Gamers Are Fans of Games, Not Genres 119
_xeno_ writes: A recent article on Steam Spy talks about how a "target audience" for game genres doesn't exist — or, more specifically, how there is no such thing as an "FPS gamer" or an "MMO gamer" or a "MOBA gamer." The majority of players tend to be fans of specific games, rather than genres. For example, the wildly popular MMO World of Warcraft managed to reach over 10 million players at its peak. However, these players never became "MMO gamers" — they were simply World of Warcraft gamers. As World of Warcraft's subscriber numbers fall, there's been no corresponding uptick in subscribers of other, competing MMOs. In fact, pretty much ever MMO released since World of Warcraft has been forced to move to a "free-to-play" model simply to survive. The article explains how the majority of gamers concentrate on a very small number of games, rarely trying new games: they're fans of a specific game, not any game that plays like it.
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https://www.bing.com/search?q=... [bing.com]
Re:WoW! really its taken this long to figure that (Score:4, Interesting)
According to the sheer number of knock-off games that developers have created, evidently it isn't common sense. Otherwise they wouldn't waste so much time creating something that would do well to make its investment back.
For me, I think the following factors determine which games I decide to try:
- Is it interesting enough to grab my attention?
- Is it fun and challenging enough to keep my attention?
- Does it adequately reward me (somehow) for the progress I make? Even if that "somehow" is knowing I completed a worthy challenge.
- (If multiplayer) How many of my friends currently play?
For that last one, the "currently" is important. I used to play Halo all the time, but after Destiny released and the MCC debacle, my friends don't play Halo any more so I rarely play either.
Really, I think that's all. It doesn't have to be something like the other games I play (on the contrary, I find playing games that are too similar to my favorites to be wasteful). It doesn't have to be super popular, or even polished... I've put tons of time into Kerbal Space Program and several of its beta versions (heck, even its release) were not nearly as polished as some games that I played once and never looked back.
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The summary doesn't really match the article. I think the summary is neither common sense, nor public knowledge, nor correct. I think the article is mostly common sense and public knowledge though.
The article says that you can't make a game that appeals broadly to "core gamers" or broadly to "female gamers" because those aren't coherent genres, those are demographics. Of course you can't make a game that all female gamers enjoy, because different female gamers tend to enjoy different kinds of games -- ki
Re:WoW! really its taken this long to figure that (Score:5, Interesting)
> Maybe I'm out of touch or something but I didn't even know what MOBA is
Yes, it's fair to say you are out of touch.
Defense of the Ancients, a WCIII map mod birthed the genre, and League of Legends is the king, with 67 million players per month (from wkipedia). There's others in the dota line, a flurry of lesser players, and Blizzard is in on the action now with Heroes of the Storm.
Also- everyone I know who plays *a* moba, plays multiple ones. Everyone I know who plays WoW has tried other MMOs*, but has to come back to WoW, because the other MMOs* really don't touch WoW's set of depth (particularly with raids).
*The real reason this comparison sucks is, WoW is a very SPECIFIC type of MMO, which I'll call a "wowlike". A "wowlike" has you level through fixed content with quests to cap, and the leveling can be done solo. Once at cap, you have a bunch of instanced raids that reset each week, and there's a separate pvp system that rewards you with some kind of pvp currency you can use to boost your power in that realm. On top of this, your character powers up through levels at first, but eventually the progression from levels is a rounding error- only the stats on the gear end up contributing to player power, meaning that gear at max level is the primary mechanism. When an expansion comes out, it raises the level cap, and the higher level characters can't utilize their old gear very much, and the "gear treadmill" is reset. These games have a "global cooldown" that represents how often things can happen, they almost never block player pathing or action, especially regarding other players, acceleration and turning is always infinite, and a maximum speed is reached instantly. The maximum speed is either identical for all players, or very close together. End game gear is always best from a "raid", the weekly reset that requires a large but FIXED number of players to engage in combat versus scripted enemies, each of whom drops gear from a finite loot set, and that gear is desired to complete the upgrades the characters desire to become more powerful.
