XBox Goes Down in Public 268
rosewood sent in a story about the X-Box Crashing in Public. Of course, it obviously is beta hardware so such things are to be expected, but that doesn't mean that you can't point your fingers and generate a nelson style HAHA at a multi billion dollar corporation's expense. They'll get the last laugh in 24 months when no software vendor dares release a game for any other system.
Re:Anyone remember this? Yep (Score:1)
Jobs had MacOS X crash on him last year. Just mentioning so someone can whore a link.
Re:Crash or not, XBox pretty much owned E3 (Score:1)
Re:Anyone remember this? (Score:1)
Re:Common sense...no "proof" needed. (Score:2)
W2K has been running on my CAD station at work extremely well. The only time I have had to reboot it has been after installing patches and even Linux people do that, so get your bigoted ass out of here. I know what I'm talking about. I've been using Linux at home since 1994. Linux and W2K are just as stable. Game platforms such as Win95/98/ME suck, though.
Posting anonymously to avoid rabid anti-Microsoft moderation.
Re:No, this IS a big deal (Score:2)
"Don't trolls get tired?"
Re:Wrogn Specs (Score:1)
10 gigs? Not just 8?
Why, then, it will certainly succeed.
- A.P.
Forget Napster. Why not really break the law?
no, it doesn't. (Score:2)
- A.P.
Forget Napster. Why not really break the law?
Re:Not a real Xbox anyway (Score:2)
Crashing Microwaves (Score:2)
And spark and smoke.
iq = (100+-50)/(#people in organisation) (Score:2)
Re:No, this IS a big deal (Score:2)
Shows are an opportunity to show off unfinished software. Frequent crashes are par for the course. I had a play with the demo Dreamcast version of Disney's Dinosaur at last year's ECTS -- it would freeze up frequenly, requiring a soft reset, and pressing obscure button combinations would cause diagnostic messages to appear on screen.
I wouldn't say this story is a big deal, any more than I would whinge if I downloaded an alpha version of a kernel driver, and my Linux box crashed.
Re:Don't sweat the Xbox (Score:2)
disagree with you on this one. there is one advantage that I can think of and thats peripherals.
I remember john carmack talking about console manufacturers dipping their toes into using adding standard hardware (USB mice, HDD, etc.) and potentially running into driver problems. x-box (correct me if I wrong) uses pretty much standard HW and drivers and will have less problems (as much as ms os's permit). there's probably a few other things he mentions (graphics card support, latter release and more processing horsepower, ease of development etc.)
check the links.
xbox.consoles-france.com/hardware/ [slashdot.org] (french - x-late here). [google.com]
You won't be... (Score:1)
So What if X-box is a failure... (Score:1)
X-Box could be an absolute and complete failure, probably will, but there's nothing that will stop Microsoft from releasing X-Box V2 in a year, and X-Box V3 the year after that, at which point it will probably be worth buying.
They're certainly not going to run out of money before some version of the X-Box is a dominating succuss, and if history tells us anything, it will probably be version 3 or 4.
Re:Memory Configuration? (Score:1)
This would lead me to believe they should have been showing their final hardware at E3.
Since they weren't, I can only assume there will be a shortage just like ths ps2, and/or their launch date is gonna get moved back.
Hrm... (Score:1)
If it doesn't exist yet how could they possibly be telling the truth about their planned release date? When did they start producing final hardware? today?
Re:No, this IS a big deal (Score:1)
Except of course that.... (Score:1)
You are the only one who seems to think so. Most people (console gamers, and console reporters) consider the DC to be in the same generation as the psx. (or at least in an inbetween generation) and the xbox, the ps2, and the GC to be the same generation. Certainly if you were to consider the gc and the xbox to be in the next, one would have expected much more powerful boxes in comparison to the ps2.
Re:Lord knows how many times I've crashed my Genes (Score:1)
No... (Score:1)
Did the PS2 ever crash during public demos?
Did the GC ever...
I'm sure you get my point.
I also think that with their near release date, they should have been showing final hardware.
