Indrema No More 96
Captain_Frisk writes: "According to videobusiness.com - Indrema is officially dead It's a shame, but was there really room for it anyway? The article basically says that they ran out of money, and had to jump ship. The founder has found employment with a Japanese electronics company, and plans to create a similar device, without game support. They said they would release their code if they went under... wonder if this changes any of those plans." And it won't be the last time that a company with seemingly cool products expires people even get to sample those products. We've had a few stories about Indrema before, including an interview with CEO John Gildred. What I'm curious about now is what happens to the games in development, and whether the SDK is useful for producing non-Indrema Linux games.
Re:Surprise! (Score:1)
Re:I can't believe this (Score:1)
And for that matter, do we really need a "Free" gaming platform? If developers want to create software without paying royalties to hardware developers they can (and do) develop for Wintel / Linuxtel. But the benefits of hardware and marketing support that only a royalty-based system can provide are insurmountable in an industry where $50 million dollars is too little to successfully launch a system. I would love to see a system akin to the Yarooze, whereby hobbyists could code games and burn them for limited distribution. But is anyone going to cry a tear if Blizzard has to pay 2 dollars into the development of the hardware on their next 100 million seller?
Hell no, there wasnt room for it! (Score:1)
Gee whiz, were the people who were behind this
thing legally blind?
Indrema never had a chance, even if the hardware
and software were outstanding (they most definitely werent).
If Atari had sponteanously lept back to life and proposed building a new console to take on the world.... _THAT_ would have been more likely to happen than a successful Indrema launch.
Look...this is how it's going to go down:
- PS2 will continue it's apparent popularity for the next few months
- Nintendo Game cube will be released this fall (I assume...wouldnt be suprised if it's delayed till next year)
- Microsoft will release the XBox - thus dropping a H-Bomb on their competitors. IOW, it's all over. Bye bye PS2, bye bye Nintendo. See ya, wouldnt wanna be ya!
PC and console game development thus merges into one. This is bound to happen, because the Xbox will be so much cheaper to develop for than any console, AND be much more powerful. Look, the MIPS, PPC, and SuperH, Emotion Engine, etc chips the consoles of today are based on are technological dead-ends. None can begin to compete with good ol' X86 for power and bang-for-the-buck. That goes triple for the video chips -- Nvidia just rules the 3D world with an iron fist now (along w/ MS, which owns Direct3D which has out=evolved OpenGL)
Indrema was just a bug that was waiting to be stepped on.
Well, um, _SQUISH_
I explained why... (Score:1)
...because it's cheaper! Sony and Nintendo still insist on developers kissing their collective pinky-rings, XBox's DirectX is well documented, the tools to develop for it are dirt cheap, plus they can consolidate their PC porting efforts with Xbox development, saving even more money.
...and it's better! The Xbox has more MHz than either of their competitors, a way better video chip, and it will have most of the attachment options of a regular PC. PS2 and NGC are still part of the 1980's-welded-shut-box w/ all sorts of proprietary custom chips and crap. MIPS chips are wimpy, and the "gecko" is a castrated G4. Neither one has the equivalent of MMX or SSE.
Further, DirectX is rich, robust, and standardized -- develoipers will eat it up, rather than waste a lot of time learning assembly language for some oddball custom chip.
"Because they're Microsoft" is a valid argument as well. Microsoft hasnt been marketing PocketPC's, but they will carpet-bomb the media with Xbox ads, bank on it. Microsoft -WANTS- to dominate this market, and it'll be like taking candy from a baby.
If the PocketPC has failed, it's failed on price. Anyone who's used one will tell you it kicks the living poo out of any PalmOS handheld. Color, better LCD, way faster processor, better apps, much better integration with apps everyone uses, plays MP3's and video w/o stupid addon cards.
Re:runs Linux, right? (Score:1)
Better now than later (Score:5)
Forget that the company was just started. Forget that they are using a "controversial" operating system. Forget that they were going to use an entirely new model for their business. Forget that letting any developer in the world develop for a console.
But don't forget that they would be competing against Microsoft and Sony. And, don't forget that they would be competing with both companies on two fronts: developers and consumers.
