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Fan-Made 'Metal Gear Solid' Remake Cancelled; Gamers Blame Konami ( 118

MojoKid writes: Fans of the popular Metal Gear Solid series are ticked off at Konami over the cancellation of an unofficial, fan-built remake of the very first title that shipped for the original PlayStation way back in 1998. The remake's cancellation was announced on the project's Facebook page, which immediately prompted backlash aimed at Konami for presumably having a hand in it. The project, dubbed Shadow Moses, was the brainchild of indie game designer Airam Hernandez. It appears he may have assembled a small team to remake the original Metal Gear Solid using Unreal Engine 4. While it hasn't been confirmed that Konami shut the project down, it wouldn't be surprising to find out that it did. This wouldn't be the first fan project to be cancelled, and it likely won't be the last— Metal Gear Solid is Konami's property, and even Hernandez acknowledged at one point that he would eventually need Konami's permission to publish it.
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Fan-Made 'Metal Gear Solid' Remake Cancelled; Gamers Blame Konami

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  • by Qbertino ( 265505 ) <> on Tuesday March 08, 2016 @08:08AM (#51658283)

    These days basically everyone in the gaming industry agrees that the world would be a better place if Konami finally dies in a fire.

    #Fuckonami [], started by Jim Sterling [] (Think Moviebob, but for Games) has gotten trendendous pickup right up to the audience having a solid reason to Boo! Konami at the Game Awards [] - they legally prevented from Hideo Kojima from recieving his own award (No joke!).

    The borderline insane bullshit Konami has done in recent years is bedazzling and let's even non-industry observers wonder why a company is so hell bent on destroying its reputation and ip. Hideo Kojima [] has since moved on and Konami is shunned as the semi-dangerous nutbag bum in gaming town by just about anybody.

    Bottom line:
    If you want to mod a commercial game, steer clear of Konami.

    • by LordKronos ( 470910 ) on Tuesday March 08, 2016 @08:23AM (#51658365)

      These days basically everyone in the gaming industry agrees that the world would be a better place if Konami finally dies in a fire.

      ...and then dies again 29 more times.

    • by Anonymous Coward

      Except Konami wasn't the first to take down a project based on one of their still-actually-available-for-sale productions, and it won't be the last.

      Remake or not, the game is still Konami's property. If you replaced Metal Gear/Konami with Final Fantasy/Square Enix or Mario/Nintendo or any other game/game's owner you get the same response.

      The only "borderline insane bullshit" here is from people that think Konami was wrong in this particular case.

      • by ausekilis ( 1513635 ) on Tuesday March 08, 2016 @02:22PM (#51660705)
        A few examples (google "fan game remake shut down":

        Streets of Rage Remake, Resident Evil 2, Chrono Trigger, Legend of Zelda (Link to the Past, typically). Even the Mario 64 tech demo in Unreal 3 got shut down, it wasn't even released or any levels created.

        I'm sure there are others, but the only instances that come to mind where they publisher didn't go ape on the little guy was Duke 3D remake in Unreal Engine, and The Dark Mod (basically Thief remade in the Doom3 engine).
      • Shutting down a fanmade game is one thing, but look at what became of Silent Hills. Then they went as far as insisting that the demo of it be remotely removed from people's consoles. I'm so done with console gaming. It's over.
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Now let's all listen to the butthurt gamers...

  • by Rob MacDonald ( 3394145 ) on Tuesday March 08, 2016 @08:19AM (#51658335)
    How to become an indie game designer in 3 easy steps. Step 1: Think up an original idea (oh shit) Step 2: You really need to complete step 1 before you get here Step 3: You didn't even read step 2 did you?
    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by Anonymous Coward

      The standard method:

      #0: notice wallet is getting thin.

      #1: download Unity 3D of Gamemaker, as you've heard all about them from mobile shovelware.

      #2: realise you don't know how to use these basic tools, so ask a friend to knock-up some concept art.

      #3: friend is already playing with $LATEST_THING (UE4) and uses that instead.

      #4: post screenshots, raise a kickstart campaign, promise the world on an IP you know cannot be used (but hey, the fans won't know until you have their money).

