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Spectator Gaming, Multicast Style 74

Woil writes: "This interview at is a discussion with project manager Erik Johnson about Valve's new multicast spectator technology. It'll be used first in Counter-Strike, then used in other games. The goal being to allow thousands of people to view top level matches from a separate proxy server." I'd like an aisle seat in the mezzanine, please.
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Spectator Gaming, Multicast Style

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  • by Ex-NT-User ( 1951 ) on Thursday April 26, 2001 @05:49AM (#264873) Homepage
    gTv: which is used in quake3 matches these days to do the same thing, runs on a 10 min delay. ( I believe the delay is adjustable, but 10 min is pretty standard since matches usually run 20 min)

    The main reason for this was "spectator" cheating. All top clans these days use voice communications (RogerWilco, Battlecom, etc) so it's a MUST to run with a delay.

    From the sound of the article Valve is just taking the gTv concept a bit further providing Multicasting, instead of the connection based method that gTv uses.
  • Obviously GTV is written in GTK and QTK is written in QT


  • Multicast: The dog of IP technology that just refused to hunt.

    Now, now, don't get all worked up on me, here. For years I've been using the MBone tools, and I figure the pain involved in that experience earns me the right to be a little cranky. IP multicast just instinctively seems like such a good idea that it is always upsetting to discover that, in practice, it has been just about useless.

    Part of this, I think, is because of the applications chosen. Many to many videoconferences are a bad demo app because the truth is that most people don't need many-to-many -- they need some-to-some, or more likely one-to-many, both of which can be done adequately (read: better, also known as "more predictably") with unicast technologies.

    There was also a culture that grew up around the MBone [] that discouraged innovation, both in terms of the tools and the community using them (which, let's face it, was basically, "only those of us that were NANOG [] regulars. No one wanted to build or to use new tools, because we've got these free TCL tools that suck! And did we mention that they're free? Yep, vic, vat, and sdr -- that's all you need! Never mind that they were "technology demos" that were never actually supposed to be permanent parts of the infrastructure. Why take any effort to make better ones? Worse is better

    And of course, unless you were part of NANOG or the nsfnet clique generally, just try to multicast something on the MBone that actually served another community. I remember getting a van-o-gram because I was multicasting WRCT [] on the MBone. Van didn't like that I was taking bandwidth away from his friends. The MBone crowd would rather stop people from using the network than, say, admit publically that pruning didn't work and that maybe they should stop recommending multicast as a solution to any problem, anywhere, until this was fixed (which I believe, thank god, it finally has been).

    But this -- now this is a cool use for multicast. Watching Counterstrike games is amazingly cool, but there is such a penalty for the players of a game to allow unlimited spectating, since each additional unicast client would slow down the server and clog the network further. Kudos to these guys for going the extra mile (and coming up with an application compelling enough to convince a community with a natural urge to monkey with the network to get involved in multicast).

    My only concern is: is multicast really deployed end-to-end? This is a trick question, because really I'm saying "No fucking way is multicast deployed end to end!" In fact, I'd be amazed if more than about half of the big national providers did multicast even in their backbone. Or am I being pessimistic? I'd be curious to know if anyone has real statistics on this issue.

  • My impression is that the combination of dense-mode multicast (flood then prune) in the core and sparse-mode and dense/sparse ("opt-in" at rendezvous point) actually do solve the majority of bandwidth issues.

    Of course, that assumes it is correctly configured. Which it usually isn't.

    There are some problems that are totally intractable -- particularly with respect to security. If you have a multicast group that is sharing a key, you basically are forced to regenerate and redistribute keys every time someone leaves the group. Which is very impracticable. So no one does it. So it is almost never secure.

  • I have a CS clan going (IKYN) and we have clan matches all the time. To have a seperate spectator server would mean we could record it, and review our moves to see where we went wrong! That would be have a "coaches clicker" for the entire clan match, where the players move forwards and backwards as you need to, so you can refine your game.

  • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) on Thursday April 26, 2001 @05:35AM (#264878)
    I was wondering about that too. I like the "tape delay" idea, I figure if I'm so predicable that after an hour of watching me it will give someone an advantage that I deserve to die.

    For me it would be all too easy to set up something like you describe - I have a DSL line and a cable modem. If I have two machines that aren't even on the same network, how is it going to stop that?
  • I had an idea like this that I was busy implementing into a Quake server, before my time had to be redirected to other projects. Not only was this going to be done, but you could also bridge to an IRC client and get constant updates on the game from IRC, without having to be in-game.

