Duke's All Out of Gum 103
FortKnox writes: "ARUSH games who are making the next Duke Nukem (Duke Nukem:Manhattan Project) have a contest. Submit a new Duke Nukem trash talkin' line, and if yours is chosen, they'll put it in the game (and they'll give you some other booty, too). I can imagine that they'll want it to be pretty clean, but you could have some serious bragging rights if your line made it." If you're reading Slashdot at 6 AM on Sunday morning (note typical U.S.-centrism), clearly you have the right stuff to quip with the best of them.
Duke nukem (Score:1)
Dukes quips (Score:1)
Re:Poor Duke (Score:1)
adj. Abbr. int. or intl.
Re:Reason for the treason (Score:1)
Patton movie quotes (Score:1)
"Rommal, you magnifigant bastard! I read your book!"
Equally good would be:
"We're going to grab him by the nose and kick him is the ass!"
"We're going to go through the enemy like shit through a goose!"
"Your job is not to die for your country. Your job is to make the other poor SOB die for HIS country"
Great movie BTW.
What? Not the obvious??? (Score:1)
Re:Reason for the treason (Score:1)
Ha! I live in Canada where not only is it cruel and unusual punishment but we also pay a provincial income tax thats 40% of our federal tax
plus 15% tax on anything we buy.
Typical Ontario-centric bullshit. Provincial income taxes vary by province you dumbass. And the Federal "Goods and Services Tax" is 7%; the provincial tax again varies by province. Ontario is 8% which gives you your 15%. I believe that it's Alberta has no provincial tax at all.
Get your facts straight; Lord knows with people like you, Canadians look just as stupid as our southern neighbours. What next, back to the imperial system of measurement?
Re:Reason for the treason (Score:2)
Now "What next," that's easily seen as stupid by any semi-literate person who knows English.
Actually it's only viewed as stupid by those who have only taken enough English to be able to criticize. Haven't you ever heard of colloquial writing style?
Re:If he's my black momma... (Score:1)
#define X(x,y) x##y
Re:Not just US centric... (Score:1)
Re:AIness, SPACEness, HELPless, ;) (Score:2)
the telephone rings / problem between screen and chair / thoughts of homocide
Re:Reason for the treason (Score:2)
I thought it was common knowledge that "There are eight million stories in the naked city." - has the number dropped, or is that immortal line wrong?
the telephone rings / problem between screen and chair / thoughts of homocide
My Submission (Score:2)
(This is really oblique, but if, by chance, there's a scene on the roof of the Winter Garden Theater at Times Square; and if, by chance, Duke blows away a NPC in a Cat costume, then:)
"That musical didn't make any sense, anyway."
Re:Reason for the treason (Score:2)
To hold a sweepstakes or a contest in Florida, the company needs to post bond equal to the total cash value of ALL prizes offered to guarantee that the company can fufill it's promise of prizes.
Florida enacted a law requiring this after thousands of it's elderly residents were scammed by marketing companies promising them riches in contests and sweepstakes.
Thanks to this law, most contest promotion companies believe that the market available in Florida isn't worth the hassle or cost of putting the money up front, so Floridians can't win these promotions.
My entries.. (Score:2)
I vomit up things like you after breakfast.
It's times like these I wish I had become a web developer.
Time to die, ya friggin maggots.
When I'm through, everyone here will be crying to their mommies for a diaper change.
Catch! or Nice Catch, all-star. (Upon shooting/hitting a rocket or something)
I hope you took out insurance on that filthy carcass of yours, cause the repo man's here.
I'm out faster than a cheap tourist in a Vegas casino.
I'm so hot, you could cook a steak on my ass.
I'm faster than a cheetah on speed bolted to an air-to-air missle.
Re:Ask Bruce Campbell.... (Score:2)
From an IGN interview [google.com]:
Re:AIness, SPACEness, HELPless, ;) (Score:2)
Re:AIness, SPACEness, HELPless, ;) (Score:2)
Ask Bruce Campbell.... (Score:3)
After all, it wouldn't be like they've never used his material before....