Re:No, this IS a big deal (Score:1)
Uh sure... (Score:1)
Link to it or go home
Why do you people never provide any links... (Score:1)
Re:E3 demos crashing? Non-final hardware? Uhh, so? (Score:2)
E3 demos crashing? Non-final hardware? Uhh, so? (Score:4)
A game demo on the Xbox crashed, and restarting it revealed that it was running on Xbox-like PC hardware. In the uncomfortable pause while the system was restarting, a PR droid gamely tried to explain that the demo systems don't have the unified memory architecture of the Xbox itself.
So, a pre-alpha demo of an Xbox game crashed? Shocking. No, actually, it would be news if a E3 demo of a game which is six months or more away from release never crashed during a demonstration.
Maybe the news is that the final hardware wasn't ready to show at E3. But everyone expected that. Again, it was news that Nintendo did have GameCube hardware at the show.
But hey, good excuse for a link to the GIA!
Unattended at E3 (Score:1)
It was impossible to get to a Sega machine though, as they kept them ALL in the corporate area. Never saw a vacant X-Box either, but then the Microsoft stand just wasn't that big when compared to Sony or Nintendo.
Oh no it's not. (Score:1)
Virtually every demo box at E3 will have crashed once or twice. They have people there to press the reset button when things go wrong. E3 is a pre-release show, to preview product that's still under development, to store buyers, and the media. E3 demos are often being polished right up until the last minute. They are not finished product.
Sonic on a Nintendo? (Score:1)
Re:Atari (aka Tengen) was last independent 3rd par (Score:1)
The reason no-one ports those dating sims, is because they wouldn't sell enough copies to pay for the localisation and reproduction. Same goes for the horse racing, mah-jong, and pachinko games.
Re:No... (Score:1)
What *was* your point?
Re:Uh sure... (Score:1)
memory configuration error! (Score:1)
There speaks the voice of truth (Score:1)
Raven ROCKS (Score:1)
But how frequently do they crash? (Score:2)
I've seen my Dreamcast crash once, on Skies of Arcadia. It never happened again, and I've never had another problem.
On the other hand, with Windows, it can be a matter of when will it crash TODAY, and major apps like Word and IE5 exhibit major bugs and crashes on a continuous basis. That's much worse than would be tolerated on a console.
Consoles are about cheap thrills, instant gratification and lack of hassles. If people buy X-boxen, and they get sidelined by crashes even once a week, MS is screwed, because they're not only going to lose $125 on the sale, they're going to lose $300 more when the XBox gets returned to the store.
Re:computers vs. game consoles (Score:1)
Please tell us how you were able to determine that the cause of the glitch wasn't a hardware problem.
Because he's a super 31337 Linux programmer and he is well aware of how horrible M$ programmers are. All Linux programmers are of impeccable credentials and they produce code of utmost quality (not only is it hyper-optimized and with 0 defects, but it also manages to fix faults in third party software too!). All M$ programmers are losers who don't know how to program and whose code defect rate is horrible.
At least that's what I've learned on Slashdot. Surely it's true though right?
Re:computers vs. game consoles (Score:1)
Re:Uh... ok, that was almost news (Score:1)
While you _can_ tell Linux that it has more RAM than it does, the result will not be what the previous poster implied. Linux will not boot if you lie to it.
Re:Uh... ok, that was almost news (Score:1)
I'm glad Win2k is stable for you. I'd heard that it was for a lot of people, which is one of the reasons that I installed it. However, for a gaming platform, it's not even close to stable. NVidia better come out with a damn good driver for the Xbox, cuz the latest *stable* driver on their site ate my balls. At this rate, the Xbox is going to ruin a lot of otherwise good games.