    I had this idea many years ago. I should have finished it... grrrrrrrrr.

  • This has been around in the form of QTV for quake 1/2/3... which makes it prior art by about 4yrs heh.

    The current iteration is GTV ( ) and it's used nearly everyday to watch q3a matches of various sorts.

  • TsN is great. Even though I don't have the bandwidth to listen to matches while doing anything else, it's still interesting when I get the chance. In addition to the TsN TV which they've done a number of times, they have DJs giving a play-by-play over Shoutcast for a couple matches nearly every night. This has been great for the competitive team-based matches. Important matches for top ladder spots in the OGL [] have drawn tons of listeners tuning in. In downtime between matches, like a regular radio station, they broadcast music, or even host gaming- and Tribes-related talk shows.
  • Ooops, blank-out moment... the OGL [] is at [], not .com...
  • As posted elsewhere, you might want to check out TsN []. They've been broadcasting Tribes 1 matches for quite some time (always with commentary, sometimes with a video stream as well...basically as you described it, with camera control done by one person, whose image is broadcast to streaming viewers), and are getting to Tribes 2 now (not video yet, that I know of).
  • by decipher_saint ( 72686 ) on Thursday April 26, 2001 @05:34AM (#264884)
    Game spectators will breed game colour commentary

    "Well, Jim, he has to get to that rocket launcher or he'll be out of the game"

    "Thats for sure Bill. This just in, an update on the Asheron's Call battle royale, over 600 players have respawned battling a fierce new enemy"

    "And now, a word from our sponsor; Don't forget to make Schwartz weiners part of YOUR online gaming experiance..."



  • What fun is a game if you can't watch it?

    Good point! Nobody watches games that they aren't playing!

    (baseball, basketball, football... chess, archery, powerlifting...)

  • I've been in Tribes 2 games with about 75-100 players, but I've seen some servers listed with a capacity of 255.

    To see the current high, go to [] and look at the Current Most Popular Game Server near the bottom of the page. This number fluxuates quite a bit throughout the day, so it will be much higher during prime-time.

  • The color commentary is actually very enjoyable from the various Tribes shoutcasting organizations. Hundreds listened to play-by-plays of Tribes 1 matches.
  • Sorry, TsN moved. They're now at - its just that the Tribalwar guys haven't updated their menu yet. :)
  • by RollingThunder ( 88952 ) on Thursday April 26, 2001 @08:55AM (#264889)

    The clever boys over at the Tribes Shoutcast Network [] (I think it was actually TheRedDread of Team 5150 [], but that may have been a different spectator viewing app) have been running an amazing little app called TribesTV [], which let you connect to a video stream from the point of view of an ingame observer, realtime.

    The major Tribes 1 matches were incredibly popular, and I can't wait for something similar for Tribes 2. The most impressive part (to me, anyways) was that this was all done without any help from the games developers.

    Note: it would appear that the URLs don't work right now - Tribalwar [] has just moved servers and it looks like they missed some DNS entries.

  • This can be dealt with at two levels.

    If they are serious enough to have a proxy server, they probably are running more than simplistic games.

    First, in lightly competetive games with no prizes it probably wouldn't matter unless someone complained (and you certainly could see if someone knew a little too much and wasn't careful)

    Second, in more heavily competetive matches, you're going to need to worry about things like ping time anyway, so you have to centralize the players. Problem solved.
  • I disagree.

    Golf should be considered an equivelant sport. Simultaneous action on 18 holes. How to they set up? Multiple commentators, color commentary, switching to action in one room, following a lead player, various camera views, the possibilities are endless.

    Scenarios could be designed for action in key rooms. While there would be action in other places, there would be unobstructed views where action could be watched in between "instant replays" and following around the leaders.

    Highlights to download defenitely has its advantage, however. Think of this: Have a large multiple-processor computer doing elaborate frames for it. You could get closer to bugs life-esque pictures.

    I'd be more interested in seeing the best duke it out than playing myself.
  • I think he was talking about a follow-mode. In which case the server is controlling the location and view angle.

    -Steeltoe (where did that space go?)
  • It is catching on, big time in the Interactive Digital Tv field. However these tend to be private networks, one problem with the internet at large is that multicast support in routers and switches is patchy to say the best. check out a cool application of this technology at
  • >I don't know if there would actually be the draw to have 1000's of people watch a Quake/UT game though. I mean, tournaments are fun, but are there even that many fans who'd want to watch?