-Julius X
Re:Army of Darkness... (Score:1)
Damn, it's a pretty sad state of affairs when They Live and Army of Darkness are considered obscure. Those movies are major classics, everyone should see them.
My line. (Score:1)
Re:us-centric (Score:4)
Re:Quick Quips (Score:4)
trailer trash duke (Score:1)
"oh my God, you killed kenny, you bastards!"
"suck on my chocolate salty balls..."
"...stick 'em in your mouth and suck 'em"
"kick the baby!"
or my personal favourite
"this is a song, la la la la, Dukey's song"
(followed by fscking huge explosion)
Hell, all army guys sing, and drop their pants when "Eagle Rock" plays
Re:Reason for the treason (Score:4)
We (and people in Tennessee) can't ever enter national contests due to some weird state laws, probably involving taxation of prizes or something. Almost all fine print for contests make Florida ineligable.
On the flip side, we have no state income tax...
It's a sad, sad day. (Score:2)
Re:Reason for the treason (Score:1)
plus 15% tax on anything we buy.
Re:WOOHOO!!! (Score:2)
Re:Army of Darkness... (Score:2)
Re:WOOHOO!!! (Score:1)
You know, it's called Group Think.
Stupid crack whore.Damn you, Sam Raimi! (Score:2)
Hey... (Score:1)
Re:Reason for the treason (Score:1)
Since I'm Up (Score:1)
You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn yourself around! That's what It's all About!
Why is that game so addictive?
HI Mom!
Re:WOOHOO!!! (Score:2)
My personal favorite conservative genius is Houston-area Representative Tom "the Arrogant Asshole" DeLay, who is against mass transit for Houston (the largest city in the U.S. with a bus-only mass transit system) even though such a system would cut car traffic and clean up the air.
His district is composed White-majority bedroom communities containing many residents who commute to work in Houston, yet this genius keeps denying Houston money for a rail system even though his constituents would directly benefit from a light rail system.
Real smart, huh? But lets not forget the real geniuses here, the voters who keep returning him to office and subjecting the rest of the country to this fool...
You think being a MIB is all voodoo mind control? You should see the paperwork!
Re:Reason for the treason (Score:2)
You think being a MIB is all voodoo mind control? You should see the paperwork!
Re:Reason for the treason (Score:2)
Conservatism in action, I like to call it. Texans are deathly afraid of an income tax, and use a convoluted and inquitable system of local property taxes to pay for stuff like public schools. Consequently, Texas is in the bottom 10% nationwide in many statistics (like paying school teachers).
Houston is choking with auto traffic and the air here is approaching (and freqently surpassing) LA's poor air quality, yet rail transit still is not a reality here. Conservatives don't care because taxes are low here. Many Texans wouldn't mind paying a little more in taxes for a better quality of life but we are prevented from doing so by the conservative White rednecks in charge here.
P.S. re: the alcohol-sweepstakes ban, it is the Bible-belt conservatives who treat citizens like children in Texas. If godless liberals like me were in charge we would treat citizens like adults...
You think being a MIB is all voodoo mind control? You should see the paperwork!
Your face, your ass... What's the difference? (Score:1)
Now *I* own your bases, and I'm your grammar nazi.
duke on genomics:
Who wizzed in your gene pool?
Re:Army of Darkness... (Score:1)
The bubble gum quote comes from the John Carpenter's _They live_
The first level of the game is very closely based on the John Carpenter, _Escape from New York._ I think this is where the "Hail to the king baby" comes from.
Remember the the tip of the hat to ID software? "That's one doomed space marine" and "I ain't afraid of no Quake"
How about all the OJ "Guilty / Innocent" billboards? Well I guess that one wasn't so obscure.
