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GLHeretic v1.0 for Linux Released (with Source) 50

Andre Werthmann writes "Now GLHeretic for Linux is released and the release includes the source code, too. GLHeretic for Linux is a port of Kokak's GLHeretic (win32) " I gotta bite the bullet and either get a new video card, or figure out how to accelerate my number 9. All this GL is making me GLous. (rimshot).
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GLHeretic v1.0 for Linux Released (with Source)

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  • ... did you have problems with the keyboard input? When I tried GLHeretic, it only seemed to respond to keyboard input about once every 5 seconds. I have a 233Mhz Pentium with a Voodoo 1 card. Not exactly cutting-edge stuff, but more than enough to play GLHeretic, I'm sure. What's the deal?
  • ... is a friggen joke. The OpenGL driver by Nine never made it out of beta, and hasn't even been updated in 8 months. It barely runs with Quake and SiN, even as it is. I tried Quake3, and I was getting like .5 frames per second. Sheesh.

    So, I've got a Number Nine SR9 card (32MB w/ DFP support) on order. It's based on the S4, so I'm hoping I can just use the reference OpenGL driver. Becuase it's a fairly obscure card, I wasn't able to find any reviews of it, and am buying it "blind". But that's what happens when you're desparate.

    I love my SGIs (have two 1600SWs now) but I wish the situation with digital flat panels would get sorted out and standardized, so that I can have more of a choice in video cards. Unfortunately, that's not likely to happen for at least another year. :-(

  • YEp the SGI panel looks good but its £1000 and I want a good card !

    BUT there is nothing else out there I have been looking @ the mac product but I have seen nothing any news on what powers the G4 panel ?

    Rob mail me if you have any ideas



    a poor student @ bournemouth uni in the UK (a deltic so please dont moan about spelling but the content)
  • I find it funny too, but now it's 2am and I'm *really* tired. Might I also add the use of a potatoe cannon, just attach the card to the front of the potatoe and instant dinner (well, just as soon as you find it). Yes folks, it slices it dices and it doesn't do Open GL in Linux!

    Disclaimer: Please see the aforenoted disclaimer taking into account the time differential.
  • Those people never had time to look at the article. No one posting on topic could have had the article read yet. Those posts die down and we never see them if you up your threshold. Dispite a few petrified problems, S/N is good. Don't just find something to complain about.
  • Get a copy of *shudder* Windows 98

    No thanks, the whole idea was to find a card that would let me play quake under Linux. I realize that my setup would be a rockin' quake machine if I were to install windows, but that's just not going to happen. (for one thing, that would force me to reboot every time I wanted to slip from productive to unproductive...)

  • ...after 6 months of waiting around for better drivers, I'm just about ready to pick up a G200.
  • nope, only a bassist. But the only meaning of "rim-shot" I know of is that which follows the punch-line of anything remotely resembling wit by a guy with a talk/variety show whose elevated profile (marginally above the cess-pool of the genre) warrants an in-house band.

    For the technically inclined, a snare drum has a raised metal band around the edge of the circular drumhead (or skin) which, surprisingly enough, is called a "rim". I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

    I think the original poster was just wanting to vent some intolerance in the guise of free speech.

  • Yes the TNT drivers suck, utterly, I made the mistake of buying a TNT card.. Never again.. If I could find somewhere that _sells_ the Matrox cards I would have bought them. Alas all stores around here don't carry matrox anything.

    So I'll deal with the 3dfx quirks thank you.
  • I have an AGP G200, and I can report that it is REALLY slow - less than 20fps in Q3 at any resolution with an AMD K6/2 450 + FIC motherboard + 64Mb DIMM + Seagate 20Gb drive. Q2 also generally gets less than 20fps for Crusher/Massive, unless you run at 400x300.

    In comparison, a Voodoo II or Voodoo 3 or Banshee get over 40fps on the same hardware with the same settings (and costs less than the G200).

    If you have a REALLY grunty system (PIII/900, Athlon/900), perhaps a G400 would be a better move, otherwise I suggest gritting you teeth and sticking with the TNT2, unless a 3dfx based solution will do (I'm not entirely sure how they go for non-games OpenGL applications, but for games on low-end systems they're great value).

    Even my old Riva 128 ran faster than the G200 (although admittedly the image quality is really poor). I'm surprised that there's less driver support for the TNT2 than the Riva128!
  • When you die (because we all eventually do), aren't you are all curious and prehaps scared that maybe, just maybe, the God of Israel is going to pass judgement against your soul?