    Well, I can't imagine wanting to watch an FPS, but I'd be really interested in watching real time strategy. Especially if I had control of my own perspective and could examine various points in the playspace. Turn based strategy would probably get fewer viewers, but I think it would really appeal to the same kind of person who would watch a chess match because you can deeply analyze the moves and strategy. I also think you might find a solid viewer base for sports games.

  • All of this you won't have to worry about the smelly fat guy sitting in the seat right next to you or your feet sticking to the floor.

    You must not have lived in my apartment with my roommates back when I was in college, did you?

    And you forgot about the smell of bongwater.

  • Not entirely true. The large ISPs (i.e. Sprint, Qwest, and the like) do have multicast in the network. And most of them talk to each other (although UUNET is a bit odd...they don't peer multicast with anyone it seems). The big problem is the smaller ISPs that deal with residential users. If the cable modem and DSL providers would jump on this technology, the Internet would be a far more interesting place. (I suppose the Dial ISPs as well, but a lot of the cool things that multicast can do, like efficient video streaming, wouldn't be so hot as the lower bandwidths.) Imagine being able to get a 700k stream (which is pretty good video quality in my experience) of the baseball game you missed because you were at work. Or an episode of "Survivor" that you missed because you were stuck in traffic. Or an episode of your favorite anime that's showing in Japan, but hasn't quite made it to anywhere else in the world yet.

    Multicast is pretty cool stuff (I use it every day at work) but it's not really going to make an impact until the home user can reap its benefits.
  • Multicast can work that way. The underlying protocol that they are adapting is a unicast UDP based game protocol.

    Take that protocol and feed it into a 'proxy', for lack of a better term. The proxy then just transmits multicast UDP on a given multicast address/port and anyone on the mbone can tune in to watch. I'd assume that either the special user that the proxy uses to connect to the game has all line-of-sight filtering disabled (no pvs checking) or there is only 1 or 2 viewpoints running around for the spectators which are rebroadcast from the multicast proxy.

    I've done a lot of work on adapting gaming to multicast protocols. I even have a quake1 multicast proxy client/broadcast server and broadcast client/proxy server pair (which I'd originally written as an aimbot and expanded), from a year or so back, which I have used to test this successfully. This is about the most rediculously simple use of multicast I've yet seen.

    The problem is of course th fact that in order to view the stream you have to be connected to the mbone, or they may use the protocol only at conventions/large gaming events to allow spectators at the event to watch from within the game, without disturbing the contestants and without sending the games out over the general Mbone.

  • Interesting, another guy was moderated high for saying "game color commentary *shudder*, yet you seem in favor of pro commentators. Any reason in particular?

    ICQ 77863057
  • by pallex ( 126468 )
    "It'll be used first in Counter-Strike, then used in other games. The goal being to allow thousands of people to view top level matches from a separate proxy server." "

    Very, very sad.
  • by enneff ( 135842 ) on Thursday April 26, 2001 @02:19AM (#264900) Homepage
    This kind of stuff has been around for quite some time now. The QuakeWorld proxy Qizmo has been able to do this for a while, and at the Australian Big Day In, we had a spectator proxy set up so that people could spectate on all of the finals matches.

    It worked extremely well, one guy from overseas sent us a screenshot which had two quake3 windows open, with the opponets POV's in each, and our event coverage shoutcast mp3 stream in winamp. I don't think any Australian LAN has had similiar coverage since....

    It's hardly "Valve's New Technology", try "Valve's Implementation of Old Technology".

  • There seems to be a lot of confusion as to what this is really saying. Other methods have been around for a long time to broadcast quake-like games. But, that is not the key here.. the key is multicast technology. Theoretically, this means that the broadcast proxy server sends ONE stream out, to a special multicast address, e.g., and it is sent to all interested hosts (and not to those who don't want it). So, it is a very efficient use of bandwidth, and makes mass viewing possible. You no longer need a huge pipe to allow mass viewing, and your BANDWIDTH NEEDS DO NOT INCREASE as more viewers connect.

    This technology has been around a LONG time.. But, has never gotten over the hump for implementation/acceptance. The problems have included protocol issues, cooperation among ISP's to accept each other's multicast routing/pruning, and lack of compelling applications.

