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Games Entertainment

3D Portable Gaming Machine from Nintendo? 30

dwlt sent us linkage to an FGN article which says that Nintendo is rumored to be working on a portable besides the game boy. Apparantly Miyamoto was yapping about working on games for it. Apparently it has 3d capabilities and stuff. Sharp looking page too.
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3D Portable Gaming Machine from Nintendo?

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    FGN is a professional looking page, but that is where it ends. They have shown no integrity in the past and it seems they will post anything to get attention.

    A few weeks ago, they posted about 10 news stories on the Sega Avatar, the followup to Dreamcast that will push more polys than PS2. When these stories turned out to be untrue, they simply removed them without any remark.

    Take everything you read there with a grain of salt.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    >I mean SNK is still tryin to pawn off those games in the arcades with their now-crappy graphics and gameplay


    I couldn't let this one slide.

    The gameplay in SNK's King of the Fighters [i.am] is the best gameplay that can be experienced in a fighting game to date.


    For example: Can you avoid projectiles in Street Fighter Alpha 3 ?

    Answer: Yes. However projectile aversion is extremely limited...

    Your options in SFA3:
    1. Jump.
    2. Block ( not really aversion)
    3. Super Technique ( Some characters the rest are SOL.)
    4. Counter with another projectile.

    Your options in K.O.F.98:
    1. Short Jump.
    2. Long Jump.
    3. Super Technique.
    4. Dodge (in Extra Mode) or Roll (Advanced Mode)
    5. Counter with another projectile
    6. Block -->Counter Attack.
    7. Block -->Roll

    The point of this list is to illustrate that your options for attack/counter-attack in KOF98 are infact massive when compared to SFA3, making KOF a true game of skill, instead of relying only on attrition as in Street Fighter Alpha 3.

    >First, its a "24-bit" system...i think i remember it having one 16bit processor and one 8 bit processor ... the carts were HUGE ... AND cost about 150 to 200 bucks.

    True. However, and this is just an opinion, is that the some of things that SNK does with an 8-year old system still leave me breathless. Superior game design..end of story. I'm not only a neo-geo advocate... I'm also a client. I have one, and it was the best 200 bucks I ever spent on a system. Yes, even the playstation.

    Also, did you know that King of Fighters 97 was in the fighing games top ten in Japan for about 20 weeks ? It beat the pants off of :

    1. Street Fighter III
    2. Marvel vs. Capcom.
    3. Virtua Fighter.

    >This is pretty much a 3d gaming world >now...time for the NeoGeo to go awaaaaaaay

    Nope. Superior game design makes a superior game.

    No matter how many Mortal Kombat clones get released.

  • Posted by NBrazil:

    The best way to pick up discontinued systems is to make friends with the manager of your local Blockbuster. When they dumped Virtual Boy rentals those units (in carrying case with AC adaptor) went for $20. A really nice package. I bought about a dozen and used most of them as gifts.
    The VB had two major flaws: high introductory price and no AAA title at launch. You can get away with one big mistake during a product launch but not two. If it had shipped with Wario in the box it could have enough to define a decent niche market. If it had launched at $125 instead of $200 curiousity would been sufficient to get a good installed base started. Too bad, such is history.
  • Posted by NBrazil:

    I agree that the graphics were not a fatal flaw but it did place severe limits on the potential market. Then there's the issue of having millions of people staring into a flashing red display. At the first E3 where the VB was publicly shown I asked some Nintendo execs if any of them had ever seen 'The Andromeda Strain.' Most of them were baffled by this but one soon acquired a horrified expression.
  • Posted by NBrazil:

    Untrue. There were only two or three articles and an article detailing the error was posted. This is hardly the place to point fingers at those who occasionally get taken in by overgrown rumors.

    Actually, there is an element of truth to that rumor. Sega is trying to get developers to approach Dreancast as a software API (DirectX) rather than a hunk of hardware. They want to be able to release new versions with upgraded, incompatible chips while still running everything written for the first version of the console. Yes, I know, it's the incredibly evil Microsoft providing the API. Get over it.
  • 3D sterioscopic like the Virtual Boy, but in color?

    Maybe they will be using that new 3D flat panel technology that doesn't require glasses? [slashdot.org]

    Of course, they might just mean that it will do "3D graphics" in the same way that the N64 does "3D graphics"
  • Those were vaugly cool at the time (like 8 years ago) but are just totally lame now. First, its a "24-bit" system...i think i remember it having one 16bit processor and one 8 bit processor ... the carts were HUGE ... AND cost about 150 to 200 bucks ... the game selection became fairly bad after a while, with about 3000 fighting game clones. I mean SNK is still tryin to pawn off those games in the arcades with their now-crappy graphics and gameplay and rehashe of once-great games like Samurai Showdown. This is pretty much a 3d gaming world now...time for the NeoGeo to go awaaaaaaay
  • Check out my webpage. I have a lot of emulation stuff on there. My personal favorite GameBoy emulator is DBoy. You can find the link in the "emulation" section of my page...
  • There's countless Gameboy emulators. See Dave's Videogame Classics [davesclassics.com] for downloadables.

