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New ASUS Drivers Help Cheaters? 226

magicmat writes: "The guys over at Riva Station are reporting ASUS's nVdidia based video cards might have a new "special weapon" in gaming. Namely, drivers that allow you to see through walls, get brighter lighting or go to wire frame mode. Is it just me or does this sound like the smartest decision a card maker has ever done for their profits?" I always wanted to be able to reposition the camera... I mean, the driver should be able to do that, right? I guess it depends how much of the world the game is actually storing on the video card at any given point, but it seems like it should be possible. (Note that these drivers are not standard or officially released, while they are for the nVidia chipset, they are technically for ASUS cards. Sorry about the confusion.)
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New nVidia Drivers Help Cheaters?

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  • Replying to my own message here, something I forgot:

    Email ASUS and complain here (marketing) [mailto], and here (tech support) [mailto].

    (I had those email addresses in my story submission to Slashdot as well... oh well.)

  • Counterstrike takes immense team coordination, I agree. But on an individual level, the best players play Quake. Hands down. There is simply no arguing that point. They have the best aim, the best movement skills, and the best overall feel for first-person shooters. Oh, and I'd be willing to pitch the team skill of some Q3CTF clans against CS clans any day.

    Running online gaming tournaments is not a hobby for me, it's my job. Maybe you should think before flaming someone who knows.

  • Actually, you would be surprised how much Quake 3 actually draws that you cannot see. If you turn on r_showTriangles (only available if you start a map using the devmap command) then you will see that some objects, clear on the other side of the level, are drawn. This mainly applys to powerups and map entities. My bet is that a player, a around a corner will be drawn too. It is non trivial to cull everything away that cannot be seen, and most engines take advantage of huge fill-rates and triangle through-put to make up for that.
  • What the fuck is your problem?

    You call me a nerd.. look who's getting so worked up about one little piece of speculation about cheating in a game? You're the reason slashdot is almost not worth visiting any more. People like you.


  • Actually haven't they gotten cheating under control in Quakeworld now? There was an initial flood of cheaters after the source was released but I was under the impression that there are now effective solutions to cheating. This seems like a real-world example of how cheating may be stopped..

  • And how long would it take for someone to produce a hacked CRC program that returns the correct CRC whether you have a hacked game executable or not?

    I believe "how long does it take crackers to remove an undesired feature (like CD-in-drive requirements and server-authenticated CRCs) from a program" is the scientific definition of "zero time".

    Also, how do you differentiate between CRCs which differ because of patches and those that differ because of hacks?

  • Rather than speculating, I've actually tried to contact ASUS for verification. No response so far (after about 4 hours). We shall see.

    You're correct about the Half-Life shots, I apologise.

    The fact that it's only screenshots of Quake 3 engine games really proves little, if anything at all. Can you point me to the *exact* console cvars which enable partially transparent walls? Or even wireframe *only* rendering?

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Uh huh, until someone throws that console online via a null modem cable to a PC and uses the PC to run a proxy server...

    Anything you can devise, they can break.

    It's just that the good coders don't bother with consoles, closed cabinets == crap games.
  • I've done some 3d programming in my day, and this will just force programmers to use polygon obfuscation algorithims to not send this information to the video drivers at all. In the end, this will be a zero escalation.
  • Brilliant! And how long would it take for someone to produce a hacked CRC program that returns the correct CRC whether you have a hacked game executable or not?

  • I remember that in one of the versions of Q3Test, you could toggle a wireframe mode, but it turned out that the players were pretty much hidden through the walls until they came a few feet from where they would be visible to you. I would assume that was because the server was being smart about not sending other players' positions over the network unless they were within your approximate line of sight.. this saves bandwidth (especially in highly-populated servers) and makes cheating more difficult.

    I'm pretty sure that most modern 3D shooters do something similar, so I don't really see it to be much of a problem for those fast-paced games. In slower-paced games where stealth is more important (Rainbow 6, etc), I imagine this might be more of a problem.
  • problem being once again this is not a cheater dll. this is a video driver hack. you cant crc the video driver because there are hundreds of drivers constantly being released, all with different version numbers and different crc values.
    -Steve Gibson
  • Forget wireframe, I want to see that other dude's password through those damn "**********"s. :)
  • I have a pII 450 128 megs with a TNT1. I get 90 fps. Of course I turn off almost everything, use 16 bit mode. It's not quite as pretty, but it helps me win. Before tweaking, I got ~25 fps.
  • by WNight ( 23683 ) on Wednesday July 19, 2000 @09:29PM (#919469) Homepage
    As a reply to Temporal and CaptainSuperBoy...

    There really is *no* way to trust a client. None. Anything that the client does can be watched, instruction by instruction, with a debugger. Any encryption it uses is performed in front of the determined hacker.

    Any CRC of the binary, or the data files, is done by the EXE that the hacker has access to. They simply hardcode the values the server wants to get. Or if it's a changing algorithm, they keep the old files around to run the CRCs on, then use the hacked files to play.

    It is provably impossible to write a program that can't be modified in this way. There are some anti-debugger tricks, but they'll probably increase general incompatibility and, they never stopped the pros anyways.

    You either have to have a release schedule that beats the hackers, like updating the EXEs daily, so that they have to keep doing the work... or, you accept the fact that you can't tell if you're communicating with your certified client or a proxy.

    It doesn't matter what platform it's on. As long as hardware is available, not encased in melted plastic, and development tools exist, hackers will be able to examine the game. It might be harder to disassemble Super Mario 64, or a Playstation 2 game, but it can be done, and if the stakes are high, *will* be done.

    There is *nothing* that can be done to make this impossible. All that you can do is make the cheaters job harder by blocking the obvious things (like the Quake1 cheats - new player models, etc).

    Anything the server does, short of sending the game out as high-res screen shots over the network at 60fps can be hacked. And even then, someone could write a proxy that would parse that pictures and auto-aim or something.

    Cheaters and cheat protection will (as I think Carmack said) evolve until subtle cheaters are indistinguishable from the better players. Anything you can devise to stop cheaters, the cheaters can learn from and avoid.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Regarding certified drivers:

    Repeat after me you example of poor slashdot moderation, YOU CANNOT TRUST THE CLIENT. Period.

