Avatar Me: Photorealistic Quake Skins 173
Polaris writes "A British company is demoing some really cool tech at the Millennium Dome: you can get yourself scanned and uploaded into a Quake (or other) game (well, just an avatar of you, but a pretty good one at that.) Screenshots are available!"
This is vastly simpler then trying to fit yourself into your buddies' flat bed scanner.
I did it! (Score:4)
Other Applications (Score:2)
Re:What's your IP? (Score:1)
Columbine, anyone? (Score:1)
Bear with me:
"Oh, it's all their fault, playing Doom made them kill their classmates!"
"But Doom didn't have realistic human targets."
See where I'm headed? Now Q3A *has* realistic human targets.
Bill Gates, anyone? (Sorry -- I just had to.)
"Give him head?"
"One World, one Web, one Program" - Microsoft Ad
Java Demo ? (Score:1)
It doesn't work on Netscape (of course) but on IE, the link is this
The speed is probably slow because of downloading all that data, or they might have a crappy viewer with software only rendering
Re:Dome Heads! (Score:2)
I think you ought to. That way, you won't have medical staff checking your pockets for medical insurance documents when you arrive unconcious and bleeding at the A&E... Or be put second in line to someone with a small cut when you're critical condition, just because they're insured and you're not...
"wonderful, equal, free government supported health care systems of Europe".
Actually, I _do_ live there. And some of the state healthcare systems are _really_ good.
At least, when Europeans do finally get to hospital, then they are there until they're cured or dead, as opposed to when the insurance runs out... An Oregon friend of mine's Dad was sent home to die of stomach cancer once his insurance cash ran out...
The NHS is an excellent system, but it needs cash, badly. I'd gladly pay an extra 10% tax on my grossly inflated earnings, if that was what it took. Sadly, now that the age of conviction politics has given way to soundbite politics, that will never happen.
Strong data typing is for those with weak minds.
Re:Dome Heads! (Score:1)
They got the date exactly right. All the idiots who don't understand the millenium dates got their show when they wanted and all us wingeing cynics will get to see it closed at the end of this millenium.
Re:(OT) billion (Score:1)
What the hell is a milliard?
Re:Dome Heads! (Score:3)
It's definitely worth going to. It's a good focal point for the millenial celebrations (even if they did get the date wrong...) and it wasn't that expensive. IIRC £780 Million, which buys a _lot_ less than you'd think. Next time you see a government announcement, look at how much any of these wonderful new initiatives cost. Anything significant normally costs several _Billion_ pounds.
Stop being a killjoy and enjoy it.
Re:I did it! (Score:2)
From the film-junkie perspective, it was an interesting update of Metropolis, changing it from an industrial age horror story to an information age one.
From the geek perspective, it was one of Hollywood's better attempts at capturing the hacker ethos. (Jeff Bridges even uses the term "hacking" in a manner that ESR would approve of.)
Compared to eye-gougingly bad movies like Hackers and Virtuosity, it was a triumph.
Re:(OT) billion (Score:2)
Most people have given up on trying to preserve the binary system (thousand = 1000 ^ 1, million = 1000 ^ 2, billion = 1000 ^ 4, trillion = 1000 ^ 8) and switched to the American unary version (1000 ^ [1, 2, 3, 4]). That's a shame, because the English version covers a wider range of numbers with less redundancy (compare binary vs unary numbers).
However I still wouldn't use 'billion' or 'trillion' because it's ambiguous. You can say 'milliard' for 1000 ^ 3 but that sounds a bit archaic. Best to use computer-style suffixes, eg £5G is 5 milliard pounds.
And you'd better not even mention 'kilobytes'Re:(OT) billion (Score:1)
At least some use is being made of the Dome... (Score:1)
Maybe the transition was so slow you didn't notice. First, we were shooting alien ships. Second, we ate monsters. Third, we started shooting the aliens themselves. Then, we started shooting people, but they were "zombie" people so it was OK. At long last, here we are running around, hunting photorealistic simulations of people for the kill. Where do we progress from here?
