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"Evil Dead: Hail to the King" For PSX Reviewed 93

PuppeteerJPV writes: "I remember well the first time that I watched Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn. It was Halloween night, about 5-6 years ago, so that would have placed me somewhere near my junior year of high school. I'd always been a horror-movie freak, but ED2 kicked it into overdrive." Read on to see where he's going with this -- and it ain't pretty. (Hint, some zombies want your eyeballs rather than your brains.)

An arrogant, kind of rough, everyman character kickin' undead arse with a shotgun and a chainsaw attached to his right arm!? Not to mention the scene where he cuts his OWN hand off when it becomes POSSESSED? I fell in love the first time I saw the movie. The limited edition of Evil Dead, 2 versions of ED2, and 3 versions of Army of Darkness later, I still watch at least one of the flicks probably weekly. When I heard that there was going to be a video game based on the movies, I damned near flipped.

On the 12th of December, I received my copy of "Evil Dead: Hail to the King" for Playstation in the mail at work. I couldn't even wait ... I took it right home on my lunch and blew my whole lunch hour on the game. So anyway, yes, I am reviewing the bugger, I just take a while to get there.

The opening cinematics are damned smooth for a PSX game. Right off the bat, you're greeted with Bruce Campbell's voice-over as our hero, Ashley J. Williams, giving you a nice introduction to the premise of the game.

The game is set 8 years after Army of Darkness, and Ash has settled back into life at S-Mart. However, he has had recurring nightmares revolving around his adventures. His new girlfriend, who works in the Arts and Crafts department at S-Mart, Jenny, recommends that he returns to the cabin in the center of all his trouble and face his fears. Needless to say, the Evil is re-awakened, Jenny is missing, (presumably taken by the Evil) and Ash is off again.

I'm going to mention my only complaint with this game so far, and that is that the gameplay is a bit awkward. It's very similar to Resident Evil, as has been stated in most previews, and sometimes it is very tough to aim Ash properly at the various Deadites.

With that out of the way, I can get down to the fanboy praise. The graphics are absolutely amazing for a PSX release. If I recall, this is the first PSX game to use 24-bit backgrounds, and it shows. The landscape and backgrounds are downright beautiful at times, and always shows the trademark eerieness and darkness that the series is known for. The characters are all 3D rendered, and look pretty good compared to those in many other titles out there.

Ash has in his extensive arsenal, of course, his trademark chainsaw (I wanted an unlimited supply of fuel, but that'd be too easy.), a pistol (a little weak), the trademark "boomstick" (a double-barreled shotgun), and a two-headed axe, among other weapons. A nice addition for us ED geeks is the ability to do a "finishing move" a la Mortal Kombat on some enemies. There is nothing more satisfying than hanging a Deadite on the chainsaw while Ash sticks the shotgun in their face and taunts them with "Swallow this," and blows their face off. Ah -- rampant violence.

That's right folks. THQ set aside a button on the controls whose sole purpose is to make Ash taunt his enemies. This features great Ash one-liners like: "Come get some!", "You wanna little?" and "Ooh, that's gotta hurt." Poetry.

But, I digress. The game is relatively challenging, forcing you to do the old "collect items and figure out where they go" routine, but it keeps you entertained with a nice pace and plenty of gore. (A nice little detail is blood dripping off the chainsaw after gutting an enemy.)

If I have to pick a rating for the game, I'd give it a 6 for gameplay, 10 for graphics, 8 for sound (as I think the score is lacking a bit. Couldn't THQ have licensed the score from Army of Darkness?), and a 10 for ED geek factor.

If you're an Evil Dead fan, not buying this game isn't even an option. If you're a fan of horror flicks, or Resident Evil, it'd be a good addition to your library, and if you're just looking for an entertaining game, give it a shot.

Hail to the king, baby.

Thanks for the review, PuppeteerJPV. Oh, and the babysitting job? I think we found someone closer, but thanks. -t.

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"Evil Dead: Hail to the King" For PSX Reviewed

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  • you cannot control the damn aiming easily. Quake and QuakeII on the PSX are tough as hell compared to a mouse (yes it is available but not like it is w/a computer). I only knew of one person that used a gamepad for a game like that and he later converted.