Re:Uh... ok, that was almost news (Score:2)
I don't know about you, but one crash is about all I need. Seems to me that Microsoft products seem to crash in just about every public demo that I actually attend or hear about.
namely lacking memory
Now, the rep. said that the memory configuration will be different. He did not say that the final Xbox will have more memory. Since the Xbox has been switched to an Intel CPU, I'm guessing that either he meant something related to RAMBUS/SDRAM, or he was just plain spin doctoring. I'm inclined to beleive the latter, since his statement was so vague.
if I tell the kernel it has 256MB
Totally m00t point. You can't *tell* the 2000 kernel how much memory the system has. You obviously know nothing about kernel design. Stop and think about this for a moment. The hecklers aren't really being immature about this, they're pointing out that their suspicions all along that the Xbox would just be another crashy MS PC are right. If this crash were due to a missing piece of hardware, they all would have crashed. Maturity has nothing to do with deriding the Xbox. What do you expect us to do? Ignore it? Buy the Xbox because Bill tells us to? Screw that. I want hardware (and software) with a proven record of stability and quality. The Xbox has neither of those. Intel/RAMBUS has had serious stability issues. Windows 2000 has serious stability issues. The Xbox has been demonstrated to be instable. Conclusion: I'm not buying one! If I did, it wouldn't be a console, it would be a Linux PC that MS generously paid most of the cost for. (If MS wants to buy me a Linux capable PC with a sweet video card to repay me for the trouble they've caused, who am I to argue!?)
As an aside, if you lie to Linux, and tell it that it has more RAM than it does, it won't complete booting. You can't break Linux this way.
Re:The Windows 2000 Kernel (Score:3)
Do I think it's unreasonable for the box to crash? Maybe not, but at this point, late in the develpment, it sure doesn't bode well for the release of the product, does it?
Take those informative moderation points and put them where they belong... On informative (and correct) posts
Re:Uh... ok, that was almost news (Score:1)
Re:Not a big deal (Score:2)
What consoles do you use? I'd like to know what to avoid in the future.
Hay why don't you put yourself on my suckers list. I mean you'll get on one eventually. Why fight it?
You have accepted the notion that defective products are an unavoidable reality.
This is an excuse for producing poor quality.
Forget Microsoft for a moment.
A lot of companys sell shotty quality and they run around saying everyone is this bad.
People who make shotty cars clame all cars are shotty.
People who sell poor quality knifes clame all knifes are the same.
People who sell high quality end up having to fight this fiction.
Quality is not a myth.
If all game consoles are defective.. why would anyone buy them?
I have never had any problems with the game consoles I've used and I only had computer problems becouse I occasionally buy cutting edge.
(When buying cutting edge you don't know if it is defective or not... and if it is you are betting the company will fix it. If it is defective and the company won't fix it you are screwed. It's worth the risk... It's usually defective it is usually fixed and the bug is usually minnor.)
But I will not ever buy from a company that isn't sereous about producing a good quality product.
Stuff happends. Clean it up.. don't plug your nose and ignore it.
(You know the correct word isn't STUFF.. but I'll leave it to you to mentally insert the correct word)
Re:Not a big deal (Score:2)
I have a number of computers and game consoles that do not crash.
I'm not going to say Windows crashes all the time. How could I know? I don't use Windows. I don't need Windows. I don't know what is normal for Windows.
What I do use dosn't crash.
If Microsoft asks me to live with a defective game console I just won't buy it.
If the Xbox is all there is and it's defective I just won't buy a game console.
Nobody is twisting my arm...
If computers truely were so complex that they must all be defective I would not be using computers today.
I'm patent but not enough to deal with flaky technology...
24 months later... (Score:4)
Also PCs are productivity machines game consoles are entertainment.
If the only productivity software available is for one platform you are screwed. Use it no matter how flaky.
If however all the games are for one platform and that platform is no-fun.. We get a new video game dark age.
(Like the last video game dark age... when nobody could sell video games and everyone was playing non-computer based games like chess and RPGs)
You are kinda locked into your computer platform. When you upgrade you only upgrade a part of the system. You need to maintain compatability with your old hardware.
Compaire this to video game consoles. Every upgrade you toss the whole box and start over from scratch. You aren't locked into anything.
Microsoft CAN get all the video game makers to produce all games for Xbox. Microsoft CAN get a lot of gammers to buy the box. But if it dosn't rock it is dead.
The problem is simple. The Xbox dosen't simply compleate with every game console. It compeates with the fickle short attention span of the gamers.
