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Academy Awards Of Halo Videos 142

An anonymous reader writes "With the ever-increasing popularity of Halo videogame fan-videos and machinima, has launched the first ever Rockets on Prisoner awards: 'Cobaltnova is proud to present the first annual Rockets on Prisoner awards that recognize outstanding achievement for Halo related movies. And you get to pick the winners!'. With the nomination process already complete, the online voting will continue until midnight (PST) on August 9th, before a certified public accountant will announce the winners. Those expected to do well include Randy Glass, maker of the famous Warthog Jump, the increasingly popular FTC collective, who have 6 incredibly funny and fresh videos, and, of course, the well known fan favorites Red vs Blue. Most of the videos can be found for judging by flipping through the six nomination categories, or numerous mirror sites."
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Academy Awards Of Halo Videos

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  • Machinima? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Kryptolus ( 238444 ) on Tuesday August 05, 2003 @09:14PM (#6622101) Homepage
    Please stop using that name.

    It seriously does not sound good.
    If someone used it in real life, wouldn't you have that urge to punch them? =/
  • Woo hoo! (Score:4, Funny)

    by Mikey-San ( 582838 ) on Tuesday August 05, 2003 @09:19PM (#6622139) Homepage Journal
    A story about Halo fan videos and we got by without getting Slashdotted! 1

    Slashdot: . . . Well, more than 1.

    Fine, Slashdot. You still win, but we're gonna get you one day! HahahHAHAHAhaHAhAhaha! Ha.
    • More Slashdotters are probably more interested in modding the Xbox to run Linux than in playing Halo.
    • could it be that halo is 'done' for the general masses? yes you and your friends down at the local hobby store play it, but that hardly counts.
    • Slashdot really needs to start warning websites that they are going to be posted in an article.

      I mean, look at all those hits I got. I almost had a heart attack not to mention my webserver, which is on a residential DSL line, getting hammered.

      Oh wait, I'm not complaining. I got /.ed. This is the happiest moment in my life. Yeah, sad... ain't it?

      -That Weasel
      That Weasel Television []

      • Yeah, I got Slashdotted last month, and while it was a "whoa, this is cool as hell" experience, I was lucky it wasn't on the front page.

        I guess it's an either/or situation for the story editors here: Either they post the news when they can, or they wait until (maybe) getting a response from a server admin and risk missing a good story for Slashdot readers.

        Things like BitTorrent help with some things, but really, they won't solve the problem. I fear nothing can stop Slashdot and sites with the same power (
    • I don't know what you should be more concerned about; the fact that your site didn't get slashdotted, or the fact that nobody cared enough to see the site. But hey, congrats on surviving a /.ing

  • Well... we all knew that it would happen, halo is becomeing the next fourm for the acadamy awards...
    "And now to present the award for best Halo performance is Keanue Reaves."
    "Thank you, here are the nomonies..."

    10 bucks says that there will be a national tv show of video game awards. Just wait!
    • Well... we all knew that it would happen, halo is becomeing the next fourm for the acadamy awards...
      "And now to present the award for best Halo performance is Keanue Reaves."
      "Thank you, here are the nomonies..."

      Leave it to Keanu Reeves to butcher the word nominees at the Academy Awards ...

      (PS: becoming)

    • By the time that happens the ten bucks you wanna bet probably won't be worth a whole hell of a lot. We'll probably be using the Euro by then, anyway. ;)
    • ever heard of xplay on techtv?
  • halo as a game (Score:4, Insightful)

    by ozric99 ( 162412 ) on Tuesday August 05, 2003 @09:19PM (#6622141) Journal
    Without meaning to sound like a troll, I don't know what all the fuss is about Halo.

    Sure, it has some great set-pieces, and the atmosphere is fantastic in places, but it's just too damn samey and repetitive.

    Didn't Budgie present MS with a wonderful 6 hour game, and get a mandate from MS to extend it in a tiny amount of time, so they cut and pasted loads of rooms together to turn it into a 20 hour game? Sure looks like it.

    Very much looking forward to Halo2 though ;)
    • Halo=halo2 + 1
      Its not gonna be n e thing special. The only good thing about halo is the multiplayer. and to the best of my knowlage there is no change in that area, only senerios.
    • I didn't know either (Score:2, Interesting)

      by swat_r2 ( 586705 )
      I actually went a few months with my new Xbox avoiding Halo because it seemed overhyped. I am extremely critical of games and very few earn my own personal hall of fame awards, but from the moment I put Halo in my Xbox I've been trying to figure out why it has such a massive appeal to me. I think either Bungie signed a deal with the devil, or all the planets aligned to coincide with it's release.