    There has to be an easier way to do it :) +controller_look ;-)
  • No, no, no. "Hail to the king, baby" is a line from the end of Army of Darkness. I hope you brought your asbestos shield...
  • sorry, I am quite sick and tired of hearing about the fucking pixels and polygons when the fucking game is just terrible. Hype the graphics when the plot and gameplay sucks.

    we need real good games that stick and never get boring. Final Fantasy has had 9 revisions. You play it till you win, and it is over. Boring.

    Yes, this is IMHO but it is true. Would you rather watch a good looking show or one that was actually good on content (Waterworld comes to mind -- even though I personally liked the story, a lot of people did not and were not impressed by the pricetag of production)
  • I would have to agree. Trying to play quake on a console is painful after you have played using a computer for so long. However, there are some very good FPS games for consoles such as 007 golden eye for N64. This game owns with single player, and it's probably the best single player FPS game I've ever played for any platform (except for maybe halflife).

    In golden eye, you aim by holding down, IIRC, R1. This allows you to look around while keeping your fingers at the fire button. It works very well considering that you don't have a mouse / keyboard for the console. The only problem is that you can't move while aiming this way, but that's just one of the drawbacks of the single controller interface.
  • Here here. One questions why this is news when other topics, such as the impending AOL/Time Warner merger, carry much more weight.
  • Hmm videogames and gore have nothing to do with geekdome... hmm.... Believe me I'm just as sick of reading all the comments from people who didn't like a particular story. Fortunatly for you
    you can customise what kind of stories you see, I on the other hand can't just block these. Comments. Check out the customise slashdot option it's pretty neat for both of us!
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday December 17, 2000 @12:37PM (#552934)
    Because it reinforces the important fact that the dead are nothing to be played with. No matter how much you may want to dig up your neighbor's grave, RESIST THE URGE! Let me assure you, he'll be none too pleased, and you might get your knickers dirty in the process.

    Children should be taught respect for the dead. Just a few hundred years ago, ancestor worship was prevalent across most of the civilized world (Europe wasn't civilized at the time). Today, people are confined to elderly homes before dying and are quickly forgotten. It's a darn shame. Someone should be working on this.
  • Talking about horror movies...doesn't the person in this photo [] look a lot like Vincent Price??
  • The phrase you're looking for is "Hear, hear": as in "hey everybody, listen to this guy."

    Sorry, that's just the third time I've seen "here, here" in the past 24 hours, felt like I should say something.

    Idioms: []
    hear, hear Used to express approval.
  • "Gimme some sugar baby" has got to be THE greatest "kiss me" line ever. I've used it, and it often gets a giggle...and a kiss...

  • Didn't that and most of one liners from Duke Nukem 3D come from the excellent John Carpenter film "They Live []"?
  • Really? Never get boring? Where could one of these mystical, magical, everlasting games be found? Have you invented one?

    I see your point... Dark City was much better than The Matrix, but the latter had leather-clad boobies and a techno soundtrack.

    But to claim that a single game should entertain you for all eternity is silliness that transcends mere arrogance.

    grendel drago
  • by jonfromspace ( 179394 ) <<moc.liamg> <ta> <snikliwnoj>> on Sunday December 17, 2000 @12:48PM (#552940)
    It's a game with a gun.
  • I really think that when you post offtopic shit like this, you should moderate yourself down w/the "No Score +1 Bonus" cause honestly, no one cares about the proper way of saying something on /., we knew what he meant.
  • Why do you think everything is about karma?! Who cares? I certainly don't. Half the discussions on this webpage are deticated to the accumulation of karma. I just do not understand why there is such a greed for the points.

    I do not post to be moderated, I post to enlighten or to be enlightend.

    What you don't realize is that this stupid First Posting nonsense is exactly why there are moderators and exactly where there are people who "whore for karma." It's a catch-22. The only way to prevent abuse actually tends to promote it.

    Of course, that could be attributed to the nature of the beast. You, your friends and every one of the losers that attempt to make a first post are contributing to the downfall of intelligence and freedom.

    I just cannot understand where things started going wrong? What is funny about being a troll? What is funny about linking to That is incredibly stupid an immature.

    I am absolutely sure I am not alone in this belief. It's a pathetic world where the trolls outnumber and overrun the people actually interested in positive contribution.

    I could have easily moderated that post down, but I thought it might be more worthwhile to express my anger. Obviously you completely missed the point.

  • Speak for yourself garcia. I was actually interested in that little tidbit, as I've seen variations on that one recently too, but I didn't know the correct usage.

    You ought to be moderated down for unnecessary rudeness.