Note that I didn't count Nintendo due to the intended audience. I doubt many games targeted toward a young audience would have been developed for Indrema, since they are typically large-name labels (i.e., Pokemon and other cartoons).
Developers want a system that's easy to code for, sure. I mean, what's easier than a system where you have access to the operating system? However, developers also want a box that's basically proven to have a large user base (Sony) or proven to have the muscle to have a large user base (Microsoft + $500 Million marketing campaign == Xbox shoved down everyone's throat).
That brings up consumers. If you went up to the average person on the street and asked what a Playstation is, I'm sure you'd get a good response. Ask them what Xbox is, and maybe you'll get a good response (not as much as Playstation though). Ask them what Indrema is, and they might think it's some vehicle for space flight or something like that.
Make no mistake: Indrema would have died on the shelves of average retailers, who have tons of promotional material for other game consoles. If Indrema didn't show them some love as well, they may not even have gotten shelf space.
It was a great idea, it just had no market feasibility to make money.
Wait, is this like the Amiga? (Score:2)
- A.P.
Forget Napster. Why not really break the law?
How do you figure point the third? (Score:2)
Don't believe me? Look how well Microsoft's done in the handheld arena.
- A.P.
Forget Napster. Why not really break the law?
Re:runs Linux, right? (Score:2)
(or at least that was the case the last time I tried Slackware, which was v3.0 with XFree86 v3.x).
Re:I can't believe this (Score:2)
Linux is not the be-all end-all of operating systems.
[I personally have deleted all vestiges of Linux from my system due to it pissing me off to no end]
The problem with Indrema.. (Score:2)
The problem with Indrema is that their plans did not include the very latest cutting edge graphics technology. That's right - if only they'd designed their console around the Bitboys XBA 3d chipset [bitboys.fi], I'm sure there would have been plenty of buzz, and they'd have had no trouble getting further funding!
(also, I think AROS [aros.org] would make a more suitable console OS than Linux)
What games.... (Score:1)
IF I can't buy it then it is not a product for sal (Score:1)
Did anyone expect another outcome? (Score:1)
Out of all the dot-coms that went out of business this year, 99% should not have been in business in the first place. You can think os the current death toll as a sort of cleansing of the market.
Re:Did anyone expect another outcome? (Score:2)
It came with a DVD-ROM, so... (Score:3)
Heck, it could even be made into an actual product, if anyone's left to develop it. I'd buy the bloody thing...
Just release the hardware... (with buggy soft) (Score:1)
Re:Indrema is dying... (Score:2)
Oh, and sorry about the -1, Flamebait. What can I say? The moderators are retarded. But that's why I browse at -1.
Re:Better now than later (Score:2)
Off all the thousands of decisions we have to make on a regular basis, we can only reasonably pick a few to give a full in-depth analysis of all options. Should the game console you buy be one of them? Well, for starters, it is hardly an earth-shaking decision. In addition, the key thing that matters for a console is games -- their availability and quality. So in this case, if you see lots of advertisements for games that look cool on a particular console, then it probabably _is_ a good decision to buy that console.
Or another way to put it -- game consoles are peculiar in that having a multi-million dollar marketing campaign behind one may actually indicate that it is better product.
Re:Surprise! (Score:2)
Why would you expect that? It's a developing market. The number of Linux users is currently small as a market for games, and thus developers are reluctant to target it. Really, the size of the Linux game market has nothing to do with its suitability as a game platform at this point.
Re:Games? (Score:3)
That's right. Tux Racer.
Now granted Tux Racer is a lot of fun, but when that is one of your biggest-name games you're going to have a hard time generating excitement.
Game quality (Score:1)
hook up with Amiga (Score:2)
I want to see their prototypes... (Score:1)
They must have at least put some hardware together? It would be interesting to see what their controller looked like, for instance.
The other thing I'd like to know is whether nVidia were really going to supply them with a custom graphics chip, like Gildred claimed, or whether they were just going to use a standard GeForce 3 piece.
It's funny actually, although I'd always ranted about how it was never going to work and how Gildred obviously didn't really understand the games industry... I am quite sad to see it go. I, for one, was looking forward to trying to install Windows on it...