Only the early addopters will scoop them up and try them out. If they suck then you'll see a bunch of web pages on installing Linux on an Xbox and other such uses. This becouse the early adopters will simply put the investment to good use.. That use being something other than playing games.
I expect Microsoft isn't aware of the realitys of the video game console world and think if they can throw out some fancy hardware (working or not) and sell games they'll make money.
If the box is defective then someone will produce something better.
Happens to all consoles. (Score:5)
Now, they didn't put up a blue screen or anything, they just locked up hard on screen, but it's E3, most of this stuff isn't even beta yet. Ya can't blame M$ for someone else's mistake (as much as I'd like to
Re:Anyone remember this? Yep (Score:2)
Yep, here's the story from CNN, complete with videos:
Memory Configuration? (Score:2)
I don't quite get how a memory configuration is a hardware error, unless they were using shoddy ram, but why would you use bad ram in a public display of your product? I don't recall windows crashing because of insufficient ram either, and am I really to believe that they only stocked the machine with 64-128 megs or so of ram for their public display? Ram is cheap, and for one of the richest companies on earth i'm sure they can afford to make their testing models as good as the soon to be released models.
Not a real Xbox anyway (Score:5)
I was initially really surprised to see "playable Xboxes" on the show floor because I'd just read in Wired that Nvidia was nowhere near ready to start fabbing the chips, and wouldn't be ready until mid or late summer. So these machines (whatever they have inside) don't have either the right processor or the right graphics card -- so however they look (and crash :) has really nothing to do with what the production Xbox will be.
Re:Uh... ok, that was almost news (Score:2)
Re:computers vs. game consoles (Score:2)
Re:computers vs. game consoles (Score:2)
I was extremely surprised, then pissed.
I will be surprised and then pissed again if Microsoft gets the typical gamer used to the idea of crashing.
Re:Common sense...no "proof" needed. (Score:2)
As far as uptime goes, you're right, home user joe may not care for a 300+ day uptime. However, even joe user seems to be leaving his computer on more (probably b/c it eliminates boot time), and i'm sure they want an uptime of more then 30mins...which is about as good as you could get with previous versions. Even NT4 gave me alot of headaches during the day when we used that at work. Win9x and NT always seemed to crash at least once a day.
Besides, you seem to forget that NT4 may be stable enough for the home user, BUT, most home users DON'T have NT; they have that shitty DOS upgrade, win9x/ME.
Re:computers vs. game consoles (Score:4)
Rubbish. You don't know crap about consoles.
On one hand, no game console should ever crash. On the other, having owned EVERY game console, and spent immeasurable hours in arcades, I've seen just about every machine crash.
From the Atari 2600 all the way up to the Playstation 2 I've seen games lock up, crap out, go blank, reset, garble the screen, make horrible noises, and just plain die in plain view.
It's not a matter of -IF- game systems are going to have problems. But it's going to be a matter of how LONG you're going to go before you see them.
Until the Playstation came along, crashes were very, very rare. Now it wouldn't be hard to compile a nice list of modern console games with SERIOUS issues. (I think there are even a few N64 games with serious issues!)
The X-Box is not going to be that much worse than the Playstation 2 because software developers will know it's a static machine and they'll learn how to avoid crashing the system.
Consoles are not PCs, and the software developement process is not the same. It's a static environment that lends it's self to a deeper level of mastery.
So, in 2 years if we see games crashing, rest assured they'll all be Electronic Arts and Acclaim titles.
"Everything you know is wrong. (And stupid.)"
Re:Uh... ok, that was almost news (Score:5)
But why would you do that? To make Linux look bad?
Well in this particular situation, Microsoft was demoing their product, and tried to show it in the best light, and thus really had no interest whatsoever to sabotage their own product. And you can be pretty damn sure that they have enough money to put a decent enough amount of memory in the box too.