  • Actually I was going to plug the quest for negative karma with you in mind.

    I forgot, though.

    Oh yeah, thanks for the link.

    You're already posting at -1, it doesn't seeem liketly that you're going to be able to go much lower than you currently are unless you really post a lot of garbage.

    Why not just go troll on IRC? They can't shut you up permanently.

  • sorry, I automoderate myself down on worthless posts, as I asked him to do. It is NOT on topic, thus does NOT deserve to be auto moderated to 2.
  • ever played duck hunt? i dunno about anyone else but that seems like the optimal way to play a game such as this on a console system. i've seen a game for psx called time trial (it was something like that) where it showed your crosshairs on the screen and you shot at people. combine this with some type of 1 handed movement controller and shoot-em-up games would be alot cooler
  • No, he's right. If you post off topic and you have an auto +2, you should do the rest of the community the courtesy of moderating yourself with the "No Score +1 Bonus" button on the comment post form; as I've done with this off-topic statement.

    And, for your amusement, garcia *DID* moderate himself down by checking off the aforementioned button. Do you feel like an uninformed jackass yet?
  • There's a dude trimming his hedge with a hedgetrimmer for a hand, then Bruce Campbell comes out and hassles him and stuff.
  • Actually the game is coming for the PC didn't you know ? ..
  • Not only that, but goldeneye even has dual controller configurations, where the one in your left hand is movement and the one on your right is aimimg...its a bit awkward, but it exists.
  • and some folks figure this is cheaper than crack, by their habits, and there's a rental market, so go pee in somebody elses' pool, awright? Thad be so nice.
  • Hear, Hear. ;-) See above...
  • Incase it gets slashdoted the commercial is also available at []

  • Unfortunately they are hard to come by in Europe due to Sony's rather strange policy to create an artificial shortage.
    Never mind, this evil dead game sounds awesome, but I think I'll stick with Q3 Arena for the moment.
  • The vast majority of Duke Nukem's one-liners were not original. A few were taken from the Evil Dead movies (including 'Hail to the King, Baby'), and the rest come from other random movies like "They Live".
  • Watch Evil Dead 2 and Army of Darkness. The movie came before the Duke, and most of the one liners in Duke that I am aware of came from these movies. Some of the better quotes Ash: "Good, Bad, Im the guy with the Gun" "This... is my BOOM STICK" "Give me some Sugar Baby" "Hail to the King, Baby" "Klatu, Veratam Nicghghgmmnngh" END COMMUNICATION
  • There are quite a lot of geeks who worship the Evil Dead movies as cult classics. My guess would be that the status of the source movies with many geeks has more to do with this being posted than the actual game itself.

    In any case, I don't see why people bother to get so bent out of shape about stories that don't interest them. Just skip the article... (I *do* understand why people get a bit miffed about story reposts, and stories that are based on links to FUD and/or flamebait articles, but this is different IMO).

  • It's the game with the gun. Sorry, I hate to be picky, but it is one of my favorite lines in the films. Groovy...
  • Hear, Hear. ;-)

    Is this becoming a Slashdot rallying cry or something? It's like the fifth time I've seen it today.

    "People who bite the hand that feeds them usually lick the boot that kicks them"
  • if Loki knows whats good for them they best be porting this one soon...
  • symantics.. whatever, doesn't matter, your point is moot.
  • Two things that you're missing:
    1. This is a PSX game. Not PS2. If you're having problems finding one, you're looking in the wrong place
    2. Sony did not create the shortage. It's real. Their new fab had yield problems. End of story.
  • Nobody gives a damn that he doesn't like game news on a "news for nerds" site either, so there you go. Why it got modded up as "insightful" god only knows.
  • The PS2 lets you plug in a USB mouse which make some games more playable.
  • Where did I mention PS2 ? Nowhere. I am talking about it being hard to find a PlayStation in Europe.
  • A friend of mine got a PS2 and rented quake II (I guess, unsure about the version). It sucked. The feedback game pads were kinda neat but having one joystick that controlled looking up and down and lateral movement and another that controlled the remaining functions was very strange. Also, when we played two player the screen was split horizontally. Almost unplayable.
  • READ THE SUBJECT LINE: I just wish I had a PSX to play it on!!

    I think the original poster knew that is was a PSX he was talking about. He can't find a PSX let alone a PS2. Number 2 may or may not stand.