This "wowlike" description explicitly includes all the games meant to copy wow, such as lotro, warhammer, vanguard, swtor, wildstar, and many many many many others.
It's no surprise that if you play wow, you aren't necessarily going to be interested in the budget knock off of the same game, especially while wow continues to pump out new content. That above set of restrictions- all of them- are almost universally present, meaning that they are explicitly copying wow (and no, not EQ).
Meanwhile, the REST of the MMO genre is much more diverse- a WoW player won't have much in common with an EVE online player necessarily, or even an old school everquest player.
Anyway, mobas are huge, and it is surprising to me that you haven't heard about them. They fill stadiums, big time e-sport games.
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Small change, Aeon of Strife in Starcraft Broodwars was the precursor to DOTA for WC3.
Back when I played the original Defense of the Ancients (before a different map maker took it over and made it suck), that type of map was always referred to as an "AoS" map.
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My favorite statistic about MOBAs: this year's League of Legends final had more in-person attendees at the stadium than this year's basketball final. I don't see the appeal of either, personally, but there's no arguing that MOBAs are a huge trend in gaming, despite there really only being 2 of them.
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League of Legends is the king
And as someone who logged in recently - If those games are not ranked, 90% of your teammates are bots grinding out for IP/Levels to have the accounts sold. DotA 2 is the king.
Some day on the horizon, maybe LoL will not be running on Adobe Air and have basic features like Replays built in.
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"As World of Warcraft's subscriber numbers fall, there's been no corresponding uptick in subscribers of other, competing MMOs."
Define "competing MMO".
Is EVE Online a competing MMO of WoW? is World of Tanks (and WoWP, WoWS, WoT:Generals) a competing MMO? Is War Thunder (and Ground Forces) a competing MMO? How about Path of Exile? ArcheAge? Elder Scrolls Online? Planetside 2? Rust? Ark: Survival? Mech Warrior Online? Neverwinter? Elite:Dangerous?
And "subscribers"? Seriously? MMOs with monthly subscriptions ar
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Maybe I'm out of touch or something but I didn't even know what MOBA is.
It's just a subsection of RTS games. In terms of categorization it's right up there with people who play kart games on-line.
It was a term invented to make the PC Master Race sound like they have broader horizons than they really do.
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They're trying to turn MOBA into a spectator sport. Which is kinda weird. I guess there's money in that, out in tee vee land.
It's sort of gross, trying to turn video gaming into something vulgar like football. With hero 'jocks' and all.
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You can think of a MOBA as being a very short term RPG in an incredibly tiny and linear world. Your main opponents are other players, or computers controlling a bot, with some lower level chaff MOBs thrown in for you to level off of. You play as a small team against another team. There are usually three paths that connect your teams base to the enemy base. Each base sends out little PvE critters to wander down the connecting paths and attack enemy critters and structures. It is a stalemate without player in
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I thought this was just common sense and public knowledge. How does this asinine bull make a slash headline?
It's not entirely obvious or necessarily true. I for one am a genre gamer to an extent. Tower Defense & 5x are my preferred games, RTS/Strategy next. The rest I play a bit of everything. I will spend the most time on games I enjoy but I'm always more willing to try those in my preferred genre over those I know I probably won't enjoy.
Finally (Score:2)
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Most chess players have no interest in checkers, poker, or go.
I'm not sure that's true. I've never met a chess play who couldn't play checkers. Chess players often switch to poker [wikipedia.org], and there are even chess + poker tournaments [pokerstars.com].
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Most chess players have no interest in checkers, poker, or go.
I'm not sure that's true. I've never met a chess play who couldn't play checkers. Chess players often switch to poker [wikipedia.org], and there are even chess + poker tournaments [pokerstars.com].