    I don't even want to get into your nice commentary on servers sending too much information to the client. Think of it this way, a lot of people who are a helluva lot smarter than you have been thinking about this a helluva lot longer than you.
  • I was thinking that it would have to alot of extra calculation to create a wire frame because its rendering every thing backwords. Of course if you could just turn off the textures and run in an allready created wire fram enviroment i would eexpect fram rates to shoot up, but I don't think Id created that option with the released code. Of course games are not my specialty.

  • at least he didn't post it in the wrong story

  • by Tom7 ( 102298 ) on Wednesday July 19, 2000 @04:12PM (#919473) Homepage Journal
    The performance hit with translucent walls will likely be rather severe -- z-buffering can't be performed on alpha surfaces. That means that the triangles would have to be depth-sorted and blit in order. (every frame!)

    Wireframe mode on the other hand would be much faster. It's really hard to play with, though (do r_showtris 1 in quake3 while cheats are enabled) ... even if the walls are textured, it's very hard to tell what's in front of what.

    Much less annoying in Quake 3 is "r_shownormals 1", which only makes a little tick mark on each vertex, showing its normal vector. Something like this would probably be more valuable to cheaters.
  • by jafac ( 1449 )
    Yeah, hire a technician with a van full of TEMPEST stuff to sit outside your opponent's house, view his monitor, and confirm that he's cheating. . .

    if it ain't broke, then fix it 'till it is!
  • The camera cant be changed in a game, at least not by a driver, because it hasnt got anything to do with any info stored on the video card.

    Usually, a 3D video board, half of the memory is used for textures and half for graphics. The actual game geometry is stored in RAM. So, unless a hack is written for a specific game, knowing exactly how it handles the world geometry and where (and how) it stores the camera data, you cant change the camera angle. It should be done before the frame is computed. The driver just renders the data given to it (so it can mess with transparency or wireframe it) but you already got the scene there. No changing camera angles.

  • It is provably impossible to write a program that can't be modified in this way. There are some anti-debugger tricks, but they'll probably increase general incompatibility and, they never stopped the pros anyways.

    It may be theoretically impossible to write a program that can't be indetectably modified, but from a practical perspective, you can make it damn near impossible, especially when it is dealing with interactive servers.

    I don't want to belabor the details of some of the most dirty tricks that will give even NSA crackers a pause (deliberate race conditions in self modifying code, etc), but even non-programmers can understand it isn't that hard to bury half a dozen redundant checks in the game which at rare moments calculate and send disguised CRC verification stamps to the server. All it takes is for your uber-hacker to miss just one of these for the server to mark his unique game id as one held by a cheater. The server can even delay the penalty by many weeks, so as to obfusticate when the cheater was caught.

    The real reason why cheating is so prevalent is that most companies don't bother to try. Hell, they don't even bother to use any real encryption on the game authentication id they give out.

  • San Francisco, CA - In response to nVidia's announcement of a 3D card that will allow a game player to see-thru walls, 3Dfx has revealed that they are only weeks away from releasing a 3D graphics card that can see-thru clothing.

    The technology coined "strip-o-way" allows the owner of a 3Dfx "ClearSpeed3D" card to analyze any graphic layer by layer. Similar to the upcoming movie "Hollow Man," a splashy special-effects remake of the popular movie "The Invisible Man," 3Dfx's technology will allow the user to see through-images.

    In an late-afternoon press conference, 3Dfx Chairman, President and CEO Thisis Ajoke announced that, "Our technology is meant not just for the games people anymore. We have expanded our product line into a much larger market." Mr. Ajoke refused to comment what he meant by that comment, but, a source close the development effort said: "Think about it! What would you do if you could strip away, layer-by-layer, the clothes off any image of Gillian Anderson you find on the.. err.. I mean, you could possibly find out who shot Kennedy."

    3Dfx is expected to release their new product before the Christmas buying season, but industry analysts already expect 3Dfx's stock to "go through the frik'in roof."

    Some computer owners might have to upgrade their systems as the new video graphics technology is expected to take up 4 PCI and 1 AGP port, and require a minimum of 5 external power supplies to drive enough juice into the cards.

    3Dfx is seperately negotiating with Intel to increase the mega-wattage it pumps through the system bus to make "all those dangly wires and power-strips" unnecessary.

    Pricing has not been announced for the new product, but in light of Microsoft's recent announcement of becoming an Application Service Provider, 3Dfx is considering folling the software innovator's lead with their own ".accell" model. 3Dfx's engineers were unavailable for comment, as they were beating the crap out of their Marketing department at the time we called them up.

    - Some hungry gremlins contributed to this story.
  • "I only believe in a fair fight when I can't rig it in my favor."

    if it ain't broke, then fix it 'till it is!
  • Well, cheating for whatever reason is only fun to the one doing the cheating. Sure, you want to bring some asshole down a notch, you want to confuse people, you think it's just a game or the game is stupid. It's you who sucks at a game and desperately wants to win. You think it's funny, no one else does. It's all about you you you the cheater. See the pattern yet?

    There are absolutely no parallels to hacking in cheating. No one cheats to see if they can do it. Sure, an actual hack is very cool, if you do it yourself and use it once or twice to see if it works. That's fine, and even then it's only you who's amused. As soon as you make yourself an obnoxious cheating moron you ruin the game for everyone. Except you're having fun. But of course that's the real reason isn't it?

  • Most of the polygons on a level are culled out using a BSP tree before the graphics card gets involved. The card then draws a surface or two per pixel and has ot pick which one is closer.

    Normally the closest wall is opaque and "paints over" the farther walls before you see the scene. So you are right: transparency has to be planned for specially so the closest surface is always painted last as a "discoloration" of what is "behind" it. This won't be accounted for.

    However, who cares? Only a couple of layers of walls are involved, most gamers know the level well, and it just looks a little disturbed. Most importantly, you can see the enemy! 'Nuff said.

    Switching subjects, what is disturbing me at the moment is that it appears the moderator of this article is advocating the release of these drivers so he can cheat. That would be a very selfish, short-sighted attitude if so. It doesn't take much effort to see how this destroys the whole community. Now I have to wonder if I should listen to moderator opinions about Napster or any other important issue.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    • Bending the rules in your favor - that's open source
    • Tampering with critical system files - that's open source
    • Not reading articles before posting them - that's Slashdot.