  • ...but the first go round they called it "Duke Nukem 3D".

    Hail to the King.
  • by vees ( 10844 ) <> on Sunday December 17, 2000 @04:02PM (#552969) Homepage Journal

    And the commercial [] is not to be missed!


  • Oh my dear, sweet, un-informed friend:

    Duke Nukem came out in 1996; Army of Darkness, where such classic lines as "Hail to the king, baby." and "Gimme some sugar, baby." originated from, came out in 1993. This wouldn't be such a big deal if 3DRealms had actually given SOME credit to Raimi and company, instead of blatantly stealing their work and passing it off as their own.

    Please remove foot from mouth in a timely fashion, thank you...

  • I could never get bored with Tetris.
  • In any case, I don't see why people bother to get so bent out of shape about stories that don't interest them.

    Because it is constant non-news that gets posted, and no real news sumbitted ever seems to make it.

    Good lord - how many anti-MS articles, or RMS/GPL articles do we really need?

    Then again, given the mentality some people on here exhibit, Bill Gates could personally cure cancer, and half the people would blast him and MS without reading (AND UNDERSTANDING) the article, and the other half would make lame jokes about paper-clips, blue screens, and Microsoft Bob.

    Is it news for nerds, or political rallying for nerds?
  • The DC version has better graphics, of course.
  • The "Klaatu Barada Nikto" line came from the movie "The Day The Earth Stood Still". I'm kind of surprised how few fans know that one. Then again, it was an old movie..

    True, although it's also referenced in the Evil Dead movies.

  • Does anybody remember how D3D had an entire system set up to taunt your oponents in multiplayer? There's nothing quite like being able to hit a button and hear Duke say something witty like "Your face, your ass. What's the difference?" Heh. I've even taken to using a few of those taunts in my Counter Strike games.


  • Actually, it's sEmantics :]

    And yes, I see the need for posts like this too.
  • > Oh my dear, sweet, un-informed friend:

    Um...I am well aware that Duke ripped off Army Of Darkness. That was the point of my post.

    Thank you.

  • That's a sad lack of thought, just sad.

    Lesse, just scrolling through the front page right now, I see the following "news" articles to offset that which you term "non-news":

    • U.S. Allows Sale of Half-Meter Satellite Photos
    • Jupiter Moon Ganymede May Have An Ocean
    • AOL-TW Merger: FCC May Require AIM Compatibility
    • Blackjack: Ultra-Accurate GPS Measurement
    Now, just for fun, how about this...a definition of news:


    a : a report of recent events
    b : previously unknown information
    Now, whether or not you're interested in the contents of this article, by definition, it's certainly news.

    If you don't like the subject matter here...why are you reading? Obviously something here catches your fancy. Is it some of the articles or just the chance to whine about something in front of a group? *shrug* The world may never know...
  • Nope, but it's a common mixup of the two movies with '80s wrestlers. Jesse "The Body" Ventura was in Predator, and Rowdy Roddy Piper said the line in "They Live." IIRC, the line is actually "I have come here to kick ass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of bubblegum."


  • So... did I miss the release of Quicktime for Linux? :)
  • Naw---it's the American way.
  • by doctorfaustus ( 103662 ) on Sunday December 17, 2000 @07:46PM (#552982) Homepage
    Well, one game that never gets boring--and it's probably the greatest electronic game of all time--is called "Configuring your system"
  • I can only assume that the game you're talking about is Namco's Time Crisis. In fact, Time Crisis (as well as Time Crisis 2 and pseudo-sequel Crisis Zone) do require a control in addition to the gun. One of the innovative concepts in the series is the ability to hide (but don't hide too long, you've got a time limit as the title suggests), which is controlled by a pedal in the arcade versions, although I'm not sure how this is done with the Namco GunCon controller on the PSX, but it's worth noting that the game does actually have a control in addition to the standard "point and shoot" interface.

  • That's right folks. THQ set aside a button on the controls whose sole purpose is to make Ash taunt his enemies.

    This is one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to video games. I've seen THQ's game history [], and I'll just bet that Evil Dead: Hail To The King developer Heavy Iron is responsible for most of the design decisions in the game. People who don't understand that the publisher and developer are often completely separate companies shouldn't be doing game reviews (or at least not ones that get posted as articles on prominent websites).

  • True. I think this is why online games like Everquest and the like are so popular. They have a lot of diversity in terms of what you can and cannot do. And, Everquest has already come out with a second expansion, so I think we can safely assume it's not going to crash and burn.