    The device that you invoke here is called "Pascal's Wager." The short form of this device is "God is a safe bet." The long form of it is usually a warning from a Christian to an atheist that goes something like this: "If you (the atheist) are right and I am wrong, then when we die, I have lost nothing. But if I (the Christian) am right and you are wrong, when we die I will gain eternal life and you will gain eternal torture. Therefore, to be safe you should believe in the Christian God."

    I'd encourage you to take the advice in the subject line and do a little research on this Wager. It has several flaws, such as the fact that it assumes there are only two possibilities: either Christians are right and the Christian god exists, or atheists are right and no god exists. What if the real god is Shiva? Or Zeus? If your interest is keeping your butt covered on a theological basis, shouldn't you be practicing all world religions? That way, you at least know that you've got the "right" one. Or what if the "right" one hasn't been discovered yet? I know that Christians believe that their religion is "right", but that is difficult to reconcile with the fact that Christians are a minority in the world, and that the number of folks who practice it is on the decline.

    Pascal's Wager is not an effective tool. By far its most fatal flaw is the tasteless manner in which it attempts to threaten people into faith. I once saw a "Christian" bumper sticker (and I put the word in quotes because I refuse to believe that it would be condoned by average Christians) that said "BELIEVE OR SUFFER ETERNAL PAIN." The word "BELIEVE" was written on the left-hand side, in puffy white letters on top of a cross. The words "SUFFER ETERNAL PAIN" were writen on the right-hand side, in jagged red letters. This bumper sticker remains, in my mind, as one of the most intellectually insulting and outrageous pieces of religionist propoganda that I have ever seen.

    It would be difficult, I think, to fully explain how "those who don't believe" react to things like this. By virtue of the fact that we "don't believe", we reject the very precepts that you're using to threaten us! So more often than not, the Christian (who may or may not be well-intentioned) often comes away worse off then he was to begin with. Threats of the "believe-or-be-butchered" type don't frighten the unbeliever, nor do they cause the "unbeliever" to seriously re-evaluate his lack of Christian faith. What they do is so offend the sensibilities of the target "unbeliever" that they are even less receptive to the religion and adherents than they were to begin with.

    However, I agree with you when you condemn the antics of some of the more vociferous atheists here on Slashdot. Most of us aren't like that. Most of us just want to be left alone. I find Christianity patently absurd, but at the same time I have no desire to piss in anybody's pool, either. So how about we live and let live? If you want to secretly pray for us in the hope that we all don't wind up roasting in hell, then by all means, do so. But please stop threatening us, because it's not working; in fact, it's having the opposite effect.
  • (this is off-topic, but if it isn't made into a new forum, I don't care.)

    When I see what some of you people have to say (again, too scared to actually post under a real name), in a way it really saddens me.

    Many of you find it humorous to question Jesus's sexual orientation and personal habits.

    You refuse to look inside yourself and actual question yourself.

    I envision some people who read this to laugh and say something "This guy is such a dork" or whatever.

    But let me ask you something.. When you die (because we all eventually do), aren't you are all curious and prehaps scared that maybe, just maybe, the God of Israel is going to pass judgement against your soul?

    Again, some may be laughing, but at least I know that my close family and myself have an internal calm surrounding such issues.

    Plus, if you've never experienced what Jesus can do in your life, I advise you not to mock it. For those that have experienced what Jesus can really do to a your life, and to a situation, it's a beautiful thing.

    I don't care what you people have to say, because it's not up to me to judge in any way.

    If at least one of you really reflect on what I've said, then I thank you.
  • NOTE: sorry for responding to a troll... I expect to be either moderated down or not moderated up, so don't feel bad.

    void rant(){
    printf("Correct me if I'm wrong, but slashdot is run by linux nerds, not BSD nerds, or any other OS nerds. I like to think of slashdot as a linux site. Why would linux nerds not run linux on their website? Wouldn't that be a little hypocritical? (heh MS and their running on freebsd... We can't trust our own software so why should you?)