      I know that I'll be playing Halo for many more years (well MP that is) and I can only say that for a small h
      • --I think halo's biggest successes are:

        o Sticky grenades
        o Intuitive controls (the tank is EASY to drive)
        o S*M*O*O*T*H Animation
        o The "Dot Matrix" (Reboot ripoff) AI chick
        o Great scenery, outside at least
        o Excellent physics all around.
    • Re:halo as a game (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Omkar ( 618823 )
      Halo is a well-executed FPS, that's what makes it great. It's an evolutionary game, not at revolutionary game.

      Of course, I still hate it, because of the goddamn Xbox controller. Port Halo to GC and then we'll talk.
      • Cmon, I say the same thing about the GC controller ;) I guess whatever you repetetively get used to obviously feels the best but I actually prefer the Ctrl-S (NOT!! the pumpkin) to the other console's. Not a flame or anything but the GC's overall feel and weight seemed lighter/cheaper than the X. And I abhor the PS2's shoulder buttons, I'll take the tight spring analog triggers any day.

        Maybe I'll change my mind about the GC when I get one in a few months and it melds to my hand while playing Zelda ;)
      • by quantaman ( 517394 ) on Tuesday August 05, 2003 @10:43PM (#6622596)
        Port Halo to GC and then we'll talk.

        If Halo gets ported to GC I'd be too busy watching out for flying pigs to talk.
      • Port Halo to GC and then we'll talk.
        Hey, Halo was originally announced at a MacWorld. You think you're bitter? =)
        • Hey, Halo was originally announced at a MacWorld. You think you're bitter? =)

          And you think you're bitter, I was at that keynote when Steve Jobs introduced the 2 minute movie for Halo rendered using the game engine in real time, not pre recorded. I almost creamed my pants. For a while, (and I still believe it happens today) the only way to get the newest offerings from nVida and ATI was to get them in a new Mac. I remember thinking to my self that this was the game that was finaly going to bring the
      • I don't think that's entirely it.

        I personally hate playing the levels, but playing head to head is awesome.

        I think the fact that you can pit yourself against fellow humans is the big thing.
    • Re:halo as a game (Score:1, Flamebait)

      by donutello ( 88309 )
      Don't worry. This is Slashdot. As long as it is something from Microsoft that you are criticising you will come off as insightful, not as a troll.

      It absolutely doesn't matter that there are hundreds of thousands of people out there who have played FPS's on virtually every other platform who are still in love with Halo.
    • The fuss is the multiplayer. The single player was fun (despite the cut-and-paste levels in the middle, the gameplay is very well done), and I've played it a lot (recently beat every level on Legendary), but the multiplayer is IMHO still the most fun you can have with four people and a single XBox. It has a *lot* of replayability, with the balanced weapons, the customizable game modes, and the great vehicles, and then there are System Link games with 8-16 people, which can be great. We've stopped referri
    • Mouse and Keyboard (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Vagary ( 21383 )
      When I first played Halo I was amazed at how natural the controls were. A few minutes later I realised that the reason they felt natural is that they figured out how to approximate the feeling of a mouse and keyboard with a control pad. Yes, it took 8 years since Doom was first released on a console (Atari Jaguar?) for the gameplay of a FPS on PC to be approximated. (The sensitivity still isn't to the point where you can be trusted to aim entirely on your own.)

      The XBox's LAN features are a step in the rig

  • CPA (Score:2, Interesting)

    by ih8apple ( 607271 )
    I love the name of the "Certified Public Accountant" who will judge the entried: Smakmyass

    People should have to dig for these easter eggs in the article instead of having them pointed out in the /. blurb.
  • Dammit. I knew I should've grabbed the latest RvB eps on Monday. Now their server will be toast, and I'll probably never get them. :(
    • Bittorrent, dude. (Score:2, Insightful)

      by toothfish ( 596936 )
      Lat I checked, the RvB guys had the foresight to distribute Bittorrent files, in which case you're fine.
      • Yep. BitTorrent worked just fine for the most recent RvB eppisodes.. Saturated my ADSL at 1.5Megabits.

