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Quake First Person Shooters (Games)

Q3Test 1.05 for Linux released 166

Jacek Fedorynski writes "New Linux version of Q3Test has just been released. Here is the list of mirrors. " You know the drill-go get 'em.
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Q3Test 1.05 for Linux released

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    q3test win32 is available at but expect it to be mirrored soon.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    If you want to get Q3test running on a G200 card
    you'll have to muck in with the driver effort. They've only really just started work on the driver so it's a bit of work to get it running, and even then it's too choppy to be playable (up to 10 or so FPS, but only 5 or so in busier places which is what counts).

    If you want to actually play Q3test under linux you'll probably want a Voodoo card.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I just saw it on! Just appeared five minutes ago!

    I saw it here 32/q3test_1_05.exe []

    But, better to find a mirror. is crawling like a snail!

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Well if you can't beat us, join us. Surely you can spare some partition space for linux and Q3test.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 10, 1999 @07:39PM (#1898556)
    Geez, why waste bandwidth, just get the patch, you losers.

    [ Suddenly, Anonymouse Coward notices that this article is about Q3A, not the kernel. ]

    Oh. Never mind.

    [ Anonymous Coward covers his head in shame and embarrassment. He does wish there was a bzip2 version though. ]
  • i dont have a 3Dfx and i dont want one, what can i do! :(

  • Here [] points to a revolving (revolting?) DNS that'll send to one of five well connected sites serving Q3Atest, for all OS's availible
  • by ryder ( 111 ) on Monday May 10, 1999 @04:31PM (#1898559)
    The win32 version is supposedly going to be released around midnight CST.
  • That shouldn't work, quake 1/2 (and I'm assuming 3test) mmap the sound device go with esddsp. I've actually emailed zoid about getting esound support put into quake, but I got no response...I guess when they release the source we'll esd-ify it :-)
    Debian GNU/Linux -
  • Someone (Zoid?) said in their plan the new version is a lot quicker, and I agree. For the first test I felt like I was fighting my mouse the whole time to get my view to move even on fastest rendering, and now even with some nice options on it's better.
  • The voodoo3 works in 2d, no 3d accel _yet_ but they're working it.
  • Hehe, could Q3 cause a mass migration (even if only temporary) to Linux? Even a temp migration would be good as it would whet the appetites of the more adventurous Win users. As in: hey, no bsod, Q3 runs nicely if I have the right hardware(a distinct problem, I admit) and hmm, this Linux ain't so bad.

    You never know, Q3 could be a turning point for the general acceptance of Linux.

  • Well, you stuffed up the alternate ending to the saying (you didn't destroy all evidence of the attempt), but you've actually done quite well. Heck, even a unix guru would have problems getting X running properly on PC h/w, especially using alpha(?) drivers.

    I would like to suggest not giving up entirely. ie grab the W32 version for now, but keep trying with Linux. You just might find it worth the effort (I did, but I still can't play Q3: a 486-66 and ET4000 just doesn't cut it).

  • Hey, cool. No, I have no idea how many questions, but it's good to hear (maybe not for you, my sympathies).

    As to the sound cards, which ones? ALSA seems to support several, but I don't know enough about these things (though my sb128pci goes nicely, oh the joys of a tripple bus 486 (asus), 4 isa, 1 vesa, 3 pci).

  • Have you tried lynx? It comes with RH and could save you alot of time. It's a textmode browser (ie text only, but I beleive you can set it up to use zgv to view images) that saved me pulling my hair out when I was setting up linux, especially when setting up X.
  • Hehe, I've got a 386-33 w 16M acting as my firewall at home (redundant at the moment, as I use work as my ISP and I'm behind their firewall as well). I suppose I could grap q3test and run it on my 386, piping the output to my 486. That ought to slow things down enough :)
  • Suspected as much (ie totally unsupported cards). As I said, h/w would be the only thing really slowing down a Linux migration. Pitty. the time I can get a new machine (with a lot of luck, next month (fingers and toes crossed)), the Matrox G200 might be in beta or even released (doubt the latter), and I've already got a sb128 in preparation.
  • to pipe the display back to the other box.
  • Unfortunatly, bzip2 doesn't always work that well with binaries. I get .bz2's slightly bigger (5-10%) than .gz's often enough that I've given up bzip2ing binaries.
  • Yep. I've been playing on a SMP p200 with a voodoo1 and it's decently playable, maybe 25-30 FPS. Granted, I have everything set on "fastest rendering" and play at 512x384, but it's good enough to rule the local Q3T server :)

