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New Space Quest Game Under Development? 206

Decaffeinated Jedi writes: "In a news item posted earlier today, GameSpot stated that they 'had learned from sources working on the project that Sierra is developing a new game in its classic Space Quest sci-fi adventure game series.' While GameSpot didn't give go into detail about the game, it looks like Roger Wilco is finally making a comeback! Check out Roger Wilco's Virtual Broomcloset for all the latest developments."
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New Space Quest Game Under Development?

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  • by Champaign ( 307086 ) on Friday February 08, 2002 @07:32AM (#2973305) Homepage Journal
    I remember it well...

    I was stuck in a cantina and needed some cash. There was a slot machine there, but being a young wholesome lad, I knew better then to gamble. Then I realized that I could save games between pulls. How can it be gambling if you never lose? Soon I was rolling in buckazoids and have done nothing but sink deeper into depravity since...
  • by GrayWing ( 554591 ) on Friday February 08, 2002 @07:35AM (#2973307)
    If Space Quest taught you to cheat - being a Sierra game it most definitely taught people to Save Early, Save Often. Not for getting more out of a game of chance, but to be saved from having to play again much of the previous half hour because you had just died Yet Another Sierra Death.
  • by meni ( 2409 ) <> on Friday February 08, 2002 @07:36AM (#2973308) Homepage
    An article [] in AdventureGamers confirms these rumors.
  • Innovation (Score:4, Interesting)

    by chon ( 554905 ) on Friday February 08, 2002 @07:39AM (#2973314)
    Back in the good ol' day, Sierra definitely had *something* about them; or at least their games did...

    Whilst they kept to a strange format (the point and click on a static screen) for a long time after it was fashionable in adventure games, their games did at least have *soul*...The worlds were believable and exciting. Really, they were very similar in concept to the Final Fantasy games , perhaps even a forerunner to them?

    Anyway, the point is that a new Space Quest game is probably something to get quite excited least for us adventurers out there...
    • Console RPGs were in fact very heavily influenced by PC adventure games. In fact, the first successful RPG for NES, a precursor to the Final Fantasy series, was called Dragon Quest, no doubt an homage to the * Quest series on PC. DQ worked by having a menu of commands at the top of each screen, like an adventure game, instead of just hitting the "Use" button.
      • dragon quest was the japanese name for dragon warrior, and while it may have been influenced by PC rpgs, i doubt it was paying homage (other than the fact there was a "dragon" and you were "questing" to kill it).

        on the other hand, at least we got dragon dquest(warrior) 7 ;)
  • I hope its a first person shooter.
    Kind of like the new Red alert game that is coming out. I think it could easily be played in the format, or 2nd person, kind of like Heretic 2.
    • Are You Kidding? (Score:2, Interesting)

      by meni ( 2409 )
      This is what I fear the most. I haven't seen Sierra release a true adventure game in years. As a matter of fact, I see Space Quest 6 as the last real quest Sierra has released, and that was in 1995...
      That's why I'm afraid they'll ruin it, just like they turned the Police Quest series, which was a great series of adventure games, into SWAT...
      It seems they don't think adventure games sell like they used to, and that's why everybody releases all these multiplayer/3D/FPS/whatever games.
      • Re:Are You Kidding? (Score:1, Interesting)

        by Anonymous Coward
        I haven't seen Sierra release a true adventure game in years. As a matter of fact, I see Space Quest 6 as the last real quest Sierra has released, and that was in 1995...

        QfG5 Dragon Fire was pretty good IMO (around 1997), I just wish they would continue the series. I'd be willing to buy 3 copies, Sierra are you listening? :)

        But what I can't wait for is BS 3 []! Just hope it doesn't turn out like Gabriel Knight 3.
    • How exactly would you turn a Space Quest game into FPS?
    • Second Person (Score:2, Informative)

      by radix2 ( 557529 )

      I think it could easily be played in the format, or 2nd person, kind of like Heretic 2.

      Second person? How would that work? You always see yourself from your enemy's point of view? I don't think this would lead to interesting gameplay.

      Although I have never actually played Heretic 2, it probably uses a 3rd person perspective.

      • I dunno, 2nd person view could be quite interesting. It might not end up being or anything described as a good idea, but interesting it could be.
      • Re:Second Person (Score:2, Interesting)

        by CoffeeJedi ( 90936 )
        I remember one game that had a second person sequence, the original Battletoads for the NES, at the end of the first level you fought a giant robot, and the screen switched to a Terminator-style red targeting screen where you had to control your character (which was a pain cuz the viewpoint kept moving around with the robot) and throw rocks at towards the head. Every time you hit it, a crack would appear, making it harder to see where you were going. Really neat concept.
      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • About Time!! (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    Woohoo!! I've been waiting for this one for soo long. I remember spending hours and hours as a kid try so hard to find that exact phrase to "put rock in geyser". We all knew what to do but figuring out what to type ..... that was something else.