Re:No, this IS a big deal (Score:2)
Re:Crash or not, XBox pretty much owned E3 (Score:2)
computers vs. game consoles (Score:5)
This is one arena where MS is not the "OS" leader. Nintendo, Sega, Sony, even Atari have established "operating systems" that work damn well on their games boxes and don't blue screen every couple of hours. The fact that XBox crashed in such a high-profile tradeshow displays pathetic programming. When Joe Sixpack learns that this is what he can expect from XBox, he will quite simply go with one of the established gaming vendors that has a box that can actually run.
So fucking what? (Score:2)
Lord knows how many times I've crashed my Genesis (Score:2)
And remember that up til the Dreamcast these machines did NOT come with a OS![2]
The X-Box is completely new in the area, and it will take time to get all the 'bugs' out, but if they're willing to spend the time and money to fix these problems, and if they can get these items fix in time, I'll certainly take a good look at the underlying system and see just how hackable it really is.
[1] Wrote the Sega Genesis Programming FAQ
[2] Not that I'll call Windows CE a gamer's OS, but kudos to MS for getting Sega to include it in the first place. And even more to MS for making the thing work on Sega's box, even though there is only a few games that take use of it.
Hummm.... Now that the Dreamcast is going, I wonder if Sega would be willing to release the developer's software for it?
Re:Not a big deal (Score:2)
The `big deal' is that they shouldn't. If you acce[t thi missbehaviour you have been got to. My CD player doesn't crash, my microwave doesn't crash.
Additionally the fact that they didn't sufficiantly test the hardware they were going to show to the world at a high profile event is a good indication of their quality control standards and what can be expected in production (remember the Win95 crash when Bill was demoing it).
Blue Screen Of Death (Score:3)
Is it out for the PlayStation yet?
Re:computers vs. game consoles (Score:3)
At one time I'm sure we would have said that no one would accept an OS which crashed every few hours.
MS's marketing department has a good track record of changing customer expectations to be `we desrve to be shafted, please let us pay more so you can do it harder'.
If they can sell that to professionals and corporations, selling the same to J Random 14 year old shouldn't be a challenge.
Why the X-Box is setting up for failure (Score:3)
First, consider the hardware capabilities of the X-Box. For a console, they may seem impressive, but take a look at what they really are. First, the bogo-measurements: 4.8 gigapixel/sec (antialiased), 100M/sec sustained polygons. This may seem like a lot more than current-generation consoles, but due to diminishing returns, it isn't really.
Now, consider what's inside an X-Box: an Intel 733MHz processor, a (slightly modified) GeForce 3 video card, an 8 gig hard disk, and 64 megs of RAM. Sound like a PC? That's because MS wants easy porting. Unfortunately for Microsoft, historically every port from console to PC or vice versa has been a complete failure without exception. This is because of the different styles of play that consoles demand. Worse, Microsoft seems to promote "lazy" porting (add a few #ifdefs and recompile); this will be a disaster for the X-Box, since PC developers design their games to install to hard disk. There's one thing console users absolutely will not tolerate, and that's having to deal with the installations and disk space issues typical of PCs.
The X-Box is traditionally compared to current-generation consoles, such as the PS2 and Dreamcast. These comparisons are invalid, for two reasons. First, considering the release date, the X-Box must be compared to the next generation (NCube etc). Second, the XBox is, from a hardware perspective, not a console. Consider: it has the form factor of a PC, it is full of PC hardware, and it runs a modified PC operating system with PC APIs. The X-Box is not competing against Sony, Sega, and Nintendo; it is competing against Dell, Gateway, and Micron. The fact that the X-Box is not stable strengthens this argument; people will accept crashing from a PC, but certainly not from a console. X-Box looks good from a cost perspective for now, but its release date is still some ways off, and people will be willing to pay more for a general-purpose device than for an equivalent single-purpose console.
Another indicator is that Microsoft doesn't seem to be very confident in the X-Box. Look at what they've been spewing out to support it: vague promises, specs years in advance, and worse of all, faked screenshots. History has shown that Microsoft never gets anything right on the first try, and the X-Box will be no exception.
A picture is worth 500 DWORDS.
Re:Not a big deal (Score:2)
If YOU think that computers shouldn't crash then you're living in a dream world.