    Basically, any game where the players can have some control over their character's development is better, IMAO, then every game that has a static path to victory. Yeah, FFVIII was cool to play, but it basically required you to solve quest A, then quest B, and so on. Same with so very many other games.

    MUDs, MUCKs, MUSHes, MOOs, and the like are the "game of the future" to paraphrase damn near every ad geek. Sure, sports games and 1st person shooters will probably always have fans, but more and more, RP style games are winning market share.
    (That, and I can only play DiabloII for a couple hours before it gets boring... Evercrack, I mean Everquest, can keep me interested for a looong time.)

    Just my 2 shekels.

  • I think it had something to do with X-Files getting that prime Friday night time-slot, and Brisco County Jr. having whatever time-slot the local affiliate gave it.

    That, and Brisco was campy. (Well, duh!) And campy, sad to say, doesn't appeal to as many people as a good government conspiracy/alien abduction/psychic powers/wierd-shit-o-meter just pegged show.

    Anyway, X-Files, IMAO, is worthless without Duchovny, and was pretty bad for the last couple of seasons.

  • Why? Certain games need, nay, deserve buttons allocated to taunt your opponents. Most wrestling games now (at least the ones in the WWF series) have them, and an Evil Dead game would be sad without a "taunt" button.

    Having said that, certain games can do fine without 'taunts'. Although I have to wonder what some character specific taunts would have been for FFVIII....

  • symantics.. whatever, doesn't matter, your point is moot.

    Hmm. What does moot mean, Mr. Webster?
    moot adj 1: open to question, debatable

  • could someone explain the happy ending to me? I've never seen it, only the apocalyptic version.
  • The various guns usually have at least A & B buttons as well as the trigger. These can be configured (in time crisis) to activate the 'hide' command on either letting go of or pressing the button. GunCon is pretty good, but there are nicer PSX guns out there. And they're none of them perfect...
  • I dind't even know the commercial was on the site. Actually I wasn't entirely sure it was real. I ain't so much a gaming buff, and do not have a Playstation anyway, but I was falling asleep on the couch and saw the commercial. The next day I was like, "was that a real commercial or a weird flashback dream or what?" (Note to self, drugs and Evil Dead movies do not mix, m-kay?) Then I came on here, lo-and behold Slashdot is in my head again.

    I wish some people [] weren't so stingy with their tech and some other people [] weren't so eager to lock out chunks of their audience when open formats exist, then I could see it again awake.

  • You see him kiss the chick, then you see Ash back in S-Mart telling his story to a sceptical clerk (dorky guy with glasses from Seaquest). The clerk askes him if he said the words right before he took the potion....the "basically I said em, yeah" bit again.

    Then this hot clerk comes up and tells Ash that his story is kinda cute, just as a wind picks up in the store. She-Bitch pops up again, and Ash kicks her ass with a 22 that holds about 100 shots.

    Thats about it. Should see it sometime, its good.
  • Why are you comparing this game to Quake and Quake II? And others here are comparing it to Duke Nukem. What is the relavence of a mouse to this game? Check out the PlayStation screenshots [] and you will see that this IS NOT a first person shooter. In the review he mentioned that it was like Resident Evil.

    For the poor disadvantaged PC gamers out there that haven't seen the light of console gaming yet, there are many games, Resident Evil included, that ARE NOT first person shooters. I understand that this will come as a shock to you, but you have to be told, for your own good. That's right, there really are games that are not FPSes. Incredible, huh? Even more incredible, you might think, that although a few FPSes are sublime (Doom, Quake x, Half Life, Unreal, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark), the majority of the other thousands of PC FPSes suck. But if they are all you have every played, you might not realise this until you get a console.
  • ok I couldn't resist... mod me down please... However before I dive into the depths of karma-hell. This game is "news" because of it's storyline. Somethings don't need to "push the envelope" to be better. Hence the reason why I also have Tolkien's work in deadtree and on my Palm. I appreciated the heads up on this. So thanks /. I needed the lift in my spirits before heading off to work :)
  • because the movies were all brilliant. and the advent of a evil dead video game causes drool to run unchecked from my lips. take it as a sign of my immaturity, i could care less.
  • For all you complaining about this game being only available on PSX, they will be releasing the game on Dreamcast and for the PC.