        (Of course, it's also now saturating my outbound connection at 600kilobits... I think it's time to shut down bittorrent before my ISP has a hissy-fit).

        Dunno why they don't torrent their older episodes, though.

  • With the nomination process already complete...

    One thing you should know: The nominees all came out hot. And covered in black stuff.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 05, 2003 @09:28PM (#6622202)
    No matter who wins, remember, you are ALL losers.
  • by Grelli ( 98061 ) on Tuesday August 05, 2003 @09:50PM (#6622319) Homepage
    Wow, I really was expecting this award, I mean, thank you so much!
    I'd like to thank my parents, for letting me live in their basement, jobless, for the last 4 years. Sure sometimes they got on my case, but all my hardwork and dedication has paid off. I'm sure the sight of my award bring tears to their eyes, just as it does to me.
  • Halo? (Score:2, Funny)

    by phreak03 ( 621876 )
    Someone found a use for Halo? ohh wait, laughing at it was allready on the list of things to do with it In other news my xbox with halo (only the multi-player to save space) still only gets used for the ocasional threat of being thrown at someone. come on people, i hate to start a flame war, but anyone with a decent vid card and some real FPS, like bf1942, will tell you Halo was overhyped. (that and the fanboys aren't very good at any other games)
  • Why is it these awful proprietary formats are used so often?

  •'s your virtual award...

    ...and now you are virtually a celebrity.

    "I'd like to thank eGod for making this all possible..."

    Q. (sorry - no sense today).

  • Red vs Blue (DiVX) [] Red vs Blue (Quicktime) []

    I'm downloading the Warthog jump right now (ETA 25 mins,) so I'll make that torrent when I get it.

  • Ultra slashdoting? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by SuperCal ( 549671 ) on Tuesday August 05, 2003 @10:36PM (#6622553) Homepage
    Is it possible that we just slashdoted an entire catagory of websites? I can't get anything that is remotely related to Halo movies...
  • by Orteko ( 530397 ) on Tuesday August 05, 2003 @10:36PM (#6622555) Homepage
    Some of these are entertaining, but nothing compared to the laughs you'll get from the good old days of quake movies.

    Check out the: History of Quake movies []

    Then procede to download and be amused by:

    The original and the best: Operation Bayshield! []

    And another hugely entertaining classic: Blahbalicious []
  • Rockets on Prisoner awards.... they've got to be kidding. I'm laughing even thinking about it.
    • Oh, it has a meaning?

      It's something more humorous than the indicator which lights up when a guard's weapons have locked on the escaping target?

  • by grungebox ( 578982 ) on Tuesday August 05, 2003 @11:08PM (#6622747) Homepage
    You know what's funny is that, if they released the winning video in theaters (all 5 minutes of it or whatever), it'd make more money than that J-Lo movie that just came out. Hell, maybe they should splice in Halo movies into future films, just to spice things up. "Oh, Ben, you're such hot foxy dude, no matter how bad you act!" "And you, J-Lo, are as - oh, jesus, where the fuck did that warthog come from?!?!"
  • It looks like "Service Unavailable" won first place! It says so right there, smack in the middle of the front page! I can't wait until I can download it an watch it.
  • ... at a conference full of transvestites. It was good for the five minutes of entertainment it provided me and my three brave Tech Crew companions faced with hosting a party for drag queens in scary outfits.

    And after that, I went and played a REAL game! Yeah! Natural-Selection []. Just promise me you want /. it :)
  • watch movies on their Xbox. Acting out the plot to the Matrix in Halo? OMG, get these people modchips and Xbox Media Player QUICK!

    or at the very least give them the DVD dongle...
  • Look... apparently just mentioning Halo brings out the trolls, this is about people making funny/cool/artistic games with 3D engines (it doesn't matter if it is Halo or not). So stop hammering on the game and look at this post the way it is meant to be. A lot of non-computer people are doing really great stuff with tools that are available now (not 10 years ago). There is a whole new form of expression waiting on the net. Some /. people need to look past their nose.
    • The troll to regular poster ratio is absolutely rediculous on this topic. It has to be running at about 5:1 right now. Unbelievable.

      I think this article may have gathered the highest troll post percentage I have ever seen. I don't know whether congradulations are in order or if its a sign of the apocolypse.

      So I'll finish with this:
      Congradulations trolls, we'll see you in hell!!
  • Did they render that stuff on a freaking Xbox?

To iterate is human, to recurse, divine. -- Robert Heller