Funny, I play chess, not at a tournament level but for fun, and I sometimes like playing checkers and love playing poker. Of course, playing poker, for me, isn't about playing cards it's about having fun with my friends. As for Go, the only reason why a lot of people don't play Go is because it isn't all that popular, at least in the US and Canada. I would think that a lot of Chess players would also enjoy Go because it does require strategy.
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As for Go, the only reason why a lot of people don't play Go is because it isn't all that popular, at least in the US and Canada. I would think that a lot of Chess players would also enjoy Go because it does require strategy.
Yeah. It's somewhat unaccessable, and as a result requires a lot of effort to really get into.
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Most chess players have no interest in checkers, poker, or go.
I'm not sure that's true. I've never met a chess play who couldn't play checkers. Chess players often switch to poker [wikipedia.org], and there are even chess + poker tournaments [pokerstars.com].
Chess + boxing is more interesting.
When I was very young, I didn't even understand. (Score:5, Insightful)
Just like children can't see through the veil when watching a movie and needs to be reminded Godzilla isn't real and the set is a miniature city, I think a lot of people get caught up in games without thinking how the game is made or similar to other games. A lot of people just play and if they like it, they stay. I just wish the veil wasn't so thick that people could see through a Clash of Clans, Farmville meets castle, pay to win, and wouldn't sponsor that type of drivel. I once had a "game designer" honestly think Clash of Clans took as much skill as Wacraft3 to play... The veil is there even for people who are supposed game developers.
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Re:When I was very young, I didn't even understand (Score:5, Interesting)
Really? I've heard people say literally that. I would say most people don't stick to just one genre but they mostly float in just a few.
Lots of people don't like superhero movies, don't like movies with ambiguous villains and morality, don't like movies with clear villans and black & white morality, don't like arthouse films, don't like mainstream films, don't like character studies, don't like crime dramas...
In books people like romance, or detective, or Science Fiction, or fantasy, or horror, or humour, or comics, or historical fiction, or slice-of-life, or coming-of-age, or a combination of a few of those and others I can't think of at the moment. It always amused me that book genre was frequently defined by setting, whereas setting is considered almost irrelevant to video game genre classification.
Music comes in very clear genres and people very rarely like classical music and hip-hop music and folk music to an equal degree.
I like RPG*, RTS, and Adventure.
*Not Elder-Scrolls or similar. Not most JRPGs, although Chrono Trigger was pretty good and hell, early Sega Master system RPGs were good. RPG is a wide genre that also includes Might & Magic, Ultima, Infinity Engine games and similar-style, Fallouts 1 & 2, Wizardly, Shadowrun Returns, "old-school" RPG, Mass Effect 1 and to a lesser extent 3, etc.. -- this is where the article has a point; RPG is too broad and JRPG and Western RPG doesn't really divide the market correctly in my opinion.
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Superhero movies covers a wide range of film types. Serious, comedy, action packed, psychological, drama... So for me generas are useless, I evaluate films individually.
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I've found my tastes have changed quite a bit as I get older. Obviously, when I started (in the heyday of arcades and the earliest consoles) my choices were limited. We grew up with an Odyssey 2 console, and most friends had an Atari. ALL games were pretty much arcade games, with a few rare exceptions. I bought a Nintendo, but skipped consoles until the Xbox came out, preferring PC gaming. I loved shooters, flight sims, adventure games (especially back in the Sierra/Lucasarts heyday), and I played comp
Katamari is a 3D platformer (Score:2)
I think with something as complex as a computer, we can have new genres of games like Katamari Damacy if someone puts their mind to it.
Katamari is a 3D platformer. Instead of the jumping mechanic of Super Mario, it has the eating mechanic of Bubbles (1982). Trying new things is a matter of combining existing building blocks in new ways. Have there been any new building blocks introduced since Parappa nearly two decades ago?
I don't agree. (Score:5, Interesting)
Gamers like their genres, the problem is there might be one great game and then a bunch of crappy clones. So it seems like they stick to one game, when the fact is, there isn't that many good games.