Re:I explained why... (Score:2)
The Gekko chip is a G3, with its own multimedia enhanced instruction set mode, so yes, it can also do SIMD.
Next off, MS has had to boost XBox specs *because* of GameCube. They don't plan on replacing the XBox for a few years, meanwhile, Sony's already looking at PS3 development. MS is just trying to make the system last a few more years in the long run.
X86 is power hungry and inefficient. As long as they stay tied to all of the backwards compatibility of the chip, they're going to be in trouble.
Next off, no one would dream of coding in full assembly anymore for a game. It's mostly C, even for GameCube, by virtue of it being a desktop CPU. The multitexturing capabilities also work to NGC's advantage, and you have to remember the next thing that Nintendo has going for them. They don't really *need* third party developers to get anywhere. Rare, Game Freak, and a few others can propel them to remarkable success. Hell, they can probably ride another Shigeru Miyamoto hype machine all the way to the bank if things get tough. Microsoft lacks any single brilliant developer, and gamers recognize that level of celebrity. Just like Squaresoft for PS2, or Hideo Kojima for whatever he decided to release (he's the only reason Konami hasn't tanked.)
Finally, even though no one does full blown ASM anymore for a console, partial ASM is still done, and will be, even for XBox. You know why? Raw speed. If you have a stable target, you code as close as you can to the metal to squeeze out all that you can from what you've got. Just ask John Carmack.
X86 doesn't make things easier, just more familiar. Once people realize that MS was right, that the XBox *isn't* a PC, they'll hit the same hurdles that other consoles have felt.
Factoid from Namco's Soul Calibur team: They claimed to have maxed out the Dreamcast's capabilities with SC. To be honest, it's a beautiful game, and they were probably right, or at least very close. They could have just coded targeting CE and DirectX, but didn't. For the same reason, the instant that someone codes an XBox specific 3d engine, it will blow away anything on the PC. It's just like if you write a game that only works on your system. You can rely on things like the read speed of your hard disk, CD-ROM drive, your specific overclocked video cards latency, etc. It will look amazing on your box, and be a lot of C/C++ calling custom ASM routines. But it won't work anywhere else.
XBox will be good. Maybe not great, but it'll work just fine as a games box. That said, I won't buy one until there's a game that I need to play. Zone of the Enders alone made my PS2 worth it. Soul Calibur was nice, but Phantasy Star Online caused me to realize that I can't be without a Dreamcast. And Rogue Squadron managed to sell me not only an N64, but also the rumble pack and memory expansion. I don't see anything that's making me jump to get an XBox.
Re:Better now than later (Score:2)
The average IQ is 100. This is not very smart at all. Half the population is stupider than that.
Next silly question?
Re:This is not the end (Score:1)
I would wager there is no other code, since their IESDK is supposed to be up to version
Re:and that's not all! (Score:1)
Re:runs Linux, right? (Score:1)
Re:Is this a surprise? (Score:1)
And you don't think the mere fact issue of the XBOX specs won't have at least something to do with the XBOX's success? Or perhaps the fact that Sega is now porting games to the XBox? Jet Set Radio Future is reason enough. Here is a site [coremagazine.com] that contains previews for some upcoming XBOX titles. However, I'll save you some time and suggest just looking at a 9meg MPEG of Double Steal [coremagazine.com]. With graphics like this, Microsoft should just save their money on marketing and just worry about getting enough XBOXes out to the stores in time.
It's too bad about the Indrema. My impression is that that they never really intended to make another video game console, but a sort of hybrid TIVO/WebTV/DVD with gaming as secondary. Unfortunately, the gaming aspects are what drove the hype. Maybe if they dropped the specs to the point where they could sell these at profit for 300-400$, they'd be doing okay right now... i know many people including myself who would easily pay $300 just to have a networkable, python-programmable TiVO...
If Indrema was really intent on competing with the likes of Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo, I'm sure that they would have picked a more catchy name and appealing box design, maybe even hire the same guy who designed the Xtrem [slashdot.org]. d:^)
Open Source (Score:2)
What I would like to see are open hardware designs. Some of us may want to build an Indrema or something like it. Chances are, few people will build one (opting for NLX designs instead, but I'm not all that impressed with NLX), but the learning potential is great.
