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OpenTTD 1.0.0 Released 107

Gmer writes " reports that OpenTTD, the open source clone of the Microprose game Transport Tycoon Deluxe, has reached a milestone. OpenTTD 1.0.0 has been released 6 years after work started on the first version, with the help of hundreds of contributors and thousands of testers/players. Over 30 language translations are considered complete, and OpenTTD is available for *BSD, Linux, Solaris and Windows. OpenTTD is a business simulation game in which the player is in control of a transport company and can compete against rival companies to make as much profit as possible by transporting passengers and various goods by road, rail, sea or air."
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OpenTTD 1.0.0 Released

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward
    on my n900 :)
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by SpzToid ( 869795 )

      My wife says no more toys for me; however the argument for an N900 is getting ever stronger. (I'm saving my pennies for whatever follows the n900).

      Thanks for this most-valuable information AC.

      • "(I'm saving my pennies for whatever follows the n900)."

        It's already been released. It's called the iPhone. ;-)

  • ...with a lot of time on their hands. Like slashdot; without the productivity. Link's down for me: []
    • Looking at the screen shots, it looks a lot like some of the original versions of Sim City...
      • by Jorl17 ( 1716772 )
        I would slap you three times in the face if I could. Shut up, please. It is not Simcity and it will not be. Of course, you only said it "looks like", but idiot people might read that and think "Oh, hey, nice, SIMCITY!!!1onish". Then they'll go to the forums and ask how to build buildings...
  • by eexaa ( 1252378 )

    Dear Overlord of Cargo Transport,

    I don't have time for your pathetic versioning proposals! (My south-western 6-line maglev connection is filled with stuck trains!)

  • by Zouden ( 232738 ) on Tuesday April 06, 2010 @02:13AM (#31745436)

    Last time I played OpenTTD (a couple years ago), I found it entertaining for a while, but not challenging. The AI didn't present much competition, and I got the impression the game wasn't designed with that in mind. It seemed like it's a game for people who like playing with model trains.

    • by TechnoFrood ( 1292478 ) on Tuesday April 06, 2010 @02:25AM (#31745470)

      A while ago they added NoAI which allowed for user coded AIs. Several of these user coded AIs are quite good and certianly much much better than the original. []

      • I've been playing against AdmiralAI for a bit and although I don't agree with *some* of the choices it makes, it is definitely leaps and bounds ahead of the AI I fondly remember from the 486 days.

        Then again, I'm far too fond of trains myself, so far all I know it's actually outsmarting me and I'm wasting heaps of cash on something that just isn't worth it ;-)

        • ....and I'm wasting heaps of cash on something that just isn't worth it ;-)

          Like building and maintaining a steam line in 2040? :D (Guilty as charged, your honor!)

    • It is open source, so if it isn't, you could perhaps add some of your tricks and make it smarter

    • by Ailure ( 853833 )

      openTTD supports custom AI's written in the scripting language Squirrel. See [] . There's a quite few AI's to download, of varying quality and personality.

      The original (now removed) AI did indeed suck badly, but it's stupidity did provide players with some amusement at the same time. ;)

      • by Ailure ( 853833 ) on Tuesday April 06, 2010 @02:53AM (#31745536) Homepage

        This gallery have some examples of TTD AI stupidity [].

        Have a explanation why the orginal AI is poor [], note that the "glitches, cheats and bugs" mentioned in the FAQ have been fixed in openTTD since a long time ago. ;)

        • Wow, that was the first and will probably be the last time I visit a web site with a name like "". It just screams "come and get your worms here".
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by gravos ( 912628 )
      I spent a few months playing openttd pretty hardcore, and I agree, the AI is awful. It's not even really that much fun to play competitively against other people because if someone gets an early lead it's very hard to catch up, and there are some really annoying issues with right-aways and bridges (those might have been fixed since I last played, though).

      So IMHO openttd doesn't really shine as a competitive game, what's FAR more fun is trying to build crazy-ass HUUUUUUUUGGGE networks. Check out some of t
    • by rjch ( 544288 ) on Tuesday April 06, 2010 @03:16AM (#31745578) Homepage

      The AI received a major upgrade recently, which allows for different AIs that each behave differently. Personally, I prefer playing without AIs and simply enjoy building a transport network as complete as possible. Everyone who plays the game enjoys it for their own reason, but when you consider that the game that OpenTTD is based on [] was released in 1994 and that (a) people are still playing it and (b) that a 6 year old project to update it is still going strong - well, that alone should tell you that there's something about this game that's pretty damn good.

