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Games Entertainment

Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Preview 198

Tyler writes, "For all you fighting game nuts, has a preview of Marvel vs. Capcom 2, slated to come out in arcades AND on the Dreamcast this March. They have tons of pictures and a bunch of movies, too. " Excellent - I'm looking forward to this. I've just about played out SoulCalibur. Mindless entertainment is needed sometimes.
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Marvel vs. Capcom 2 Preview

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  • by josech ( 98417 )
    At last a good game for the dreamcast.
  • Sony Playstation still rocks , DC doesnt come close when it comes to gameplay and thats what i bought a gamestation for, not browsing the web or chatting
  • I have a Sony Playstation. &nbsp I've heard alot of good things about the graphics on the Dreamcast... &nbsp Anyone want to share their experiences?

  • now I KNOW Slashdot has gone completely off the trolley. (aka insane if you're too American for your own good)

    The Slashdot I knew back when only the elite could moderate would NEVER have posted something like this. Since when did Slashdot start reporting on Capcom games???!!!

    Yes, this is a rant designed to lose me karma so I can moderate again!

    P.S. It sux if it isn't Open Source and it doesn't come out on Linux!
  • I personally got burnt out on fighting games in general long ago (Street Fighter 2). I will admit however that the Dreamcast brings to the table graphics and control good enough to spark some new interest.

    The emerging genre of "extreme vehicular antics" is what has me excited most, tho. Crazy Taxi is fantastic; when it comes to mindless destruction based entertainment, nothing beats the kind of game that lets you drive around a beautifully rendered city and wreak utter havoc. The realism that these games have makes it an experience you just have to push that little-punk-snot-nosed-kid-hogging-up-the- Dreamcast-kiosk-at-Electronics-Boutique aside to try for yourself. Yah.

    My two cents only, of course.
  • Hmm... weren't all arcade games going to be X86PCs running Windows and DirectX in disguise by this time ?

    Hadn't iNTEL and Microsoft come out with a set of specifications for arcade games that would be the new thing since they don't even require "forklift upgrades" ( I.e. you can change a CD and have a new game ).

    Unfortunately some silly people decided that an Arcade game was too important to allow for downtime, BSODs and memory leaks. So what was that about Ecomerse again ?

    Of course these things just add more ways for kids to burn our pockets at the arcade. However Arcades are a necessary evil. Anyone who has ever dumped a nephew in an Arcade so you could go make out with a girl understands the immense public service these bastions of society provide :)

    Ah, that was good stuff. More, more comedy. Please keep posting, you are a funny man!

    Bryan R.
  • If you have seen the actual proposed selling price in yen (39,800) and you do a currency conversion to USD you get the suggest price range of 360-370 USD.
    Now considerig that the starting retail price for the playsation in 1995 when it came out was about $300 USD we must conclude that if could very well retail for that.
    What you are not counting on is that people will buy a system for the games that they want. I personally like the Final Fantasy series and will most lkely get a P2 when FFX comes out.

    Now here is my question for people why are fightih games such a big deal compared to other genres.
  • Orbital reference, eh?
  • by Ater ( 87170 )
    Great, Capcom is coming out with another game

    Great, it's another flashy, but derivative fighting game.

    Great, it's exactly like the million other fighting games they've released since Street Fighter 2.

    Great, they have little preview pictures.

    Now come on, how this fall under "stuff that matters?" Are we going to start posting articles every time some game is announced? Especially when it's some mindless lowbrow, more-of-the-same fighting game sequel? I was under the notion that this was a site for news, not another Electronic Gaming Monthly wannabe.

  • How can a Capcom lineup not include MegaMan?


  • Personally, I don't understand the draw for the fighting game genre, they seem to be, at best, a slight diversion, but I just don't get it. Now RPGs, that's some enjoyment. I'd still rather pull my own toenails than play any FF game aside from tactics. FF is to RPGs what Microsoft is to operating systems. Yeah it's the most well known one, and yeah it's the most prevalent, but it's a shining example of the worst possible way of doing things.
  • Are we going to start posting articles every time some game is announced?

    Are we going to fucking complain every time the Slashdot staff posts something that THEY think is relevant? Nobody is forcing this content down your throat! If you don't want to read it, DON'T READ IT. Then move on with life!

    This is not your website. Start your own website, then you can put up whatever the hell you want. In the interim, don't bitch about what Slashdot puts out. Some people enjoy the subject matter, and could live without your complaints.

    -- Give him Head? Be a Beacon?