Remember when Compaq open the hardware design of the Itsy? I didn't build one, but I went over the schematics to see how they designed it.
That's what I really would like to see now that there's no hope for me ever buying one from them. I would have been first in line, sigh...
Re:Did anyone expect another outcome? (Score:1)
Small, but important, distinction:
Dreamcast is dead. Sega are most assuredly not dead, having AAA releases scheduled for all major platforms (PS2, X-Box, GBA, and surely GameCube sooner or later).
Sega are very much alive, my friend, and scaring the bejesus out of EA :)
what a shame (Score:2)
Re:Didn't fail in the market place. (Score:2)
Heh. Here's a concept...
Install a user friendly VCR-Like interface on top of Linux... simple funcitons... load game... play CD/DVD, etc... the stuff we see in most consoles with a few extras.
Then, mount a DVD-CD-R drive in it. Give it four controller ports. Include a Keyboard, Joypad, and Mouse. Then include a disc with a very basic self booting mini-linux distro that comes with a web-browser and some other basic applications. Add an option for an internal IDE Hard Disc.
It would be the C64/Amiga 500 all over again.
If Microsoft had any brains what-so ever, the X-Box would be doing this, too.
Consoles are getting so advanced that soon it will be reasonable expectation for them to do more than just boot games.
With DVD-CD-R combo drives popping out of the woodwork, there's no reason to go with a static ROM disc when a standard FileSystem for re-writable media could be built into a console or OS.
"Everything you know is wrong. (And stupid.)"
Re:runs Linux, right? (Score:1)
Developer Chat tommorow -- John will be there (Score:2)
Games? (Score:2)
Nobody was developing any games for Indrema. Why do you think that they could not get funding?
Couldn't compete with MS... (Score:2)
As Evil as Sony is, they at least have a chance of competing on a hype-by-hype basis. I mean, look at that PS9 commercial. By the time the MS X-Box hype machine kicks into overdrive indicating that the X-Box is a mere 2 years out, the PS5 hype will be quite competitive with it.
Let this be a lesson to you: Open source programmers may put out some damn fine quality code, but they can't hype to save their lives.
Re:runs Linux, right? (Score:2)
Dreamcast/Indrema hybrid (Score:1)
Re:Couldn't compete with MS... (Score:2)
Oh, i donno about that. The linux hype machine is effective enough that:
Anyhow, if thats not some fantastically effective hype, i dont know what is!
Re:How do you figure point the third? (Score:2)
Where was sony before playstation 1 ?
Anyway, back to Xbox vs PS2..
Lets look at a few quick advantages..
Sony: the incumbant, japanese, lots of announced franchise titles (some exclusive)
Microsoft: 10x the market cap of sony, half of sony's net worth available as _cash on hand_., extremely persistant, some of the best developer tools anywhere, 100% "we love developers" targeted console
Personally, i think the Xbox will do ok. Probably wont dethrone PS2, but i think it will do ok. There will be some nice games for it. Many hardcore gamers will end up with both PS2 and Xbox just for the PS2 exclusive titles. But xbox will sell, and sell enough so that MS can justify making an Xbox2, and perhaps later on an Xbox3.
With rare few exceptions, by the time MS gets to version 3 of something, the competition is fucked.
Re:SDK (Score:2)
Re:Didn't fail in the market place. (Score:2)
But they were sort of going to market it as a computer. The thing could play MP3's and movies and you could surf the internet with it.
What I liked about the hardware, that I thought could be applied to other comptuers was the modularity. Unlike, most consoles theirs was upgrade-able. You just unsnap the CPU/motherboard, pull it out, insert a new one and snap it closed. With computer you have to unscrew the cover of the case, unscrew a bunch of other stuff on the inside, muck around, screw everything back in. It's a pain and it's fairly easy to break something or shock it with static electricity.
They had some other fairly cool ideas too.
Didn't fail in the market place. (Score:3)
Indrema didn't have any competition because it never reached the market.
