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Businesses The Almighty Buck Games

Grand Theft Auto V Keeps Raking In Money 95

jones_supa writes: At end of 2013, Grand Theft Auto V made $800 million during initial 24 hours of sales. The title keeps churning profit as the publisher Take-Two closes the book on fiscal year 2015, which ended March 31. The company reported better-than-expected profits of $54.3 million atop revenue of $427.7 million in its fourth quarter, a significant improvement over the $21.5 million profit it reaped from $233.2 million in revenue during the same period last year. This time around Take-Two once again credited GTA V as its premier revenue driver for the final quarter of the year. With PS4/XBOne/PC versions out as well, the game has been an excellent investment. Strong runner-ups were 2K titles NBA 2K15 and Evolve.
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Grand Theft Auto V Keeps Raking In Money

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  • PC version (Score:5, Interesting)

    by decipher_saint ( 72686 ) on Wednesday May 20, 2015 @04:11PM (#49739231)

    I bought it on launch on the 360 and it was okay but something wasn't right and I kind of let it rot for a while, now with the PC version having HD textures and a relatively steady 60 fps the game is a lot more fun (for me at least)

    For some reason the online play on PC is a lot more fun as well, I really can't say why that is, it just is

    My only gripe are the hoops for multiplayer modding, because let's face it if you're playing GTA on a PC you might as well be Batman fighting Horses with shotguns with 0 friction and low gravity

    • I bought it on launch for the 360 as well and their horrible failure of execution ruined it for me much of the time. I'll wait until the PC version hits the bargain bin before I screw with them again.

      • That'll probably be when the next version hits PC in 2020 or 2021. These AAA titles don't dip below $50 for a long time.
        • That'll probably be when the next version hits PC in 2020 or 2021. These AAA titles don't dip below $50 for a long time.

          Fine with me, I already played through the 360 version. I imagine there's been some new content since, but I don't figure I'm missing that much.

  • by PopeRatzo ( 965947 ) on Wednesday May 20, 2015 @05:13PM (#49739651) Journal

    I'm a big fan of the GTA franchise, but I gotta say there was something about GTA V (story mode) that bothers me a little bit. And maybe it's part of what the developers were trying to do.

    And that is, a life of crime can be pretty goddamn tedious. Now don't misunderstand me: parachuting off a building onto the back of a flatbed truck is great fun. Exploring the bottom of the ocean in a 1-man sub is hypnotizing. But the "drive over here, pick up that thing, now kill a bunch of guys and then drive over here" for what turns out to be slightly underwhelming rewards (and sometimes no rewards at all) is not all that much fun. Especially with the company. I like Franklin pretty well, and I found myself rooting for him (and making sure he invested his money wisely), but Michael is a self-pitying pain in the ass and Trevor's act starts to wear a bit thin (except for two particular moment that were kind of magical - more about that later).

    So a life of crime is a tedious, low-reward endeavor. Maybe that's a good message now that I think about it, but it wasn't as much fun as turning Nico Bellic from a fresh-off-the-boat immigrant into a kingpin. GTA IV had an operatic, Scarface-like quality to the story that appealed to me. GTA V is like having to go to a retirement party for someone you don't really like all that much and having to hang with co-workers that you already get to see more than you want. But at least in GTA V the scenery is spectacular, which is more than I can say about the people at the retirement party.

    I've just started the Online Mode and so far, it's a lot more fun, except I can see how having to do crimes with random people online who are mostly knuckleheads might also get tedious. I've had mostly good experiences with random online players so far. They seem to genuinely want to get the heist done instead of blowing themselves up. We'll see if I'm able to find some grownups to play online with. I'm betting it will make it a lot more entertaining.

    OK, now for the two magical Trevor moments: #1 is when he's driving his older girlfriend, Patricia, back home to her husband, mob boss Martin, and Chicago's "If You Leave Me Now" comes on the radio and Trevor gets tearful. It was a little moving and hysterically funny at the same time. #2 magical Trevor moment is his encounter with fitness fanatic Mary Ann. "We belong together!"

    • I've not started MP play yet, I'd play online with you.
    • by ChoGGi ( 522069 )

      I'm ChoGGi on RGSC if you're looking for a heist companion

    • The cut scenes when you switch characters to Trevor were all pretty funny. The scene with Wade's cousin in pink pajamas in particular had me laughing out loud.

      Wade also has a bunch of humorous one-liners he says, after he's been permanently located within a certain establishment.

    • And that is, a life of crime can be pretty goddamn tedious.

      Well, you know, crime doesn't pay.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Magic moment #3: When Michael explains to Trevor why he is the original hipster

    • Son, it sounds to me like you're ready to play Saint's Row.
      • Son, it sounds to me like you're ready to play Saint's Row.

        Saint's Row IV is my jam. It's one of a handful of games I consider favorites. The story had a deep sense of humanity, forgiveness, ridiculousness and understanding. When older Shaundi learns to forgive her younger self (in the middle of a attack on a psycho DJ and his minions in which a dubstep gun is used), one of the deepest moral and human lessons in videogame history was on display: never hold a grudge against your younger self.

        Saint's Row

    • The thing that really got me about GTA V was that at least offline (I don't have an xbox live account, maybe I should have got one, I understand there was more money to be made in the online stock market than the offline one) there was no real way to make money in the endgame other that waiting for money from your buisnesses which arrives painfully slowly (and unlike in earlier GTA games saving repeatedly to advance time doesn't seem to help). If you played the main story normally you end up with enough mo

Whoever dies with the most toys wins.