  • Mega Man was in the first Marvel vs. Capcom... but now for some inexplicable reason they've dropped him (and War Machine, although Dr. Doom now appears to have most of his old characteristics)... good luck deciphering the whims of Capcom
  • Now here is my question for people why are fightih games such a big deal compared to other genres.

    Fighting games in arcades are always the games that pull the hardcore element. They're also incredibly cool two-player games and I always used to love hanging out with strangers playing fighters when we used to have a great arcade here in London (Namco Wonderpark).

  • This is "stuff that matters"? I'm as big a fan of video games as any other geek, but come on, Slashdot.


  • I have played angband, kamband, adom, zangband, alpha man, Quest 64, the emacs lisp dunnet, various infocom games, etc.
    I chose to buy and play Final Fantasy VIII and VII because in terms of sheel scalability of the playstation platform and graphics quality there are few better. Generally I like things with a little pizzaz when I play console games because I don't have that overclocked PIII or something. I like rpgs and I like squaresoft because for interesting games with man possibilities I like their offerings.
    Are there any other offerings that I should play that anyone would recommend?
  • Forget Marvel vs. Capcom.. if anyone owns the first one for Dreamcast (as I do) they are most likely dissapointed. I think I've seen better graphics and a better frame rate on my SNES.. now the game to watch for is Street Fighter III: Double Impact.. this is the real deal.. the next installment in the best line of video games ever.

    Check out Capcom's [] release information here!! []
  • Are we going to fucking complain every time the Slashdot readers post something that THEY think is relevant? Nobody is forcing these responses down your throat! If you don't want to read it, DON'T READ IT. Then move on with life!

    This is not your website. Start your own website, then you can keep people from posting whatever the hell you want. In the interim, don't bitch about what Slashdot posters put out. Some people agree with their thoughts, and could live without your complaints.

  • ...along the lines of Soul Calibur, not this 2.5D (as coined by Nintendo). It does look nice, and it might be an arcade game that uses the VMS(I'm not sure about that, but there's one on the horizon), but I would be more interested in a 3D Hulk vs. Wolverine battle. I think Power Stone 2 is most wanted, tough. 4 Player with net battles. Could be good.
  • my gawd.. that game is an epileptic's nightmare.

    hehe ;)

  • May our victory be swift.

    This post is released under the Gratuitous Polemic License in the hope that . . . aw, ta hell widdit.
  • Fighting games in arcades are always the games that pull the hardcore element.

    Er, excuse me? I was a member of the hardcore element when arcades really were at the peak of their popularity (mid '80s) and then there was nary a fighting game to be seen. Give me spaceships any day!
  • Stop trying to start trouble. I do not fear the moderators. It has been proven that moderation doesn't work. Your offtopic post will not deter the moderators from their true work. Making sure that the system keeps people ontopic.
  • The graphics are pretty damned good. I got my DC on day one of the US release, and I've not been disappointed. Here are some audio/visual tidbits [].
  • you ain't seen nothin' yet.

  • Hey! It's "News for Nerds. Stuff That Matters." You see how those two are seperate? Something can be "News for Nerds" but not "Stuff That Matters" and still be appropriate for Slashdot. Vice versa, too. This definately falls under the former category, so back off!

  • The Graphics are good. For proof, check out this pictures of ShenMue []. And yes, that is in real time with you controlling the camera.
  • YES! I LOVE Crazy Taxi!

    That would make buying a Dreamcast worth it. Strangely, the first time I played it, i got the "Class A license", but ever time since, I've only been able to get Class C!

    Sega has another game called Emergency Call Ambulance or something similar where you have to drive patients to the hospital before they die. They start out with minor injuries, but every time you hit something, they get worse and your time gets shorter. Hit too many, and... "I don't want to die!" Another great game, but I've only seen it in MayFair Mall, Wisconsin, USA, unfortunately :-( I hope Sega brings that game home as well.

    On second thought, maybe Sega should just stick to making arcade racers with moving cockpits...
  • While the PSX was $300 when it was released, so was the other gaming systems. However when the PS2 is released, the DC will probally be $150 or maybe even less, and Nintendo has repeatedly said that the Dolphin will be "priced to compete". Take that as you will. But odds are the PS2 will be the most expensive.
  • I can't imagine how ANYONE could tolerate playing a fighting game with the Dreamcast's controller. It's got what? 4 buttons on top and 2 trigger-type things in front? Marvel vs. Capcom is difficult enough playing on the PSX, with only 4 thumb buttons, but it also has 4 triggers, so you not only get buttons for each punch and each kick, but for the X3 stuff too, so Hypers are (relatively) easy to do.