    Also, what's wrong with linux? More importantly, what's wrong with supporting linux by running your site on it? We have freedom of choice here, don't we?");

    Now I can REALLY say this comment powered by printf :-)

    linuxisgood:~$ man woman
  • He forgets the counterpoint. If there is only Satan, then the christian goes to hell, and the devil worshippers go to heaven. Similarly if there is only the christian or muslim god (the two religions that believe one who is not one of them will go to hell, then everyone on the wrong side will go to hell. When your talking about something as abstract as theology, you have to be careful because normally logical cases don't apply.
  • I wasn't talking about playing games. I was thinking more along the lines of making a water cooled tnt2 and seeing what kind of benchmark scores it could pull when overclocked to 300 mhz.

    Don't ever think of selling it. Get a copy of *shudder* Windows 98, then visit HardOCP [] to get some ideas.

  • OpenGL is certainly the best lib for 3D design. Mesa is an excellent implementation.

    But running accelerated GL on X is sometime mush trouble especially if your card is not supported. This is very sad.

  • I have. No response received as yet.
  • Ummm... not sure where the stencil buffer comment is coming from... I always run in 32 bit mode ;)

    About the problems with the driver... I've never run across them. Weird.
  • The TNT doesn't support a HW stencil buffer in 16bit rendering mode. (only in 32bit). Perhaps you tried it in 16bit mode. The opengl support is ok, on win32 and also on other OS-es afaik. But not that 'excellent', its drivers skip opengl standards sometimes (like crashing on a NULL pointer, while the standard states it should return an error, or like ignoring GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH, because it can't do it in hardware and it would slow down anyway).

    Aint the current linux drivers up to par?
  • Perhaps you should consider e-mailing the companies involved and finding out what they plane on supporting when the release is out for the GL.

    Besides, how do people at these companies know what the demand for something is if nobody ever tells them. You honestly think big companies have time to look at every single posting site like slashdot for specific comments about their hardware/software? I think not ;)

    It just works better when you send THEM mail so they dont have to look for it hehe. l8r
  • I heard that older Id Software games such as Doom had been released under the GPL. But I can't seem to download them from Id's website, only the old shareware versions. There are plenty of free Doom clones out there, some based on Id's source, but they all require you to have the original .wad files. Maybe Id hasn't released the wads, just the code to the game itself.

    So does this Heretic-derivative actually include playable levels? Or does it require you to purchase a copy of Heretic to get the files needed?
  • Yes, and I could easily have grabbed Heretic from a warez site long before the source was released.
  • Wake me when GLHexen and/or Hexen II come out.

  • AdmiralBurrito, if you think you're annoyed about the lack of Linux GL (LinGL?) on your #9, imagine my aggravation about the lack of support on my TNT card. I bought it *specifically* because it was a beginning OpenGL programmer's dream come true (in it's heyday...). It had:

    1) a good price
    2) a stencil buffer
    3) excellent OpenGL support (on --cough-- windoze)
    4) decent memory

    Imagine my frustration when I found Mesa wouldn't accelerate it. Granted, things have improved over the past few months, but I *still* haven't heard whether nVidia's new LinGL push with SGI and VALinux will only support GeForce cards, or whether it will include the TNT/TNT2 cards as well. Ah well. Once I see a LinGL system functioning on a GeForce based system, I'll probably go into debt on a new rig anyway ;)
  • by BJH ( 11355 ) on Sunday February 06, 2000 @06:33PM (#1299577)

    WTF is going on here? Five comments so far and not a single one on topic. /. has certainly gone downhill recently...

    For those looking for the source code, it can be downloaded from this page [].

  • by Grond ( 15515 ) on Sunday February 06, 2000 @08:50PM (#1299578) Homepage
    As far as accelerating your number nine, the simplest way is to drop it...unfortunately, you'll only get about 9.8m/s^2 out of it. Catapults, slingshots, and rockets are a little harder to set up, but well worth the effort. :)

    Disclaimer: I know nothing about number nine cards under linux, and this probably isn't funny to anyone but me and only then because it's 1am and I'm tired. :)
  • by Teferi ( 16171 ) <teferi&wmute,net> on Sunday February 06, 2000 @08:44PM (#1299579) Homepage
    GLHeretic looks GREAT, even on my crappy Riva 128ZX. The graphics are very smooth
    (only a few artifacts here and there, and that's probably my aforementioned crappy card at work),
    it runs fast, and in short, is uber-playable. Only downside is that the configuration file is weird -
    I can't figure out how to bind keys. Still, though, this is a GREAT game - now if I could only find my CD for the full WAD...

    "If ignorance is bliss, may I never be happy.

Kiss your keyboard goodbye!