    On the other hand, that could be because I'm two 100baseT switches away from the server and am reported as having a 0 ping playing against people off the internet through a saturated 12 megabit line all pinging _at least_ 100 - 200 ;-)

    If your FPS is above 20, you'll be OK. For your p233, I'd actually suggest just getting a cheap voodoo1, the voodoo2 will processor bottleneck long before it will fill-rate bottleneck... Lots of unused rendering power. Same problem with a voodoo1 on a pentium, for that matter ;)
  • Posted by Bluskye:

    Can someone help, i installed the rpm for q3test, and the glide drivers for my Voodoo2. when i run ./linuxquake, it looks for Opengl drivers and such that i don't have. What am i doing wrong and do i need if any more files?
  • Posted by stodge:

    Bored already. Next......
  • I think you should mention ZipSlack... Installs as UMSDOS, so no reformatting or anything required, and Linux lives in (for example) C:\LINUX.

    See []. (Although it seems to be down at the moment. :-P )

  • There is a book, I forget the name, that has all kinds of pretty pictures, and talks about how to use Linux that ANY windows user should be able to understand (has more pictures, and GUI discriptions than it does words).

    I saw it in the bookstore last week, i can't remember the name of it, but it includes Caldera, and it's only about 1/2" thick, 10"x10"????

    I remember thinking "I should get this for my mom..." Anyone know what it is?

  • 3dfx Interactive: Voodoo 2 Linux Reference Drivers []

    Mind you, these are the reference drivers, so you might like to check with the manufacturer of your graphics card. I know they seem to work with Quake2 and and STB Voodoo2.
  • Anybody have any news about the Riva TNT support for Q3 under Linux? All I've heard is that there should be support by the time that the TNT2 or Q3 is released. TNT2 is already shipping. I guess I'll just have to wait and play under NT :(

  • I often use Lynx because it's so fast. Obviously in the world of frames and other flashy HTML it can be tricky rendering in text mode. But it does a good job.
  • From what I've heard, ID Software released on non-win32 platforms first. Why? By targeting a platform (Mac and then Linux and finally Win32) with a smaller targer audience they won't get so many duplicated bug reports on the core cross-platform code. It saves them time and effort filtering and logging bugs.
  • by Malc ( 1751 )
    Maybe you've got one of those crappy software-based WinModems (a cheap alternative to real modems where the manufacturer doesn't provide all of the functionality in the hardware... very, very common). If you have, forget it... or buy a real modem.

    Typical problems I've had are with a PnP modem without a PnP motherboard, resolved by IsaPnpTools. Other than that all I've ever had to do was symlink /dev/modem to the correct serial port and then test to see if I can talk to the modem with minicom.
  • by Malc ( 1751 ) on Monday May 10, 1999 @05:25PM (#1898581)
    Welcome to id Software's Finger Service V1.5!

    Name: Graeme Devine
    Description: Some Guy
    Last Updated: 05/10/1999 17:54:06 (Central Standard Time)
    -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------


    You must completely nuke your old Q3TEST install before installing the update.
    The config files from the old build are BAD voodoo.

    You can also type "exec democycle" to watch a bunch of id people play the map.


    Q3Test 1.05 is DONE!

    New Linux/Mac versions are going up right now, and we're finishing up the installer
    for the Win32 version.

    If all goes well, the Win32 version will follow in a few hours (few == six or so).
  • by Malc ( 1751 ) on Monday May 10, 1999 @05:46PM (#1898582)

    From what I've heard, ID Software deliberately released on non-win32 platforms first. Why? By targeting a platform (Mac and then Linux and finally Win32) with a smaller targer audience they won't get so many duplicated bug reports on the core cross-platform code. It saves them time and effort filtering and logging bugs.

  • I have RH 6.0 working beautifully with a Matrox G200. I did an "Upgrade" install over 5.2, but a real install might work better. I couldn't get the real install to work (and no I'm not a Unix newbie either). 5.2 works well with a G200 but you need to get the X updates (mini gripe... the FTP installer should give the option of grabbing updates if available).

    I got the Quake to work briefly but I realized that I wasn't using GLX, but software only Mesa. Since then I haven't been able to get it to work at all, or any GLU stuff for that matter, although the X server does recognize the GLX extension at startup.

    In case you haven't run across it, a good page for getting Quake3 to run with Matrox is at nce/projects/g200.html []. And for those that want more G200 info, see pperda_engr/glx/matrox_stat.html []. As I have noted, it hasn't worked for me yet, but it's progressing pretty well.

