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Poker Pros Win Against AI, But Experts Peg Match As Statistical Draw 65

hypnosec writes with some positive news for Skynet watchers, in that humans still have at least a slight lead against the AIs who might one day imprison us in energy-harvesting goo tanks, or at least beating us in Las Vegas. The two-day poker showdown involving four of the world's top (human) players and a Carnegie Mellon University AI program called Claudico saw the professionals win, after several days of heads-up no-limit Texas Hold'em. "Despite the win, the poker players' $732,713 collective lead over Claudico wasn't quite large enough to attain statistical significance, experts have said. This means that the results can't be accepted as scientifically reliable thereby indicating that the "Brains Vs. Artificial Intelligence" competition effectively ended in a statistical tie." On the other hand, the computers sure got over what looked like a rout by the humans.
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Poker Pros Win Against AI, But Experts Peg Match As Statistical Draw

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  • So which is it? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 10, 2015 @09:54AM (#49657681)

    Halfway through the competition, the four human pros had a cumulative lead of 626,892 chips. Though much could change in the week remaining, a lead of around 600,000 chips is considered statistically significant.


    "Despite the win, the poker players' $732,713 collective lead over Claudico wasn't quite large enough to attain statistical significance"

    • by Kjella ( 173770 )

      Probably something to do with average winnings/hand, playing more hands with the total winnings not increasing much makes the significance weaker.

      • Look, it is two thousand freaking fifteen. This is an article from some site called "Techie News" being re-reported at Slashdot. Can we please get a little ridicule of this supposed binary concept of "statistical significance" ? It would take us one or two sentences to tell us the actual numbers involved--the expected value, expected deviation, margin of error, confidence level, etc.

        And then when all's said and done, if indeed the level of significance was too low (e.g. p too high), maybe we could get
      • Probably something to do with average winnings/hand, playing more hands with the total winnings not increasing much makes the significance weaker.

        Is there a difference between what a gambler calls a "useful advantage" and what statistician calls one?

        I know a couple of professional poker players - they reckon the "house" has as 5.5% advantage, and are pretty pleased with any system that gives them a 2% advantage.

    • by kekx ( 2828765 )
      Well, the important thing is "halfway through the competition". I don't know how to calculate the statistical significance here, but it seems sensible that it would need to be a bigger lead after playing more games.
    • Perhaps chips are worth significantly more than $1? So the quantity of winnings shrunk significantly between midpoint and end?
    • It's the poker players' mentality. if you speak to any of them, none will ever tell you they are a losing player. The losers always say "Oh,I pretty much break even"
    • If someone is curious it was 170M of total bets. Bot at least is not total fish. []
  • Maybe it means a 600k chip lead per individual head-to-head. Or it could mean FUCK THS COMPUTARZ ROOL

  • I think this is the optimal outcome for the scientists. They can show: 1) We have done something (i.e. the poker bot is not too far from the best human players so our time has not been wasted). 2) There is more to be done (i.e. give us more money to look at this).

    Also, I do think it is a quite impressive outcome.

    • reading the details this looks more like a complete route and they are just trying to put a nice face on things. A person that relies heavily on maths and is a tight player would have similar results, these are the type of players that professionals make their living off, players that slowly lose money too you, not fast enough to scare them away and make them realize they suck though.

  • Seems more like applied statistics to me.
    • by PRMan ( 959735 ) on Sunday May 10, 2015 @10:48AM (#49657911)
      Playing blackjack is applied statistics. Playing poker is AI.
    • Pretty much any algorithm can be considered Applied Statistics... and even our own existence if you want to go down that rabbit hole.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Anubis IV ( 1279820 )

      In this case, yes, it is. All they gave it as inputs were the rules to the game. The AI had to make its own determinations after that for what the optimal strategy was, how it would go about achieving it, and how it should respond to the individual characteristics of each of its opponents.

      Alternatively, ask yourself if playing a game takes intelligence at all. We could argue that all that the pros are doing is making their best estimation of the statistical likelihood that they'll win a hand, then betting a

      • by tomhath ( 637240 )

        All they gave it as inputs were the rules to the game. The AI had to make its own determinations after that for what the optimal strategy was,...

        Yes, that was where the original question was going (despite someone thinking it was trolling and modding me down).

        When the domain is constrained by a set of rules and the programmers (not really "the AI") have built a decision tree on how to act based on current conditions, it makes me wonder what is meant by intelligence. Obviously it takes some intelligence for a person to be good at the game; but it also takes some intelligence to multiply two numbers together. I don't think anyone claims multiplicatio

      • Alternatively, ask yourself if playing a game takes intelligence at all. We could argue that all that the pros are doing is making their best estimation of the statistical likelihood that they'll win a hand, then betting accordingly along an optimal path that they've cultivated through experience.

        Perhaps that's true.

        It's really no different than what this AI was doing either, it would seem.

        Except that human players somehow manage to make their estimates through an advanced "higher-level" intuition, while TFA says: "Claudico [the AI] sets its own strategy, Brown noted, and that strategy occupies about two terabytes of data -- far more than the CMU team could analyze."

        And here comes the problem with a single definition of "intelligence." If you believe (as I do) that "intelligence" fundamentally requires a level of adaptability, as well as abiilty to alter one's own behav

        • by itzly ( 3699663 )

          Yet somehow humans manage to do well without all of that perfect access and recall to huge quantities of information.

          Humans also have access and recall to huge quantities of information. It may not be perfect, but in the case of professional poker players, it's close enough.

        • I completely agree with everything you said in response to me. The only thing I feel a need to address is this:

          Meanwhile, you ask whether playing a game takes "any intelligence at all." If it does not [...]

          I was trying to call attention to a double-standard he had set up. I took it as a given that we would all agree that games take intelligence to be played, and that as a result we would recognize the invalidity in his assertion that this is nothing more than applied statistics, since that assertion could be applied equally as well to natural intelligence.

          As you, I think that what we've seen on displ

  • The losing team of every competition likes to say things like 'statistical draw'.

    • by PRMan ( 959735 )
      Poor losers. Real men can admit they lost, even in Game 7 in triple overtime.
  • Let's see, over two days that's about 400 hands per hour, or one hand every 8.5 seconds, assuming the players take no breaks for sleeping, eating, etc. Yet they still trounced the computer, and it's claiming "no statistical significance"? I think this is one of the greatest achievements of man versus machine in history!
  • Then can I have the $732,713?? I mean really, isn't this the very point of AI? To be less than just a statistical automaton and actually be able to beat a human at real life in something? AI should be about winning the money, that's it.
  • Awesome. I want to play poker with these guys... we can just draw right at the beginning, and they'll give me 700 grand, right?

Whoever dies with the most toys wins.