    In fact, I happen to think the Dreamcast controller has NO redeeming features AT ALL, and serves along with the N64 and Atari Jaguar as an example of how NOT to design a control pad. And what is this analog sticklet fad among console companies? I swear, those things'll be the downfall of console gaming.

    There, now I've vented that off ;)

  • Are you retarded? seriously. My computer has more ram, more video ram, a faster processor, can display higher resolutions, etc... A $2000 is better in every single way than any video game system currently on the market, and some day when better game systems come out, there will already be better computers. Way to go Senor Retardo.
  • as long as moderation is dead, there is no reason to post en masse.
  • by N1KO ( 13435 )
    in america people dont yell, they sue
  • I agree that the button placement on modern controllers has gotten nothing but worse. However, I think the analog sticklets are great. They are absolutely essential to having a good experience with games like Mario64, Zelda, Soul Reaver (DC), etc. They suck ass for Capcom-style fighting games, though. IIRC (only played it once) Marvel vs Capcom 1 for the DC doesn't even support the analog stick.
  • Now THAT I enjoyed :)
  • In totally unrelated news, Slashdot(TM) creator Rob Malda(TM) says that VA Linux(TM) has been purchased by, and then Capcom, and then Sega.

    Malda(TM) insists this move will have no effect on Slashdot(TM), and that he still has total editorial control(yes, Malda(TM), as a minor employee, is apparently able to dictate terms to his bosses).
  • WARNING: I'm going to go off-topic. Stop reading now!

    I don't get these Kung Fu Fighting Games. They don't appeal to me at all. Can someone who does enjoy them please tell me what the appeal is? I may not really understand what you say, but I'm willing to listen.

    Moreover, I don't really get excited about any of the games that have come out in the past several years. I used to be all over games like Joust (all-time favorite), Tempest, Space Invaders, Galaga, etc. In fact I would still play quite a few of the old games if I saw them around (especially Joust). I guess I'm just a bitter old man that can't deal with today's video game world.

  • Actually, since getting extremely comfortable with the SNES gamepads in my teens, I find that the Playstation game pads BAR NONE are the ultimate in control:

    1. Four dedicated "buttons" for direction, where it makes it easy to do combo moves with the direction pad. I abhor pads that have a circular piece of plastic to activate direction -- sometimes when you press an exact direction you get the "in-between" directions (sse, etc)

    2. The four individual buttons, plus 2 triggers, I've grown to love on the Playstation pad.

    I'm somewhat biased, however, not ever even seen a dreamcast in action. Good? Bad? Ah, I'll stick to playstation for now... unfortunately, I really wanna see Soul Calibur.... ugh...
  • Now come on, how this fall under "stuff that matters?"

    I'll have to agree here. It's my professional opinion that the content should be relevant. Get in the game, Hemos. However, maybe it was worth it to put it there because it's a slow Sunday. But in that case, why not post about Charles Schultz's death (Yes... i know :-( )... ?

    I think that the games should be left to a site like Thresh's FiringSquad [] unless its announced for Linux or BSD. Oh wait, nothing comes out for BSD! hahaa, BSD fools. Ok well BSD is good for its stuff, but It won't get GAMES! Chill out everyone, RIP Charles Schultz.

    - Mike Roberto
    --- AOL IM: MicroBerto
  • Please check out Xmame [] for the finest in older video game console emulation. If you want to get games, you can probably find them at this place [] but I assume no liability for any legal repercussions that may arise.

    As for why people like them, I guess that it's because you have to put a lot of effort into learning the moves for all the characters, and then you can beat the hell out of your friends and do really cool/difficult things with said characters. Also, they provide more interaction than an RPG--it's just more fun to beat up your friends than beat up the computer.

    But really, this looks like more of the same. Ever since Street Fighter 2, it seems like 90% of the games that are released are just the same bloody idea run into the ground over and over again. They change the characters involved, they tweak the controls, they do it in pseudo 3D a la Tekken 3, War Gods, and Virtua Fighter... but the idea's the same and too often the gameplay's repetitive and bloody annoying.

    No wonder I end up spending more money on pinball these days.

  • The analog sticks are tough to get used to because they're so loose, but the idea is that they let you point yourself in any direction (not just one of 8) and with variable magnitudes in that direction (as opposed to all or nothing.) They do have a purpose, and in some games (NOT fighting games) they are superior to a directional pad. Think polar coordinates, if you've been exposed to them...