    • by binkzz ( 779594 ) on Tuesday April 06, 2010 @03:47AM (#31745680) Journal
      Have you tried SimuTrans [] instead? I found it very challenging even on single player mode.
      • by RuBLed ( 995686 )
        SimuTrans is very nice too.. I now find myself playing pak128 version from time to time.
      • Simutrans is my favorite game currently. The list of transit possibilities is so long, and trolleybuses were included with the standard distribution sometime between version 99 and version 100. They're great for many purposes, especially since they don't slow down on hills.

    • Looking at the screenshots, I think some players approached this game differently then I did. For me the challenge was not the insane AI, but trying to create a maximum efficiency rail network. Getting the most goods transport, with as few trains with as little track as possible.

      This game is closer the Sims and Sim City in that there is no AI to beat. The spiritual succesor of Roller Coaster tycoon makes this bloody clear by removing the AI altogether.

      When you managed to pump up a city from nothing to a t

    • I've always played it with friends, and it's a lot of fun that way. We have some simple "fun competition" rules, like not allowing the purchase of exclusive transport rights, etc. That way the game is about head-to-head long-term planning, rather than finding loopholes to exploit in order to make your opponents hate you.
    • by Jorl17 ( 1716772 )
      The AI is far better. There is a new AI API written in Squirrel that allows anyone to code their own AI. There are around 20 AIs currently. Some are more competitive than others, but for the average player this AI kicks ass. OpenTTD has had, AFAIK, three AIs. The original, then the test-rewrite which added a car-only AI and, lastly, this new and fantastic attempt at a Free AI API. Sure, some AI programmers write stupid AIs, but I've been playing the game since it came out back in 2004 and it's been incredib
  • Looking back (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    I was 14 when the original came out, and one of my friends had it. God we had no fucking clue what we were doing.

    Going back to games that crushed my spirit as a kid is so vindicating.

    • Re:Looking back (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Ailure ( 853833 ) on Tuesday April 06, 2010 @02:37AM (#31745500) Homepage

      I remember back in 1994 or so on my first computer when I got a demo of Transport Tycoon from some British UK magazine we imported. You were only limited to few (five?) years of building and I had no idea what to do. I later got the very first original version of Transport Tycoon, the one with the real vehicle names, I honestly don't remember much what I did with that version.

      I then got the Transport Tycoon Plus version, the one with the "mars terrain" as alternate graphics. I remember spending most of my childhood with that version, looking at envy at the "Deluxe" version which had maglev and one-way signals. You can bet I was happy when I eventually got the deluxe version, and I thought anything was possible with one-way signals... I had no idea about pre-signals or path signals yet. ;) I used TTDPatch to run Windows TTD under Win XP, then later got openTTD 0.3.x. That's when I was hooked again. One of the best things with openTTD compared to TTD or even TTDPatch is a fully working multiplayer. In both TTD and orginal transport tycoon, you were lucky if the game went past thirty years as it desynced very easily. OpenTTD is much more stable in that degree, and fails more gracefully if it does desyncs (which is rare, and the orginal versions would just crash or glitch up).

      • Unfortunately they lost the ability to maintain the Mac port a while back, which is a great shame for myself and lots of others. Calling all Mac developers who can take up the challenge? :-)
        • by paploo ( 238300 )

          A bunch of volunteers fixed a lot of the big bugs, but because there was no developer that could make the commitment to be the maintainer of the port, they decided to drop support. If you checkout the source and install two little C libraries into /usr/local, you can still compile and run it on OS X.

          There are also a few people that are distributing their various OS X compilations. I seem to remember that near the end of the tt-forums thread on the dropping of Mac support, there is a link.