    Hah, people criticize Ryan at MacOS Rumors for not checking his stories... nice work, Taco ;^)

    Just venting (grumble). If only this was a realistic picture of the situation...

  • I don't really support this form of cheating and whatnot but.. It seems to me that playing in wireframe mode will be horrible confusing. I find it hard to play without any sense of depth or lighting. What the cheat really needs is some sort of in-game toggle so you can, say, switch it on and see that guy around the corner and then switch it back off and play normally. and once again.. being a gamer myself.. i don't support any of this...
  • by Tom7 ( 102298 )

    I don't believe it will work without constraints on the ordering (though there may be techniques to speed it up as one poster suggested).

    Consider this cross-section view of 4 polygons, each at 33% alpha (and an opaque background).


    Loc1 Loc2
    A --------
    B --------
    C --- ---- D

    Suppose C and D touch to make a continuous wall. Loc1 and Loc2 are places where we calculate a pixel value (Loc1 sees ABC, loc2 sees ABD).

    Drawing order matters:

    One correct drawing order of CDBA gets us

    loc1 = (.66 * (.66 * (.66 * background + .33 * ColorC) + .33 * ColorB) + .33 * ColorA)
    loc2 = (.66 * (.66 * (.66 * background + .33 * ColorD) + .33 * ColorB) + .33 * ColorA)

    Note that if colorC=colorD (they should, since these make up a continuous wall), then the two locations compute the same color (correct).

    Now, an incorrect drawing order: CBAD

    loc1 is still the same as above. But loc2 is:

    loc2 = (.66 * (.66 * (.66 * background + .33 * ColorB) + .33 * ColorA) + .33 * ColorD)

    loc1 and loc2 are different! Note that loc2 gets a 33% contribution of ColorD, while loc1 only gets a 14.4% contribution.

    Depth sorting is necessary because the order of blit on alpha matters.

    The poster who said that GL_ONE GL_ONE doesn't need sorting is correct... but my experience mapping for Quake 3 (where you can specify the blending mode for brushes) leads me to believe that colors max out VERY quickly unless your textures are as dark as night. Maybe this could be made to work.
  • I've always had an advantage in Quake 3 because of a slight z-buffering problem with my video card (Real 3D Starfighter, 8MB AGP on a socket7 mobo, intel's initial graphics chipset). It allows me to see where people are through walls and floors without disrupting gameplay.

    I've since switched to Unreal, where I don't have the problem (just a problem with OpenGL?). But people would always ask me why I still had that old thing in there :)


  • This has been happening since hardware acceleration was used in FPSes. Don't you people remember transparant water in Glquake? Software users had to hack their pak files to get transparency, and then it barely worked. Very easy with hardware acceleration though, and there were those that claimed that it was cheating because not all players had the option of seeing other players in the water.
    To me, if the game itself allows it, it allows it. I'd hardly call that cheating.
  • OK, three instances Mr Coward (you must be really sure of your viewpoint ;-)

    1) For a competitive game to be interesting, there has to be a chance of winning (or at least not coming last ;-). To take the chess analogy further, what would the point be of me playing Karpov at chess (if I got the chance) other than for fun?

    2) Contra to US soda commercials et al, winning isn't the most important part in many activities/sports. Some people actually take part because they actually like the activity. Oh yes, it would be nice to be the winner, but it's (say) a 1 in 1000 chance and life's too short.

    3)In the case of D&D etc - I don't play myself, but I would guess the reward is in developing friendship and understanding with your fellow players, rather than the alienation of always wanting to win.

    Finally, perhaps you can answer a question. Why is winning so important? - and you can't use the words win/lose etc in your answer... and if you use "better" etc, please explain what you mean by that (just so you think b4 replying :).


  • No, I do. Read ASUS's web site. The English there is top-notch. I've read many motherboard manuals, and none are quite as bad as this.

    I'm never going to post on Slashdot again, they talk about freedom of speech and all that, yet they only hear what they want to hear. Looks like I'm going to have to find a new news site. Oh well.
  • With OpenGL, (and a little programming knowledge) it is simple to make a stub library that can be used to augment or override and existing OpenGL calls. This is how the OpenGL debugging programs work.

    As an example, I recently tried playing Half-Life on NT but the underwater fog effects gave my 3D card problems. In my case the frame rate dropped to less than 1 frame per second which made the game unplayable.

    Using gltrace ( it took me about 5 minutes to create a version of OpenGL.dll with fogging disabled. Problem solved.
  • Don't have a certified driver? Can't play the game.

    I think this cannot fix the problem. If cheater wants to use some special driver (s)he will use it and there will be crack to remove that driver check.

    Right way could be to send driver information string to server where it could be compared to blacklist of "cheater drivers". After identifying driver as blacklisted it's up to server what to do. It could mark mark points as cheated or disconnect after random period of time with text "cheater".

    This wouldn't prevent cheaters to play and therefore there would be much less effort to crack executables or so. Making cheating public would cut the edge out off it and perhaps lesser people would do that.

  • You're both right. And that's the conundrum. If you trust the client, you permit cheating. If you don't trust the client, you run into insurmountable performance problems.

    Diablo II deals with cheating by not trusting the client all - according to Blizzard, in realm games all that's sent to the server is your mouse and keyboard actions. They can get away with this only because the game environment is extraordinarily more constrained than that of, say, an FPS.


  • In OpenGL you can pretty easily do some approximated transparency by patching one call (glBlendMode()) and forcing it to use GL_ONE,GL_ONE all the time. This just makes everything add up so for high depth complexity stuff will white out, but games are usually pretty good at keeping it below 3-4, so it should be ok. There is performance cost involved (framebuffer readback), but it shouldn't kill playability.

    Wireframe is just as simple. Patch glPolygonMode() and off you go. Game cards are usually not very good at lines, but it's still playable, as Q3 shows. As the RivaStation article hints at, if you use stereo glasses, wireframe gives a pretty neat depth impression, so it's very usable.

    If you patch the driver to return the correct settings it's undetectable for the application, we'd need certified drivers to check it. Not an easy thing to do and organize. What would you say if your brand new but as yet uncertified Radeon card was rejected by the Q3 server?


