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Sega & Nintendo Partnership Just Hype 39 writes: "In this article, Nintendojo is reporting that the hyped Sega - Nintendo partnership is really just that -- hype. Sega is working with Satoshi Kayama, who has worked with both companies, to help with their networking."
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Sega & Nintendo Partnership Just Hype

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  • When you think of it, the partnership really wouldn't be too likely. I mean Nintendo (64) is a fairly popular system and has good number of games, as does the Sega Dreamcast. If both companies were getting completely spanked by Sony then maybe, but I feel that their fortunes would have to sink a little lower for them to seriously consider a partnership.

    Eric Gearman
  • It really wouldn't be a bad idea. As it is, game development is already being stretched thin across three major platforms (ie: There are games that you can only buy on certain platforms). And since Sony has become such a big player in console games, it wouldn't hurt to have another equally as powerful player. But, that being said, do we really want just two companies competing to make the best games and platforms?

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • I don't think Sega has any new systems in developement now, but after Nintendo releases the GameCube they should work together. Sony's PS2 is what's taking the market by storm right now, and they really have no competition with this. The Dreamcast itself is pretty powerful though. Lokk at Shenmue when you see some of the clips from that you'll see what I mean. Maybe though after the GameCube comes out and they work together they might actually produce a system that'll make Sony look like a joke, but I wouldn't hold my breath on it.
  • I was looking forward to a "Mario vs. Sonic" game so I could watch Mario get his wimpy little red butt kicked.

  • You mean all those "me too" news sites might possibly be saying things that are NOT true?
  • I truely believe that it would have been an advantage for both companies to work together. N64 appeals to the younger audience (13 years old and under), and dreamcast grabs most of the upper audience (18+). Combining these audiences would have a lasting effect in the console race. PS has the teenage population, but with the recent dissatisfaction for the new PS2, Nintendo/Sega could have taken this to their advantage.
    The console race is getting bigger and better, and some of the names you once knew will start getting beat out. To survive with the sharks, you need to get an edge, and the combination might have been the edge.... oh well...

    -- Don't you hate it when people comment on other people's .sigs??
  • Hype or not, I bet we'll see many such stories throughout the next two years or so -- and some of them will be true. Ladies and gentlemen, it appears that the next round in the battle of the consoles has begun. Sony, Nintendo, Microso...PFFT!, Indrema, etc... It will be very interesting to see who lives and who dies.

    The X-Box people must feel quite wierd, having to compete and all...
  • N64 appeals to the younger audience (13 years old and under)

    ...with quality family-friendly games like Goldeneye!
  • Somehow, something tells me that with their units selling for thousands on e-bay and Dreamcasts sitting on the shelf, evidence of demand is there.

    Now, if they can only get those units out the door...

    Content-O-Matic sez "index.php is fixed" []

  • the N64 and the Dreamcast are unfortunatly dead in the water. IMHO PS and PS2 games are FAR superior to those of the Dreamcast and N64. I have nothing to say about the upcoming release of the new Nintendo system (as I haven't looked into it yet).

    Certainly each has its advantages (fast load times for the N64, Dreamcast has better graphics than the PS) but the fact still remains that the PS/PS2 games crush the competitors hands down.

    I guess it could have something to do w/the fact that I am just NOT able to learn that fucking joystick that comes w/the N64, I am much more adept w/the playstation controller (thank god they decided to keep it for the PS2). The Dreamcast controller is also bulky and confusing for my stoned out/drunken brain (which is usually the best time to be using a console machine in college heeh).

    Just my worthless .02
  • This is yet one more of MANY examples that the old adage "Believe only what you can see, and seriously doubt that". In these modern times it's amazing just how fast really lousy information gets spread, AND get reported as truth. Even slashdot has been known to "publish" false information from time to time, and it is picked up and run with by other sources.

    I remember once that there was this course called "Journalistic ethics". I wonder if it's still taught?