The reason Indrema failed is because it couldn't raise any funding to get started.
Sure, if Indrema had produced a finished product, it may well have still failed. But that never happenned and so we'll never know. Just because investors don't like the idea doesn't mean it's not a good one. Remember these are the same morons who bought Internet Grocery stock last year.
Actually... I doubt that if I had money I would invest in Indrema. But I still think they're pretty cool. They dreamed big. Some of their ideas about where computers were going were pretty inciteful. Imagine computers so easy to use your grandmother could upgrade the hard drive or add ram. It will be another 7 years before we start seeing that kind of half decent design in ordinary PC's.
Re:runs Linux, right? (Score:1)
Re:Surprise! (Score:1)
Its only major advantage was the linux OS (if you even call this an advantage).
Well, to its credit it had one other advantage. The box was intended to have the same recording capability as a TiVO, so they would have been able to aim this at more than one market.
That alone probably wouldn't have saved the system either, but it was another advantage.
SDK (Score:5)
From their IESDK description:
I'm willing to bet that they can make good on their bet to release everything the developed as open source...there's probably nothing to release.
and that's not all! (Score:1)
Re:Is this a surprise? (Score:1)
Re:Is this a surprise? (Score:2)
Re:Couldn't compete with MS... (Score:3)
It's extremely stable. I can't even recall the last time I had a kernel panic even though I run it every day as a router on one machine and as a desktop on another. On the other hand w2k (whilst better than NT 4.0) which I also run daily crashes about once a week for me for one reason or another. I also use Mac OS 9.1 daily and this is by far the worst for stability and unrecoverable app crashes.
As for the other points.
Re:runs Linux, right? (Score:1)
Re:I can't believe this (Score:2)
Now... (Score:2)
Tell me what makes you so afraid
Of all those people you say you hate
Re:Better now than later (Score:2)
Same reason they closed their doors- not enough money and no more VCs willing to take risks.
Josh Sisk
Surprise! (Score:3)
The system was going to try to break into a market where veteran Sega just failed.
Its only major advantage was the linux OS (if you even call this an advantage).
It really isn't surprising that it failed. The market is rough, and you need to have something special to make your mark. Indrema didn't have anything out of the ordinary. And before you flame me about how wonderful the Linux OS woulda been, think of this: If linux was such a great gaming platform, then I'd expect to find quite a few games for it already.
The SDL is still a work in progress. Once this comes to par, we might have something to compete with DirectX, but nothing is ready at this time. Don't give up on the idea of a Linux gaming platform, just keep it on the backburner right now...
Make it an arcade machine (Score:1)
Hell, I've been toying with the idea for years. Anyone interested let me know [mailto]. We could have a standard setup where someone could pop in a CD-ROM and have whole new system.
Re:Bwaaa Ha Ha (Score:1)
Oh well... (Score:2)
Games? (Score:2)
Not Surprising but... (Score:2)
I'm not surprised, however I'm disapointed that there are not many companies left to compete against the Xbollocks.
Re:runs Linux, right? (Score:1)
Re:runs Linux, right? (Score:1)
Re:runs Linux, right? (Score:1)
Re:Better now than later (Score:2)
Its really ironic that 'consumers'* dont know how to make decisions outside of the marketing tripe they are fed. Its fucking making me sick - are people so stupid that they cannot analyze *REAL* items against one another except to weigh their Markatroid Interst(TM)?
Im not necessarily suggesting Indrema had the best product - but the argument that the 'market' wouldnt go for it because they didnt get the million-mega-buck marketroid campaign is really sad... how fucking disturbing. Dont people *RESEARCH* the comparable products available before makinhg a decision?
Re:Surprise! (Score:2)
They were also courting the OpenSource idea, and gratis software. no other console would will make gratis software available for dload - and no other invited 'ordinary' coders to make sw for their boxen. This is very unique. I kept imagining the great MP3 Players with superb(sp?) visuals connected to your TV, tiVo functionality and real libre games... Indrema has a good idea that will eventually make it to peoples homes.