    I also give credit to these kinds of games for getting me into programming. Sitting for hours in front of a computer figuring out the exact syntax to type is what I do for a living now, but then maybe I'm just a sad git ;0)

    Why are people so unkind? - Kamahl

    • >I also give credit to these kinds of games for >getting me into programming. Sitting for hours in >front of a computer figuring out the exact syntax >to type is what I do for a living now, but then >maybe I'm just a sad git ;0)

      as sad as it may sound... the main reason i am studying computer science and electronic art (dual major) is because of those games. they're my whole childhood. boy i wish sierra was the way it used to be, being an old skool sierra programmer was my childhood career ambition.

      on a similar note has anyone seen Al Lowe's website, ? he was involved in a few of the space quest games and is the creator of the leisure suit larry games. poor guy, they really screwed him over. anyway, he's got a really cool site... he has some of the old skool games he worked on for download (i.e. the black cauldron) and he has leisure suit larry mp3s and hints and how to break the copy protection tricks and stuff.
  • I want a game that I can play through my browser, requiring a minimal download to get started, which is pretty immersive, doesn't cost so much to play that I get hung up about not 'getting my moneys worth' this month, doesn't penalise me to hard if I stop playing for a couple of months because I pull and have shagging to do instead, looks cool, has voice, allows me to dick about with it to show off how 1337 I am without pissing too many people off, lets me drive cars, fly planes, go on the subway, DOESN'T make me talk to elves or carry swords or have a really stupid name, DOES let me buy cool stuff with real money, DOESN'T require that I spend long periods doing dull repetitive stuff to earn stuff (I'll race a car all day to earn points though - if the tracks are good) DOES have lots of stuff going on that I can ignore, I should be able to swear and watch TV.
    Oh - and it should work on my Palm, PC, XBox whatever on the same licence.
    • by Britney ( 264065 ) on Friday February 08, 2002 @08:27AM (#2973415)
      You're playing exectly that game right now.

      We all are.

      It's called The Matrix^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HSlashdot!

    • Well, take out the computer part, and you're already there. Not to get on a "stop playing silly games" soap box, games are cool, just it sounds a bit like you want a life sim. I find the best part of video games is doing things you can't/wouldn't do in real life, like killing random strangers in GTA3. Actually, try that, it sounds like you'd like it.

    • GTA3 on PS2 fulfills a lot of your criteria, just not the browser, multi-platform stuff. Oh well!

  • I loved Sierra games as a kid. Now there are hardly any adventure games. All we got are Real Time Strategy and Action titles. No good adventure games. Its all about 3D first person shooters now. I hope its good. I think my favorite was Space Quest II: Vahauls Revenge. I liked the game box. The little salesmen in the transport tubes.

    Doom 4 should be an adventure game.

    • I loved Sierra games as a kid. Now there are hardly any adventure games. All we got are Real Time Strategy and Action titles. No good adventure games.

      Not so, young Applejacks. There's many, many fine adventure games around these days, and they have ratings [] and everything.

      Most of them are text; but then again, the first three SQs were essentially text as well.
  • what we really need is a sequel to the Leisure Suit Larry adventures!

    Once I saw this headline, Larry immediately popped up on my brain. I guess I still consider those old and small adventures as the best.

    Anyone remember the Dallas Quest (C64)?
  • Memorable Moments... (Score:5, Interesting)

    by ^ZuLu^ ( 103831 ) on Friday February 08, 2002 @07:47AM (#2973333)
    I can remember playing Space Quest IV as if it was yesterday: The hillarious shopping-sequence with all the nifty details (I'll probably never forget SimSim and Boom and that Chicken-game) that made this a true classic. Although there are passages (especially in the beginning) that could get frustrated - there isn't any Sierra original without the chance of dying at every second.
    I especially liked the atmosphere of Space Qust IV (which really was much more fun then Space Quest V [sorry to say so, but the scene where you will have to find your way through that gigantic space-ship in the end of SQ V really sucked]): The backgrounds were terrific at that time.

    I'm definitely looking forward to take a look at SQ 7!
    • The shopping sequence was the part that really made SQ IV worth it. It's hard not to like a game where you get ripped off at Radio Shock (sic) so shamelessly.

      But I really think SQ III was the best of the series.

    • ...and It Came For Dessert :)
    • by 75bhp ( 205564 )
      I don't know. The man-eating plants of SQII, along with burning paper in the passageway to set off the sprinklers and short-circuit the robots will be something I'll always remember.

      The clincher was being miniturised, and then having to turn off Vohul's air supply to kill him, before saving the galaxy from a zillion travelling salesman droids.
    • Heh in SQ4 you could travel back into SQ1. There were a couple of dudes there that were in Monochrome. "Well if it isn't Mr. 'Look at Me in Vee Gee Ay...." Hehe that cracked me up. If I remember correctly, in SQ1 there was a circuit you could pull in a starship that would disable VGA, so the game was in EGA then.

