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Sony Television Games

PlayStation Game-Streaming Service Comes To Samsung Smart TVs In 2015 43

An anonymous reader writes Sony and Samsung are jointly launching the PlayStation Now game streaming service on select Samsung Smart TVs next year. The service will allow users to play PlayStation games without the need of a gaming console. From the article: "...Sony says some 200 PlayStation 3 games will be available to stream, and that the service runs at full functionality, specifically mentioning things like trophies, online multiplayer and cloud-saves for game-progress. Sound familiar? It should because that's how the service works on Bravia TVs and PlayStation game consoles. What's more, all you'll need is one of Sony's DualShock 4 gamepads to control the action."
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PlayStation Game-Streaming Service Comes To Samsung Smart TVs In 2015

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  • lots of lag and will eat up your download cap.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      if you use netflix without waiting for buffering, you likly have the bandwidth rate to game remoatly.

      badwidth monthly volume caps can be pinfull, sorry.

      I live in canada ontario and have used the nvidia shield to game remoatly.
      There was some lag like ~90ms... but the host server was likly around austen texes.

      over all it was impressive.. but not going to replace my computer when it comes to fast reflex games like FPS.

      • if you use netflix without waiting for buffering, you likly have the bandwidth rate to game remoatly.

        I keep on trying, but the black knight who guards the socket on the other end of the moat won't let me plug in my TV.
    • Download cap? It's a "smart tv", so I expect the upload for the microphone-related features to be a pain in bandwidth caps. Really, though, anybody who buys into these spy^H^H^H "smart" (networked) products has no right to complain about the 1984-style future. "voice activated"? Yes, only after uploading the room's audio to a remote server for processing. It turns out it only took rebranding surveillance devices as "smart", and consumers will pay money to have their house bugged.

      I like the internet, and hav

      • it is a very bad idea to put everything on a network.

        I agree. Who controls what is where this future is heading. The consumer doesn't realize it, but who are they going to complain to when Sony decides to turn off the feature - or discontinue a game because Sony determined that the game is no longer worth supporting. It's all fun and games when things are working, but when they don't... who ya gonna call?

        It's amazing, I work for a satellite TV company in Canada, and the amount of calls i'm ALREADY ge
  • What a terrific idea (Score:3, Interesting)

    by msobkow ( 48369 ) on Friday December 26, 2014 @12:23AM (#48674181) Homepage Journal

    What a terrific idea for the most-hacked media company on the planet who's servers have been down the most often of any of the gaming companies. :(

    • BTW, do people still release video games to go with movies? If so, we can look forward to "The Interview" game, coming soon on the PlayStation. Won't it be fun to assassinate a little cartoon Kim when you get to the boss level? He's easy to recognize because he's the only fat person in the whole game.

  • ... by another name.

    • The "best" (as in most effective) DRM ever, in fact.

      • In the way that it will make the content secure by nobody even WANTING to touch, let alone copy, it?

    • ... by another name.

      It's called renting. That is literally what this service is marketed as and used for.
      It's not as easy to drive down to Hollywood Video or Blockbuster as it used to be, so what's your problem with streamed renting?

      I don't like the rental periods/price points yet, and I think it's all PS3 games right now, but the concept is solid.

      In the future, game streaming could be used for promotions like XYZ 2 on sale tomorrow, play XYZ 1 free for a day, or you could try a fully functional demo for a few hours before pl

  • In 20 years (Score:4, Interesting)

    by future assassin ( 639396 ) on Friday December 26, 2014 @04:38AM (#48674527)

    Ill be telling my grand kids about the days of dumb box tv's with out the need to run the tv behind a firewall, game console and computers you owned and could modify and game disks you could lend to your friends with out the authorities breaking down your doors for illegal game lending.

    • You can tell that story along with the one of the internet where you were allowed to just connect anything you want and not need a federal license (which surprisingly every insecure fucking toaster can get but it takes a written test and handing over any and all information about you if you want to use anything that allows some kind of interaction).

grep me no patterns and I'll tell you no lines.