Difference between Indrema and XBox ? (Score:1)
Indremea is basically PC hardware with flash graphics (GeForce2 - already available for PC platforms) but no (or very limited) expansion capabilities and runs a POSIX compatible OS (Linux).
Difference? Size of marketing budget, number of available developers, and ease of use of API. Yes, I know a lot of people will tell me how much the Win32 API sucks but compare the DirectX (includes Direct3D, DirectPlay, DirectSound et-al) API's compared to the number of multimedia API's available for Linux. Freedom of choice is great but when you are releasing an app for the general population you don't want to include a 2K file telling them what other modules/libraries they need to have installed to make the damn thing run.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a big Linux/FreeBSD fan but there is something to be said for API standardisation above and beyond the OS. At the moment MS is the only company large enough to enforce that as a defacto standard.
runs Linux, right? (Score:4)
Re:Is this a surprise? (Score:1)
I'm sorry to say... (Score:3)
An OS on for a game console is like a bike for a fish. Te point of consoles is a standard, low cost set of hardware for mass distribution. The mass distribution makes it attractive to sell to, and the standard hardware makes it attractive to PROGRAM on. Indrema, a console based on Linux just didn't make sense. I'm sorry.
Next product (Score:1)
But this is *good* news! What I was really expecting from Indrema was not games, but an open set-top box. We need DVB, program recording functionality, broadcast code cracking, real-time info screens (stock prizes, slashdot), and whatever all the krazy d00ds around the world come up with.
Re:Couldn't compete with MS... (Score:2)
Linux is stable
Linux is scalable
Linux isn't UNIX (strictly speaking)
Linux is ready for the desktop
Unfortunately for Indrema, none of these things make any difference when producing a games console (except maybe stability, but when there's fixed hardware instead of moving target stability is far easier to come by anyway). The advanatge Indrema had was in its open-ness, but unfortunately it was never likely to have the necessary user-base due to a lack of developers, which meant it was never going to get enough developers, which meant it was never going to get the necessary userbase, ad infinitum.
Re:runs Linux, right? (Score:1)
Indrema - less dream, more nightmare (Score:2)
I was very active on the Indrema mailing lists for a significant amount of time and was part of the "core" team of community developers, until I realized it didn't stand a chance and jumped ship. No, this is not a troll.
The first mistake for me was not even having a prototype so many months into "publicity". I wonder what the venture capitalists were thinking when they invested in this company; the least I would expect as a VC is a hacked-up job that demonstrates rudimentary capability to do a base set of the things promised - a wooden box with wires all over the place like the original Apple. Furthermore, instead of immediately concentrating all energies on that (because concerete results improve your credibility and help to keep both you and your supporters motivated) Indrema set up a website making bold proclamations, a community development site (GameXchange [indrema.com]) and mailing lists which, due to the lack of definite info, were filled with speculation, OT posts and flame wars.
Next came the buzzwords, terms that were used to hype the development community but were lacking in real meaning. Add indefinite goals and grandiose plans (which could never be fully revealed - I thought this was supposed to be Open Source?) with a liberal dose of "confidentiality", such as not being able to list interested commercial developers and publishers (perhaps because there were none?)
Indrema was a good idea - not a great one - that was poorly thought through and badly executed. It had little to offer in terms of true industry innovation and new territory other than the premise of independent/hobbyist/freeware games on a console.
As much As I enjoyed following the Indrema.. (Score:1)
Re:As much As I enjoyed following the Indrema.. (Score:1)
hmm (Score:5)
Bwahahahaha. Why do you think they went under?
Releasing code of proprierity software isn't easy (Score:1)
Releasing code of any proprierity software is not quite that easy. I don't know how the US legislation handles these kind of matters, but atleast the EU laws usually don't allow this.
The simple reason being that it would violate the rights of any creditors etc instances to whom the bankrupt company owns money/anything.
Think about it your self, how happy would you be if you invest in a company that develops proprierity software. Then the company goes belly-up.. At this point the investors and owners are thinking "well atleast we can get a penny or two of our money back by selling that proprierity technology that we have".. but then the company releases the whole thing open source..
The end result being lots of angry owners/investors and a nice legal battle..
Few companies have made similar promises, I think they should really consider what they are actually planning to do..