      • You just described my experience almost exactly - substitute PC World as the magazine that the free sample diskette came with (IIRC). I remember playing TTDLX versus my brothers over a null-modem cable before we had the thinnet network set up in the basement. (to counter the usual /. stereotypes: I was a kid at the time - I moved out of my parents' house after college when I got married, and I never actually lived in the basement)

  • Not only for nerds? (Score:1, Informative)

    by kubajz ( 964091 )
    I am sure that the development team would be glad if a lot of people started playing OpenTTD. However, as things stand you have to download the engine, then do a bit of reading, go to the source repositories and download graphics, sound and music separately (which means the downloader needs to distinguish between nightlies and release, ZIP, source.ZIP, MD5 files...). Perhaps the next step after doing version 1.0.0 might be to put the game into a single installer file for the non-developer part of the world?
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by indre1 ( 1422435 )
      From stable download page:

      For OpenTTD you can use the original Transport Tycoon Deluxe data files (you need to own a Transport Tycoon Deluxe CD). There are also the free alternatives OpenGFX (graphics), OpenSFX (sound) and OpenMSX (music) which can be installed automatically by the Windows installer.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by bcmm ( 768152 )

      However, as things stand you have to download the engine, then do a bit of reading, go to the source repositories and download graphics, sound and music separately

      Or you could just use a package manager like everybody else. If your distro is consistently slow to package things, consider another distro*. It would seem that Gentoo has had it since 2004.

  • I have been playing openTTD a bit with my n900. Works very well with the stylus except for one thing: I can't scroll the map. Only the world under the map scrolls and to set the map to new location one has to close and reopen it. I suppose it has something to do with not being able to send left mouse button signal but so far I have not been able to figure it out.

    • by Jorl17 ( 1716772 )
      I haven't checked, but have you tried all the options? There are options to change the scrolling and move it to a right click, as well as a left click, IIRC.
  • by DrXym ( 126579 ) on Tuesday April 06, 2010 @04:42AM (#31745932)
    ... the best part of Transport Tycoon was sabotaging the AI companies. Wait until they built a station and started building tracks and then hem them in with diagonal pieces that they couldn't build over or under. Eventually they'd back up and you could eventually box off their station completely.

    Better yet was the opportunity for murder. Run your highspeed trains back and forth over their truck / bus roads, wiping them out. You could even create train disasters by running a line to one end of their stations, wait for their fully laden trains to arrive and then set your own train off to crash into them. Puts them out of business in no time...

    • by Archon-X ( 264195 ) on Tuesday April 06, 2010 @05:13AM (#31746052)

      ..or building a tunnel under the entire terrain, which cost so much it overflowed the signed register, and ended up giving you a few billion dollars..

    • You didn't even need to run over all their road vehiches. At least in the original TTD, these accidents cause the company's service rating in that town to plummet, so it would get less cargo than competing companies.

    • by aldld ( 1663705 )
      Wow, you are evil! I usually just put my tracks going across their road, and make a train stop right where it crosses the road. Their trucks can back up for miles!
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by Archon-X ( 264195 )

      (Open)TTD focuses its scope on trains: road/sea/air transport exist, but the main thrust is rail.
      Remarkably, while the signaling dynamics are incredibly intricate (most 'real world' rail systems can be duplicated), for those who aren't trainspotters, or don't have days to burn on one single section of rail, simple signalling is still possible, and quite easy to roll in.

      There are literally scores of sites a google-hop away explaining all sorts of systems, from one-to-one single and dual gauge systems, right

  • I spent thousands of hours gaming with TTD and Heroes of Might and Magic. I wasted my childhood with those 2 games. They're awesome.
  • by birdspider ( 1476517 ) on Tuesday April 06, 2010 @06:55AM (#31746436)
    FYI, there is a patched version flying around the openttd forums which implements cargo and passanger destination, which means that cargos and passangers want to go to a specific location not just to any city,
    this gives the game much more depth []
  • I've spent several hours/days as a kid playing Transports Tycoon. Then, several years later, I've spent several hours/days as an adult playing OpenTTD.
    When I discovered OpenTTD back in 2006 or 2007 I remember I was so thrilled I didn't sleep that night - played all night long.

    Transports Tycoon is probably the most overlooked game. It should be right there, next to SimCity. To be honest, I spent much more time playing (Open)TTD than SimCity. Everyone should give it a try - the multiplayer is awesome.

Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward.