How far removed is this from Columbine? I can see this as fodder for both JonKatz and ESR. Katz wouldn't dare upset his geek readers with that notion, and ESR could look to it as an example of why EVERYONE should be armed at all times. Ugh, maybe I'm just sick and tired of hearing about Quake and other shoot-em-ups. How much longer will one have to wait before Richard Smallman gets the idea of making a Quake clone called YAFPS?
Re:Remind anyone of Snow Crash? (Score:1)
Re:(OT)Flatbed scanners (Score:2)
Yep, been there, done that. For some more fun, try keeping your head perfectly still, and moving your eyes. Start with them looking in one direction, and change them as the scanner goes past your nose. Perfect for that Marty Feldman look...
Skins in Quake (Score:1)
Re:great... look for me (Score:1)
'cept my glasses won't be what's really big ;)
Re:Bad Thing (Score:2)
Perfection reached in '87 (Score:2)
how will anyone be able to see your skin? (Score:1)
So I think this will be great fun, but only for a private network with your buddies.
Me in Quake? How boring... (Score:1)
But if someone finds out how I manage to get my boss scanned this way, hey, I'll do it...
Re:Bah! Why do these guys get any press? (Score:1)
I agree, but I wonder if AvatarMe, or the functionality of Quake 3 is to blame for the poor mapping, and the blur?
how's the physics? (Score:1)
Re:I want to be digitised... (Score:1)
How long before... (Score:1)
Re:Bad Thing (Score:2)
I'd like to see Jar-Jar too.
Re:I want to be digitised... (Score:1)
Interesting, I at first did not catch the meaning of the ^H because I am TOO OLD a geek.
I know that the backspace is a HEX 08 which can also be accessed by doing a control h key combination on the keyboard.
I then saw that the control charactor is represented by the carrot "^" symbol which is something I remember seeing before.
The following explanation assumes that the least significant bit is on the right.
For those who might care the H is the eigth charactor of the alphabet and the reason control h gives you a HEX 08 is because the control key masks out the binary bit number 7 of the combination.
The masking makes the binary 0101000 a binary 0001000. The shift key also does the same thing to bit number 6, it toggles bit six from 1 to 0 assuming you are starting out with a lower case h. As such a captial H is 0101000. A lower case h is 0110100. A back space is of course 0001000.
This can be discerned by looking at an ascii code chart.
So by a very round-a-bout path I saw that the meaning was to erase by way of destructive backspace the word or phrase directly before the series of ^H's.
It is quite funny how techy things get used and the original reasoning is not remembered or valued.
Re:Naked Guy with Railgun... (Score:1)
And could we get customized weapons skins? As in, could I skin the railgun, make it look like I'm carrying around a wombat instead wildly firing projectiles out of its butt?
You can already customize weapon models and skins in Quake II (I haven't played Q3A)...
Re:Remember the Running Man (Score:2)
This is why audio tape is not really evidence unless a witness testifies under oath that it is correct.
(Yea yea... IANAL.)
To hell with scanning your friends (Score:1)
-- RLJ
yes folks, that's humor
Re:(OT)Flatbed scanners (Score:1)
You can make 12" long fingers. (-:
Halo looks better!! Err (slightly offtopic) (Score:1)
Re:I want to be digitised... (Score:1)
No, you don't understand! He's not writing IT as in the acronym for Information Technology, he's writing IT ("it" in all caps) as in the giant pulsating brain that controls the planet Camazotz. He's under IT's control!
Zardoz has spoken!
More, more, more! (Score:1)
Re:Dome Heads! (Score:1)
I thought the Body Zone was overrated, but interesting.. My favourite zone was the Relaxation zone - well worth a visit.
As for all the moaners going on about how the money could have been spent better elsewhere, well the same could be said for any money that is not spent on a) Hospitals or b) Schools.
IMHO the *REAL* reason that the dome has had nothing but bad publicity is that on NYE there were hundreds of journalists who had to wait outside in the rain. From that point on there has been a vendetta in the media against the dome and the people involved in it.
The british media effectively run this country, and are trying to ruin everything that ordinary british people should be able to enjoy. A case in point is the recent eclipse. In the event, it was less than spectacular due to the inclement weather that the UK is reknowned for. However for weeks before, the press and other media were predicting "CHAOS" in west england. This was utter bollocks events were cancelled, due to poor ticket sales - a direct result of the negative publicity.