Re:Army of Darkness... (Score:1)
I think they'll stay away from him in the future.
And at work... (Score:1)
Re:And at work... (Score:1)
Rip off your favorite Evil Dead or AoD oneliner (Score:1)
Re:WOOHOO!!! (Score:3)
You know there is a statistical correspondence between higher education and liberal political views.
Reason for the treason (Score:2)
I live in New York so my thoughts would be they fear the onslaught of people flooding their networks with suggestions (New York City has about 4 million people alone not including Upstate). On the Florida side of the issue, I think it's because they couldn't determine a President the first time around so the gaming company decided they may not be able to determine a slogan either.
As for Rhode Island, geez they must have like 200 people living there or something, I remember seeing this small town on the news that had like 10 people or something that have forever lived there and had the same mayor for like 40 years or something.
Re:Dukes quips (Score:2)
"I read your book, you magnificent bastard!"
Clarification (Score:3)
'The Next Duke Nukem' is more an attribute of Duke Nukem Forever [3drealms.com], which is in perpetual development by 3D Realms (the original Duke Nukem 3D publisher/developer).
Re:Reason for the treason (Score:1)
Re:Reason for the treason (Score:1)
Re:Reason for the treason (Score:2)
Right here. [nytimes.com]
?? (Score:1)
> morning (note typical U.S.-centrism), clearly
> you have the right stuff to quip with the best > of them.
What if you are reading it on the day you are getting married?? Does that count for anything?
Re:?? (Score:1)
(and yes, I got married yesterday and here posting!!!)
Leaving for the honeymoon Wed, busy moving into the new house right now
Re:Contest eligibility (Score:1)
Actually the game is set in Nevada. Las Vegas to be more specific.
Re:Reason for the treason (Score:2)
40 + (10 / 2) = 40 + 5 = 45
In neither case is the answer 25.
- Math Nazi
Poor Duke (Score:1)
On the other hand, if you want to try your pen at cool quips, maybe you should do it for Serious Sam instead. He's more international (since he's from Croatia) and cooler because his engine rocks and has features id hasn't even done. After all, Croteam DID invent this contest, which I guess will become one more thing Duke rips off. (http://www.croteam.com/quotes [croteam.com])
Re:Reason for the treason (Score:5)
But then again, you _live_ in Texas. That would count as cruel and unusual punishment.
A sampling of rejected slogans (Score:1)
Tickle, oh yes, tickle me in my private place. *hehehehe*
Mmm, I love the smell of a dead Democrat in the morning.
You went down like Princess Di.
Winners don't use drugs, scumbag, and caffeine is a drug, so stop drinking that coffee and you might play better, or something.
I'm sorry.
You're such a pussy I just might fuck you.
And BTW, no fair going to these guys [oldmanmurray.com] for help on how to insult Duke Nukem...err, help Duke Nukem insult others..
Re:Reason for the treason (Score:1)
I believe the population of Manhattan is 2 or 3 million, however it could be 4, especially if you consider the number that work there instead of the number that live there.
booty? (Score:2)
First thing I saw in this story was "Duke Nukem." In the Duke mindset, I totally misinterpreted the line "they'll give you some other booty, too".
Urk. Thanks, but a baseball cap or whatever will do just fine.
On a different note, who wants to help me write a game called Earl Eatem? I think it would make millions.
not too early... (Score:1)
Re:Dukes quips (Score:1)
More Quick Quips (Score:2)
Your kung-foo no good!
I fart in your general direction
Paper or plastic?
these have not been submitted; feel free!
maybe something like: (Score:2)
(loud gun noises and screaming)
Willie from The Simpsons had the best taunts... (Score:1)
Re:?? (Score:1)
better late than never...
Army of Darkness... (Score:3)
From what I remember, I think a lot of the sounds in Duke Nukem 3D came from Army of Darkness, which is a fun pseudo-horror movie from the 80s.