    Hopefully, a cool application like this can help push acceptance along. With this technology, low cost streaming of audio content is very easy, and video is realistic with a bit more effort.

    On the down side... As others have stated, I would expect very few people to be able to actually use this when it becomes available. But, if you have problems, complain loudly to your ISP, let them know the demand is out there.

  • I don't think that's a real problem, well no more than it is at the moment. We already have the situation where two or more players can be using NAT, and playing through the one broadband connection from the same room. How is this any different?
  • This is one step closer to what I've dreamed of ever since I first experienced the thrill of deathmatch.

    A few points of interest:

    - As I understand it, this is essentially one player watching the game, and the "multicast" is people connecting to that player and seeing the same thing. Makes sense. Now.. what exactly does this player see? Is it limited to receiving events only within a certain distance, as with normal players? Does it receive all info about everything that's happening at once?

    - Following from that, how hard would it be to pull off varying camera angles? It seems as though everyone would be limited to the same view.

    - Seems they can address cheating with their buffer. Buffering up 1-3 minutes of gameplay before casting it out would hopefully prevent most forms of eye-in-the-sky cheating. The instant replay idea is neat too.

    Deathmatch could work very well as a spectator sport. This comes close. It lacks commentary, and it lacks varying camera angles. Ideally one could choose to wander around on their own and follow individual players, or rely on a group of cameramen with commentators in control of what view gets shown when. Wide-angle shots zooming into tight behind-the-shoulder shots, etc., would keep pace and make things interesting.

    Good step in the right direction

  • You may need a better term than proxy to be clear. Feeding a UDP game protocol into a box to be rendered with a certain viewpoint in order to generate video stream, OK, that's just 'a box' afaic. If the UDP game protocol is then merely repackaged for multicast broadcast to let ppl use their game engine as the clients, it's still just 'a box'; the difference in the content being UDP game protocol and UDP video stream is moot.?P? Logging into that box to receive the video stream is not multicast, it's unicast, and the box is a proxy. Using Mbone tools to receive the stream from that box (without making any connection to that box, or even knowing it's addy) is multicast, and the box is merely a 'Sender', as per ?A HREF= f-avt-rtp-new-09.txt? IETF spec on multicast RTP?/A?.?P? There does need to be some clarification on the difference between the 'mbone' and a multicast-capable network. That is, not all multicast traffic is over the Mbone, especially with more and more networks enabling multicast, both at the LAN and WAN scale.
  • Multicast isn't about some proxy server you log into to get the broadcast signal.. what's this Valve guy been fed? Multicast is something on the router level.. Before I go on, some credit to peterb and his comment [] earlier.

    Now I've written a multicast video transmitter, and tested it with viewers between Boston and Japan. First off, it broadcasts on some addy that's 22?.x.x.x/5-digit-portnumber. These addy's don't correspond to any machines, it's just a way of telling the routers what to do. So my transmitter tells the local routers that it's going to subscribe to the mcast addy and can then send/recv. Then, when people want to view this video, they tune their receiver app to that channel; they're telling their local router that they'd like to receive this traffic, and then the router pipes it to them. Contrary to peterb, this scales very well for one-to-many better than unicast; my transmitter only puts out one stream, and NEVER needs to accept a connection from anyone else. So that whole thing of a proxy server off the game server that people connect to? Bogus. That's not how multicast works. Now, I believe it if that's their transmitter box..

    But the real downside is this: how many people have access to multicast? very few. Hardly any ISP which anyone is connected through subscribes to it, much less has the equipment to route multicast traffic to individual users. DSL, for example: multiple end-users are connected to a single box in their local CO, and that box doesn't know what to do with multicast. Even if multicast were given to it, it means that all end-users would receive it, not just the subscribers. Now, I get multicast traffic at work, but my workplace has a beeg pipe and peers with abeleine in order to pioneer those group-to-group multicast apps. The other thing is that it co$t$ to get mcast from backbones, so most ISP's aren't gonna spring for it, especially because then they still need to upgrade and configure their routers right.

    But if nothing else, it *is* the right idea for 'net broadcasting. But it'll be some time before it's more widespread, and even more before home-users get it.


  • There are lots of multiplayer games that _don't_ focus on either. Alpha Centauri, FreeCiv, Rainbow Six... I'd even say Counter Strike has little to do with luck. Luck might come in to play, as with any game, but if you sit down and play for an hour, the players and team with skill will rise to the top. That and you actually are rewarded for using tactics in CS, as opposed to regular ol' deathmatch.