Every time something becomes big, you get a dozen wanna-be games flooding the market, trying to make money off the popularity of the popular game. Crappy stuff usually. What we need is developers to be given the time they need to make games good and have their points, instead of quickly shoving it out the door at a certain set date. 40 years into the gaming industry and they still make the same mistakes they should of learned better from before.
Currently I've been playing Everquest 1 on one of it's time locked progression server. Why? Because it's fun and I'm having a great time playing it with my friends. 20 year old MMORPG is better to me then most of the current ones.
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I think part of that is because everyone got so beholden to WoW's game conventions,
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Sociopaths aren't my idea of a good time.
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This is the problem in the MMO genre. WoW was so successful that -everyone- tried to copy it, or at best make iterative improvements. Publishers didn't want an MMO that did well, they wanted "the next WoW" or a "WoW killer." I've been looking for a new MMO to play for a long, long time, but have yet to see anything of interest that makes it worth my time.
I completely agree. And it's not just the MMo genre. The problem is that when there is a game that does well, there are a lot of big game companies that try to make a copy. They don't understand that people will not be interested in the copy, because it's a copy.
New original ideas are going to be the next big thing. Minecraft, League of Legends and World of Tanks are real WoW-killers, not any MMO that came after WoW and tried to copy it. Companies that don't understand that, end up killing the unique and di
Fighting Gamers (Score:3)
Those people who own 1-3 games... (Score:2)
...I'm really interested in how much money they spent. This article says there's a lot of people who ONLY own a moba and nothing else. Um, those things are generally free to play, you hit download and you get it with no effort. People who only "own" a moba on steam, and no other games, aren't customers. They probably play plenty of other games...just not on steam. But regardless, if you aren't making a f2p, you can pretend that people whose accounts only have f2ps don't exist.
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Bad comparison? (Score:4, Insightful)
MMO's are a crappy comparison because:
1. It is SOO important to have a good set of people to play with that 'switching to MMO xyz' immediately becomes extremely difficult. Maybe in a series of multiverse guilds supported by some awesome gaming service hub could work like a guilds-out-of-games social service, but it doesn't exist, so the entropy moving from title to title is very hard at this point
2. MMO's in general wear you down in ways that make you never want to go back to MMO's. I like to grind once and a while because I'm sadistic, but I imagine a lot of people who've played MMO's never went back because the genre was so punishing
3. The entire 'point' of an MMO (as well as other genre titles) is to suck you into their playing system in a way that moving off to competitors becomes too high cost. Oh you wanna drop sub and play that -other- game? Well sure, but we'll delete your content after being idle for a certain time, etc.. like that
There are certainly some holy wars of gaming which have polarized gamers against one another, such as DOTA 2 / LOL. That doens't mean people can't enjoy the fruits of both, but people tend to stick to what they're used to for 'regularly played' games regardless of the competition. Realistically, the games are so close that anyone competent on one could be the same with some training for the other.
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I may
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No! You are only allowed to play one game!
I wonder what all the fans of RPGs have to say about this, it's not like I play Baldur's Gate or Final Fantasy 6 exclusively.
Really? Don't think so. (Score:4, Insightful)
At least half of the people I know who play Final Fantasy XIV came there from another MMO (mostly WoW).
Back when I played WoW, most of the people I knew came there from other MMOs.
For that matter, in pretty much every MMO I've played, one of the stock discussion tropes is "which MMO did you play before this?" - with a very, very low percentage who never played MMOs before.
Yeah, most people also play other genres, but if you made them choose, you'd find that pretty much everyone IS primarily one "type" of gamer first.
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FFXIV is "niche" in that it's the second-largest MMO at the current time, and somewhere between 750,000 and a million people play it.
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That was very likely the case early on with WoW. But once you got past the first expansion I'm pretty sure WoW had more subscriptions than all previous MMO's historically had combined. WoW ended up being the first MMO for a very large segment of it's player base I would wager.
I think that most people would identify themselves as a fan of a specific genre before all others. But that Genre is likely to change on a regular basis for most people. Some people do seem to always play the same genre games and rarel
More interesting question (Score:1)
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Small and Large had a baby.
