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Games Entertainment

The Mushroom 24

Samael sent us a link to The Mushroom which sorta looks like The Onion but with a Video Game focus. Stories include FF7 charachters potion overdoses and Lara Croft's coming out. Nowhere near the quality of its inspiration, but hey its saturday, and I'm procrastinating on writing real code and its amusing.
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The Mushroom

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    I wasn't impressed by the site.. if you're looking for videogame humor, you might want to try National Game Review [nationalgamereview.com].

  • Isn't this post a month or two ago?

  • Okay, it seems like the Onion with a slightly more nerd-oriented approach. It's funny, but they're just asking for legal trouble -- their front page is a pretty obvious rip-off of the Onion's.

    Besides, if you're going to put that much work into something, why not make it look unique?


  • the User Friendly parody is humorous. I love how they keep throwing in "Linux" and "FreeBSD" everywhere on unrelated issues...it reminds me of certain people here =)
  • by gavinhall ( 33 )
    Posted by The Mongolian Barbecue:

    Man that site is lame. And did you see all the links? A collection of tasteless unoriginal trash. Like the dilbert hole, only worse...
  • Maybe that's why it's called The Mushroom. Mushroom, Super Mario Bros...

    Yeah, NGR is cool, but if you want REALLY evil game-related commentary, try Old Man Murray [oldmanmurray.com].

    They're the official game site of the U.S. Postal Service! Really!


  • For a loyal Onion fan such as myself, it's sites like this that make me want to vomit. At first I was irked that they stole the Onion's site design, but after reading a few of their stories I became far more sympathetic, suddenly realizing that they have neither the talent nor creativity to come up with something, anything, original. You'll note the site's ads, which are even more liberally dispersed on the pages than on the Onion. I give these greedy hacks a week before they go public.
  • As previously noted, this is essentially a copy of theonion except that it uses video game related stories, the basic color is different, and the stories aren't as funny as the ones in theonion. Ahhh, there is nothing like "open source" web pages.

    On a related note, I recently bought a copy of theonion's "This Stupid Century"; this book is composed of fake front pages from "The Onion" newspaper. Do not read through this book at your local bookstore as you'll then look like an idiot just like me. Strange ppl will stare at you as you stand there laughing to yourself. Buy the book and take it home! It really helps if you know and appreciate key events in 20th century history and culture. For instance, do you find this headline to be funny? "Al Jolson Mistakenly Lynched by the KKK."
  • Hehe,

    I really liked that a lot. Man could almost hear those words in my head. I've been playing kingpin for some time now.. The 100 mb demo is sure worth the download. Love the AI, babes (ewrm hoes) and the dudes (um buddies and fsckers) who hang around corners and beat the shit out of you if you mess with them.. that's uless you happen to have a dollar on you and buy their friendship..

    Good game.. where is the linux binary?

    PS: the models are much cooler than any q2 engine based game (mode details and so on.. babes have clevage, not to mention herion syring marks). Good game. draws you in more than half-life IMHO. and worthy of a linux port (dont you love games that say fuck every other min -- characters talk)
  • Isn't this post a month or two ago?

    I don't know about the post, but The Mushroom has been around for several months. The only thing I've found to be funny about it are the interviews..

  • \broken_record{ This was memepooled [memepool.com] on April 4th.} -peter
  • This was too funny! They need one like this for the warez and wannabe hacking community.
  • This isn't a new site, been around for a while. No where near as good as The Onion, even through they clearly try to be like them. Sometimes it's reasonably funny since it's about games, but not v very often.
  • The book's called "Our Dumb Century" and it is indeed hilarious! Support The Onion! Buy this book (ISBN: 0-609-80461-8)!
  • Heh, maybe that study was right after all...

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