    Then you can use whatever controller you want. Dreamcast version ships on the 24th according to sites like Outpost and Amazon. PC version is listed at January 16, 2001. It's too bad they couldn't beat the Christmas rush.

    So, if you have a PSX and a PC, I'd say wait for the PC version. The graphics are usually better and you typically get more patches, cheats, cracks, upgrades, etc. for a PC game.

    -Just my two cents...
  • You forgot my favorite line, when Ash says to Eric the Red "You ain't king of but two things right now buddy, Jack and shit, and Jack's left town." I laughed for like ten minutes the first time I heard that.
  • There are probably 3 versions of ED2 out there right now...

    The only real differences, (at least until there's a REAL Director's Cut out, is the various digital re-mastering, letterboxing, etc-type stuff.

    AoD also has a couple diff. versions that i've found... There is a Director's Cut with the apocalyptic original ending only released in the UK, the regular old version, and I think somewhere inbetween there was a transitional re-mastered one. Strangely enough, i've also seen on USA network a full version with a whole bunch of extended scenes. (including a sex scene, of all things)

    Oh, almost forgot. The neatest one to have if you can still find it, is the numbered limited-edition letter-boxed version of Evil Dead. They only made something like 20k of them, and it has one of those nifty cases that have the reversible covers.

    BTW, if anyone can find that full copy of AoD, please let me know!

    Hail to the King, Baby!
  • Yes...there are things that interest me here, but they are becoming less and less.

    Then don't read the damn site. Simple, huh?

    This seems like a really hard concept for slashbots to grasp.
    If you just want tech news go to The Register or C|Net...If you want trolls, flames and frippery, read slashdot.

    And quit bitching. It annoys people much more than the stupid RMS/ESR/GPL articles.

  • It took me ages to figure out what Ash was saying at that part of AOD. Every time I play it, I laugh so loud the sound gets drowned out! Anyway, I think the exact quote is:

    Henry: I am Henry the Red, Duke of Shale, Lord of the Northlands and leader of its peoples.

    Ash: Well hello Mr.Fancy-pants. I got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things right now. Jack and shit... and Jack left town.

    From the script. []

    Does anyone have a release date for the game? The web site isn't very helpful. []

  • *gahem*

    I happen to think that lame jokes about paperclips, blue screens, and ESPECIALLY Microsoft Bob are damned funny!

    As a matter of fact, I want to see MORE!

    MORE jokes about the Atari 5200! MORE jokes about DOS 4.0! MORE shitlists! POST MORE email FORWARDS! They're ALWAYS funny!

    ...some people just don't get it. ;)
  • People who don't understand that the publisher and developer are often completely separate companies shouldn't be doing game reviews (or at least not ones that get posted as articles on prominent websites).
    Yes, I did slip up on that little piece of information, and for that, I humbly apologize. Also, i'd like to thank you for pointing that out, as I checked it after I read your comment. :)

    However, i've never professed to be an insane videogame freak, just an insane ED freak. I personally was very excited upon playing the game, thought it was something that was worthwhile to write about, figured I would share my enthusiasm, hoped I could be informative and helpful, and somehow decided to toss it to the flamepits here at /.

    Anyway, I apologize once again, and would like to thank everyone who's posted constructive comments.

    PS: I happen to like the taunt button. I didn't mention in the review, but sometimes when you taunt, it actually can scare Deadites off... kind of helpful when you're getting swamped.

    Hail to the King, Baby!
  • "The complaint is that the publisher is getting credit for the design team's decisions, not that the decisions themselves are bad."

    I generally don't blame the publisher if the game sucks. Late arriving, yes. I just wish that the game designers would actually listen to the fans when it comes time to build a sequel. God knows that they messed up FFVIII. FFVII and FFIX are both better games then 8. But will Squaresoft learn. Well, maybe this time they will. But don't count on it.

    Eric Gearman
  • > > The "Klaatu Barada Nikto"
    > True, although it's also referenced in the Evil Dead movies.

    You forgot the words! You are meant to quote: "Clatoo, verata, Nicto."

    Now you've done it! The deadites will be set free and roam the earth for eternity. That is, unless, perhaps....