    The main flaws I've seen with the DC controllers is not as much the analog thingy, but:

    -The triggers are poorly designed from a mechanical standpoint. You have to push them down a long way before anything happens, and they just feel like they're going to break at any moment.
    -The fact that there are only six buttons, so no px3 buttons as you said.
    -The angle at which a DC controller puts your hands is uncomfortable compared to the psx. It's like this: | | rather than this / \. Get it?

    Fact is, if you could improve on the design and ergonomics of the psx controller, Sony would have done it for the psx2. But they didn't. Other than making them black, taht is.

  • Funny. For fighting games, the DC's pad isn't bad.
    The lack of buttons doesn't really affect me; being a KoF and Guilty Gear slave. Three buttons for attack always seemed like overkill to me.
    As far as the pad, I prefer the Saturn round-style. There are people who say the PSX button/cross pad gives greater control; I say it tends to be more inaccurate with quarter/half circle motions, and gives me blisters a hell of a lot faster.
  • 1. Four dedicated "buttons" for direction, where it makes it easy to do combo moves with the direction pad. I abhor pads that have a circular piece of plastic to activate direction -- sometimes when you press an exact direction you get the "in-between" directions (sse, etc)

    actually, the d-pad on a playstation IS a circular 8-way pad, it just has little strips of plastic that make it look like 4 seperate buttons
  • It's funny you mention the triggers. Since they are analog triggers, the game COULD actually let you adjust how much you have to push them down before they activate (if they're using them for an ON/OFF thing). Too bad most games don't let you mess around with the controls much.

    Also, I totally agree with you on the angle thing. The DC controller puts my wrists at an angle that would be outlawed by OSHA if you tried to use it in the workplace.
  • Good enough that some of the between-play shots in NFL 2K actually look real. Out-of-focus backgrounds and all. Maybe not perfect if you freeze-framed it, but in passing, it's damn impressive.

    On the other hand, a badly done game on the DC will have graphics equivalent to a well done game on the PSX. Toy Commander for DC has graphics that are about the same quality as Tony Hawk for the PSX. Which is kinda depressing...
  • The graphics on the DC are insane... won't be surpassed by anything except the PSX-2. Beyond that, the games are supurb. I don't regard fighting games as "mindless entertainment". Virtua Fighter 3tb is an extrodinary game, worth buying a DC just for that (then there's Sega Rally, Soul Calibur, Shenmue, SFA3Z, Chu Chu Rocket, NFL2K, and on and on). I don't think I can explain the depth and strategy inherent in VF3 without making _way_ too long, so if you want to hear me wax lyrical check this [] out! DC rocks very hard. gribbly.
  • OK. I'm what you might call a Virtua Fighter obsessive, so I feel qualified to field this one.

    The key things are:

    1) Competition. Most fighting games are pretty ordinary as single player games. The real action is multiplayer. A group of friends that play together regularly (winner stays on) or (adrenalin rush) challenging random players at the arcade is really, really fun.

    2) Knowledge. It is critical to pick a game you like (because of how it looks, what it's called, the skimpiness of the female characters outfits, whatever) and _get good at it_. Play it a lot, and learn it properly. Once you have one game down, the basics of timing and strategy are transferable.

    3) Strategy. Once you know what you're doing, it's all down to reflexes and strategy. Some games favour reflexes, but any (good) fighting game allows someone with average reflexes (like me) to a beat a 14 year old with no strategy. Range, timing, offence/defence, counterattacking, feints, fakes, all of these things are useful in any decent fighting game.

    4) Combos. This is the creative side of fighting games. It just means creating sequences of moves that you know have a good chance of doing big damage to your opponent. Most games allow you to do float combos (where you knock your opponent in the air, then punish them as they "float") which tend to be very enjoyable. Some moves will be very tricky to pull off, so the feeling of managing it in a real fight is satisfying (go look up SPoD somewhere VF is discussed...).

    The basic idea -- to me anyway -- of fighting games is to mimic the _strategies_ of a real fight, but modified so that (1) it's not over in a couple of seconds and (2) it looks flashier (all those spinning, jumping kicks that would get you killed on the street can be thoroughly abused in a game!).

    Good fighting games: Street Fighter (2D, but tuned to perfection), Virtua Fighter series (VF3tb is latest and greatest).

    Bad fighting gamse: Soul Calibur (loads of fun, but collision detection is too dodgy/random), Tekken (same problem, plus too easy).

