After spending 45 minutes piddling with the awful controllers, the microscopic screen area, and the wonderful framerate that would dip everytime somebody fired a weapon, we brought the game back and got Mario Cart. At least that's somewhat playable. I guess we're all spoiled from playing weekly LAN games of Quake and Shogo.
When you buy a console you're guarenteed that any games will work, regardless of how old it is.
I can play Kroz(Apogee's ancient clone of Zork), Scorched Earth, F117a Stealth Fighter, Wolfenstein, Heretic, etc, etc, etc, on my brand new PC. What does that prove?
I suppose consoles are fine, as long as you don't mind forcing yourself into obsolence. Your only hope of extending the functionality of the box is through manufacturer-approved upgrades- rumble paks, memory cards, extra controllers - that are only add-ons. Once the next better console comes out, the only option is to plunk! - throw it away. Wasteful.
Another scenario: The SegSonyTendoVisionPro 2000(tm) is about to come out. All the game mags promote it-gorgeous screenshots come out-promises of massive developer support are made. The console comes out, and everybody buys one. Oddly though, the promised flood of games at rollout is only a trickle of 5-10...most are new revs of older stuff. More promises are made, deadlines slip, developer support falls apart - and you're stuck with a $250 paperweight. Oops. Now what? It happened to me and a couple hundred thousand other people with Atari's last gasp(Jaguar).
Anyway, thank God we live in a free country so opinionated buttheads like me can freely spout.
John Riney III
Its only good if it has linux, yeah right. (Score:1)
John Riney III
Amen, brother (Score:1)
John Riney III
VGS 2? (Score:1)
Whatever (Score:1)
If you can not see the difference between the two, or its value, then I think you are either horribly naive.
Rather than seeing the console riding off into the sunset in the face of $399/pcs, I see the low end of the PC market, or at least the bulk of it, going to multifunction computing appliances which provide some combination of game console, Internet access, DVD player, Satelite/Digital Cable decoder and perhaps even video recorder functionality.
There is a great deal of overlap in the componentry needed for each of these tasks.
A game console will likely support DVD media.
The graphics subsystem of a console will likely support DVD decoding.
DVD decoding has a lot in common with Digital TV decoding.
Support for Internet access makes sense in a game console anyway, if only for gaming and support for web browsing and e-mail isn't particularly demanding.
These will be supplimented by various mobile computing devices and various home server devices.
There will still be a place for general purpose computing, and it is inevitable that prices will continue to drop in this space.
Official PSX 2 Tech Specs from Sony (Score:1)
Sony just wants to keep their options open for future use. Perhaps removeable media, or linking 2 PSX2k together, or something else remarkably brilliant.
It is already more than a games console; its a full entertainment center, what with PSX support, PSX2k support, DVD playback, CD playback, and quite possibly 3d sound and AC3 digital dolby surround sound...
Doubtful (Score:1)
FUD, Vaporware, and High Hopes.... (Score:1)
Sony would be losing a lot of money if they didn't follow up their commanding presence of the PSX with a PSX2, so its more probable than vapor, I think... It's like calling the Merced probabale vaporware, or Win2k probably vaporware...
I'm not interested in original ideas; I just want the system so I can play my FFVIII, my FFVII, my anime DVD collection, my Metal Gear Solid, my Parasite Eve, and maybe even Square's new racing game...
What's there to be impressed about? I'm already impressed with FFVIII on a current generation PSX; It will be nice to see what magic Square and Sony can cook up with the new power of the PSX2k, what with DVD as well(Whee! Single disc games again, well, at least for a month or two...)
Games? (Score:1)
It even explictly mentions backwards compatibility for the PS collection of games for the PS2k, as well as DVD support, and Linux development OS...
Official PSX 2 Tech Specs from Sony (Score:1)
I've heard it called PlayStation2000 in earlier posts...
If Sony has officially called it Playstation2, then yeah, PSX2...
FUD, Vaporware, and High Hopes.... (Score:1)
Hey, FFVIII, FFVII and Parasite Eve are fun! If the PSX2 didn't have backwards compatability, I doubt I would buy one, unless FFIX comes out for it.
I never said anything about looks being why I played or liked the games. They are really nice bonuses, but its the games first. So it seems we don't agree on the same games. You value innovation, whatever that is. Can you quantify it? Or is it just 'whatever isn't popular right now'? If the FF series of games were all text based, I would still enjoy them.
Otherwise why would I bother to buy books and read?
Hello? (Score:1)
I suppose consoles are fine, as long as you don't mind forcing yourself into obsolence.
Well, the PSX has actually been out for a long time now, buying it when it was brand spanking new would have let you play games for a good solid 3 or 4 years... As opposed to the PC's upgrade cycle of new hardware requirements every 13 or so months... So less investment and greater returns, at least with the well thought investment in a PSX...
Another issues is that the PSX2 is backwards compatible with the PSX, so upon release it will have the largest game library available of all game systems, except perhaps for the GameBoy series. I'm really sorry that you lost so on the Jaguar, but such criticism can't really be placed on Sony's PSX. Not only does it extend the life of all your old games, but it makes it painless to contemplate buying because of the plethora of released games for the new system.
The real argument I think is whether there are any games you want to play on said system. Don't buy because of specs, because of hype, because of marketing(If you do, then you end up buying things like Jaguar, without any game support), but because there are games you want to play. Because of Xenogears, or Gran Turismo, or Castlevania:Symphony of the Night, or MegaMan X4, or Bust-a-Groove.
It would be silly otherwise, no?
Yawwwwwn. (Score:1)
but for those of us who have seen multiplayer games... why would you want to do anything else???
Who cares? It's low-res! (Score:1)
U.S. ZDNet info about PSX2 (Score:1)
Intellivision (Score:1)
blue sky rangers [webcom.com]
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i see potential... (Score:1)
FF8 preview face again? (Score:1)
Could these be fake, with the PSX2 image being "borrowed" from FF8?
Playstation 2 to use LINUX OS (Score:1)
According to The Japanese site Gamespot it has been reported that the PlayStation 2 will use the operating environment of Linux for development! As Linux prepares to host its first huge convention this week at Linux World, this is huge news and pits Dreamcast with Windows against PlayStation with Linux. Gamespot also revealed that the specs for the CPU have been bumped up from the 250Mhz announced at the IEEE conference to 300Mhz. PSX Nation will have much more tomorrow and throughout the week
Forget Linux, I just want a JVM. (Score:1)
Damn you nintendo for "making" buy that piece of shit N64(a cdrom is all that was needed and Sony playstation would be dead you fools).
Someone missed the point (Score:1)
And who gives a rats bum if PAL is better than NTSC, even if it is. HDTV will and is here and if you read the comments from the Sony dudes, they plan to support it.
The final spec is boasting a 60 million+ polygon rate and a 14 million+ 3D polygon fill rate at a full 25fps. This said, and judging by the pictures will give close-to-life-like real-time pictures, scenes, characters, you name it.
Remember back in '93 when this great invention, 'Virtual Reality' was released? It looked shit, played shit, and cost a fortune. VR ran at a mere 1 million polys and a 1/4 of that fill at less than 15fps.
What Sony aim to deliver, is a fantastic, full featured product at the consumer level, and hopefully at a consumer price. Whichever, It will not replace the PC, (ever tried to so much write a letter on a console let alone program a CAD/CAM process), and I'll still have both.
- Dan.
oh my god... (Score:1)
Mirror Site? (Score:1)
Will it have S-VIDEO out? (Score:1)