  • Judging from the screenshots, the walls are using additive transparency, and therefore they would not need to be sorted. I imagine that the modifications to the driver would be fairly simple and would not massively impact performance.
  • Wireframe display on the Voodoo has been around for a while, and it lets you see what is really happening. I had a good look at Mario64 on UltraHLE on a PC/Voodoo, and my admiration for Nintendo increased when I saw how they did stuff, also I learned why some things that puzzled me had to happen as they did. (Our family owns an N64 btw, for me UltraHLE is just a curiosity.)

    So one benefit of nVIDIA wireframe is that it might encourage a few more people to do 3D graphics. Another is that with hardware transform and lighting we can see whose drivers are culling more efficiently, the benefits of clever Z buffer algorithms and so on.

  • yes, but I also read that youd be able to toggle the transparent mode with a hotkey from in-game...
  • .. Lihe I don't have a hard enough time trying to find a 'clean' game. What is the performance trade off? what good is seeing throught walls if your frame rate is 2 ?
  • "We have constructed pyramids in honor of our escaping."

    sup Jim?
  • Actually I believe Lightwave uses voxels extensively, they're very useful for animating objects like splashing water.
  • Back when Sc2000 was first released I did release sc2kcash.exe onto a few bbs's

    Now that felt like an achievement.
  • Speak for yourself. I've been doing this stuff since Doom and I can tell you that there's a massive community of gamers who wouldn't think of cheating.

  • As an owner of a Riva TNT2 Ultra, let me be the first to say, OHYEAH! I spend a lot of money on that card, and I can't wait to wax some fragmeat.
  • by Datafage ( 75835 ) on Wednesday July 19, 2000 @03:53PM (#919501) Homepage
    This kind of cheating is really nothing new, back in the days of Quake 1 there were client-side mods that gave the user a huge advantage, like aiming, hearing the health of his enemies, or having long rods coming out of the enemy's model to track him through walls. Yes, it sucks, and Asus should not be doing this, but please don't pretend it's unprecedented. And don't even get me started about Diablo1.


  • Chess, Go, Tic-tac-toe, and others of that ilk. Take out the twitch and thought is all you have left. Any game with sufficient velocity to attract the fps or role-playing *craft/diablo style players must send more information to the client than the user can see at one time. I think.
  • by / ( 33804 ) on Wednesday July 19, 2000 @04:22PM (#919503)
    Sure, the ability to make walls transparent is great for the company's bottom line, but think of how much more successful it would be if it also allowed users to make certain characters []' clothes transparent.
  • Even if ASUS decides to not make these Drivers.. you know someone else will decide too, and because its done on the Video Card itself there is nothing that can be done with the software, outside of checking if these specially modified drivers are installed. Even if that happens, they modify the drivers.. and so on. But still, just because you can see through a wall doesn't make you Thresh, you can't see behind you, and odds are some other lamer can see you.
    This does not bode well for the online gaming community, this is all fine and dandy if your playing single player. But if you go on, and rack up the kills because not everyone else can see through the walls. There has to be some way of preventing people from doing this.

  • It's not intended to be used all the time. I think the description from ASUS mentioned using a key to turn it on and off. All you need to do is glimpse wher the opponent is for a moment.
  • by mOdQuArK! ( 87332 ) on Thursday July 20, 2000 @08:55AM (#919511)
    I for one don't understand cheaters anyway - whats the point of playing a game if your just going to cheat? It stops getting fun really quick.

    I occasionally cheat (on single-player modes) because, and I'm not ashamed anymore to admit it, I'm not good enough at most of the games out on the market.

    I used to be able to keep up with the arcade stuff & early Doom-clones, but as each type of game has matured & there are people with lots of time to do nothing but practice, the companies have cranked up the base difficulty level to the point where it would take me months of constant playing to improve my skill level to the point where I could complete the game (I'm usually into RPGs & first-person-working-toward-a-goal-type games).

    I'm busy working, I visit my family a lot, I like to get more than 2 hours sleep per night - I don't have the time or health to build up the skills necessary to complete the popular games (which are not necessarily useful to me in the rest of my life). So, in single-person modes, I cheat so that I can enjoy the game in about a week of a few hours/night.

    On the other hand, I wouldn't cheat in any kind of multi-player mode, due to the ethical concerns. (Of course, that generally means that I just get my butt kicked, because I still have problems with the difficulty level...) I don't agree with your statement about cheating being a practical joke - I think people who cheat in multi-player mode just want to win in any manner possible.

  • Bagh. Don't any of you kids see what this has the potential of doing?

    It'll take video game graphics processing off of the graphics card and put it back on the main CPU, where it should be. Back in my day all of the graphics was rendered in the CPU before sending the data to the graphics card. This usually resulted in a respectable frame rate of 1-3 frames per second, not that fancy schmancy 100 FPS that all you kids think you need for a good time.

    Since these disrespectable silicon valley hardware companies want to allow cheating with there cards, more and more graphics rendering will have to take place on the main processor. That's a step backwards.

    To respond to UnknownSoldier's comment and a few other comments too, I have been using CAD systems since before CAD systems were made and you are wrong about rendering speeds. There are 2 different wireframe styles of rendering. The first is called 'wireframe' and it displays all edges in the entire FOV with no shading. It is always faster then fully shaded rendering. The second type of wireframe rendering is called 'line-clipping' and it is always slower then fully shaded rendering. This is because it is mathematically complicated to determine where to start and end lines. Line clipping looks like wireframe, except that you can't see wires behind other objects.

    All that hogwash about graphics cards only using triangles is utter nonsense. Triangles and polygons are used for benchmarking purposes, but there are NO graphics cards that only use shaded triangles for 3D rendering.

  • by CaptainSuperBoy ( 17170 ) on Wednesday July 19, 2000 @04:28PM (#919531) Homepage Journal
    You've mentioned two of the most infamous games for cheating (Diablo 1, Quakeworld). I sincerely hope that we've learned something from these games. I believe that lesson is that we need technical solutions to cheating in online games, because suppressing cheat software is doomed to failure. It's easier to suppress drivers than a diablo cheater or a quake auto-aim bot, because anyone can sit down and make one of the latter - not anyone can write drivers for an ASUS card though.

    Most (99%+) multiplayer gamers (first person shooters especially) really and truly respect the integrity of the game. If the integrity is destroyed for me, the game has lost all of its fun. I don't understand cheating, but the fact is that it can utterly ruin a game (Again, both Diablo and QW. Diablo never recovered, but the QW community seems to be making progress). The solutions to the Diablo and QW problems were both technical.