    As an aside. Redhat 6.0 is a great upgrade for those of you running 5.2. The 2.2.5 kernel and glibc 2.1 make a noticable difference in speed, (and apparently make Netscape more stable, but this could be a mirage). It's nice to see that a company can issue an upgrade that performs better than the original. Thanks to all the hackers in and out of Redhat that made it happen. (And no, before you flame me, I haven't tried Debian yet, but I've got an empty partition just waiting for it.)

  • To restate the sentiments of those who posted above me, THANK YOU!, and "you truly are the Man!"
  • No, keep it on the mirror and install, upgrade and install new packages over the net. That means no fiddling with CD's or waste of diskspace and quick, automatic upgrades and fixes.
  • Part of the problem is that you're using alpha drivers to try this thing out on your machine- on top of Red Hat's odd system setup. If you don't put the server, etc. in the right place, it's not going to even come close to working right. And the link to the X server that works is different for when you use xdm versus startx under Red Hat 5.2 (Which is a gripe I had when I tried to get my SiS I've got to work.)
  • by Svartalf ( 2997 )
    Unless you like playing a game at 1-3 seconds per frame... :->

    Seriously, there's people working to make other display adapters work with this- it's just that you may have to wait until it ships before you can use something other than a Voodoo/Voodoo2 based adapter. Got any programming skills and a G200 or SiS 6326 based adapter? Join in on the fun and help us make this happen!
  • I'd set it up on this little overclocked 486-66 (to 80) machine I've got sitting over in the corner collecting dust... ;->
  • Uh, I think I could "scare" up one somewhere in my piles of old crap lying about. Only, I don't want to put the effort into scraping up that much RAM in 30-pin SIMMs.
  • It proved immensely helpful and functional when I was trying to find out why the smeg that my SiS wasn't working worth a flip under the SVGA X server.
  • Interesting suggestion... Guess I'll pull it down from off the 'net and make a CD to play with...
  • If you pull that off, it'd be up there in the annals of perverse computing (not unlike the TTYQuake mods... ;-)
  • This is the engine test version of Quake 3:Arena from Id Software. No, it's not a demo. It's a very ROUGH cut of the engine and some frameworks to get a feel for the playability of the game and to do a little showing off of Id's abilitites. If you've got a hot machine, have a 3DfX based display accelerator in your machine (or something suitably OpenGL supporting, more appropriately) you might be interested if you like things Quake...
  • Tried with a PII 350 + 192Mb + Voodoo2
    CPU usage was between 45% and 60% most of the time, with peaks at 100% when entering rooms/enabling new visual effects (like "quake power" effect).
    q3 also used 85Mb during play, so it may be playable with a voodoo2 and enough ram on your box.
  • Nvidia is crap. I dunno why I bought the Diamond Viper. Think I should sell it on eBay or something.

  • simple, run "esdctl off" and "esdctl on" after you exited the game.
  • I'll have a mirror up at []. I'll up the user limit from 100 to 200 for the hell of it too. At the moment I have it about 50% downloaded.
  • yeah, it took a while for me to get that. luckily i was using ncftp
  • After mulling around for 40 minutes trying to connect to Xmission and, I said "Hey, I know some kick ass ppl on slashdot have already posted personal mirrors" SLASHDOT READERS are the BEST!
  • I'm not sure if you are being sarcastic to imply that the news item was poorly written, but just in case...

    q3test is a technology test released by id Software for their upcoming game Quake 3: Arena. They release the test so that the public can report bugs to them so that the final product will be much more solid than if they did in-house bug-hunting. I don't think they've released a Windows version yet because they are waiting for the 3d card manufacturers to finish up their OpenGL drivers.
  • I have the same setup (only I have a voodoo1 instead), and Q3 is quite playable. You just have to go without a few features like high resolutions, curved surfaces, dynamic lighting, etc. Some parts are still a little choppy, but it's not too bad.


  • A deb of binary-only software? Evil! EVIL!

    I know you're joking, but debian/non-free is oh, several hundred megabytes ;-)

    [ I don't have a 3dfx. Think sour grapes :-P ]

    Voodoo 1's are about $30 these days. V2's are less than $100. There's really no excuse.

    I only have a measly P-233mmx with a V1 and Q3 test, especially the new build, is perfectly playable. Even on the lowest detail settings it looks nicer than Quake2.