I freely admit I live in the dream world where I beleive computers SHOULDN'T crash, now if I could just get the dream world were computers DON'T crash. Unfortunatly we have low expectations of computers and both the hardware and software manufacturers have been very good at living down to those expectations and even encouraging them.
Jesus died for sombodies sins, but not mine.
Re:computers vs. game consoles (Score:3)
If they can sell that to professionals and corporations, selling the same to J Random 14 year old shouldn't be a challenge.
You're comparing corporations and professionals to 14 year olds when it comes to knowledge of these systems? That's a terrible insult--to the 14 year old.
Taco the defeatist? (Score:5)
That's right... We should also throw up our hands and stop using linux, because MS is obviously going to beat us here too. There definitely aren't other consoles to provide competition...
Seriously, was there a glitch in the slashdot or something because I thought we didn't see microsoft as invulnerable over here.
Haha (Score:3)
Am I the only one that thought unsavoury thoughts when I read that?
I just won't get one... (Score:2)
The only way that I can get my message accross to any company is to NOT buy their product... period.
Re:All consoles have exclusives. (Score:2)
One voice isn't enough... (Score:2)
And besides, it's probably built for debug anyway. (Score:2)
I have no clue where the user interface guys will take it, but I'd be stunned if anything even remotely resembling a blue screen will appear in a non-debug build.
Re:I just won't get one... (Score:2)
You could put it to use as a web server instead, there was an article recently about how Apache runs on Xbox.
Re:Common sense...no "proof" needed. (Score:2)
I say before you go bash the evil empire, go get some facts. Cry out against their licencing. Hell man, there are all sorts of issues we should be complaining about, genuine issues that we should be screaming about! But these claims of bugginess and instability of W2K are just plain FUD in the most cases.
Come on, lets give MS a swording for what it deserves it for. OTOH, when they have done a fairly good job, give them props. I say W2k has made my life easier on the desktop level and that be good thing. At least I can place a W2K desktop on the desk of a techo clown and expect it work for at least a year without any real attention.
Now, the X-Box looks like it could be good, but we should always approach this with the usual MS slant - wait for the third servce release. I would expect the first release to have problems, but I would say MS would be pulling all stops out to get it right in the end and to ride out the initial problems.
I'll wait before passing judgement if it's a pile or not.
crashing consoles... (Score:2)
i've yet to play a console game that has crashed on me but on the other hand i'm not a die-hard console gamer. it would be interesting to know if anyone has had such a console experience.
would be great, though, if MS replaced the BSOD [bsod.org] with something a little more entertaining like a customisable BSOD [redamazon.com].
Uh... ok, that was almost news (Score:3)
Seriously though, this is really, really weak. Yeah, you could do a "Ha-ha" towards them, but this is really just purely immature. Wanna watch my Linux box crash if I tell the kernel it has 256MB of memory and only have 128MB (and then try and run Mozilla :-P)? Making fun of a pre-release verison crashing because it's not the same hardware is really foolish and immature.
I suppose the Nelson reference is appropriate - this article is about as mature as Nelson.
Re: (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
Common sense...no "proof" needed. (Score:2)
Every new MS release is the same. Windows 95 promised to be the "end" of MS-DOS instability. So the die-hards claimed it was, until a year later when they realized that the millions of people claiming otherwise were looking at them strangely. So they started blaming driver manufacturers, ISVs, etc. Repeat cycle for Windows NT and Windows 98, and Windows 2000, and bet your bottom dollar that Windows XP and X-box OS will have fans with similar sentiments.
SoA lot of people will buy the box to play the first version of the Matrix(tm)The game(tm), but a few months after that, at the most a year after that, X-box will be in a worse position than Dreamcast. The best thing for them to do would be to stop wasting time with their WinBox OS and port FreeBSD to the machine, then at least their will be some chance of stability.
Re:The Windows 2000 Kernel (Score:3)
More accurate? Er.. it says "©2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation. " at the bottom of the page.
I'm not commenting on stability (to be honest my windows 2000 box has only crashed twice, both due to driver problems
more bloatware (Score:3)
Wow, Microsoft seems to transition pretty smoothly to hardware.