    Josh Sisk
  • I think that idea is really neat. I am not the best gamer around, but I really enjoy watching other people play quake and other games...but..i live in the boonies and i don't have many friends that this would be a neat way for me to watch these games. I think this idea is pretty cool.

  • Having read your comment again, properly this time, then yes, it's is saying that....

    I don't see why allowing people to see from any view would suck bandwidth from the game server - it would only be the proxy server that could be affected, and in any case, if the spectators own the game, then all they'll be getting, via multicast is state information
  • Er nope... There's a proxy server that connects to the game server and sucks out info (much, i guess, like a normal client would).

    This proxy server is then responsible for distributing the spectator feed across the world
  • Why would anyone want to go to a baseball game. I mean, why drive for miles and sit in a outdoor stadium for three (+) hours watching some guys throw and hit a ball around a field, then run around and around a dirt path? And pay for it! Why don't they just pick up a bat and a ball and play it themselves!

    For me, I pay for to watch sporting events because I am a total geek and cannot play sports to save my soul, but I do enjoy watching them. While not all slashdot readers may be sports fans and not all slashdot readers may be first-person shooter (FPS) fans, there are people who are willing to pay real money to watch other people; whether it be baseball or basketball . . . or counter-strike (fortunately counter-strike is free).

  • With too-long match times, camping and crummy guns who would ever want to watch a counterstrike game without playing?

    I'd rather watch cspan...
  • What's the current limit on most of these games? 16 in a 32-person match? (I think that's what it is in UT).

    Spectating in UT seems to be handled pretty efficiently. You're just getting the display data. Nothing is really traveling back, so you can swoop your camera around, follow players, etc. (It's fun to put a camera on the lead player when you have a large projection screen at a LAN party).

    I don't know if there would actually be the draw to have 1000's of people watch a Quake/UT game though. I mean, tournaments are fun, but are there even that many fans who'd want to watch?

  • by boaworm ( 180781 ) <> on Thursday April 26, 2001 @02:22AM (#264913) Homepage Journal
    I'd say you're wrong. Games like counterstrike (halflife) work like this. The server knows the coordinates of each player, in what direction he/she is looking, and what equipment and skins he/she has. It also knows last bullethole marks and such things.

    Then, all this info (not much though) is sent to you (from the proxy server) and your own game renders frames for you, according to what is relevant to your current view. (where you are looking as a spectator)

    Say you're looking straight into a wall. That means your game knows no players are in the view, and the basic map is shown to you.

    It all makes sense, and sounds really useful :)

  • I'd love to have a machine sitting off to my side spectating random [full] servers. I might hook it up to a television screen. But it'd be pretty cool to lean back from coding, rub my eyes and glance over to watch some fragging for a little bit. I find most sports difficult to watch exclusively for extended periods of time. With normal broadcast sports I watch for a bit, flip to something else, watch for a bit more, flip to something else again, etc. It would be awesome if the same were possible for game spectating.

  • by Erasmus Darwin ( 183180 ) on Thursday April 26, 2001 @05:15AM (#264915)
    I've yet to see anyone address the issue of cheating. If you're broadcasting the game information live to a bunch of spectators, it's not that hard for someone to set up a separate machine and have a perpetual overhead view of what's going on. This could be somewhat mitigated by comparing player IPs against spectators IPs (which would stop people who're masquerading both machines behind something like a single DSL IP address), but even then someone could use a proxy or other means to get around it. All-in-all, if I were a player, I'd prefer a "tape-delayed" broadcast of the game after it was over. Even just delaying the broadcast by 5 minutes would help (although someone could still use it to gain an unfair advantage, by having a friend track the opponents' favored locations and such). Overall, though, as long as you don't spoil the results of the match before it's been broadcast, no one's going to really be able to tell the difference between live and delayed. Delaying it also has the advantage of making it easier to do those instant replays that were mentioned during the interview.
  • I think this would be an interesting idea for a screensaver. Better than those twirling lines.
  • What is the audience for this like? Are people looking to watch top gamers to get their strategies and learn some new chops...or for the flying body parts?

    Does that mean that out of 14 available connections, only 13 guys can because one connection is needed for the camera? How much extra bandwidth does this take since the game actually has to pass the info for all 13 guys...or do the connections for all the players normally do that?