    Give it a try! Dreamcast (which spawned this thread) is currently fighting game console of choice. And the standard joypad is fine... don't listen to the whingers!

    For more VF3 ranting, go here []!

  • NOTE: There are many of you that see emulation and pure software piracy, and you have a right to feel that way. But please read all of this post before you moderate me into the ground.

    Does anyone know how the CPS2 Emulation project is coming along? I can play Capcom System 1 games (up to Street Fighter 2: Turbo Champion Edition) on my PC using Callus and MAME, but everything from Super Street Fighter 2 onward (including this game, Marvel vs. Capcom 2) cannot yet be emulated. I walk into an arcade, look at Puzzle Fighter 2, Marvel vs. Capcom, and Street Fighter Alpha 3, and I just sigh.

    Now, maybe I'm a cheap pirate bastard because I'm not buying the games. But it would be a waste of money for me. I don't own a PlayStation, Dreamcast, or Nintendo64. And why should I? My PC is just as good, and it can "grow with me" -- I can upgrade it as time goes by, and still play most of my old games. But a game console becomes obsolete and unsupported after only four years (or less). Furthermore, the only thing you can do with a game console is play games. While some of the modern consoles can browse the Internet and play MP3s, they will never approach the versatility of a computer. On my PC, I can program, use word processors, spreadsheets, databases, tweak my system for better performance, customize it, etc. How much of that can you do with a game system?

    Why doesn't Capcom release these games for the PC? The PC clearly has the processing and graphics horsepower needed. Look at the PentiumIII, the AMD Athlon, and the various 3D cards.

    It's good to see that some games are being ported (like Final Fantasy 7 and 8), but I'm afraid the games I really want to play will only ever be on the game consoles.

    Worse yet, you need to own all the current game consoles to enjoy all of your favourite games. If you own a PlayStation, you can't play Super Smash Bros. or Mario Party. If you own a Nintendo64, you can't play Final Fantasy 7. I find it strange that a world that couldn't tolerate two video formats (VHS and Beta) is perfectly happy with multiple game console platforms with incredible incompatibilities, mostly deliberate.

    Does anyone know what the matter with the game industry is? Why do I have to buy what will soon be a $300 doorstop to play Crazy Taxi? Why can't I play it on my PC? Could it be that some game makers, like Capcom, are "in the pocket" of Nintendo or Sony? (i.e. Nintendo or Sony are paying them?)

  • Rob didn't have the entry fields enforce a limit, so I typed in the full name: "Scott Francis[Mechaman]", since I used that as an identifier on Usenet. It seemed to be ok for a few weeks, then something chopped it off, and I'd have to create a new user to fix it. Decided that I'd rather keep the old one and just live with it(it's not a huge priority for me).
  • Idiots will still post in mass. An increase in moderation will come soon enough as many people complain to Rob...
  • Does anyone know how the CPS2 Emulation project is coming along? I can play Capcom System 1 games (up to Street Fighter 2: Turbo Champion Edition) on my PC using Callus and MAME, but everything from Super Street Fighter 2 onward (including this game, Marvel vs. Capcom 2) cannot yet be emulated. I walk into an arcade, look at Puzzle Fighter 2, Marvel vs. Capcom, and Street Fighter Alpha 3, and I just sigh.

    Okay, just a few things. One, a good source for information on CPS2 emulation is CPS2 Shock []. Apparently they're still working on the encryption.
    Two, MvC2 is NOT, I repeat, NOT, a CPS2 game. MvC was, IIRC (if not, then it was CPS3, but I don;t think so). MvC2 is written for the Sega Naomi board (aka the dreamcast). Therefore it'll be a while before home computers are able to emulate it.

    And, maybe it's just because I'm broke, but I rather like that they're coming out on consoles. Look at it this way: most video game consoles simply DONT CRASH. Computers do. A good computer will cost a hell of a lot to keep up to date enough to run these games at resolutions and framerates that they do in arcades and on consoles.

    Of course, maybe I'm just saying this because I got my Dreamcast for free. But my PSX and N64 were stolen from me a while ago; I replaced my PSX, but not my 64... because there simply aren't that many good games for the N64.

    I take issues with your assertion that consoles like the dreamcast will be $300 doorstops. Sure, it probably will be in about 3 or 4 years (average life of a console), but your computer will need to be upgraded several times in that time, which will cost more than a console.