    It's clear that video card drivers are bound to come out (just look at the long list of nVidia beta drivers that have been leaked). We can't count on ASUS reconsidering releasing these. I think the solution this time rests on the game designers, in the form of some kind of driver signing / certification, a la Microsoft. Don't have a certified driver? Can't play the game.

    I don't know a lot about 3D, at all (I hope Carmack replies to this story). You'll see that the worst cheat in this driver is the "see through walls" and "wireframe" modes. If it's not too much of a performance hit, games may have to stop sending information to the video card about polygons that are not visible. I think this would probably kill performance though, as determining which objects block the view of which other objects is a primary function of hardware 3D.

    I hope we can learn from our previous battles with cheating. Though I don't think this will do much in the long run, I hope that game companies show that they are not pleased with the decision of ASUS.


  • Networked games shouldn't trust the client. The client shouldn't have any information that the user shouldn't be aware of. If you send some data to the client, you have to assume that that user is going to be aware of that data. This includes things like the location of enemies or objects that are out of sight, as well as any other attributes that the user shouldn't know about (like say, how much ammo your enemy has, or his health).

    This would prevent cheating with these drivers. That, in combination with an RSA "blessed client" scheme, like that used with Netrek, you can drastically reduce the types of cheats that are possible.

    This adds some complexity to software, of course. The server has to determine what information to give to the clients. That means it needs to do basic line-of-sight determination, for example. That can be tricky though. Just because the guy's toe is sticking around a doorway, it doesn't mean I can "see" him -- I might not notice him.

    A simpler solution would be for the game developers to do more clipping on their own, rather than relying on the hardware. Of course, that could potentially slow things down significantly. It also doesn't deal with other kinds of cheats that involve modifying the client itself. (particularly a problem if the client's source is available, but even binary clients can be "tweaked") Not trusting the client is the most general solution.
  • by Black Parrot ( 19622 ) on Wednesday July 19, 2000 @04:31PM (#919534)
    > Are games about fun or popularity of having the coolest shit (to the kids)?

    There seem to be two (at least) basic classes of mentality among gamers of all types.

    I used to play D&D with a group. For some of us, the fun was in the adventure, the puzzles, the humorous occurences, the challenge to overcome setbacks, etc. For others, the fun was in "winning". These people would go to the local game stores, dump out the whole box of dice, and roll each one over and over until they found, or thought they had found, a high-roller. Etc.

    Similarly with wargames. For some of us the fun lay in understanding history, testing strategies, recovering from mistakes and/or bad luck, etc. For others, the fun lay in winning. If the rules had a bug that allowed patently unrealistic operations - well, no problem if it led to a win! Etc.

    I, for one, can comprehend the desire to win, but if the "win" is merely nominal and results from cheating or exploiting a loophole, then I absolutely cannot fathom how any satisfaction is obtained from acquiring it.

    OTOH, I recognize that my notion of fun is surely equally unfathomable to parties in the other camp.

  • by Evangelion ( 2145 ) on Wednesday July 19, 2000 @04:33PM (#919535) Homepage

    * Is there any confirmation of this outside of this guy's site? Does anyone here actually have said drivers?

    * Go to ASUS's site, and read press releases by Mr. Tsang - he is much more articulate in them than he is in the press release on Riva Station (which, coincidentally, is NOWHERE on ASUS' site).

    * The Wireframe screenshots were, also coincidentally, taken *both* in the Q3 engine, which happens to have a wireframe cvar you can use if cheats are enabled.

    * This just screams 'page hit scam'.

    Did I miss anything?
  • > I'm still waiting for an answer.

    Again, you illustrate my claim. I gave my answer in my original post, and you are as incapable of understanding it as I am of understanding your system of enjoying a game.

    > "The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters." -Genghis Khan

    OK, so GKh was of your camp. BFD. Did you hope to convert those of us in the other camp by citing him as an authority?

  • > A kid at work comes up behind me (it was after hours :-))...

    Yeah, sure.

    > ...and says, "Why don't you just turn on the flying cheat." ... WHAT? GET THE F**K AWAY FROM ME! I can't fathom this personally. And in a SINGLE-PLAYER game.

    Hahaha! I won! Nyeh, nyeh, nyeh!

    Truly, incomprehensible.

  • Or even wireframe *only* rendering?

    Okay, after doing a bit of research, it's not as easy as a cvar. However, with access to the maps, it would be fairly trivial to recompile them to have no visibility information (so the game will actually draw the things which you don't see - which does bring up an interesting point - how could that wireframe hack work at the driver level? the information to draw a Person You Can't See is never sent to the graphics card in the first place....? This is probably the most damming point =)).

    From here [], setting r_showtris = 1 will show you all the polygon edges. For a screenshot, check out preview.html []. This would provide the wireframe effect.

    For transparent textures, just add 50% alpha to all the textures in the game. I know this is easy with Q3.

    So, Q3, being the emminently hackable game that it is, seems to be the only engine in site when it comes to demoing this 'driver hack'.

  • by evanbd ( 210358 ) on Wednesday July 19, 2000 @04:34PM (#919557)
    It all depends on how willing you are to sacrifice CPU time. In a short crypto class we took, we examined how to play a secure game of poker (completely randomized deck, no one knows what order the deck was in until after the hand). Its among the coolest stuff in modern crypto. Bruce Schneirs book Applied Cryptography goes into this, I believe. Also, go, chess, tictactoe, battleship, and more can be done. I think you could do a FPS through crypto by "hiding" where one player is throughout the game unless the other can see them. However, it takes VERY high bandwidth, VERY low latency and LOTS of CPU time (I think the rendering would have to ALL be software...). At the end of the game, you could check that it was all played fair by examining paths if you chose to. Not doable on current systems. We need about 2-3 more orders of magnitude to play TODAY's games, let alone whats out by then...
  • True, the hardware could do all of this for you, but it wouldn't help much if the software was smart enough to speed things up by not putting things in the environment that wouldn't be visible anyway. Think about it: some games base what's visible on a "per-room" basis, rather than attempting to display the entire environment at once (unless the doors are open, then it's the next room over too, but usually not 2 rooms over). The hardware would only display the software calls that were made (eg if the software was based on OpenGL then the program would probably not draw the ENTIRE environment, but just the parts it felt necessary, which may or may not be the person sneaking up on you around the corner). Usually, for speed, software does not command the hardware to attempt to draw the whole world.
  • by Steven Gibson ( 105692 ) on Wednesday July 19, 2000 @04:35PM (#919559) Homepage
    This is indeed nothing new, and stuff is available right now. Just not very wide spread. Here's Zoid bit on it also [] which you may find interesting:
    -Steve Gibson
  • This sort of thing happens without the tools in at least one game that I've seen.