I like games but I don't know about genres (Score:2)
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I like lots of games, but I am not sure they fit into a genre. I like games with a robust offline experience, and I don't like to play online at all, especially against people who have way too many hours and way too many dollars to throw at mods so you can't enjoy your experience at all. I like Red Dead Redemption, Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy, Skyrim, Lego Movie Adaptations and Gran Turismo. Don't care for sports games or World of Warcraft or online FPS.
My tastes are similar but I do like FPS games... Oblivion, Skyrim, Far Cry, Uncharted, Fallout, Dark Souls, Wolfenstein, Bioshock
I don't like MMO games simply because I don't have the time to put into grinding to make it worth it. And don't get me started about today's online FPS games. It used to be that they were balanced enough that a casual player could survive long enough to at least explore the map a bit before getting killed. Most of them now seem to be designed to kill off fresh meat as soon as
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I like WoW, but I've never liked the multiplayer aspects of it. Thus, I have liked it more, now that I play the WOTLK version on my own server. It's more fun than Skyrim, and there are so many threads of lore to immerse in.
Blizzard took a lot of time to build their world before essentially subsuming the whole thing. All they do now is create a veneer of new content to justify expansion packs and focus on instanced content that actually just detracts from the lore and the world.
It doesn't matter to me, I hav
This is stupid. (Score:4, Interesting)
Another genre that completely trashes this argument is RPGs, whichever letter you put in front of them. People play those to see story, characters, and setting. It wouldn't even make sense to play only one. That'd be like saying there's no such thing as a sci-fi fan; only people who like the Foundation series or Hitchhiker's Guide.
MMO's (Score:4, Insightful)
I USED to consider myself an MMO gamer. Played UO for almost 6 years. Then moved to EQ. I thought, wow, this isn't nearly as feature-filled as UO, but hey, 3D GRAPHICS! Played that for 4 years. Then I started playing DAOC, and a whole host of others, including WoW and even some more recent ones like LOTRO and SWTOR. Each successive game I played lost my interest more quickly than the last. I tried to play ArcheAge and I lasted a whole week before I gave up on it.
Most MMO's have turned into nothing but F2P grind-fests. They are time and money sinks. Either waste a whole crapload of time grinding a quest for a shiny bauble, or, OR... you could purchase the bobble on our store. Not with game money silly, with real money!
I'm still convinced that UO is the most feature-complete MMO created to date, and aside from it's antiquated graphics and interface (Which they may have updated since then) nothing since then has come close.
Now, I play games other than MMO's, but I wouldn't consider myself a fan of any particular genre or style. I do despise most of the mobile F2P games. I don't view them as games at all, they're formulaic, addictive and only designed to get you to spend small amounts of cash frequently so you don't realize that over the last 3 months, you've dumped more into this "free" app than you spend on WoW over the course of a year. Scams are what I consider them.
Sorry if this sounds like a "Back in MY day" rant, but I am getting a bit long in the tooth.
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If you want a very deep, feature rich, subscription MMO, you may want to consider looking into Eve Online.
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Or one of the emulated servers for SWG, pre-NGE of course.
I tried Eve for a few months once and decided the mechanics of it really just made it a tedious game to play. The whole security scheme is too easily exploited. The UI is built to facilitate scammers and apparently kept that way deliberately. One of the more critical elements of the ui is impossibly screwy to try and adjust, meaning you can never be sure if it's actually displaying what you think it is. It's a sandbox without much in the way of space
What about fighting games? (Score:3)
Totally disagree (Score:3)
I am definitely a genre gamer. It's just that I don't have a lot of time, and am really picky about games I play as a result - so it might be years, but eventually i'll find a game in the genres that I like.
I could easily see the same about MMO gamers - lets say you burn out on Warcraft. Why would that mean you'd immediately go into another large time sink, instead of taking some time off?