    There's a good reason why more console and arcade games aren't released for the PC... hardware compatibility. These companies can write code, and use a compiler for the arcade board, and even write directly to the hardware, all without worring about how different cards will interact with that, because they only have to consider what's there. There's nothing else. PCs however can have any number of different configurations, and it can interact weirdly.

    Hmm, actually I did see my dreamcast crash once... when I was gonna play a game that proudly showed a splash screen that stated "Powered by Windows CE." Interesting.

  • Well... if you set MvC so the triggers are medium attacks, it's actually quite enjoyable. Though I like using my arcade stick better :)
    I love the DC pad. The analog and cross pads are very close (though using the cross pad a lot can be awkward), making for a nice combo if secondary actions (ones that won't fit in the limited number of buttons) need to be taken. And the analog pad is used nearly perfectly in most games; I'd much rather use the analog stick in Crazy Taxi than a steering wheel. And the small number of buttons isn't gonna make that much difference; I hear MvC2 is gonna use 4 buttons only, so it shouldn't hurt any here.
  • When I first saw the headline, I thought it was another lawsuit...
  • Um, it did. But he kinda sucked; with one touch fireballs and no real amazing moves, he was either super cheap or super sucky. I'm kinda glad they took him out; while I love Rockman, as a fighter he sucked. a team of Jin and War Machine will take him out anytime.
  • Heh, indeed. I used to laugh at the fighting-game wankers, until I realize how much money I've spent in my quest to become a Pinball God.
  • Dhalsim? The no-combo wonder?

    You must be GOOD.
  • The graphics on the dreamcast are absolutely amazing. I don't have one game that didn't floor me the first time I looked at it. So, let's see:
    • Soul Calibur: First game I bought. Absolutely beautiful. Crisp, clean graphics, and it looks even better if you have a VGA box to run it in a higher resolution on a computer monitor.
    • House of the Dead 2: Pretty good. Nice effects, perfect 60fps, very fun arcade shooter.
    • Marvel Vs. Capcom: Fun, even better when I bought one of those Agetec arcade sticks. Arcade perfect, which is nice because it was written for an entirely different system. Then again, Soul Calibur is infinitely better than its arcade counterpart, so...
    • Crazy Taxi: Arcade perfect, again. Perfect control as well. And lots of fun. 60fps, beautiful scenery, and if you get S class by arcade rules you get to see some lovely scenes from your previous game rendered somewhat differently than normal; I mistook it for FMV the first time I saw it, until I noticed some screwups I'd made in my game.
    • Sonic Adventure: Very good, lovely graphics. My only gripe is that everyone's quest is much shorter than Sonic's. But then again, for Big this is a good thing.

    On the whole, if you like fighters then the dreamcast is for you. Ditto with sports games. Racing games are good too. But console RPGs are absent right now. Damn.
    Puzzle games seem to be coming for it though (and I love puzzle games, yay!).

  • She's already been destroyed. The current target, as you'd know if you had actually read your mission instructions, is Dave Barry.
  • I don't really buy fighting games for myself. Not usually. I made an exception with Soul Calibur, because that's just lots of fun. But I bought Marvel vs Capcom, and I was abut to take it back. I didn't understand why people liked it. Then I got my friends to play with me. That's the real draw there, if you've got friends then fighters are great. Quick games, letting one person swap out each fight. It's great.
    Of course if I didn't have any friends I wouldn't buy fighters.

    I don't see why you hate the FF series; you may as well dislike all console RPGs then. FF is not the worst way of doing things; tell me how it is if you think so. They've had pretty good storylines, and generally have had new systems of magic with each one. Remember, there's a huge difference between computer RPGs and console RPGs, and a similar gap between those and pencil & paper RPGs. I play all of them and like all of them :)

  • Okay... but let me ask you this: Can your computer run Crazy Taxi at 800x600 (or 1024x768, I can never remember) at 60fps, with perfect control? No? Didn't think so.
  • Bah, I like Tactics Ogre over FF Tactics. Where else do your characters say, "Are those my intestines hanging out of my body?!" when they get killed?

    I would disagree with you about the Final Fantasy series, except I haven't liked any of the Playstation FFs, and FF8 is really bad with the annoying Junction system. Seems like you spend more time Drawing than fighting!

    Anyway, Suikoden destroys all the FFs since 6. I'll have to check out Suikoden 2 some time, but managing your own village sounds cool. Hopefully you can still combine magic with 2 party members...