  • Does anyone know the ABSOLUTE BARE system requirements to run Q3, and also, I'd like the average system req's and the Recommended ones. I'd really appriciate it.

    -- Give him Head? Be a Beacon?

  • I already had the Mesa 3.0 rpm installed (for use with Blender and xscreensaver), and simply downloaded the q3test rpm and installed and ran it; it 'worked' first time. You can see the somewhat splendid-looking results at - please don't laugh at the advanced HTML I used... :-)

    You can probably get the Mesa rpm from or somewhere like

    Oh, and don't expect much in the way of performance - my P166MMX doesn't exactly fly in software mode.
  • I imagine the only real 'limitation' is available memory - so if someone has a 32MB 386 out there, we'd like to know... :-)

    Although, would virtual memory count? It would probably drag the framerate down even further...
  • Since I'm feeling sorry for anyone trying to get it from the planetquake mirror list:
    q3test_1_05.exe []
  • Nah, the coca-cola thing is based on a century of established brand name, one heck of a distribution and marketing infrastructure, and a fairly effective caffiene delivery system. As "new Coke" proved, the century of marketing has been successful enough that what it actually tastes like is almost completely irrelevant by now, (unless of course you try to change it). Modern lab techniques can easily figure out what's in it pretty accurately, and the formula's been published anyway (in the back of the book "For God, Country, and Coca-Cola", check your library). The trade secret is for marketing reasons, so nobody else can claim to be identical to Coke. (Couldn't back it up in court without a certified copy of the original formula, and you haven't got the formula, have you? Lab analysis is +/- a few percent on the quantity of each ingredient, and is it chinese cinnamon or...? Not good enough to hold up in court, all you could get was "very similar to Coke" which Pepsi is anyway with a vastly different formula. They both taste like malted battery acid, actually... (I drink Dr. Pepper, although I own stock in Coke.))
  • Speaking of ALSA...has anyone gotten it to work with Q3test? I'm running ALSA 0.3.0-pre4 and I've not been able to get the sound to work. Yes, I've killed esd and checked the mixer levels. (Sound in Q2 works just fine) Q3 finds the card and there are no error messages, but there's also no sound. (Which makes for somewhat of a lesser gaming experience...) Perhaps I'm just cursed.

  • I just downloaded the win32 version and tried it out as I was having sporadic crashes with the
    linux version.

    I have this to say:

    win32 mouse is muuuuch smoother (anyone know
    how to get it that smooth in linux)

    win32 version looks like CRAP on the same
    card (voodoo2). the rendering, especially the
    textures and smoke fromt the rockets looks
    absolutely awful. im not sure if its a driver
    thing or what but the linux version looks 5x
    better. (of course the g200 in windows looked
    hella better then the voodoo2 in linux but at
    barely half the speed :))

    Anyone got ideas on either of these?

  • by Kyobu ( 12511 )
    I would like to run it on Linux, but I can't. I have Linux, and I'm not a total newbie. I still can't get my modem working under Red Hat 5.2, though. So I guess I'll have to wait until tonight.
  • Not an entirely related comment, but why does the above mentioned easter bunny page cause Opera 3.6 to crash? Non standard HTML? It works fine (if slow, seeing as Navigator 3.0 is slower) in Navigator 3.0.
  • What do you mean, "could"? Do you know how many Linux questions I've answered on IRC over the last week from hard core gamers itching to play Q3Test?

    Now, I doubt many (if any) of the people I talked to will stay... some had a reasonable deal of difficulty getting their systems going, and there was a lot of "What do you mean there aren't any good drivers for my sound card?" going on...
  • Well, a lot of the hard core gaming folks have either A3D cards or SB Live's. Neither of which have drivers that are quite up to full snuff yet.
  • Zoid has said you need to renice it manually.
  • Um, honestly, just read the docs... it says quite plainly where to get the drivers. One rpm and it works.
  • I myself am stuck with an a3d card... actually, it's just sitting unused now, I've got an old SB 16 tiding me over.
  • Well if you can't beat us, join us. Surely you can spare some partition space for linux and Q3test

    I've got 6 gigs on two separate drives free on my dual boot machine. I've got over 5 gigs free on my dedicated Linux box. Yet I still can't play. Q3 won't run on the dedicated box (I use it as a gateway/ftp server; it's only a PPro 150), and I just bought a Voodoo3 card for the dual boot (an AMD K6-2/300).