Don't let the media ruin the dome for you. Check it out and make up your own mind.
Dady FP
Re:(OT) billion (Score:1)
That would be a mallard. Daffy Duck is a mallard, 1000 x 10*3 is a millard... ;p
So how about a millard mallards?
DJ Warble
When Quake first came out (Score:1)
A) Addicted to Quake.
B) Want to do it.
C) Have an afternoon to blow with some kids, and don't want to give them beer
G-string (Score:1)
The Divine Creatrix in a Mortal Shell that stays Crunchy in Milk
Re:Elian in Quake... (Score:2)
Maybe....or how about a scan of the ATF agent and the guy that was holding Elian in the picture?
Hmm...or how about some type of capture the flag where Elian is the flag?
That would be so cool! Elian is the flag, Janet Reno, Marileysis, Lazaro, the fisherman dude, the dad, and Fidel Castro could be avatars!
I want to be digitised... (Score:2)
Then I can take on the MPAA^H^H^H^H MCP and beat it at it's own game...
Re:I want to be digitised... (Score:2)
Since people who *are* suits don't necessarily actually wear them anymore, a new label is needed.
My favorite candidate is 'ITS' for 'Ironed T-Shirts', as these type of people tend to iron their t-shirts and jeans (just can't relax).
Besides, then we can call them 'its'!
Wow...I did that in '94 (Score:1)
I used a hand-held scanner and snanned a picture of my face.
Then got one of those patches like the energizer bunny rabbit, but this one bent over and shot flames out it's butt.
Then I used an editor to comine my face to all the pictures then installed the patch.
It was a total hoot.
Re:Oh boy, (Score:1)
Leisure Suit Larry??? (Score:3)
Re:Halo looks better!! Err (slightly offtopic) (Score:1)
(quote from Bungie's Doug Zartman)
"Well, you gotta understand that there have been countless rumors of people buying us over theyears - Eidos, GT, Acclaim - and we've developed a policy of not fueling those mills by commenting on the rumors. In general, if you haven't heard something from us, it isn't true."
(end quote)
Does that mean anything? well, not really, I guess, but at least it's a semi-official statement. Man, I hope it's not true.
(OT)Flatbed scanners (Score:1)
For some real fun scanning your face, start with your left cheek on the scanner, and as the scanning head moves, slowly turn your head so that your right cheek is touching the scanner when the scan is complete.
Creates some... shall we say... interesting results.
Re:Columbine (Score:1)
Re:When Quake first came out (Score:1)
I've never had so much fun in my life.
Re:Halo looks better!! Err (slightly offtopic) (Score:1)
Re:Oh boy, (Score:3)
Playing with legos. Voliently I might add. You think them leaving those sharp lego in the middle of the floor at night when you are in your bare feet was an accident....
Invalid Argument. For... (Score:1)
I would NOT LOVE a screenshot of myself standing over a lava pit with a rocket launcher. And a G-string.
However that would be quite funny (IF I actually fit the stereotypical geek profile).
Re:G-string (Score:1)
Re:(OT) billion (Score:1)
(OT) billion (Score:1)
Re:(OT) billion (Score:1)
So there isn't any real advantage to one system over the other - but they are still incompatible once you go above 'million'.
Re:Dome Heads! (Score:1)
The NHS is an excellent system, but it needs cash, badly. I'd gladly pay an extra 10% tax on my grossly inflated earnings, if that was what it took. Sadly, now that the age of conviction politics has given way to soundbite politics, that will never happen.
Well said. My father was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer, by his NHS doctor (caught early). He was given all the options, and followed the consultant's recommendation to have it completely removed. He was taken into hospital and treated superbly by the best team of doctors in the country for this condition. His hospital stay was short and pleasant (as pleasant as any hospital stay can be) and he is almost fully recovered.
It's fashionable in the UK to bash the NHS, but it really is excellent in most cases. Yes it has its problems, but I simply cannot imagine the situation if he had to pay for treatment. He could not have afforded it.
And yeah, I know this is off-topic, but I've wanted to get this off my chest for ages.
more ideas (Score:1)
This is vastly simpler then trying to fit yourself into your buddies' flat bed scanner.
Another possibility would be to lure your boss into one of these 3-d scanners so that you could take pot shots whenever you wanted.