So, I found a manuscript [swipnet.se] on some poor schmuck's fan page [swipnet.se] that I hope you people don't slashdot into weblivion. Grep away, folks!
By the way, Army of Darkness was actually the third in a trilogy including Evil Dead and Evil Dead 2 (info here [houseofhorrors.com]) so feel free to get cool samples from those too.
And for the real geeks, episode 107 [southparkstudios.com] from the first season of South Park is a take off on the first Evil Dead.
Re:?? (Score:1)
Apparently nobody else picked this up, so here goes:
Congratulations, dude.
It's called "Manhattan Project"? (Score:1)
Re:us-centric (Score:5)
Duke quote (Score:1)
Perhaps.. (Score:3)
Re:And at work... (Score:1)
I'll have the crab juice.
Re:Quick Quips (Score:1)
"All Your Ass Are Belong To Us!"
TOS (Score:1)
gonna tear you apart....... (Score:1)
Re:AIness, SPACEness, HELPless, ;) (Score:1)
Starcraft Broodwars.
I have more fun playing with a team of 2 humans vs 5 AI's. The AI in that game just rocks.
Re:us-centric (Score:2)
Actually, now that I think about it, that's probably a GOOD thing...
Dark Nexus
Contest eligibility (Score:3)
Anybody else find it kind of strange that the game is set in New York, yet New Yorkers can't win the contest?
Dark Nexus
Re:It's called "Manhattan Project"? (Score:1)
Re:AIness, SPACEness, HELPless, ;) (Score:1)
My submission (if i were an American)... (Score:2)
"I'm gonna go Columbine on your ass!"
(Of course, lawsuits would fly around like mutated policemen after being hit by a rocket, if they ever used that line but hey, that's half of the fun anyway)
Tongue-tied and twisted, just an earth-bound misfit, I
Re:A shout to the 3rd shift unix admins.... (Score:1)
New York (Score:2)
Is this a joke? (Score:1)
I have abandoned PC gaming, for it has gone astray.
"So the waiter says," (Score:1)
Obvious Dukism: (Score:2)
Re:And at work... (Score:1)
Re:Army of Darkness... (Score:1)
Re:Perhaps.. (Score:3)
Its for the episodic Duke Nukem game, Manhattan Project.
ideas.. (Score:2)
"How about a Beowulf cluster of this!"
"Natalie Portman, eat your heart out!"
"I've fallen, and I can't get up.."
"This sure beats looking at that goatse.cx pic.."
"Bill Gates is evil! Evil, I tell you!"
"First Pos.."
Ok. Enough of that. I'll shut up now...
Re:Hey... (Score:1)
Duckman... (Score:1)
"What the hell are you staring at?"
There are so many good lines in that show but I haven't watched it on comedy central for at least three months now....
Re:What? Not the obvious??? (Score:1)
Im thinking..... (Score:2)
A shout to the 3rd shift unix admins.... (Score:1)
"Better be carefull, or I'll slashdot your ass!"
Think that might make it in?
--Wicked Logic
how about... (Score:1)
i was angry:1 with:2 my:4 friend - i told:3 4 wrath:5, 4 5 did end.
Quick Quips (Score:4)
Get a new job!
Where's Lara when you need her? (As you die)
I'll squish you like a square watermelon.
Hey you cheatin f#^&$#
I'm kickin your ass like an 80 year old that can't work a mouse.
Ahhhhh We're all going to die.
You've been r00t3d!
Just goes to show all you have to do is watch
us-centric (Score:4)
"12. Eligibility. This Contest is open to legal residents of the United States, excluding Florida, New York, and Rhode Island".
Re:Reason for the treason (Score:1)
That should be "not literally everyone pays." The way you wrote it you're saying in effect that you hope not one person pays 40%.
that's easily seen as stupid by any semi-literate person who knows English.
How 'bout... (Score:1)
"Careful, or I'll tell you about the post-Columbine era"