    P.S. Still waiting for Dragon Quest 7 here... WTF is the holdup?!?!?!
  • Some trolling is funny, but most of it is just lame. It seems all the funny trolls have left and now we are left with a bunch of losers.
  • Hmm I bet I could post the theory of gravity here and it would be de-moderated by some power hating wacko or maybe someone who just decided to try out their new slashdot-terminal demoderating python script.
    Exactly how do I make myself a total looser? I bet that cannot be easily expressed without resorting to physical violence of childish name calling.
  • Well... there are many great non-square offerings. Anything ported by Working Designs is generally nothing short of amazing. Look at Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete for playstation; absolutely amazing, even if the graphics are old-school. Lunar 2: Eternal Blue's remake should be coming out soon; that will be at least as amazing.
    Grandia is a pretty fun game, it's got a novel battle system that's better than Star Ocean 2's (another great game) whack-a-lot battle system. Tactics Ogre I liked better than FF Tactics. Wild Arms was pretty cool, even if a few of the puzzles (treasure chest & bookcases, anyone?) were impossible.
    Just look at what's out there; I haven't played many truly bad rpgs.
  • nothing seems to be moderated at all anymore.
  • LOL! That's pretty funny.. Actually, that would make a much better article.
  • I'll agree that the standard Sega DC controller is a bit fiddly for Street Fighter derivatives, where you need 6 punch/kick buttons.

    Don't forget that not all fighters need 6 buttons: Tekken and Soul Calibur have 4 button systems.

    Also, a number of 3rd party dreamcast controllers have 6 buttons (two of which replicate the functions of the shoulder triggers) under the right thumb.

    Plus, the official Sega arcade stick is the Right Tool if you're fussy about conrollers for fighting games (or, like me, interface your console into a full size arcade cab ;) ).

    Remember, no mainstream console has ever had a standard pad (the one that comes in the box) with "street fighter buttons" - i.e. two rows of three - apart from the Saturn (oh, and the N64, but there are very few competent fighters for the N64). "Mainstream console" does not include the Neo Geo either, since nobody could afford one.

  • What really ticks me off about these new video games is that they take out the more cool aspects of the original idea and charge the user 25 cents more. The only new game that I have seen keep the coolness aspect is Guantlet Ledgends *drool* that game is so cool (then again, I'm an RPG fanatic so...).

    Does anyone remember the Star Wars vector game from Atari? That game had excellent playability and the best part was...It was 100% wireframe! I must have spent over $90 playing that when it was pulled out from the back storage room at my local arcade.

    You all are probably wondering something along the lines of "Just what is this person trying to get at?" I will respond by saying, "How do you know I am a carbon based life form." And, "Have you given your old Atari 2600 a hug today?"

  • float combos.. hehehe.. careful though.. some games will crash on float combos (Tekken 3 coinop crashed on me first time I played..)

    The trick? a fight in tekken 3 does not finish when opponent is out of life, but finishes when opponent is out of life and hits the ground.. keep a knocked-out character in the air long enough.. and woompf.. crash.. never managed to repeat it though..

  • I really don't know on that, since I don't know what crazy taxi is or if it is available on the computer. however, I do know that the dreamcast sure can't do it. $10 says that my PII 450 with a voodoo 3 2000 makes it look better than it does on your television though.
  • Now considerig that the starting retail price for the playsation in 1995 when it came out was about $300 USD we must conclude that if could very well retail for that.

    Competition drives prices: Remember how the price of PSX dropped like a rock when N64 was introduced? Same thing will most likely happen to DC when P2X hits stores, and to P2X when Nintendo's Dolphin arrives a little later.

    (The system that will win will be the one with the most Pokémon games for it - naturally N64. :-P Although IGN have reported that several N64-oriented projects have been cancelled as developers flee the platform for DC and P2X.)

  • Well, I've never taken one apart, but as far as control goes, I've never hit a direction I didn't want with a Playstation pad (from Sony -- most competitors just don't have the same feel...)

    Even though I love my Gravis Gamepad Pro for the "button factor", the fact that it just has a circular directional control cheeses me sometimes.
  • Wait a minute, doesnt the dreamcast have all of that as well. It has four dedicatated "buttons" for direction, for individual buttons, and 2 triggers.
  • hy doesn't Capcom release these games for the PC? The PC clearly has the processing and graphics horsepower needed. Look at the Pentium III, the AMD Athlon, and the various 3D cards.

    Possibly because PC gamer's traditionally don't buy such games? Do you or anyone you know have either of "Rise of the Robots", "War Gods", "Mortal Kombat 3" or "Primal Rage" (those I remember right now)? I've seen them end up in bargain bins faster than you can say "Kage wins".