Or, even better - add this to the DOOM-sysadmin interface [unm.edu] to add user's faces to the processes that they spawned, and are littering your machine - that way you could get some real personal job satisfaction doing your sysadmin work.
This is *not* for Quake 3 (Score:1)
which will convert these to Half-Life, but not Quake 3. Does anyone know how to convert them to Quake 3? I will pay a visit to the Dome tomorrow if I can get one in Quake 3 format.
Abashed the Devil stood,
And felt how awful goodness is
Re:I did it! (Score:1)
Actually I didn't feel that bad about Tron, I even put in some references to it into a GPL:ed implementation of ETFTP some time ago. But just like the old Star Trek episodes it's main asset is that it uses old fashioned effects :-)
Also please note that I didn't say anything about Signal 11, I only mentioned Tron. (FYI I find the flames boring too.) When I saw his post I just thought "Oh not another one raving about Tron": Most of my friends really like the film, and personally I find it mediocre. I put in the "end of line" just to see if anyone would get the reference... the Master Control Program always ended his messages that way :)
See you at the I/O tower...
Re:Dome Heads! (Score:1)
Please, elaborate on the systems of medical rationing that is practiced in some European countries. For instance, why does the NHS of England have some people waiting up to two years for gall bladder surgery. Or why do some Scandavian countries only allow a few treatments within their guidelines but ignores other, possibly life saving treatments because they are either too expensive or not on the plan?
"At least, when Europeans do finally get to hospital, then they are there until they're cured or dead, as opposed to when the insurance runs
My brother-in-law has a brain tumor. His insurance company will no longer pay for all of his treatment as it is considered terminal. He continues to be treated at MD Anderson, one of the world's finest cancer treatment and research facilities regardless of his ability to pay. I have yet to see any hospital turn away a patient in the US or not do the most they can to save the patient. Your friend was the victim of an illegal practice and my sympathies are with him and his family. My own father died in 1995 because of a "medical oversight". That was not the fault of the government or the insurance company, but that of shortsighted, uncaring doctor. No legislation can demand compassion or a conscience.
"The NHS is an excellent system, but it needs cash, badly. I'd gladly pay an extra 10% tax on my grossly inflated earnings"
In my opinion, you pay too much in taxes already, in some European countries as much as 60% of your income *before* paying your own bills - rent, food, utilities, etc. Why not hammer on your elected officials to spend the money more wisely? Or better yet, why not insist they get rid of the overhead (overpaid unions, local restrictions, etc) which lead to money being spent on adminstration and not on patients?
If the government cannot provide the best possible service than they either need to get out of the business or allow open competition from the private sector. Throwing more money into a losing scheme is a waste and saves no_lives.
Re:I did it! (Score:1)
I thought it was really funny to call it the "MCP", but I guess I was the only one. The PHB had no idea what I was talking about. :)
Paintball (Score:1)
In short, I wouldn't worry about it.
Re:Columbine (Score:1)
Get real, I've been playing Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein 3D, Warcraft, Starcraft, Blood, Unreal, and many many many others.
I never had a friggin friend growing up. Those kids were just stupid, whiny, sniveling bastards and the world is just too arrogant to admit that yes, populations do have screwed up individuals. So instead, lets blame video games?
And maybe if those kids could have skinned their school mates they wouldn't have gone on a murder spree?
But you do have a good point with the celeb skins,
nerdfarm.org [nerdfarm.org]
Re:I did it! (Score:1)
TRON is overrated...
What no screenshots? AND Who owns copyright? (Score:2)
Did anyone find a screenshot of one of these things?
Secondly, if they scan me and give me the file, who own copyright over my image/avatar?
Lord Pixel - The cat who walks through walls
Re:Halo looks better!! Err (slightly offtopic) (Score:1)
Frag the /. Crew! (Score:1)
"Futuaris nisi irrisus ridebis"
Re:When Quake first came out (Score:1)
Re:You're using the word 'photoreal' pretty loosel (Score:2)
That's because they are downgraded to Halflife skins (okay, I know squat about games, but that's the official "game avatar" format that you download from the site). The original format (you can view examples on Avatarme.com [avatarme.com]) has a high resolution (although the java demo is *dern* slow).
