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Patents PlayStation (Games) Sony The Courts Games

Dutch Court Lifts PlayStation 3 Seizure Order 95

An anonymous reader writes "The recent European import ban against the PlayStation 3 has been lifted. Reportedly, LG had already succeeded in seizing about 300,000 PlayStations, but a court in the Dutch city of The Hague overturned the prejudgment seizure order and told LG to return all PS3s to Sony. Sony uses the Netherlands as its main entry point for all European PlayStation sales, and can now return to normal. While the temporary ban has been lifted, LG can still assert its Blu-ray patents against Sony in a regular proceeding, which will go to trial on November 18. LG asks for patent royalties of $2.50 per Blu-ray device and believes Sony already owes it $150-180 million."
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Dutch Court Lifts PlayStation 3 Seizure Order

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  • by devxo ( 1963088 ) on Sunday March 13, 2011 @03:29AM (#35469390)
    This is why I wish HD-DVD would have won. Bluray is patent encumbered, has mandatory DRM and is controlled by todays most evil firm Sony. Now it's too late and there is no competition anymore.. Say what you will, but Microsoft was fighting for the greater good with HD-DVD. Now we get all this shit from Sony.

    This is what happens when we let money talk and assholes win.
    • by Shivetya ( 243324 ) on Sunday March 13, 2011 @03:37AM (#35469420) Homepage Journal

      The one issue I had with BluRay from day one is that too many of the distributors put required ADs for other movies on the disc which play without your intervention and do their best to prevent you from skipping them. HDDVD did not allow this, it required discs to proceed to the menu or just play. I think this one of the bigger reasons Sony used to convince the other distributors to switch to their model.

      • Don't forget about the huge amounts of money they threw at hardware and media producers/distributors.
        (Sony wanted a bigger chunk of the HD-DVD royalties, and the other companies said no, so Sony went and made a new version to compete with them, and then started paying off 3rd parties to provide blu-ray instead of hd-dvd offerings.)
      • The one issue I had with BluRay from day one is that too many of the distributors put required ADs for other movies on the disc which play without your intervention and do their best to prevent you from skipping them. HDDVD did not allow this, it required discs to proceed to the menu or just play. I think this one of the bigger reasons Sony used to convince the other distributors to switch to their model.

        I read this as "same as DVD", and it sort of explains why BD had the support of most major movie studios.

        ZOMG movie theaters are encumbered by mandatory ads too!

      • This is one of the gripes I have with DVD as well. Why should I pay for something like that? If a disc has ads on it, it should be free.
      • by Dan541 ( 1032000 )

        It's certainly the reason I encourage people to switch to piracy. Right or Wrong it just makes sense.

      • Holy Guacamole! That is an incredible amount of debt sony is now in. Oh well! They should have dealed with the issue n the beginning. Angular Cheilitis Treatment []
    • by yuhong ( 1378501 )

      Yea, I discussed the issue of AACS being mandatory before.

      • by 517714 ( 762276 )
        AACS was adopted on both formats. HD-DVD had the restriction against HD playback on component video connections turned on for some discs before the format war was over, Blu-Ray only recently activated the flag. Perhaps you would expand on what the difference in DRM between the two formats. I had always favored HD-DVD technically, but I am not familiar with its advantage in this area.
        • I believe that Blu-ray requires you to buy a license key for AACS in order to produce the regular pressed discs.
        • by tlhIngan ( 30335 )

          AACS was adopted on both formats. HD-DVD had the restriction against HD playback on component video connections turned on for some discs before the format war was over, Blu-Ray only recently activated the flag. Perhaps you would expand on what the difference in DRM between the two formats. I had always favored HD-DVD technically, but I am not familiar with its advantage in this area.

          AACS is a MANDATORY feature on Blu-Ray - all commercial pressed discs must have an AACS key. HD-DVD supports optional AACS enc

    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      The people in charge of creating new content mediums are the same people creating the content. We are never going to get a non-patent-encumbered, DRM-absent physical format.

    • by jonwil ( 467024 )

      Sony owns far too much content (through Sony Pictures, Columbia Tristar, MGM etc) for HD-DVD to have won.