  • Yes the "gtv" does take up a spot on the server.(gtv is what is generally used now for high profile games, i am unsure of its relationship to qtv, might just be a name change)

    The gtv works as a proxy. The spectators connect to the gtv server, and view from its perspective. Think of 50 people looking over the shoulder of a person who is spectating the match. It doesnt use up any bandwidth on the server where the match is being played (other than the bandwidth being used by GTV, which isnt any more than a "regular" player).

    During some high profile matches you will have upwards of 150 people tuning into to watch. Multiple GTV's can connect thus providing "mirrors" of the match around the country/world, and making it scalable.

    The interesting thing is that this technology is almost a requirement for "pro" gaming. Without it, the game loses all spectator interest, other than those who download the match demos later.

    With CS being used at the recent CPL event, it was essential that they had some kind of spectator friendly technology. So there must have been a push to develop this. However, the Quake community has enjoyed this for some time now.

    The Half-life utility resembles a Q3test app called Argus. Which also gave you the overhead view. Looks like the people at Valve used Argus as inspiration.

  • I'm not sure how you disagree since your suggestions mesh very well with what I had envisioned...

    However, I don't think Golf is not the closest analogy to deathmatch that I can think of... Paintball is. And I've seen paintball televised. And it can be done even better when the action takes place virtually. I'll explain again why:

    You're absolutely right about the need for multiple camera placements and angles. That's what I was calling for. By creating the input log and recording all relevant info, you can run that info through the game engine and recreate the game in its totality. Then you can re-play this as much as you want, putting a free-roaming ghost in the map who can film a sequence from the game from one angle, then "rewind" the action and put the camera in another location and film the same action from a different angle... or simultaneous events on a different area of the map.

    In fact, if you wanted, you could run this script on a computer with the graphics and sound configurations set to the highest possible quality, which woudl have resulted in too much lag during the actual playing. Render it on a super-computer, taking your time with the animation to achieve super-realistic quality.

    Then you put your color commentary voice-over in, and you've got a polished, finished product ready for mass consumption and advertising and endorsement dollars.

  • As someone who enjoys FPS-type games and who is dismayed at the bad rap they get from "concerned" parents types, I think it would be great if FPS tournaments could receive the same kind of promotional attention that other sports get. This could help get gamers some well-deserved legitimacy in the eyes of the mainstream public.

    As an example, skateboarding has done well for itself as a pastime by marketing itself as an "X-treme" sport. Skateboarders had suffered under an undeserved reputation as being vandals, delinquents, etc. Amateur skaters had nowhere to go to practice their skills and ended up in places where they weren't wanted, like parking lots, where they were persecuted and harassed. But once skateboarding started to get itself organized and began to televise professional events, things slowly started to change. Now, many cities have skate parks where kids can go practice, and they aren't automatically looked at as criminals.

    I see this possibility emerging for FPS enthusiasts as well. But I don't think that FPS lends itself well to a live multicast. Without having some kind of announcer/moderator giving a play-by-play to explain what's going on, who's in the lead, and what's happening, a multicast is bound to be hard to follow.

    One of the biggest problems facing the creation of a cohesive documentation of a multiplayer tourney is the need for ubiquitous "cameras".

    Ideally, what I think should happen should be this: The multiplayer game takes place, and each players' moves are logged and saved, along with their health status and weapons inventories, etc.

    This log can then be used to re-create the events in the actual game, with the added benefit that any part of the map can be rendered from any angle at any time.

    Once the game is over, have a video animation guy go through the replay over and over, generating video clips from various angles and carefully editing them into a cohesive video narrative.

    Then, have some announcers do a voice-over to put it all together.

    Save the result as an MPEG and put it on a server, or better yet, put it on television and promote the new sport of multiplayer deathmatching to the general public. Have interviews with start players and turn them into money-grubbing celebrities.


  • I've got one word for you: boring. I'm in the minority that doesn't like most multiplayer games. Why? Too much emphasis on luck or hack-n-slash. If I like a computer game I want to play it, not watch it.

    I completely don't understand Golf as a spectator sport, it's something you do not something you watch. Same thing with bowling, really.


  • by yulek ( 202118 ) on Thursday April 26, 2001 @11:21AM (#264922) Homepage Journal
    here's a video [] (windows media .ASF format) of the spectator system in action.

    very cool.

  • Do people camp in one place for more then 20 seconds? In one word: YES.