    So what should I do? Put the old Voodoo2 I took out and try to play on a PPro 150, or put the Voodoo2 and my old crappy 2d VGA card back into the fast machine so I can play Q3? It isn't a matter of disk space. There are lots of other ways Linux users can't play the newest Q3test. I have three times as much disk space formatted as ext2 partitions than I do FAT32 partitions, and I'm completely bummin'.

    And while I got the rant all fired up: I don't mind saying that I feel a bit ripped off after buying the Voodoo3. Sure, it looks great in Windows (it's an amazing 2D card, way better than my three year old S3), but I'm still having trouble just getting 2D to work in Linux (much less 3D -- I'm coming to think it'll never be supported). I know you take your chances when you buy new hardware for Linux, but I figured 3Dfx would be different.

    And I really hoped id software would stay different and at least attempt support for the Voodoo3. (I mean, how hard can it be? It's a friggin' overclocked Rush for cryin' out loud! The specs had to be out there somewhere...)


  • I appreciate it :)

  • i've been running a q3 dedicated server in my spare CPU time since the first test came out.. but i've noticed that on the new test, it takes about 85-90% CPU even when nobody is connected. has anyone else noticed this? does anyone know why?

  • renicing it doesn't make it take less than 90% CPU if i'm not using more than 10% CPU anyway. i think what he means is 'i'm too stupid to write streamlined code, so just renice it and it won't get in the way of anything important.' hopefully there will be enough people who don't care to run servers, because i ain't gonna be running one.


  • Well, you can get it semi-playable (~3 fps give or take) by setting screen size to 320x240, all detail to the worst level (even texture detail), sky to fastest, then go to console and do

    r_textureMode "GL_NEAREST"

    Q3Test will then look like crap compared to its former glory, but you'll be smooth enough to rocket-jump!

  • Maybe not Q3 as it is a small(ish) executable with some small maps, but other single player games seem to have enormous map files which would be too expensive to download (+300Mb). So long as the boxed game is cheaper/easier to buy than to DL, then allowing for some pirating and copying, retail games would continue to be feasible. And remember: DVD is round the corner. Imagine trying to download a 10Gb file!
  • v. good point!

    I don't know how much support is needed for a game. Probably not much. But they could give the client software away for free and charge people to use their servers. Q3 is useless without a server.

    The server software could be kept seperate and never sold or distributed, and a system of franchises put in place with strict secrecy contacts for the server software. That way the copyright laws would never be needed (I think).

    Rather like the secret formula for Coca-Cola...?
  • You can run it in software mode. I did it today: the results are barely worth the effort, but it has to be done:

    This is by no means authoritive (in other words I bodged it but got something working). Get q3test rpm installed and get the Mesa rpm as well. Then run linuxq3test with the command which reads something like "+set libMesa-3.0" (check README for syntax). I got it running at work today, hence the rush job! I'm running Win98 at the moment so I can't give you an accurate syntax...

    However, if you don't have hardware acceleration you'll never be able to run q3 properly unless you have ~5,000 MHz machine :)
  • 3dfx really seems to be having trouble getting a working OpenGL ICD for Windows for Quake3 out the door on time...
  • I have converted the .rpm to a .deb with alien and put it up on ftp at
  • I would have played it except that the TNT is unsupported. Only voodoo foos can play it.
  • Three minutes after had it up /. had it posted, that should be some kind of record.
  • I love ya, man! =) 75KB/s!!!
  • Where are the servers list ???

    I've seen a list on but there is nothing now... ???
  • it's been said before...

    Let me say it again....

    THANK YOU!!! YOU DA MAN!!! is getting crushed....4k... I got 60 FROM YA!!! jeesus....

  • I've read here on /. that Nvidia were going to say something about their (upcomming) Linux drivers these days. So I'm just waiting.

    But, on the other hand, as we all know.. It can take weeks. Even months....

    And I hate to wait...
  • Along the same lines...

    I am looking to upgrade from a diamond S3 w/ a voodoo1 to something with dual monitors and some sort of Voodoo2/3 card{,s}. 2D performance is more inportant but running Q3 comes in second. Could someone recomend an online hardware vendor that knows linux well? I remember seeing a URL to a couple of vendors that had "running linux" type icons on their web sites.


    Christopher McCrory
    Lead Bithead, Netus Inc.