    • 1) HD-DVD was an inferior technology.
      2) HD-DVD was patent encumbered too, as any currently competitive method for recording data on a physical medium.
      3) Blu-Ray does not have mandatory AACS for homemade discs - that's all you should care about unless you run a Blu-Ray pressing business.
      4) Sony is by no means more evil than Microsoft.
      5) The competition has run, it was fair and fierce, and in the end the market chose. Which is good for the users.
      6) Microsoft couldn't care less about the greater good, as
    • There isn't a Blu-Ray device in my house. Or at work. I don't own one, and I'm not going to own one. It's really pretty simple. If Sony couldn't sell Blu-Ray to chumps, they would stop producing them. As long as chumps are willing to pay for Blu-Ray, Sony will keep producing them!

    • HD-DVD was limited to 15Gb at most, as a 'standard for the future' it's severely lacking. Next year we'll be getting 8 layer Blurays which can hold 200Gb...

      On that argument alone i'd choose the latter over the former, at least for now. Besides, we'll be getting HCD some time soon anyway.

  • by phantomfive ( 622387 ) on Sunday March 13, 2011 @03:39AM (#35469426) Journal
    A Korean company is suing and got an import injunction against a Japanese country in the Netherlands. Strange thing, this flat world.
    • A Korean company is suing and got an import injunction against a Japanese country in the Netherlands.

      Dammit, just when I thought I'd gotten a handle on geography. Which Japanese country in the Netherlands is it again?

      • Re: (Score:1, Funny)

        by Anonymous Coward

        Japan continued to vex the world Sunday, as numerous eyewitnesses saw the exotic and mysterious Pacific Rim country hovering over the flat agricultural regions of Holland. "I noticed it up there around noon," said Verner Trene, a farmer whose land lay in the 1,744-mile shadow temporarily cast by the floating archipelago. "The schoolchildren were having a great time waving at it. But, when I came out after lunch, it was gone again. Must have moved on." Trene added that no one was threatened by Japan's serene

      • by mangu ( 126918 )

        Which Japanese country in the Netherlands is it again?

        You know there was a big tsunami two days ago, right? And you know most of the Netherlands are under sea level.

        • See this land here. That is holland... no sea right? That over there is the sea, up there behind the dunes. We are NOT below the sea... we are next to it. And a bit lower but NOT under it.

          What do you mean "yet".

          • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

            by Anonymous Coward

            He said sea level. not sea. He is correct. I live below sea level.

          • Translation glitch, or reading comprehension problem? I can't decide. Maybe if I were multi-lingual, I would be better equipped to deal with a post that looks stupid. Damn, why couldn't I have gotten the multi-lingual gene, instead of the good-looks gene?

    • A Korean company is suing and got an import injunction against a Japanese country in the Netherlands. Strange thing, this flat world.

      I can't wait for the Corporate Wars to begin.

      I realize that they're all corporate wars, more or less, but I'm hoping for middle management with neckties and automatic weapons meeting on the field of battle.

      Or swords. Swords, spears and trebuchets would be good too, but not high-tech enough for corporate. But more satisfying for us.

      "In other news, while their lawyers met in a

  • The headline says "Dutch Court Lifts PlayStation 3 Seizure Order". This is not true. It is a European court that happens to be physically located in Den Haag, which is in the province of South Holland. It is in South Holland, but is not Dutch.

    Barack Obama lives in Washington, but he is not Washingtonian, he is Hawai'ian.


    • I saw this post, which links to my blog, and then the comment above from Half-pint HAL claiming it's a European court that happens to be based in the Netherlands. However, Half-pint HAL is Full-scale WRONG on this one. It was a purely Dutch proceeding. A ruling issued in Breda, Netherlands, was appealed to the next higher Dutch instance in The Hague.

      No European court is based in The Hague. The European courts are based in Luxembourg (Court of Justice of the EU, General Court of the EU) and Strasbourg (the E

      • by Anonymous Coward
    • He is an Illinoisan or whatever they call themselves.
  • As long as Sony continues to bully George Hotz for publicizing Sony's all random numbers=2 coding error, any setback for Sony is good news in my book and conversely, good news for Sony is bad news. Sorry LG lost their injunction.
  • I've been trying to find some way to play blu ray disks on my new PC build without having to buy PowerDVD 10 (why should I have to buy some software I don't want in the first place just to play a disk I already own? Not happening). I know these disks are loaded with DRM, but Is there any free alternative out there? I know of libbluray [] , but to be honest I'm not sure how to get it working. Does anyone out there know how to A) get this to work, or B) know of a

In order to get a loan you must first prove you don't need it.