    I've got a Geforce and noticed weird effects while playing Tribes with detonator 5.22; objects would become partially transparent at large distances and seemed to "segment", each segment updating on its own as I move, sides aliasing and all.

    While being able to see through walls at a distance sometimes is a small advantage, the effect is overall distracting. I'd gladly give up seeing through walls if I could have proper rendering.

    Maybe it's just me, but playing in wireframe so I can get a few more points simply isn't worth giving up my delicious graphics. :)
    Where can the word be found, where can the word resound? Not here, there is not enough silence.
  • You wouldn't have to perform visability-determination on everything, just the bounding boxes, and, using an octree, you can reduce the number of visability tests you must perform.

    Most fps game servers are dedicated servers anyway. They have to have something to burn those spare clock cycles on other than seti@home. :)

    Since it would be pure mathametics, you wouldn't need a 3d card, textures, etc. to do this, and it
    would only increase the network traffic slightly.

    Imagine an object list --- The server would send a list of object indicies for the client to blit; the client actually stores the objects, but, since the display order of them is unknown, the player can't cheat by looking at the list with a debugger. I imagine OpenGL display lists would be ideal for this. :)

    If this kills performance, it can be done only to dynamic objects, such as flags, players, mortars, etc.

    As for the client cheating by using custom models and fullbright textures, they can either by CRCed, in which case it would be difficult, but not impossible, to crack, or they could be downloaded when connecting to a server. Quickly, of course. :)

    Also, like X, OpenGL is network transparent. In the future, when broadband is universal, we may see game clients that render to the client remotely. Of course, it would be rather slow by today's standards, but with moore's law and games designed with this in mind, it could work wonderfully (hint hint: Texture objects and display lists)

    Then again, if game designers insist on using D3D, they can't do this. :)
  • incredibly difficult. this hack is done at the driver level and not at the game code level. they can crc the client all they want and it will still return the same value as anyone else.
    -Steve Gibson
  • I can see it now: Quake map designer sues nVidia for violation of the DMCA. "They circumvented my protection I placed on the other players by putting walls in the map." Gawd damn, go call Jack Valenti [].
  • Yes, the framerate _may_ actually be _slower_ in wireframe with some video cards.

    Back when I first got my Voodoo 1 there was some demos showing off the speed. The card was actually SLOWER in wire frame mode! It didn't make any sense.

    BUT if a card doesn't have points and lines as primitives, but only triangles, then the geometry/lighting processing may be taking more time then the time saved from not texturing.

    All though, I would think that with modern cpu's and graphics cards with geometry engine there shouldn't be any frame rate hit.

    "Triangles are the 3d pixels of today's graphics"
    - Anonymous
  • IMHO, cheaters sometimes cheat because they cannot play otherwise. Even an empty victory is better than no victory for some. For single player gaming, I suppose cheating is acceptable for those miserable souls; they ruin it only for themselves.

    However, multiplayer games are different. Cheats *do* cause others not to enjoy the game in this instance, and the only explanation I can think of is the same as above: Defeating others even with underhanded methods is better than not defeating them at all.

    They simply can't play. Have you *ever* seen a cheater skilled in combat not involving cheats?
  • Yeah, cause any stupid shit can plug a console in, it takes some ammount of brains to master typing. It's also a cheaper system.

    But you have to be pretty fucking blind to think a console game can beat a PC game in depth or interactivity.

    A lack of onboard storage (large flash ram or HD) cripples Consoles for anything but stateless games like Mortal Kombat or some pathetic RPG like Zelda where 'saving' the game loses everything about you expect for some basic numbers...

    Unlike playing Deus Ex or System Shock 2 where you can revisit an old area and see the corpses, right where you left them and with the bullet holes in the right places, etc. If you can compare a console game to these in terms of depth, you're smoking crack...
  • No, that just gets rid of "See through walls" cheats.

    The biggest problem in Quake is aim bots. They can't be stopped by your scheme because they do shoot what the player can see. Only the most basic aim bots shoot anything near the player, most shoot only what's in a cone in front of the player, to disguise the fact that there's a bot.

    In any distributed system you have to send *some* extra information, maybe instead of sending the other player's locations when they're seconds away, drop it to when they're close enough to be seen before the next update, usually 150ms or less, so that even if the user is cheating, they get less lead time.

    But if you only send what the used can see, they need to get an update from the server when they turn their head... That's obviously broken.

  • NetTrek is an example of *my* point. They have decided they can't make a binary nobody can crack so they keep releasing new ones, with new protections, etc.

  • Yeah, the idea of not stopping cheaters, just ostrasizing them. Works for me... Except, then you get into the case where a sysop needs to examine a game log and determine if something was cheating or not. And if it's something like Quake where the servers are distributed, how do you know the server admins are honest and not labelling someone as a cheater just because they won a game...

    The idea works if you never go outside of your group of friends, but it has problems when you go beyond that at all... And I do like the occasional sixteen player games which I can't get enough friends together to play.

    But overall, yeah. If you know KillMaster is a cheater, just don't invite him to your games.

    It's when you go to a global form of this that it's a problem... Do you let users register names so that only one person can have a certain name, or what. How do you block people, CD Keys?
  • Apparently the in-game performance of the tool is "really bad", meaning any advantage you may get by seeing where your opponents are beforehand is immediately nullified (and perhaps then some) by the fact that it slows down your reaction time.

    In other words: Is that a rocket coming at m--**BLAM**.

    - A.P.

    "One World, one Web, one Program" - Microsoft promotional ad

  • Quite right. In fact, there a good article [] on this by a game designer. It details his insanely complex protection scheme.

    Some of the traps included writing in an off-by-one error in the program so it'd run out of memory and crash at some undefined point in the future, etc.

    The problem with some of the ridiculously complex ideas (race conditions in self modifying code) are that they only work on one processor, and only one model of that. Things that worked in the 486 days won't fly now...