      #5: count your money while dir

    • What is an "original" idea anyway? The only thing that matters is solid implementation, and that's exactly what indie (just like AAA) designers keep having problems with. Ideas are cheap. If some fan wants to make a homage to past classic in new engine there's no rational reason to block it. After all if Konami itself is allowed to make Metal Gear games after Hideo Kojima is no longer with them then obviously everyone else should be allowed to make them too
      • What is an "original" idea anyway?

        This is Tech; Philosophy's down the hall, third door on the left. ;)

      • The only thing that matters is solid implementation, ...

        ... which is exactly what these developers did!

        • by KGIII ( 973947 )

          Did they? I could have sworn that I read it was unfinished. Maybe we have a different definition of "solid?" I dunno, I am not really a gamer.

      • by mwvdlee ( 775178 )

        An original idea is easily recognized by not being able to recognize it.

  • If you have an idea in the current industry, you have to have something to present as a model of your idea. It's seems that copyright is getting in the way of even getting to that point. The folks that ran this project knew they would have to present it to Konamii eventually. It is a shame that fans won't even have the chance to see this since Konamii seems to want to sue first and ask questions later.
    • by Anonymous Coward

      Rubbish! The characters are protected by trademarks and copyright. You cannot simply decided to create something based on an existing IP and then hope the owner gives a green light later. Try applying your logic to a Marvel character or two. See how far you get making a film or show with the Iron Man or Wolverine.

      If this was a real project they could have made a game based on the mechanics and feel of MGS, but using their own world, story and lore. They didn't. They wanted to leverage an extremely famous IP

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Having worked in the industry as a programmer for the better part of 11 years now, all I can do is scoff at this point at the countless aspiring developers who decide that their best bet is to remake an actively-marketed IP held by some other company. Sorry, but I'm innately skeptical of the game design chops of someone for whom designing a game involves going "Let's remake [some existing game]," or perhaps "I'm going to make [game], but with [thing]."

    If you're a creative or skilled enough designer, program

    • The article clearly stated that they planned to get permission from Konamii at some point. Some creative people love an IP soo much, they want to put a fresh spin on it. No harm in that.
      • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

        by Anonymous Coward

        There may not be any harm, but it also means you have exactly zero moral high ground to try to claim when the company inevitably shuts it down.

        The fact that someone really loves an IP typically has no bearing on whether a company will grant permission or not, and given the fact that Konami is a Japanese arcade company at its heart - the type of company that is traditionally very resistant to let the "gaijin" have anything to do with their studios - anyone in the industry with a modicum of sense could have s

    • If you're a creative or skilled enough designer, programmer or artist to the point that you could actually do justice to a remake of a classic, well-respected game, then surely you're creative or skilled enough to make your own game, right?

      Let's look at it from the other perspective:
      If you're a big company that has enough creative or skilled designers, programmers, and artists to actually do justice to a remake of a classic, well-respected game, then surely you're creative or skilled enough to make an origi

  • by Anonymous Coward

    I don't understand why when faced with a cease and desist, groups don't just switch gears to making a parody.

  • by Gorilla_Man ( 222813 ) on Tuesday March 08, 2016 @08:53AM (#51658493) Journal


  • by RogueyWon ( 735973 ) on Tuesday March 08, 2016 @09:01AM (#51658539) Journal

    This was pure stupidity from start to finish. Putting considerable time and effort into developing a game which you know you do not have the rights to publish is generally not a bad idea. When the game you are developing is a remake of a game which still has considerable commercial value, and which is owned by a company which does not have a long history of encouraging third party modding and development, it is dafter still.

    Konami own the rights to Metal Gear Solid. If you want a remake of it, tell them so (letters, e-mails, petitions, questions from the floor at trade-shows - whatever). Companies like making money and if they think there is an audience for a remake of an old game, then they will generally do the remake. If they don't, then... there's not really much you can do.

