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Quake First Person Shooters (Games) Hardware

Carmack's QuakeCon Keynote Detailed 309

TheRaindog writes "In addition to announcing the Quake III source code's impending release, John Carmack's QuakeCon 2005 keynote also covered the programmer's thoughts on Microsoft and Sony's next-gen consoles, physics acceleration in games, and what he'd like to see from new graphics hardware."
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Carmack's QuakeCon Keynote Detailed

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  • by erwincoumans ( 865613 ) on Tuesday August 16, 2005 @06:15AM (#13328874)
    His love for graphics is nice, but pity he lack s physics programming skills :) That's why Jan Paul van Waveren takes care of it, in Doom 3 etc. Physics Middleware will be of big importance for next-gen consoles, and it will rock the world :) ex.php []
  • by green pizza ( 159161 ) on Tuesday August 16, 2005 @06:25AM (#13328911) Homepage
    Carmack was less pleased with the PowerPC processors for the new consoles, questioning the choice of an in-order CPU architecture. He estimated the console CPUs' performance at about 50% that of a modern x86 processor

    Finally, proof that Apple is over priced, under powered hardware.

    Why does Carmack hate Apple so much?

    Read up on the flavor of PPC that is in the XBOX 360... -2.ars []
    It's far different from the G4 and G5 that Apple currently uses.

    BTW, if Apple loved PPC so much, why did they announce the switch to Pentium M ? :)
  • by fistynuts ( 457323 ) on Tuesday August 16, 2005 @06:27AM (#13328916)
    > soon as the developers made their games multi-threaded

    This is considerably more difficult than one would think. Games typically have to perform tasks in a particular order, for example (extremely simplified): get inputs, move player, move AI players, move other objects, check for collisions, update parameters, display the next frame, loop.

    Quite where we add this 2nd thread is difficult. Everything must happen in the same order in order for things like collision detection to function correctly. If we start a second thread to, say, calculate AI decisions and move the AI characters according to those decisions, we have to wait for that thread to complete before we can display the next frame. So it ends up that there are no advantages to utilising that second thread.

    Now, I'm sure there are game developers on here who know how to utilise threads in games in a successful way. It'd be cool if one of them could inform the rest of us what the heck we're supposed to be doing with them :)
  • by arose ( 644256 ) on Tuesday August 16, 2005 @06:28AM (#13328920)
    Good news, Carmack is a programer not a game designer.
  • by xirtam_work ( 560625 ) on Tuesday August 16, 2005 @06:30AM (#13328923)
    Ok, I'll feed you little troll....

    Carmack came out against the current crop of PowerPC CPU's to be used in the X360 and PS3 that are very different from the CPU's that Apple have been using in their PowerPC based computers. The PPC's in the consoles do not support out of order execution and a raft of other features. IBM have designed simpler cores that are being packaged on multi-core chips that can be run quicker and in parallel.

    Carmack has plenty to bash Apple for in regard to their OpenGL implementation I'm sure - just browse the Apple developers OpenGL mailing list sometime.
  • by Andy_R ( 114137 ) on Tuesday August 16, 2005 @06:30AM (#13328925) Homepage Journal
    Procedural textures can go a lot further than you think. Take a look at how far you can go with Artmatic Pro [], a 'procedural graphics synthesiser' for the Mac, written by the original author of the Bryce landscape generator, and it's landscape-generating cousin Artmatic Voyager []. This can generate entire procedural planets, with no detail loss if you zoom into look at a single inch-wide rock []. This entire planet is decribed in a few k!
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 16, 2005 @06:56AM (#13328993)
    The problem being, that in that case the non-realistic image of a monster stuttering on screen then moving 2x its speed the next frame really does make it harder to sync up.

    Yes, things related to the drawing and basic movement of the character need to be done in sync in the main thread. However, the higher level reasoning of the AI can be done completely in a seperate thread.