Re:Uh... ok, that was almost news (Score:2)
Wowee indeed. If I were a company spending over half a billion dollars in marketing a game console, I'd make damn sure the thing wouldn't crash because of something so trivial as lacking memory.
What makes this particular bit of news so telling is that we all knew how unreliable an OS Microsoft could put out, but this is a chance for them to dictate their own architecture as well as their own OS, and they still bluescreened.
Thank god it happened at E3. Otherwise it could have happened in hundreds of thousands of homes all across the country after their initial release. Can you say "XBox, Second Edition"? I bet you could...
Crashed of Game Consoles (Score:4)
OK, you say, providing an unreliable product is ALWAYS undesirable; well I maintain that it is more of a problem here because the target market is less technically inclided that that for a computer. Computer owners have the will and ability to pursue problems and correct them. Game Console customers are generally less inclined tward this way of thinking. For this reason, Microsoft will have to adopt the Apple MAC OS support strategy 'If it doesn't work, re-install it'.
Over the past 20 years we have been conditioned to accept bugs in software. In fact the software industry in the only industry where companies are not pushed out of the marketplace for providing defective products. As the adverage level of technical expertise of computer owners declines, this becomes more prevelent, because new users again, just accept this situation as the status quo.
On occasions too numerous to count I've had to tell new computer owners something along the lines of: I should Never EVER have to tell someone that. Game Console users should certainly not have to deal with that.
TO be perfectly fair, Over 15 years of using Nintendo Game Consoles, I have seen them crash. Perhaps 25 times in 15 years. As compared to any (windows based) computer, that record is pretty good.
In the spirit of complete fairness, lets close by looking t it from Microsoft's perspective: That's all I've got folks. I can accept computers crashing occasionally, buy Game consoles? Give me break!
Re:could they be fooling us? (Score:4)
Xbox did not own E3. Not even close. (Score:2)
As people with eyes will attest, the Gamecube stole the show. While MS showed nothing new (and certainly nothing that couldn't be had elsewhere), Nintendo had jaws hitting the floor from the press conference onward. Even the (comparatively low specced) PS2 put on a better display. Check http://e3.nintendo.com.
The only card MS have to play is graphics (and that's going to be a non-issue by the time the machine is out). Judging by their site, that's all they care about. They sure as hell know nothing about games. They should stick to what they're good at (as soon as they work out what that is of course :)
Xbox == next gen 3do
No, Not Again (Score:2)
I'm sure Bill will not do public demo for XBus as he has already learn his lesson last time [cnn.com]
Re:computers vs. game consoles (Score:2)
It's not like the Xbox will be _less_ stable than the dreamcast.
Re:computers vs. game consoles (Score:2)
I think you've hit on it. Users wont' accept the typical Doze instability in a game console. Fuck, I can't REMEMBER my Atari 2600 ever crashing! (though that may be memory distorted from the Good Old Days). I definately never recally my Sega Genesis ever crashing (that was the last game console ever owned).
I think M$ has their work cut out for them in the game market. For one thing, this is the ULTIMATE arena that REQUIRES innovation, not the "Princess Bride" esque buzzword "Innovation" Microsoft uses every 4th word when slamming the GPL or the DOJ.
Games require innovation. How many Richard Garriots, Sid Meiers or Ken and Roberta Williams have or could come out of Microsoft?
The X-Box (the very name insults me, as I'm a Gen X'er, and when I think of "X" and my computer I think of X Windoes), will likely be a "Mee TOO" game console, imitating hit games from OTHER consoles after they've been released.
All consoles have exclusives. (Score:2)
Re:Crashed of Game Consoles (Score:2)
Ok, I'm not a Microsoft troll but I feel obligated to be fair about this. The version they were demoing was not the final architecture, it was essentially PC hardware running in emulation. So it crashed, and that's not entirely surprising. I'm sure the XBox will have its foibles, but we'll probably have to wait til the real thing arrives before we start picking it apart.