Naturally it is always better to do the whole thing as open source or GPL from the beginning! ;-)
considering gaming is all about GAMES, gee (Score:1)
Sega was a victim of being late to market. They couldn't drum up enough 3rd party quality product. On top of this, the games are pitifully easy to pirate and burn to CD's. There are some excellent games, but a lot of really crappy ones too, thus the brand suffers. Playstation 2 has the Playstation momentum going with the blockbuster titles of Final Fantasy, GT3, and Metal Gear, plus other promising newcomers.
The X-Box I feel will lose out in the end because at this point I don't see the games. PS2 will have Final Fantasy, GT3, the top sports and fighter games, and most of X-Box's lineup. X-Box's only real unique draws are the higher quality DVD output and a couple PC-oriented Bungie games that will also be out for PC. The saving grace would be if Sega commits exclusively to X-Box.
Re:Better now than later (Score:1)
This was what would have killed Indrema if they did release the L600.
Just a reminder to all :
Re:Better now than later (Score:1)
Re:Couldn't compete with MS... (Score:1)
Oh, i donno about that. The linux hype machine is effective enough that:
It's not the open source *programmers* doing this, but all the companies which are using open source software to make money.
Is this a surprise? (Score:4)
Sony loses money on every Playstation sold; Sega was almost dragged under by the Dreamcast. TiVo and WebTV have mandatory service fees. Remember the fuss over the i-Opener hack? You can't sell consumer equipment without guaranteed way to make back the losses.
Indrema had no guaranteed revenue stream. Their income was from game royalties; however, they didn't have any big-name titles lined up. And to attract serious developers would require a sizable user-base, meaning that the consoles would have to be sold underprice (just so they can be competetive) for a long time before the money started coming back in. I can't imagine that anybody would risk investing in a company which guaranteed short-term losses and had only a marginal shot at ever making money back.
Yeah, yeah, you can tell me that you and your friends would have all bought Indremas, but do you really think that these boxes stood a chance at attracting a large number of users? If you were given the choice between a PS2 and an Indrema at the same price, which one would you honestly pick? And if you factor in the brand-name recognition of Sony or Nintendo (in the eyes of Joe Average at least), there's just no hope for the Indrema. (BTW, the only reason the Xbox might succeed is that Microsoft can afford to hemorrage cash for years -- not to mention their serious marketing power.)
So it was a nice idea, sure, but there was just no way it was going to work out in the end. Nobody wants to invest in something that might not ever make money.
This is not the end (Score:1)
Now all Linux needs is a decent commercial application installer and we are set.
Re:runs Linux, right? (Score:1)
Hey, I hate to tell you this, but unless you're trying to sneak in a reference to bands of days gone by, your code is wrong. It's up up down down left right left right b a b a. It's the Konami code, most famous (in my mind) for its use in Contra, but it appeared in a lot of other Konami games for the NES and SNES.
Re:runs Linux, right? (Score:1)
The SNES game I remember was Gradius III, and if you did the code without switching to the shoulder buttons instead of the d-pad, you instantly died. I thought that was a nice touch.
And yeah, we're both dorks for continuing this thread.
Why is the gaming application dead? (Score:2)
Re:I can't believe this (Score:1)
I can't believe this (Score:2)
Indrema had a superb tech and using Linux gave them the edge to surpass all competition on the technical front. They just did not have the financial backing all the industry titans enjoy. It was a brilliant idea and they guys gave their best. I'm sure it will one day raise like a Phoenix from its ashes and the world will enjoy a Free gaming platform. So please stop trolling about one mishap this little bump along the way to the ultimate glory of the superior OS.
What? Of course I need karma points. Go sue me asshole!
Re:Did anyone expect another outcome? (Score:1)
Sony does not own the console market. It simply has a larger share than anyone else. If you want to see a market a company *owns*, that market is the handheld game market, and the company is Nintendo.
Re:Indrema is dying... (Score:2)
better now than later (Score:1)
Alas (Score:1)
Re:As much As I enjoyed following the Indrema.. (Score:1)
Re:As much As I enjoyed following the Indrema.. (Score:1)