I'm a fan of hiking too but I don't hike every day... guess I'm not a "real hiker" and no real hikers (like true Scotsman) exist.
WoW that was a no brainer. (Score:2)
Did actually anyone ever believe otherwise?
I guess I'm the exception that proves the rule (Score:1)
A recent article on Steam Spy talks about how a "target audience" for game genres doesn't exist — or, more specifically, how there is no such thing as an "FPS gamer"
Is it just me, or is this not true for many people? I'm an FPS gamer. I play pretty much exclusively first-person games, to the point where I almost refuse to look at anything else. Maybe it's narrow-minded of me, sure, but it can't be that uncommon. While I like plenty of different types of games within that genre, certainly not just a few choice titles, it remains pretty much the only genre I play. Note that I did not RTFA, so if the actual story addresses this, then oh well.
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I played Wolfenstein 3D all the way through on my 386 and Doom too, and a lot of Quake. But I get sick feeling trying to play first person perspective games these days (with the exception of Minecraft, which just works somehow.
For me, now, it's about immersion in a virtual world that matters, mostly third person perspective. And open world. Velvet rope track games just bore me. If there's terrain visible I want to be able to step off the trail and interact with it.
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Bad summary of good article (Score:2)
The article does not at all say that there aren't gamers who are fans of specific genres. What it says is that the giant categories of people who play video games (which should be differentiated from "gamer" in the same way that "people who watch movies" is differentiated from "movie buff") that small developers tend to go after in order to do well in the marketplace, like "MOBA gamers," "core gamers," or "female gamers," aren't cohesive blocs that all buy and play a variety of games within their interests
argh. (Score:1)
most of us gamers ( at least those with disposable income ) like to play a game - not an online we're-better-than-you cluster***k.
We're 35/40+. We did Elite in the old days, where our mind filled in the gaps, always thinking there was *stuff* in that universe to find if you tried hard enough. But didn't expect it to happen *now*. Reality based, and we filled in the blanks with imagination. We *were* a pirate, we *were* a bounty hunter.
We forgave so many mistakes in Frontiers etc. because of the same belief
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Prithee, sirrah. Hast thou heard of No Man's Sky and Sword Coast Legends?
http://www.no-mans-sky.com/ [no-mans-sky.com]
https://swordcoast.com/ [swordcoast.com]
More Skyrim please (Score:1)
The theme of the article is why Bethesda needs to do more Skyrim. Not something else. Not the next big thing. There is a big fan base ready and waiting.
- signed totally not a Skyrim addict.
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I would like a modern reskinning of Daggarfall. They don't need to add any new content. Just a modern graphical layer to wrap it all in.
Comment removed (Score:3)
Not true (Score:2)
Really the whole basis of the argument is that they couldn't translate WoW gamers into other MMOs. Okay. But that doesn't mean there aren't gamers for given genres.
Take RTS games... there are absolutely RTS gamers.
FPS gamers? Oh yes. There are some gamers that that is what they play pretty much period.
Stealth games? Yuuup.
Adventure games... you know the point and click things... there are some people that that is all they play.
Now are there people that cross a lot of lines? sure. But just as with movies, yo
I am a genre player (Score:2)
I mostly play single player RPGs, some strategy games. These days one of the defining points of RPGs is in a LOT of games. I'm talking about character development, which in video game RPGs has usually been shown as character ability development. The other main defining point of RPGs is plot. This has also been in more and more games. As other games gain those traits my interest in them increases. I prefer RPGs that require thought more than speed on the keyboard.
Genres blend, divide, and blend again. When D
I'm finally part of the 1%! (Score:1)
Not sure what that says exactly. But hey, never thought I'd be part of the 1% of anything.
MMO's have lost the concept of "Open World" (Score:1)
I used to be an MMO player (Score:4, Insightful)
I used to be an MMO Player, I played several, with my biggest amount of time spent in World of Warcraft.
I stopped playing MMOs when NCSoft killed my favourite MMO out of the blue: City of Heroes.