    I dunno how you go about copying the ROMs onto your computer... although chances are someone's already done it for you. Of course, you only download rom images of games you already own... Of course... of course...
  • "vaguely cool at the time", huh? There's a 5 game NeoGeo cabinet in one of our local pubs, and I just had to drag my gf out to see it...

    The thing about the home Neo Geo was that it was *exactly* the same hardware as was in the coin ops. And the coin ops were pretty powerful for the time. Because all the operators had to do to change games was swap a cart around, they were very popular.

    SNK beat 'em ups are well thought of by the 2D beat 'em up crowd -- games like Samurai Showdown, World Heroes, King of Fighters all compare very well with the likes of Street Fighter II.

    Now that most gaming hardware is built pretty much exclusively for 3D performance, the NeoGeo *still* does a sterling job with 2D sprites (thanks to those big carts with their stupidly large memory capacity, plus sprite-centric video hardware).
    NeoGeo games are still being made.

    ... and let's face it, sometimes (not always) 3D gets in the way of gameplay ... (tetrisphere, anyone)

    That said, the NeoGeo 64 exists, and is built for 3D (Samurai Spirit 64 runs on it). And the NeoGeo pocket (which started this off) shares nothing but a name with the original NeoGeo.

  • I recently heard a rumor that Nintendo was considering a handheld system that doubled as a controller for their next console system. While strange, this could be a neat concept.

    As for Gameboy, I'm very impressed with its longevity. I certainly hope that Nintendo's new system--assuming the article is correct--gets as many games written for it. Its time to take Gameboy out to greener pastures (and I don't mean GameboyColor).

    3D--not as in glasses--not as in Duke Nukem--as in polygon graphics

  • Those were vaugly cool at the time (like 8 years ago) but are just totally lame now. First, its a "24-bit" system...i think i remember it having one 16bit processor and one 8 bit processor ... the carts were HUGE ...

    You speak as though later hardware automatically translated to better gameplay. Yet I'll bet you that every now and then you still curl up with a good game of Tetris, which runs on anything made in the last fifteen or so years.

    AND cost about 150 to 200 bucks ...

    OK, you got me here. The next time people say Macs are grossly overpriced, I'll point them to the Neo-Geo, a real example of overpriced hardware.

    the game selection became fairly bad after a while, with about 3000 fighting game clones.

    And a surprisingly large selection of others. Yes, the fighting games were what you see in the arcades, and that's for one reason and one reason alone: fighting games are popular in arcades. That's why you see them there. Look at a home system and you'll see much better selections.

    I mean SNK is still tryin to pawn off those games in the arcades with their now-crappy graphics and gameplay and rehashes of once-great games like Samurai Showdown.

    One: Last I checked the Neo-Geo still had very good graphics, except for a couple of games whose graphics were never considered great by any standard.
    Two: Yeah, 'rehashes' of Samurai Showdown. And you say that 'rehashes' are automatically bad, yet I'll bet you play Tekken III and other such sequels all the time.

    This is pretty much a 3d gaming world now...time for the NeoGeo to go awaaaaaaay

    You speak as someone with a really bad case of LAGS (Latest-And-Greatest Syndrome). Most of the games I see in the arcades anymore, especially in the 3-D category, have near-zero replay value, bad storylines that just don't get you into the game, and (in the case of almost every 3-D fighter I've ever seen) absolutely atrocious play control. Superior hardware does not make superior games; on the contrary; it creates an attitude where gameplay is seen as secondary to flashy effects and hyper-l33t 3eph3kt$.
  • It wasn't the red graphics or the headset concept that really killed the VB, in my opinion. It was the stupidly (in terms of something that would be considered a "portable") high list price for the system that made it stillborn. I didn't buy one until they were on the clearance shelves for a (finally) decent asking price.

    Some of the VB games were actually really damned cool and made good use of the 3D effect. By the way, of all the VB games I've seen, only *one* uses wireframe graphics.

    Please excuse my Sparc IPX from messing up the Subject line (again) :)
  • That was a fun system. All the games were
    in Japanese unfortunately, but the 3D rendering,
    was pretty clean. where can you get one for $5?
    they were neat.

  • Boy, it's was a tiger system that had a head mount display.. I didn't find it that impressive...
  • Didn't nintendo already do this a few years back? it sucked then, it'll suck now.
  • The NeoGeo Pocket Color (released a couple months after the Neo Pocket...) has a TFT screen that puts the Color Gameboy to shame. Plus it is tiny, and runs forever. I doubt this will be making it to the US, and SNK has pretty much given up on anything but the arcade market here. It's big downside now is the lack of games.
  • Quake II in the palm of my hand? Fighting a deathmatch against other people on the bus with a laplink? These are the noble goals of technology.

    I daresay we're gonna get Quake-quality graphics from a 3D Gameboy. I mean, heck. Took Nintendo long enough to come out with a color handheld (and even then I'm not so sure of the whole thing). If we're lucky, we'll see some DOOM-like games in the handheld first. Still, the prospect of deathmatching on a bus isn't all -that- bad...
  • Yeah I think this rumour is true its conna be a bit like the pocket playstation thing where you plug it into the memory slot and can save games and play them , its a bit like a tamagotchi but flexible.

    In Japan its about $17

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