    Counter-Strike is one of the few FPS games I've played which almost makes it a necessity to carefully plan your attacks and defense. Players who run around blasting at everything they see are the first to get fragged.

    Especially in the Hostage scenarios, where a terrorist hidden where no one can find him can win the game. So yeah, knowing where the enemies are can be a game-destroying cheat.

    Tongue-tied and twisted, just an earth-bound misfit, I
  • Is this any different to what QuakeTV does and has been doing for a long long time? Hardly a new concept :p

    Tis great watching the CPL Quake3 turnaments live, but you do rely on a good camerman/spectator to give you the best views.

  • Don't forget the interruption based advertising they could then force:

    "Now Jim, we'll be stopping them mid frag for a few moments while we show our viewers a flash animation of new Jolt flavoured Lucky Charms"

    "Whatever you do, don't change urls!"

  • And new to Half Life - Last night one of my friends spectated on a cool match between two cool danish clans, and he recorded a demo for us while being spectator, so you can actually make a "film" of the match ;) Anyway it's been something that has been missing for a long time in half life - So that's nice!

  • by canning ( 228134 ) on Thursday April 26, 2001 @02:18AM (#264927) Homepage
    It'll be used first in Counter-Strike, then used in other games. The goal being to allow thousands of people to view top level matches from a separate proxy server."

    All of this you won't have to worry about the smelly fat guy sitting in the seat right next to you or your feet sticking to the floor.

  • Is it saying like it will only add the bandwith of one extra person to the actual game, but on another connection, it will let thousandths view it? But how would they let people see from different views? That will still suck alot of bandwith off the Game server.
  • With a multicast network... I could broadcast an entire DVD movie once, and EVERYONE could get it. I don't see why this hasn't caught on yet.
  • I can tell you don't know your networking too well.

    Just because UDP doesn't check for dropped frames, doesn't mean much. Higher and lower layers do duplicate error checking. And if that is not sufficient, you could impliment even more error checking in the application.
  • Well, being European I am not really used to the level of spam that I sense Americans are. More than 50% of the channels I watch do not interupt with commercial breaks in the middle of movies or shows. But if I was exposed to Coke ads in the middle of a clan match, I think I would get pissed off.

    However, there shouldn't really be anything stopping you from viewing the game live whilst listening to an independent Roger Wilco broadcasted commentary by a pro gamer, who just wants to talk...


  • by Kraft ( 253059 ) on Thursday April 26, 2001 @01:55AM (#264932) Homepage
    One of my friends is a Counter Strike [] fan, plays in clans, plays clan/league/practice matches. These guys are good, and watching a clan match is really alot of fun. They actually have IRC bots, which can broadcast an entire game in text (ie. "-LaMer killed John. -LaMer threw granade" etc.) Supposedly several 1000 ppl 'view' the most interesting matches on IRC this way already.

    You can actually download high profile matches, and run them under CS, just to view what went on. Demo Player and matches here [].

    But this is just the beginninge.... think: watching the Quake finals at home with your friends... or Game Bars broadcasting the European CS finals! With pro sports commentators! And beer!


  • by Walker Evans ( 254620 ) on Thursday April 26, 2001 @04:38AM (#264933) Homepage
    Half Life - Spectator Game of the Year Edition

  • With the people that can witness this, and the eventual selling of advertising space in the games portion of this idea... you get *KA-CHING*- PROFESSIONAL SPORTS QUALITY GAMERS. That's right!!! Look forward to televised clan drafts on ESPN2. Rolling tickers of stats like NASCAR. Whiny gamers that go free agent, and then only perform when their contracts are up. Wheaties box covers with fat smelly guys. Custom posters and pillowcases with "I OWN JOOOO!!!" and "I rOxOr!!!" emblazoned with your favorite character. Plebian catchphrases like, "Can you smell what the flamethrower is cookin?" Mouse doping. Caffeine screening. People who eventually can't afford to pay for a family of four to go to a match. Gamers that get famous and then decide they need to sell albums too, or make movies with Bugs Bunny. The fact that somehow Bo Jackson will be good at Quake and Tribes. And of course, force feedback injuries that knock you out for the whole season, and the fact that some celebrity gamer will always whine about "LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGG!!!!"
  • You can view the race from any of the the available camera angles and on any car you want.
  • What fun is a game if you can't play it... Damn I need some sleep

  • What fun is a game if you can't watch it?