    I remember a friend writing self modifying code that wrote *just* in front of the instruction fetch. Sometimes when he reached the end of the loop he'd patch the code *after* the instruction fetch so that next time the loop wouldn't even be tested for. This was automatic because his extra few cycles testing for this let that location be passed by the instruction fetch.

    The code was very clever and incredibly fast. With good caching algorithms it was even faster because what he wrote to was guaranteed to be loaded into L2 from the instruction fetch, so it just required another read to copy it into the data L1 cache as well as the instruction L1 cache.

    But, the coming of Pentiums broke the code. We looked at it and determined that it could be made to work but it'd have problems in the future, every new processor was changing the prefetch depth and the caching schemes...

    Had that been used in a game, it wouldn't work anymore. In our litigious society, that's a class action lawsuit waiting to happen.

    Even id Software's fairly basic CD Keys are open to a lot of problems. They're open to DNS problems... You specify the server by IP and connect but you can't get an IP from the master server's name and can't connect, etc..

    If a bug existed in your protection schemes, think how hard it'd be to find if it could take a week before it triggered. That game'd be in Q&A forever.

    And it's still no guarantee of stopping a hacker... in fact, the only thing it guarantees is to attract *more* hackers. And in today's script kiddy world, if one person cracks it, everyone can use it.

    So, you're right in one sense. Writing for a specific CPU on a specific platform, you can write insanely complex code that is nearly impossible to break, especially when only developers know what the machine is doing and when hackers have to reverse engineer the hardware and the software at the same time. On the other hand, on a PC, or rather, on a million different PCs, you'll never manage any of the impossible tricks.

  • Just a few points. You can't do anything with display lists except display static objects. Anything which is animated, or which is only partially displayed at a time (like the world) can't be put in a display list. Vertex arrays are alot faster anyway.

    Also, server-side visibility determination would require tons of network bandwidth, and thus would also not work.

    Finally, OpenGL may be networkable, but rendering over the network will never be possible. Yes, network bandwidth will increase, but at the same time so will the amount of geometry data that needs to be drawn every frame. Again, display lists won't work because they are not dynamic. However, an ever so slightly higher-lever protocol might work... but then that's what most games are right now.

    Really, we 3D game developers aren't as dumb as you think. :) We've considered all of this already, and if there were an easy solution, we'd be using it.


  • I revel in the fact that fewer people want to kill me than Bill Gates.


  • 1) the half life pic has nothing to do with the drivers, just a 'modeling program' he found (which, of course, he doesn't substantiate either).

    2) Star Trek : Elite Force is a quake 3 engine game.

    3) It's also possible he found a hacked driver, and is making up the whole ASUS connection to get hits.


    but this whole thing looks like a pile of bullshit.

  • Like we really need this bit of technology. As if people don't already come up with enough ways to cheat, we certainly don't need to be making it even easier for them. Sure sure, "it's just a game". But a) people pay good money for many of these games, and cheating can really ruin it for them, and b) how you play reflects how you live. I know most people still don't believe this simple precept, but if you're willing to cheat in a game, or even encouraged to do so with tools like these, chances are your real world behavior is going to learn a bad lesson from your gaming experience.
  • Unfortunatley for 3Dfx, they're going to have to rush their development cycle! It's already been done [].
  • The problem is that client movement is predicted rather than synchronous from the server. You don't want to come around a corner, see nothing, because the server doesn't think you are there yet and hasn't sent you the information about something that will, after a round trip delay, pop into existence ... Yes, you can do better than what the Quake engine games do (region to region visibility lists), but because players can change direction unexpectedly, the server doesn't really know where you'll be / what you'll be able to see by the time its updates reach you. You can tighten the filtering of what the server sends to clients, but they will just lie about their latency to get a broader uncertainty range. Or you can be strict, and only people with truly low latency will be able to see an entity as soon as they come around the corner. It's even more complicated when clients predict not only their own movement, but that of other entities.
  • by levendis ( 67993 ) on Wednesday July 19, 2000 @03:56PM (#919620) Homepage
    (anal article correction: The driver is made by Asus, not nvidia, although it may work on any nvidia card.)

    Apparently, performance is significantly slower, so that's at least one disadvantage of using this to cheat. I for one don't understand cheaters anyway - whats the point of playing a game if your just going to cheat? It stops getting fun really quick. I never play anyone I don't know anyway, partly because I'm not very good, but also because most of the fun of playing is social, i.e. get a bunch of guys together, drinks some beers, blow each other into mip-mapped chunks with a rail gun.
  • These are not Nvidia drivers, these are ASUS drivers built off of the NVIDIA ones. In other words, they aren't "Official"..

    Then again, neither are the 5.32 series Detonators from Reactor Critical [], but I use those :)

    Happy fragging with fast drivers :)
  • There are ways of testing for cheated rendering.
    Every once in a while, send a relatively well-defined frame, and ask back for some information that depends on the (partial?) frame being rendered in a relatively sane way. If you get back an 'obviously wrong' answer, then start doing something insidiously nasty to the cheater -- or just mark his score 'cheat'.
    I figure it's better to not let a player know as soon as you've detected a cheat -- because then it'll be easier for him to find and fix the counter-cheat.
  • I suspect that DirectX 8 or so will provide a way to verify over TCP/IP that a driver is running in "Non-cheat mode", and it will be easy to keep multiplayer games free us this.

    Other 3D rendering thingies, those that communicate more directly to the hardware or come in more flavors, will be much trickier to deal with. As for open source drivers...

    Well, on linux, God Mode will finally include omniscience.

    My mom is not a Karma whore!

  • No shit. I can not believe that ./ would stoop to this level.

  • There's only one perfect solution that makes seeing invisible people impossible (far as I can see): don't send information about their location to the client.

    You'd have to make the game server not send information to a client that a client shouldn't be able to see. Send a "disappear" message when it goes out of view and no more messages after that until it reappears.

    Otherwise, you could cheat by having a hacked client anyway. Supermap or something.

    Only problem is the crazy amount of processing this would require on the server. It wouldn't be quite as bad as the processing the client must do, but still, you'd have to calculate a view for every player, which would get pretty bad.

    Just a silly suggestion from a non-game-writer.