    If you want to make a stealth-action game, then make one. Konami own the rights to Metal Gear Solid, but they do not own the rights to "everything that looks a bit like Metal Gear Solid". There are no shortage of games out there, both AAA and indie, which take a degree of inspiration from Metal Gear Solid. If you have a team with the skills to make a game as ambitious as a full remake of Metal Gear Solid would be, then go that route.

    But trying to make a game which you know it is vanishingly unlikely you will be allowed to publish and then whinging when you are not allowed to publish it is just stupid.

    • by tnk1 ( 899206 )

      They did have the option to try and get a license for the IP. No idea if Konami would have gone along with it, or they might have wanted to charge them for it, thus creating a rather large hurdle for a free game.

      You can easily show you're defending your IP if you give out a license, even one that allows a free remake. So, I'm not sure why the developers started this effort if they weren't willing to talk to Konami first. The only thing I can think of is that they hoped to have it done enough for a good d

    • Konami own the rights to Metal Gear Solid, but they do not own the rights to "everything that looks a bit like Metal Gear Solid".

      I wouldn't be so sure. Konami once convinced the judge in Konami v. Roxor that its patent on Dance Dance Revolution extends to "everything that looks a bit like Dance Dance Revolution".

    • The problem, of course, is that no one would pay any attention to the game if it wasn't a clone of a famous game like Metal Gear Solid.

      Also, as it turns out, creating an original game design is surprisingly difficult. The only real way to determine if a game design idea will actually work is to try it out, which means you need a lot of art and code assets generated for a number of ideas you then decide to completely throw out. Most people never see the horrible, un-fun, utterly failed design attempts that

  • Very First Title? (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 08, 2016 @09:06AM (#51658565)

    Metal Gear Solid was like the 3rd game in the series. The first 2 were 8-bit top down games for the NES.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    And then when they are, distribute it in a way that makes it very difficult to shutdown, from a country that isn't beholden to the copyright cartel.

    But no, everyone announces their silly clone project, and then the C&D's come flying. Either commit to the 'outlaw' approach, or don't announce anything until you're secured permission; anything else seems foolish.

  • Jeez, once again, here we are with an Internet Outrage![tm] story about IP on Slashdot. And once again, it's some fucking moron who didn't even know better than to not rip off a major corporation's IP. Come on! You think just because you're not making any money they should allow it? By lawyer standards, they're losing money! It doesn't matter what makes sense!

    God damn, how hard is it to make something new. Really hard, I guess! All these efforts on remakes and reimaginings and reboots. And supposedl

  • by NotDrWho ( 3543773 ) on Tuesday March 08, 2016 @09:27AM (#51658665)

    The game belongs to the company that made it. It doesn't belong to you. They paid for the development. They took the risks. You bought it and played it, great. But the fact that you bought it and played it doesn't mean you somehow own it now.

    If they don't want it remade, then what you want is irrelevant. You're not entitled to anything, snowflakes.

  • remake of the very first title that shipped for the original PlayStation way back in 1998.

    And here I was thinking that was actually "Battle Arena Toshinden" in '94...

  • The trend of "____ fan remake built in Unreal Engine 4" has gone on far too long... Sadly it makes great clickbait for game sites which inveitibly hype up something that will most likely never see the light of day.
  • by HalAtWork ( 926717 ) on Tuesday March 08, 2016 @10:06AM (#51658897)

    If you can get this far into a game's development, please consider creating original content. It has never been easier to fund or publish a game. You can get paid instead of shut down.

  • You cannot copyright or trademark mere ideas... and since the game was titled something different, if he were to use original art, music, and sound effects, then I'm unsure why Konami would have had any legitimate case against him, or he even would have required Konami's permission unless he was also rather flagrantly throwing around the Metal Gear Solid name everywhere in association with the project.
  • "Man gets dissuaded from burglary due to load alarm".. Burglar complains..
  • No, almost all the posters have it wrong - a carefully done re-implementation can be legit. You can't use the exact same potentially trade-marked names. You can't re-distribute the original art work. But, you can do things like create a new engine and anyone who owns the original game can then re-use the content in the new engine. See the article on Game Engine Recreation [] or the OpenMW [] project that's creating a version of the Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind game in a new engine.

    That said, I don't know i

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