    Think of how multiplayer is done today. Low level stuff, including how the acutal character movements are done, are handled by the main rendering thread. But all the high-level decisions (where the player goes, does he shoot or duck, etc.) are done by seperate threads (the player's brains). It's not really any different with AI NPCs.
  • by erwincoumans ( 865613 ) on Tuesday August 16, 2005 @07:00AM (#13328999)
    And obviously the open source physics engines: ODE ( Bullet and free (but not open source) Newton ( []) Tokamak [] and others.
  • by Anubis333 ( 103791 ) on Tuesday August 16, 2005 @07:38AM (#13329097) Homepage
    I think you guys misunderstood. He is talking about procedural bitmap texture generation vs. tiled. Not procedural displacement. Which is a whole different monster. Procedural bitmap generation has issues in realtime, procedural displacement is great.
  • by domipheus ( 751857 ) * on Tuesday August 16, 2005 @07:46AM (#13329125)
    Motion blur can be added quite easily now with todays graphics cards, before they were seen as too costly in terms for what they gave, which was just a bit of eye candy.

    Project offset [] have really nice motion blur in. There is a techdemo video of it in action too.
  • by ArcticCelt ( 660351 ) on Tuesday August 16, 2005 @08:24AM (#13329259)
    Quake III source code's impending release

    It's already available since at least yesterday. QuakeIII source []

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 16, 2005 @08:45AM (#13329352)
    It's already available since at least yesterday. QuakeIII source

    Uh, where?

    You do realise that "Game Source" means the game rules / mod source and not the Quake III engine source? Is there a Quake III download marked "Quake III Source (GPL)" yet like the other two?
  • by ( 583400 ) on Tuesday August 16, 2005 @09:11AM (#13329480) Homepage
    Carmack could have been working for NASA or the US military, but instead he simply sits around coding violent computer games.

    Don't worry so much. Carmack's talents are not wasted. He is already in the space business with his hobby: he's leading Armadillo Aerospace [] to work "on computer-controlled hydrogen peroxide rocket vehicles, with an eye towards manned suborbital vehicle development in the coming years".
  • by Khyber ( 864651 ) <> on Tuesday August 16, 2005 @11:33AM (#13330638) Homepage Journal
    Jon is the legendary programmer of such classic PC games as Wolfenstein, Doom, Duke nukem 3d,

    Ken Silverman created the Build engine for Duke Nukem 3D, not Carmack. In fact, Carmack has never worked for 3D Realms.

    Just a minor detail, everything else I can't speak about.
  • full transcript (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 16, 2005 @12:14PM (#13330982)
    Full transcript [] courtesy of some poor schlub on Beyond3d.
  • by Morinaga ( 857587 ) on Tuesday August 16, 2005 @01:00PM (#13331413)
    To quote id:

    "In Ultra quality, we load each texture; diffuse, specular, normal map at full resolution with no compression. In a typical DOOM 3 level, this can hover around a whopping 500MB of texture data. This will run on current hardware but obviously we cannot fit 500MB of texture data onto a 256MB card and the amount of texture data referenced in a give scene per frame ( 60 times a second ) can easily be 50MB+. This can cause some choppiness as a lot of memory bandwidth is being consumed. It does however look fantastic and it is certainly playable on high end systems but due to the hitching that can occur we chose to require a 512MB Video card before setting this automatically.

    High quality uses compression ( DXT1,3,5 ) for specular and diffuse and no compression for normal maps. This looks very very close to Ultra quality but the compression does cause some loss."

    The other option to keep some armchair graphics guru's obliviously quiet was to just never offer this ultra option, instead just compressing some lighting effects and no one would notice. BUT, because id does put a graphics setting in the options that people can see and it's called, "ultra" they are convinced they are missing something and spew their expert opions on how unreasonable id is.

    In response id and companies like them can market themselves better. First, simply don't tell you about the compression of certin aspects of the graphics engine and give you an option that's called Super Ultra Mega Fantastic Quality. The lesson here is don't give more options but give less. Market your target audience with feel good language so they percieve a higher level of satisfaction instead of a percieved underachievement of some graphical utopia they can never quantify anyway.

    Me? I'll take more options and disclosure rather than a marketing feel good approach.

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