  • Heh, you know how many 12-year olds I've seen playing GoldenEye? Eh, there's no blood, anyway. That'd go against Nintendo's policy. :P
  • Nintendo and Sega both make cool systems it would be hard for them to come together because they could not have decided on one single design if they did.
  • Are you talking to ME or the person I replied to... No wonder you post Anonymously...
  • Sega is in debt all over for things that Nintendo ahs tried to avoid like Arcades. Plus their demographic push is in opposition. It was a baloney story from the start.

  • except `the man from sega` is already saying that the DC will be their last console and they`ll be moving into software (only)
  • Journalistic integrity at its best I see.

    I find it interesting that when you lie to someone's face it's called a "lie" but when you lie via a news site it's called "hype".
  • Sony, Nintendo, Microso...PFFT!, Indrema

    I think Sony will make this one. They have their system out ahead of everyone else, and despite development difficulty, they have lots of titles on the way.

    I think Nintendo is in trouble. They will be releasing their system around the same time as MS, but only have system specs on par with the PS2. They will sell some because of the next Mario game, but I think that ultimatly, they will lose.

    Why will Nintento lose? Because, Microsoft is going to kick their ass. Microsoft has developers lined up, and has specs that should mop the floor with the PS2 and GameCube. As long as MS can keep a good flow of games (not counting PC-ports...I really hope they stay away from that as their main feature.)

    As for Indrema. It sounds like they have a system that has potential. However, I don't care that they are running Linux, and do nifty reverse spectral bump enhanced specular lighting, if I can't play any games on it.

    This is what its going to come down to. What can I play games on?


    P.S. - The X-Box people must feel quite wierd, having to compete and all...

    I'm going to go out on an limb here and get a little crazy. Say what you want about MS, but they have competed. They may have used a little unfairness during the 4.0 Browser wars, but I'm using ie right now because its better. It crashes less, and runs faster. I develop in MS Visual Studio, because Borlands environment isn't as good. I use MS Office because its better than Corel. In each of those markets, MS has started from behind, and won out because they developed a superior product. You can argue that MS isn't a good company, and I probably will agree with you. But the boys at redmond have competed, from their initial competition with Apple to the current battle SQL Server vs. Oracle. At least give them some respect for that.

    It seems like some people here are all too eager to just up and bash MS because they are such an easy target. Unfortunatly, like many things, its not black or white so much as some shade of grey. MS has its weak points, true... but they also have some strengths that don't get pointed out often here.

    Flame On!
  • But, that being said, do we really want just two companies competing to make the best games and platforms?


  • Why don't they make the joysticks/controllers and power cords compatible? The interface of the Atari and Colecovision for the controllers was compatible. You could rack up huge scores playing Mr. Do with an Atari joystick. You could even hotswap them.
  • How can you say Nintendo and Sega are "crushed" compared to Sony's games? The Dreamcast is two years old, yet its graphics on NFL2K are comparable(if not better) than PS2's flagship(i.e. "only good") game, Madden. And further- the Dreamcast lets you play NFL2K *ONLINE*. Can your PS2 do that? Or can it play Shenmue? Can it even handle large outdoor worlds, or are you going to insist that PS2's repetitive and washed out textures blow Dreamcasts and Gamecube out of the water?
    My biggest bone to pick is that you pointed out games. Nintendo and Sega have usually been followed because of their incredible first party games. They're the ones innovating. They have the most incredible ideas, and make the best games.
    Meanwhile PSX and PS2 have nothing but unoriginal third-party games. Even the games that are decently good, are just not worth buying. Another fighting game? yeah, great. Another football game, another racing game. same old same old. Phantasy Star Online? Shenmue? holy shit I just about crapped my shorts!
  • The Atari joysticks also worked on the C-64/128... though I eventually ended getting replacement pairs for both the 2600 and 64 (it's amazing how quickly one wears out those things...)
  • True. I totally forgot. In that case, maybe it IS a good idea for Sega and Nintendo to team up.

  • except `the man from sega` is already saying that the DC will be their last console and they`ll be moving into software (only)

    Just like 'the man from Sega' said the Saturn would be their last console and they'd be moving to software only. I imagine Sega's next system will also be their last before moving to software only, and the one after that...