Go to "Download Avatar", and then choose the link at the bottom: "view these examples".
It'd be neat to map these into a vCard type open format, and then display them when you read someone's email.
An accident waiting to happen (Score:2)
"Studies show that kids who 'kill their friends' using this technology are highly volitile, and dangerous."
If a boy were to post a website with photos/models of his friends to 'destroy' in Quake and the school finds out about it, what do you think is going to happen? Bad things my friends, bad things. And we thought the kid being suspended for a critizing web page [slashdot.org] was bad. Or how about the kid punished for his personal web site [slashdot.org].
Things like this sound cool, look great, and end up hurting people because of ignorant people. Not stupid people, just ignorant to the fact that they think we can't seperate computers and reality. So...what else is new?
Re:Oh boy, (Score:3)
If you're using Internet Explorer, there's a pretty neat demo at www.avatarme.com [avatarme.com]. You might need a fast PC to take full advantage of it.
Photorealistic Skins and Gender (Score:4)
For instance, a photorealistic skin doesn't guarantee that the person you're playing with actually was the model for that skin, and thus there's no guarantee whether he/she actually is male or female. But players may be more willing to believe in an assumed gender (even if only on a sub-concious level) when it looks like a real-life person.
For instance, Gender can be used for in-game advantages -- some Males may hesitate to shoot a female, others become more hostile if killed by a female. Females may pretend to be male to avoid being hit on or harassed, and both sexes may pretend to be opposite genders for role-playing or exploration reasons. Take a look at the old article, there are a lot of interesting ideas in it.
Re:I want to be digitised... (Score:2)
To not get what was being said, you would have to be 1: Not a geek (not a UNIX geek, anyway), 2: Unable to easilly understand geek humor, and 3: Unwilling to think.
Geeky shorthand, like using a bang to say "not", adds a lot of color to this site, and I like it.
Please redirect all future complaints about this stuff to /dev/null.
Re:Staggering Potential (Score:2)
Skins or objects, we are still just talking about replacing the default purdy pictures with a picture of yourself, which is very fun for LAN deathmatches and can make chat rooms a little more spiffy, but is not exactly going to create a mad rush to have ourselves pixelated.
Why the hell would I want my beer gut to be carefully rendered in 3d anyway? If I was creating a skin of myself for a game, I would probably use photoshop or gimp to slim myself down first.
Re:maybe (Score:2)
Re:Staggering Potential (Score:2)
Already been done... (Score:4)
Because of the limited number of skins at the time, most of us had the choice of the Tim, Xian, and Sarge skin, because that is about the only skins they had. What was scary is that the Tim skin looked nearly EXACTLY like him. And, in my opinion, was the best player amongst the gathered group. Hence, you learned to run away if you saw Tim running towards you. It was very strange to be running around, and run right into someone you recognize from the real world.
However, for a team play game that involved pushing a button to get points, we ended up playing almost all the same skins, so the effect was much stranger to see 3 Xian's running around. `8r)
Anyway, it has been maintained from the begining that id software is able to create photorealistic skins, and that they will provide instruction on how to create your own. There is a PC gamer issue out there discussing that as well.
Gonzo Granzeau
Re: (Score:2)
Dome Heads! (Score:4)
This is about the only thing worth going to in the entire place. Only expect to wait for 4 hours to get a go on this - tourists, tourists, tourists, and schoolchildren everywhere.
I wish they'd used the money instead to create the "Millenium Hospital" or "Millenium Digital Library" instead of this one off pile of shit they wasted our tax money on.
(Note to US moderators - check the BBC news site for old articles about how most of the UK populace _really_ didn't want this folly.)
It's cool tech, but wasn't worth the effort.
Strong data typing is for those with weak minds.
Bad Thing (Score:4)
in all seriousness, is this a good thing? now, instead of just fragging some avatar of your buddy, you're fragging a look-alike. does this disturb anyone else but me? as for fragging the Gallaghers, wouldn't they have to get scanned in?
better realism in skins are a good thing - i just don't think they should be going this direction. i'd much rather see a photo-realistic skin of, say, Jar-Jar (frag away!) than one of my buddies down the hall.
Jack Valenti Skinz (Score:2)
Oh, what I'd give.....