  • Anyway, X-Files, IMAO, is worthless without Duchovny


  • Let us not forget the greatness off Pitfall 3-D, for the PSX. Feautre's Pitfall Harry Jr. wandering around with a pickaxe, saying wonderful things like, "Ah, Demolitions. My first love." "Aw, did you guys NEED that?" And, "Great, I would the only rock in this whole place that DOESN'T FLOAT!!!" in that oh so perfect Campbell voice.
  • Sounds like the marketing droids who are coming up with Banner Ads 2.0 - the Next Generation; your web page WILL be replaced by our ad for 15 seconds at a time.

    The idea is to suck the soul out THROUGH the eyeballs. Two for one deal. Yuk.
  • If in-game tools existed to program 2D/3D action or RPG elements, you'd have a real winner.

    This sounds like Neverwinter Nights []. Can't wait for this game to hit the stores.

  • Heheh... no kidding... I wonder how much time I spent on that game. Oh, and Metroid too.

  • Ah.. damn my non-DVD entertainment system.

    I personally lean towards "Good, bad..." It just has so much more style. ;)

    Hail to the king, baby!
  • ...if they know what's good for them.

    Linux port if they know what's good for you and 4 other geeks. Not to be mean, that's just reality.

  • Well witty and urbane as that might have seemed, I'm left unimpressed. If you're going to attempt an insult post, it would be nice if you'd take the time to rise beyond the third grade level with it.

    I mean, come on people, it's not difficult to flame someone, it's not even that difficult to do it well...but lets make the effort here, huh?

    As it is, I can't imagine anyone being actually insulted by such an infantile attempt at a witticism. I actually find it rather logic is so airtight that you are forced into a pathetic personal attack rather than an attack on the logic upon which my post is based. Thank you :)
  • Duke Nukem started off way before 1996, as a platform game like commander keen was.

  • ee... Console SUCKS :) ... the pc can emulate all of them ... why bother ?
  • Of course it is a PS1 game and there are plenty of good emulators for PS1, if you can play quake arena on your pc then you can emulate playstation
  • You cannot control the damn aiming easily.

    Sure, mouse+keyboard are better for First Person Shooters, but NEWSFLASH FPS is not the only kind of game. Great games like Virtua Tennis, Sonic Adventure, Bomberman, etc. control better with a console control pad.

    The review mentions that the ED game is a little like Resident Evil. In the recent Resident Evil Code: Veronica game (PS2 and Dreamcast) Claire auto-aims at whatever enemies are closest to where you point her. No, this isn't cheating, because the game isn't a glorified duck-shoot -- but it does mean you don't need the twitch-to-an-absolute-position interface a mouse provides.

  • "ever played duck hunt? i dunno about anyone else but that seems like the optimal way to play a game such as this on a console system. i've seen a game for psx called time trial (it was something like that) where it showed your crosshairs on the screen and you shot at people. combine this with some type of 1 handed movement controller and shoot-em-up games would be alot cooler "

    I have not played it, but I gather Resident Evil Gun Survivor combines character movement using a D-pad with lightgun-based shooting.

    That said, "shooting people" and "cool"? First Person shooters are not my favourite genre, so I've not spent very much time with them, but with the PS2 coming out recently I've watched a couple of movies of Unreal Tournament and Time Splitters, and I have to say the constant barrage of gunfire and OTT howls of agony actually made me feel a little ill. Maybe I'm getting old :)
  • A friend of mine got a PS2 and rented quake II

    No version of Quake is available for PS2 as yet. The only FPS for PS2 on general release is TimeSplitters. Unreal Tournament comes out soon, Quake 3 is further off in the future.

    Maybe you're thinking of Quake 2 on PS1, or Quake 3 on Dreamcast. On DC Quake 3 you can split the screen horizontally or vertically AFAIK, as well as play online fullscreen.
  • I generally don't blame the publisher if the game sucks. Late arriving, yes.

    You might consider blaming the publisher if the game is delivered on time, but sucks -- often the developers want extra time to make the game "just right", but the publishers insist on taking an inferior product in order to meet seasonal deadlines. A nice example is Metropolis Street Racer: it was over a year later than promised, but ask any journalist who saw the game around the time of its original deadline, and they'll say Sega did the right thing to give Bizarre Creations extra time. The result is a masterpiece (so people who like driving games tell me).
  • I'm in the UK; you can't *move* for PS Ones -- old style Playstations, New-style PSOnes, new, second hand, shops, car boot sales; they're everywhere.

    A recent trip to France saw them stacked high in supermarkets.

    Where were you looking?

Everyone can be taught to sculpt: Michelangelo would have had to be taught how not to. So it is with the great programmers.