  • The Atari joysticks also worked on the C-64/128
    and on my TRS-80 model 1, once i installed the correct socket :)
  • Lets think hypotethical for a moment. A Sega-Sony-Nintendo alliance to take up the battle with M$. Wouldn't that be fun to watch...
  • Actually the DC is selling very well. Where do people get there misinformation on this?

  • Why should they join forces?

    Nintendo is a console company

    Sega is an alround Game company

    Sony is just a media Giant

    It wouldn't make sense for Nintendo and Sega to join forces. For the PS2 isn't competing on the games side, the PS2 is aimed at getting Sony royalties from its media empire. You have to remember that Sony does movies, music, games and everything else under the sun. The more PS2's they sell the more demand for DVD's they have the more they futher themselves. Sega and Nintendo don't and can't compete in a market like that. I believe they will downsize and or "streamline" to provide the great products they already do. On the other hand, Sony is just an AT&T in the making. A Company to big for its own good.

    What keeps nintendo going is its developers and the tight relationships they have

    What keeps sega going is the arcade hits and ofcourse its developer talent.

    What keeps the PS*.* going is a bunch of hype!

    I'm kind of suprised the slashdot crowd being so anti monopolistic and open source fell in so much love with the most monopolistic and closed hardware and software console system around.

  • (pedant mode off)
  • Both Sega and Nintendo made great systems. Nintendo just made some poor marketing descisions. Of course sega is going that way too *looks at poor dusty dreamcast, just waiting for skies of arcadia*

    When I originally read this article i though "good! maybe now they'll finally get out some GOOD games!" but, alas. i guess it wasn't ment to be.

  • Goldeneye? That's nothing compared to Conker's Bad Fur Day []. Just try watching that 5 minute preview. It's definitely not for kids. It's funny as hell, though.
  • Nintendo and Sega have come together in the following ways:

    They collaborated to found the ESRB, which let game content be as "controversial" as movies.

    Both NOA and SOA have published games for Hudson, Treasure, and Camelot. In Camelot's case, they worked closely with the developer, yielding Shining Force, Mario Golf and Mario's Tennis.

    They're two of the few companies that collaborate software and hardware under one roof.

    Nintendo has some things in common with Apple:

    Both make hardware and software.

    Both are obsessed with ergonomics and holism.

    Both purchase PowerPC chips, ATI graphics chips, and Matsushita optical drives.

    Sega has some things in common with Apple:

    Both were big consumers of 68000 chips.

    Both make hardware and software.

    Sega is beginning to publish some Mac games.

    Dreamcast owners and Mac owners can compete online.

    I think it would be a good idea for Nintendo, Sega and Apple to collaborate on something. What, I don't know.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • *SoapboxMode = on*
    Hype does sell units. Let's face it, most people are sheep and gamers are no different. There are so many 'tech jockies' out there who buy stuff just because they buy into the hype. If you remember an earlier /. post you'll recall that ps2 released only half as many units as they had intially planned. That'll drive up the price. Hmm, Sony doesn't seem to care if there buyers get screwed cause they couldn't find manufacturers or push back the release date.

    Now what I think is funny is that most people see Nintendo as a minor player in the consol race where the only two competitors are Sony and Microsoft. Looking from a purly technological standpoint, Nintendo's new system, N cube, poses as some serious competion. I could sit here and rattle some specs off and compare the three systems, but I'll leave that to the /. audiance to do. I wont even touch on the issue over the ease of programming for the three systems. I like Nintendo's view of simply making a game consol, not a dvd player or a home computer. Why make a system thats a jack of all traits, but a master of none?

    I just have a real issue with both Sony and Microsoft trying to make these all-in-one units. By doing this they can control both the hardware and software. For some reason they see computing going towards these set-top boxes. I like the idea of being able to make my own system. What do you call a company that controls both the supply of a product and the demands it causes? A Trust. Now that's a real problem....
    *SoapboxMode = off*
  • anyone know if its possible to connect a NES, SNES, or PSX controller to a PC? just an idea i've been pondering.

  • I've purchased a controller that was usable in a playstation and an N64, (though it was the controller that was adapting, not that sony and nintendo have the same standards).

    I think they could make them compatible, though i sense a future of USB controllers in the force.

To be or not to be, that is the bottom line.