I should Never EVER have to tell someone that. Game Console users should certainly not have to deal with that.
I had this argument with a friend of mine. He insisted that console owners would never abide the occasional crash, and this alone would destroy the XBox. That night he was playing (insert PSII title here) and the whole thing hung up on him. He was somewhat contrite the next day. I think you're right that if the XBox crashes anywhere near as often as Windows, people will hate it. But if the number of crashes is under control, it's much more likely that your average person will judge it by its other aspects. And once they've bought one, they'll probably be inclined to gloss over the crashes to their friends.
See It's a feature. People have been trying to create non-deterministic computing systems for 30 years... And Microsoft has succeeded
MS has been putting out some pretty godawful software. But they weren't the first. As I remember is, MacOS 1.0 made DOS look stable as a rock. That little system bomb was the first step onto a long, dark road of quick and dirty releases of big, complicated software products.
Re:Lord knows how many times I've crashed my Genes (Score:2)
Why wait for Sega? This is all you need [gamedev.net] (an easy-to-build cable and a cross-compiling version of gcc).
I haven't actually tried this myself (I don't own a Dreamcast), but it looks like fun.
Ryan T. Sammartino
Re:crashing consoles... (Score:2)
Re:Not a big deal (Score:2)
As long as tbere are human beings involved in the process, there is the potential for error.
Re:The Windows 2000 Kernel (Score:3)
Re:The Windows 2000 Kernel (Score:5)
A more accurate story about the crash is here [xbox.com] The link is on Microsoft's front page, and the machine that crashed was the first ever working prototype. The machine was running pre-alpha code. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a few crashes during the development phase of a system, do you? I'm sure your code always compiles perfectly the first time you run it, with no bugs whatsoever. I'm sure Linus never had a kernel panic either when Linux was in the prototype phase of development.
If you're going to bash Microsoft, at least come up with some legitimate gripes, otherwise, you come off sounding like a bunch of raving lunatics.
Re:The Windows 2000 Kernel (Score:2)
In case you haven't looked at your calendar, it's May going on June. Release is in November, at which time they have to have several million of these puppies manufactured to put on store shelves. Why are they still using "pre-alpha" code? For all the time they've had to work on this and the little time they have left, they had better be "mostly finished" by now. If not, they run the risk of having game publishers putting out games that don't run in the current software environment.
If they have anything more than a few inconsitancies to tweak out, they're setting themselves up to get smacked around so much they'll make Virtual Boy look as popular as the NES. Us console gamers don't take kindly to software patches.
What? Your copy of The Matrix keeps on crashing your system? That's too bad. Metroid, anyone?
Don't sweat the Xbox (Score:3)
However, we have Microsoft now trying to get into an industry that is extremely well-established. Of their two major competitors, one has been in the business for over a decade, and the other for about half a decade. Beyond that, this isn't just a software endeavor any more; this also involves hardware, something that Microsoft has historically left alone. The more I think about it, the more it seems to me that the Xbox is just an example of Microsoft's ego and cockiness running away with them. "We're Microsoft, and we can take over any industry we want." They might as well be trying to make movies or gasoline.
You can't really compare Microsoft to Sony when they were first starting to work on the PlayStation because Sony had two advantages that Microsoft didn't: Some previous console experience (the PSX was supposed to be a CD add-on to the SNES) and experience in the consumer electronics area (hardware). Hell, even Phillips and Panasonic were better prepared to enter this field than Microsoft.
The Xbox so far has no killer apps (nothing worth looking at in light of Final Fantasy and Zelda), has no serious hardware advantage to distinguish itself from its competition, and generally has no direction (even compared to PS2. "I'm a game console! No, wait, I'm a cheap PC! Nope, um, maybe a DVD player with extras?"). It's this kind of wishy-washiness that has allowed Nintendo to deflate Microsoft's months of hype in a single weekend.
There's just no way the nightmare scenarioes I'm seeing in these posts can come about. Microsoft is not going to dominate the console industry because, unlike IE, they have about 20 years of catching up to do, and they seem to be allergic to hard work.
Sometime in the future... (Score:2)