Re:Jack Valenti Skinz (Score:2)
Remember the Running Man (Score:2)
the dome was a few days from bankruptcy (Score:3)
According to the BBC today [bbc.co.uk], the dome was a few days away from bankruptcy when it last got some money from the National Lottery, so it ain't making money for itself.
I also doubt it's pulling tourists in from abroad very much, by itself - who'd travel to the UK just to see the dome? This applies too to far-flung parts of Britain - apparently only 800 people from Scotland visited the dome in one month. It might be attracting Londoners, but they'd probably spend their money elsewhere if they didn't visit the dome. From an economic point of view, the dome is a flop.
Re:What no screenshots? AND Who owns copyright? (Score:2)
Who owns my Avatar? AvatarMe Ltd owns the copyright to all avatars made in the AvatarBooth. On downloading your Avatar, AvatarMe Ltd gives you permission to use it.
This seems pretty slimey to me. They say they won't sell your avatar without permission, but then, why do they need to claim ownership of it? Highly suspicious.
There were screenshots at the first URL listed, but that server seems to have died. I managed to look at one before it went. I wasn't all that impressed.
If a tree falls in the forest, and kills a mime, does anyone care?
Re:Staggering Potential (Score:2)
In one paragraph of "Beavis and Butthead" -esque sarcasm, he neatly expressed exactly how much impact this "technology" will really have on the world.
I need help... (Score:4)
Why the hell would I want to get myself scanned? I never see my self when I'm playing, but if I could make everyone else look like my boss, I can garauntee an increase in my Frag Count.
Re:I did it! (Score:3)
Climbing into a scanner (Score:2)
We just need scaling down a bit. See here [cat-scan.com].
Staggering Potential (Score:3)
Yeah... Yeah! Uh, YEAH! You could uhh... Stick your face into a video game... or... a chat program... or even... a chat program... oh wait, I said that. Wait, hasn't that all been done before, so, what we're really talking about is matching yourself up with Quake's relatively limited palette, which was designed to not hog the resources of older systems, yet still look nice and menacing... Yeah, ok, so, it's pretty basic stuff... Yeah, oh well.
(P.S. You are allowed to laugh, no, I'm not cracking on the article or the tech, it's just... Well, yeah, maybe a little.)
Re:Columbine (Score:2)
great... (Score:4)
You're using the word 'photoreal' pretty loosely (Score:2)
Re:Oh boy, (Score:3)
Flatbed scanners (Score:4)
Actually, I've got some pretty good results from scanning myself directly on my scanner. Face only, of course, but surprisingly good, nonetheless. All this talk of photorealistic skins reminds me of a former job where we used to play doom at lunchtime. We scanned a picture of one guy's baby in, and used that in place of the flaming skulls. He could never quite bring himself to blow his baby away with a shotgun, which gave the rest of us an advantage in multiplayer games with monsters...
GoRK in Quake (Score:2)
Re:Staggering Potential (Score:2)
This takes a 3D image of your body, i.e., not a bitmap of what you are wearing, but the shape of your body. Hence the beergut in the pictures. You can then automatically convert them into Quake objects - real 3D objects with your clothes and images all over them.
So it isn't just your images plastered over a standard Quake 3D model, it is your images plastered over a 3D representation of your own body. Even if you could be bothered to create your own 3D model, this is a lot quicker, and probably a lot more accurate.
And I would like to see who I am shooting actually - this would make the game much more interesting. Somebody get Jon Katz into the Avatar...
Re:Remind anyone of Snow Crash? (Score:2)
One girl went with a "slightly enhanced" version of herself, while a k3wl d00d she was talking to used a floating "wizzard of oz" style Death Head, complete with a text slogan meant to show how 1337 she was (but was lost in the translation).
Where both authors go wrong (IMHO) is when they assume that this stuff will be a big deal, and costly to come by. Later in the book, that same girl has to obtain some virtual formal wear for another meeting, and IIRC she could barely afford it.
What Gibson and Stephenson seem to miss is that we are already expressing emotions and editing our "presentation" for our avitars, even in text environments like MUD's. Avitar clothes and facial expressions will continue to evolve along with the rest of the technology, and on-line chat users will continue to take them for granted.