  • Uh, did you guys have to post that artical, now every console player on the net is gonna flame each other on which console is better, PC gamers don't usually flame eachother on bias of platform because patches to convert from platform to platform are easy to find. I come on to slashdot to see computer news, NOT console news, or a bunch dreamcast vs playstation flame wars
  • The dreamcast is an amazing piece of machinery. For its price, and what it offers, you can't beat it. Bitch/moan/grope about sega and its past experiences all you want. I'm still the proud owner of the Sega Saturn, Genisis and now Dreamcast.

    If your into sports, or simply beatin the snow out of people, or driving cars off the sides of buildings, the Dreamcast is for you. If you like to run around for hours playing puzzles, well.. get a PC or a playstation. Those aren't games and those aren't what makes a console

    But, if you do want a Dreamcast, check this out. - With 30.00 coupon and 30.00 rebate, its yours for a measly 139.00. Also get all your games and accessories dirt cheap with huge rebates.

    Capcom is a great game, and its about time something besides Playstation is talked about here. And like everything else, if you don't care, don't read. But don't ruin my day or this topic because your stubborn enough not to accept other views.

    have a good one!

  • Actually, I tend to prefer the hand-drawn look of 2D fighters, although Dead or Alive 2 seriously rocks the house (it actually has good gameplay, unlike the first one, which just had the most detailed breast-jiggle physics engine in videogames)
  • Sometimes change is not a good thing. Now I have to relearn the whole thing again. There's no reason for had to have bee a brain dead monkey with no fingers to have trouble with the system from the other VS. games (X-Men / Street Fighter, Marvel / Capcom etc.). Why did they do this?
  • Question, are you playing HotDII with a pad or a with a light gun? On an import system or an American system? With a third party gun or with an import Sega gun?

    I'm just curious because I heard the import gun was locked out on the US Dreamcast and I was wondering if there was a workaround.

  • And $20 says it looks better on a monitor with my VGA box than it does rendered by your computer.

    I noticed this... people forget that the dreamcast renders at higher than 640x480, it does either 800x600 or 1024x768 (I can never remember. Sue me.), and it looks a hell of a lot better connected to a monitor than to a TV. The VGA box is the single best peripheral available for the DC; it ups the viewable resolution a lot, and it makes every game (except Marvel Vs Capcom and SFA3... which dont look that good on a tv'anyway, having been made for a 320x224 arcade monitor) look a lot better than on a normal tv. I'm glad I have one. Though it won't be of much use for the next week or so, as I send my DC off to get modded.

  • Yes, the import gun was locked out of the USA version of HotD2. It's possible to import the Japanese game and gun and use that. However, that's not what I did.

    I got the USA game and a third-party gun (as there is no first-party light gun), though it's the one from MadKatz, which is licensed by Sega and looks a lot like the Japanese Sega gun. God, if I had to play the game with the control pad I'd go crazy. It sucks a lot.

  • Thats not True Soul Caliber was a good game. Even better than the arcade version.
  • Dreamcast Graphics are not to bad right now. However I hate those damn controllers and the drive is really load. However if the PSX2 is even 1/3 of which its supposed to be then my DC is going into a pile with my Nintendo (Classic) and Atari systems.
  • The graphics are really good. Better than the PC's right now. Don't think that will last more than a year though. But then again the PSX2 should be out by then in the U.S. One point I hate about the DC is its controller. The thing sucks when playing any fighting game. Invest in an arcade stick if you can. .
  • I have to agree with you totally. Xenogrears is probly one of the best RPG's ever made. It is also the most underrated game ever made. However I have never heard anyone say they did not like that game after they played it. The graphics are not that great but the FMV (anime and 3d rendered) kick ass and the story is probly almost better than that of FF7 or Parisite Eve. I hope they make a second one for the PSX2.
  • You mean Rockman? Okay, okay, so that's the Japanese name for him, but maybe MegaMan is getting a bit quaint and/or cliche? Just my opinion: don't bash me on this one. Emails welcome!
  • PHUXX U PHAGG0T!%!%!%!%!%!%!%!%!%!%!%!%!%!%!%!%!%!!

    QU1T TRY1N6 2 1M1T4T3 M3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    U R ! 31337, L4M3R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
    ------ ------ ------
    ALL HA1L B1FF, TH3 M05T 31337 D00D!!!!!1
    ------ ------ ------
    ALL HA1L B1FF, TH3 M05T 31337 D00D!!!!!1

We are not a clone.