    I wonder if they'll attempt to market this, and have something like an IMAX theatre for watching video games...

    What someone needs to do is create something like a Starbucks based cafe globally with PC's set up in all of them for daily tournaments of your fav games, Quake, Halflife, etc., that shit'd own!

    Think about it, it'd be a nice decked out shoppe with techno playing in the background, redundant OC3 connectivity, strippers serving you coffee... Can't beat that now can you?

    pimped Blackbox Themes []

  • I think you might be in the minority. Many new games include the ability to record matches so that they can be played later or posted on the web. There are many hard core gamers who use recordings as a way to analyze their flaws, study up on opponents, or learn new strategies. Indeed, the desire to watch others play games is particularly popular in the realm of television as some of the most popular shows this year include Survivor and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.

    I'm no prophet but if we take a look at two of the recent Slashdot gaming stories we see that technology is increasing the scale of digital games. We have an example of some good research to create a large VR environment as well as a new method of allowing a multitude of spectators to watch a 'live' game. It may be that in the future many of us will connect to the nightly Quake tournaments much the same way we watch a football game today. (Which reminds me quite a bit of The Running Man

    All of this may be good, or it may be bad. I think the Internet's advantage over television is primarly that it actually involves the end user rather than just piping information his way. There is a bit of thinking involved, or there can be. It would be sad to see it become more passive. More like television.

    • Nothing is really traveling back

    Is this true? I'd get spectators to send location information then only send updates on what I knew they could see. But then I'm living in the past [].

  • but quake requires a finely honed reflex and ability to think very fast... and i play both games q3 and cs. so i do know what i'm talking about. q3 is muh game. cs is what i relax playing. :D
  • by CrazyJim0 ( 324487 ) on Thursday April 26, 2001 @02:39AM (#264941)
    Game programmers are pretty slow, taking them what 20 some years to reinvent the television?
  • Wow, this does sound really cool, but then can't a player open another connection to a proxy server and pretend to be a spectator, gathering information about locations of other players, etc?

  • it all depends on the angle you're watching from.... It would be boring to just watch from behind the shoulders of one of the characters the whole time. Even a top-down view would only provide a limited view of the action. If there was some sort of cam-bot which would always swoop down to where the action was and provide the best view that would be cool. Also, to make things more interesting for viewers, all the models should be the raunchiest variant of the nude crackho model and the weapons should be Roger Ramrod type weapons ;)
  • What constitutes a "top-level match"? I sure hope they aren't going to use the technology such that thousands of people can watch a bunch of thirteen-year-old llamas accuse eachother of cheating 80% of the time. Valve oughta at least wait on the technology demo until the CounterStrike community matures a bit, although at the current rate, that'll never happen.
  • With the apparent death of the organized Quake3 TeamDM scene, more and more people are starting to look into good 'ole CTF again. Hey, we've been here the whole time and CTF is still going strong.

    If you want to talk about an interesting online game to watch, try watching a league match of q3ctf. For most announced matches that have GTV, there is usually always at least 15-20 spectators watching, and even clan to clan scrims will usually garner 5-6 spectators. This is all for good reason: q3ctf is exciting to watch.

    Whereas Camper-Strike is slow and battles are fought in brief spurts, and team dm is confusing and uninteresting to watch, CTF is all about the big plays, the teamwork, and yes, the luck. But hey, thats what makes it so exciting. Last night our clan played an intense matchup that was decided in the last 10 secods of the game. Down 1-0 and at a flag standoff with 10 seconds left in the match (each team has the other's flag so neither can cap), one of my teammates surprised the enemy flag carrier with haste and plasma gun, drilling him dead and returning our flag with 2 seconds left in the match. I had the enemy flag and was sitting on our flag platform waiting, and with 1 second left the score was tied and the game immediately went into overtime. The other team was shocked (they had thought it was over ;) ), and in the confusion we a back-to-back cap and the sudden death was over before anyone even knew what happened.

    Its stuff like this that makes CTF so damn fun. Check it out.

    PS. visit clan orifice @ []
  • The standard for QTV was a 20-30 second delay for people viewing on the proxy. For the new GTV, which is a seperate project from the now defunct QTV, the default is also 20 seconds, but it can be customized by the person running the GTV server.

    Generally speaking, 20 seconds if enough to prevent useful spectator cheating in Quake3, but I dunno in Counter-Strike. Do people camp in one place for more then 20seconds? :) -Louis

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