    --John Keiser
  • New games use it. Specifically, its that new feature nVidia is talking about: Transform and Lighting. Transform refers to taking the 3D scene and camera location and converting that to a 3D scene in the form the triangles will be in (IE relative to the monitor, not some 3D world). Therefor, any game that makes use of T&L can have this happpen. I don't think Q3A or UT do though. So, only in the new games.
  • by Hrunting ( 2191 ) on Wednesday July 19, 2000 @04:58PM (#919638) Homepage
    I for one don't understand cheaters anyway - whats the point of playing a game if your just going to cheat? It stops getting fun really quick.

    As an expert on cheating (I downloaded the hack for SimCity 2000 that gave you $2,000,000,000 and I also told all my friends in the ninth grade that I slept with Sally Jenson even though all I could really do is go home and whack-off to porno), I will tell you what gives cheaters their kicks (besides said porno).

    Have you ever played a practical joke on someone? Have you laughed your ass off when they step on that flaming bag of dog poo after you rang their doorbell and then snuck behind their bushes? It's the same damn thing. You got some guy who thinks he's a bad ass at whatever game, running around, killing everyone and never being able to be touched. You cheat, blow his ass out of the water, and then watch him try to figure out what happened. That's pretty hilarious when you get right down to it. The egos of people who play games is pretty funny itself when you think of it. So basically, you're lighting a bag of dog poo, ringing the doorbell, and sneaking behind the bushes.

    Except he doesn't know who you are, how to stop you, nor can he come beat you up.

    People don't cheat to win. People who cheat don't really care about winning. They care about the entertainment of the game, and sometimes the winners take the entertainment out of it. I would think that a community of geeks would get its kicks out of siccing it to the big bully, but I dunno.

    And I was just kidding about the whole Sally Jenson thing. Really.
  • by mjg ( 21046 ) on Wednesday July 19, 2000 @03:58PM (#919644)

    I submitted this story about 8 hours ago with the *correct* facts, but it didn't get posted.

    Anyway, ASUS are releasing a modification of Detonator 2 drivers (based on 5.32 I think) which will add features allowing you to switch to wireframe mode, partially-transparent-everything mode, and also add extra lighting to a scene.

    This has nothing to do with nVidia bar the fact their drivers are being used as the base, and Slashdot are making them look bad by not checking facts before posted a story.

    Obviously neither the person who posted the article to Slashdot, or CmdrTaco actually read the URL [] supplied in the article.


    This is a pretty short sighted move by ASUS. Another company, Wicked3D, tried this a while ago and met with a lot of anger in the gaming community. I really hope this happens again, and ASUS decide not to release the drivers. Otherwise the online gaming world will either be based on trusting your opponent (not likely), or everybody cheating as much as possible, and so will begin a horrible downward spiral into out-cheating each other, rather than gaming.

  • How hard would it be to permit a server to interrogate clients to ensure they're not using such a driver?

    Obviously, the client needs to have the same validation at its own end, but would this be unworkable?

  • Really, if you think about it, isn't cheating in this way just defeating some security through obscurity the developer created? After all, the information about what's hidden behind the walls is there, these drivers don't create it... It's just that it's been in too obscure a format to read before now.

    So those who seek to powergame and "be the best" will have another tool which helps them to do so more easily. Those of us who play for our own enjoyment (isn't that the point of games?) will ignore them, and continue to enjoy the games. Will the two groups meet? Unhappily? Of course. They do so now even without this.

    Now, the question really worth discussing here is, is it possible to create a multiplayer game where there's no advantage to be gained by examining memory, or intercepting the data stream? What would such a game be like, and would it still be able to attract a wide audience?

    AR Schleicher (Jerrith)
  • by debugdave ( 153189 ) on Wednesday July 19, 2000 @04:01PM (#919651)
    to me-- from someone who has worked at a Babbages for a while-- how many kids even play games anymore? Most kids I talk to just buy games (like Diablo 2, etc) and get the best video card on the market at the second-- and play until one of their friends gets something better. The same stance is taken by the grade-school kids with Pokemon cards.
    Now I know that adults play games too-- but the whole idea of being able to "see through walls" seems pretty juvenile to me. Are games about fun or popularity of having the coolest shit (to the kids)?
  • err .. no q3a isn't the ONLY game being demoed... Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force, Q3A, MDK2, Unreal Tournament and Descent3 have all been demoed... you can pick up a clip of it (its in quicktime tho) at the following Only 2 of the games above use the Q3A engine btw....
  • That's a load of shit, man. Cheaters enjoy winning more than the non-cheaters, so much so that they would use any means necessary (except learning how to play the game well) to reach that goal. Hoy was it freakin hilarious when I was playing Diablo with my level 24 character kicking ass in the dungeons until some level 1 bastard came up and killed my with 1 swipe of the sword and stole all of my hard earned posessions. It was so funny, I stopped playing!
  • Correction: Q3A uses T&L if it is available in the video hardware. So far the only cards on the market that do it are the NVidia GeForce, GeForce 2, and ATI Radeon.(The Quake 3 Arena engine is also the only game engine on the market which uses dual processors if they are available. )

    That is, Quake 3 Area, (and other games using the Quake 3 engine,) ARE the new games.

    I don't think Unreal Tournament uses T&L, however, as it is basically the Unreal engine which came out way back in... 1997 I think? It's been tweaked and enhanced, but has the same basic capabilities.

    Torrey Hoffman (Azog)
  • by Black Parrot ( 19622 ) on Wednesday July 19, 2000 @06:03PM (#919669)
    > Uh, hello? If you don't play to win, what's the point of playing?

    Thank you for illustrating my claim that members of the two camps cannot understand the others' motivations.

  • I did however get it to finally work with XF4.0.1 and their last set of drivers. OpenSource aside, it does work and kicked ass against my Voodoo3.
  • by Barbarian ( 9467 ) on Wednesday July 19, 2000 @04:05PM (#919679)
    Although the site uses Quake3 screenshots to showcase these new features, Quake3 is not where the worst problems would be seen. In Quake3, there is an advantage to seeing where another player is, but you can't do anything to them until you go to their location.

    A mod for Half-Life, Counter-Strike [], which by far is played online by more people than Quake3, features rifles where wall penetration is a factor -- i.e. if you can see someone through a wall, you can probably shoot that player.


USENET would be a better laboratory is there were more labor and less oratory. -- Elizabeth Haley