I liked it because it was not like other MMOs I had played. There were no restrictions on level, class, gear or skill as to which players could team up and have fun together. Your character was totally unique. There was the most and best story telling I've seen in any MMO, including WoW. It wasn't perfect, but I still consider it the best game ever.
I was having a lot of fun in that game, only having discovered it quite late (It was at first not available where I lived).
Then NCSoft killed it two weeks before the new expansion went live. By what information the players could gather, not for financial reasons, but due to corporate politics.
After that I decided I never wanted to invest time again into something where I was at the mercy of a corporate boardroom on the other side of the globe. I don't want to play any game where I don't control the hardware needed to run it.
Pointing out the Obvious (Score:2)
No, you can't enter a game segment late with a poor product, lacking in originality, and expect it sales.
Also, I disagree with the article as someone who prefers 3D action and adventure games over say, card games and 2D puzzle games.
Gamers Who Harass Women Actually Suck (Score:1)
Re:In nearly 25 years in the gaming industry... (Score:4, Funny)
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Well, in Zork, the higher your APS the higher your FPS!
Text aside, the graphical ones really were classics too. Not to the level of Zork 1 or Zork Zero, but Return to Zork was iconic, and Zork Grand Inquisitor pulled off some of the old humor in a way that was more Infocom than Lucasarts.
Re:In nearly 25 years in the gaming industry... (Score:5, Funny)
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Blah blah 'real gamers' rhetoric is the most boring card played on Slashdot these days. You are a data point, and probably an insignifiant one if your world removes the revenues of casual/MMO/consoles from the world of gaming. Lets all stand up and applaud AC for their insightful and self-centered world view! *golfclap*
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Yeah. I can see you have only played shitty MMOs (if any) recently.
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Would you say that about Diablo or Final Fantasy?
Boss is too hard? Go farm some mobs and level up then try the boss again. Only in one you're working with a team while the other you're working alone.
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Except in those, you're done with the whole game in 20-60 hours, and a lot of that is story. Unless you're insanely dedicated and bored, you're not going to farm one area for more than a couple hours, and probably nowhere near even that. The scenery changes a lot, and you rarely have to run for five minutes to get where you're going.
Not arguing that it's not a grind, I guess, but there's still a pretty big difference. I spent a couple hours grinding early-game in Final Fantasy 5 a couple months ago for a
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The vast majority of my friends and coworkers play FPS games, but I can't think of anyone that plays MMOs.
Do you understand that WoW was so popular for a while, that Slashdot has a field in the user settings where you can put which server you play on? You're posting on Slashdot, you associate with plenty of people who play MMOs.
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I have to admit I am still hoping that the EFF will win their dmca case https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/... [eff.org]
I would personally like to be able to play tso again even if only on a empty local server.
I paid for a copy of the client and was a 4 year+ subscriber none of it is usable now.
I although I quit buying the sims 2 expansions and stuff packs after sims 2 seasons in 2007 I couldn't keep up with the cost at the time.
Dear EA I am still willing to pay the $100 I offered you a few years back for sims 2 compl
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Yeah ftp is worthless I hate what it has done to the games and the community
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FTP is obsolete. I used a torrent to download the WoW 3.5.5 install binaries. And Jeutie's Blizzlike Pack for a server. It has the MySQL server and the auth and world server bins all rolled up nice and easy to install.
Or were you talking about Free to play? I spent many hundreds paying Blizzard before I discovered the ftp version of WoW. (which is multiplayer, we do it on a LAN here sometimes.)
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Free to play.
Most games on ios are free to play.
Im going to complain about "The Sims FreePlay"
Its naggy to the point of being unplayable or atleast it was a few years ago when I got my ipad 2.
You can't buy it and there are no real cheats. (other than paying)
You can buy the sims 3 but then the cheats don't actutally work...(thats why it has a 3 star rating)
Most others are like this.
This video best discribes the state of ftp games on ios:
http://youtu.be/dY9D606ANtc [youtu.be]
I didn't know until later that was actually