    "Linux: Because rebooting is for adding new hardware"
    "Linux: Because Dilbert's mom uses it"
  • Ok, I got a performace question. I got a P233 MMX Linux box sitting in front of me. I wonder if it is even worth buying a Voodoo2 or a Banshee video card just for the sake of running Q3 on it (Buying a new box or upgrading CPU is not an option). Did anyone try Q3 on a similar box (Pentium MMX 200/233mmx + Voodoo2) and Linux? Is it playable?
  • >>>

    I just did a fresh install of RedHat V6.0 last night and I had the same impression. My throughput with netscape 4.51 seems much better than it was under 5.2. I was blaming netscape the whole time, turns out it may have been the kernel.

    Unfortunatly netscape still pulls it's occasional dissapearing trick on's going along just fine...then poof...all gone. Ah well...bookmark often...:)

    By the way, the install was toooooo easy...or maybe I'm just blessed...about a half hour from start to problems ...gnome seems to work pretty well too....
  • Yep, I'm at 98.2%...I think they messed something up pretty bad. This is on a K6-2/350...hmmm....
  • My big stumbling block was your problem also for a long time, so I decided hell, lets get another box. I was finishing off a warehouse of computers (the company I worked for had bought out the remains of aol snarfing compuserve & closing it's columbus oh headquarters), deeming machines dead & living, lo and behold I found a dual p150 bare bones. Linux doesn't retail and NT wouldn't run (cha-ching), so I negotiated 2 days of work for this computer. I already had a monitor and believe me, it got the best hardware of 1996 (, just built the machine in november98) such as vanilla 2940, 4mb millenium 2, sb32, buncha scsi and 3com509. RedHat 6.0 is beautiful on it.
    Moral of this story? Bagger computers are always availiable and you never know, you might stumble on something better. -jeff
    ps. Now my stumbling block is just being a slacker.
  • Silly to say this, but dude, you are *the man*, in an excellent way. When the list on voodooextreme was hit up like a drunk sorority girl at OSU, I knew I could turn to /. to save me. Thank man.
  • Well, its not playable, but it is useful for getting a dedicated linux server going on a machine that does not have a 3dfx card...

    (mine is at ;-)

    like they said on other posts you install libMesaGL but a step I saw somewhere that wasn't mentioned here (?) is to copy to your /q3test directory as

    Once I did this it finally worked, then got a glorious .25 fps - but like I said, this was more useful to get a dedicated server to run on my linux server, my workstation has a v2 and sb128pci and I had absolutely no issues installing or playing q3test on that setup.

    nVidia is supposed to release linux drivers for their TNT2 boards so that may be an option if you are adverse to 3dfx. (don't lets start the flame war over open source vs binary-only drivers again, I'm just making a comment, not advocating nVidia)
  • Yes you can see thru the portal, and yes fast sky turns this off. However, I noticed that in the new 1.05 carmack turned the portal around 180 so you face the wall when you teleport and you can't see whats going on anyway.

  • They already know...

    There's one known issue with the Linux dedicated server taking up way too much CPU time. As other known issues come to light we'll try to keep you all in the loop. Please try and email q3feedback with a good sensible subject line, mention what sort of system/OS you have, and remember that humans read all the feedback.

  • Did you try the new linux build as well? The mouse movement is MUCH smoother than in the first version.
  • Aww yes... Thank you VERY much?
    You on ADSL or cable? (or work? :-)

    My little ADSL line is maxing out right now...
    ~120K per sec... Thank you!
  • Ok, I get it.

    You're making a statement about how you feel that slashdot should stick to Linux/BSD news instead of this pesky, frivolous Quake and Star Wars stuff.

    Heaven forbid "News For Nerds" could also mean stuff that's fun.

    I hear you. I'm sure Rob is working on a way for you to filter out all the entertaining news so you can stick to things like "New RTFMLib 0.89.01 Released".
  • Woah nelly.

    It is NOT an overclocked RUSH.

    It is basically a faster voodoo banshee with an extra texture unit.

    ID doesn't support glide. They only use OpenGL, which has a library link to the glide library, which handles the hardware side of things.

    If you want to bitch about support, do it to Daryll Strauss, or to 3dfx(they have to approve the drivers both legally and for compatibility).

    If you read the documentation, all you need is, which can be provided with your X server(accelX, metroX, etc), or use the lib, which is and OpenGL implementation in glide.
  • I have the RPM at
    The mirrors didn't have the tarball yet, should be up later.
    All versions mirroed!
  • I have all versions of q3test mirrored at

    The server is a pentium 133 with ethernet to the backbone! Expect 50 - 150 KB/s download speeds.

    Check the realtime load here [].

Sentient plasmoids are a gas.