      I love little gags like that.
  • Hopefully they are developing a Kings Quest sequel too! Cheeses, did I love KQ1 and KQ2 back in the good old days! :) KQ2 was damn difficult though..
  • I hope they will use (Score:3, Interesting)

    by phagstrom ( 451510 ) on Friday February 08, 2002 @07:50AM (#2973341)
    I hope they will use Gary Owens as narrator for this one too. He made SQ6 extra cool.

    "Careful, combining these two items might cause a rip in the space-time continuum, a tear in the very fabric of space itself! (or not)"

    This is going to be so cool.....Maybe I should get out more...
  • I still remember (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    I still remember getting all of the clue books for sierra games. They had the little red cellophane to descramble each of the hints..
  • Memories... (Score:3, Funny)

    by BitwizeGHC ( 145393 ) on Friday February 08, 2002 @08:03AM (#2973370) Homepage
    I've been a big fan of Sierra games, and Space Quest games in particular, ever since I was a kid. And then we got a multimedia kit which included Space Quest 4 as a bundle-in. Man, I was in hog heaven. This wasn't a game with cheap multimedia features slapped on. It was a gem, with formerly textual dialog spoken by the characters (with real lip-sync and great voice acting). And a narrative (a staple for any Space Quest game) provided by none other than Gary Owens, the voice of Powdered Toast Man! Hearing him say that I've been a real pantload when I die makes me crack a smile.
  • Nostalgia, o yeah! (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Theodore Logan ( 139352 ) on Friday February 08, 2002 @08:07AM (#2973379)
    Those X Quest games and Sierra is to me like apple pie and learning to ride your bike is to most other people. Playing them is one of my first happy memories.

    Pathetic? Sure. Damn fun nonetheless.

    Now I don't play them anymore. Arrogant as I was I considered being able to drag and drop and point and click cheating and stopped playing when this became the standard of all new Sierra games. This was very silly on my part, of course. But I would be lying if I said that I don't think of the good old days, when the real challenge in killing the dragon in the cave (King Quest I) was typing "throw knife at dragon" fast enough, with a smug feeling of superiority. Now that was real gaming!

    Kids nowadays. Blah!

    • by denzo ( 113290 )
      Sierra games have done many things for me when I was a kid. First, they got me interested in computers. My father had a computer at home for work, and one day brought the Magic Cauldron Sierra game home, and my mom laughed as she moved a little walking guy around the screen, and I got into the fun. Then in one scene of the game where I was trapped in a cell, I looked at the wall and saw a crack that described a scene for King Quest I, and so my pattern of being addicted to Sierra games began (and moving on to learning to do other things on the computer, like write BASIC programs, then move on to C, etc.)...

      Another thing Sierra games helped me with is learning to read and write. At the time, I was living overseas and going to a non-English school, and had to learn English at home. The command lines and dialog really helped me because it made reading really fun for me, and I became a pro at typing. Sure, the commands you type in Sierra games aren't exactly great in literary quality ("l room", "get thing", "give thing to guy"), but it didn't matter. I even wrote to Ken Williams (then-coowner/president of Sierra) telling him how I liked Sierra's games because they taught me how to read and type, and he wrote me back!

      I miss those good old adventure games.

      Oh, and take a look at Sarien []... I always wanted to see a good, modern AGI interpreter that runs in our current OSes. I hope someone gets an SCI interpreter done that'll allow for good speed adjustment for games like Space Quest IV (which is a pain in the ass to play on a fast computer, even with MoSlo). Problem is, I think SCI is too complicated to reverse engineer. I'd like to see Sierra release the specifications and documentation for it, since it's hardly a money-maker anymore (it's an obsolete game development environment).

  • Didn't we have a N64 joypad there before? Did Nintendo raise their mighty booming voice or is an old school stick simply more appropriate and better looking?
    • i think that with the release of the gamecube and these 4th generation consoles (or is that 5th now, hm) the N64 pad was looking a bit dated... besides, the old Atari stick just has a such a retro-cool feel to it, its really much of an "Icon" in the traditional sense
  • by 8bit ( 127134 ) on Friday February 08, 2002 @08:17AM (#2973398) Homepage
    I used to play these games all the time. It taught me to type, and type FAST (scene where you're in the cage in, ohh, SQ2? Although now that I play it again they gave you a long time, but at ten they couldn't've made it shorter.) Heck, I still play them when I can coax win98 to comply (wonder where my dos 6 disks are.) But what got to me was that sierra started catering these games to the younger crowd. Okay okay, so SQ6 wasn't that bad, and hey the cartoony look was perty good (a lot better than SQ1 for sure.) But in Kings Quest 7 I just went nuts. Sure sure, I still haven't beaten the game, but giving you only one pointer that LIGHTS UP when you're on top of something clickable is infuriating. I liked reading the whitty comments when you couldn't do something, or tried something very silly. \-: In a way I'd like the old type-your-action even more (don't ya hate it when you're only given a few seconds to hurl something from your invintory into something else...and you mouse suddenly decides it doesn't want to move that way?)

    Ahhh sweet nostalgia. I know what I'll be doing tonight.
  • This is for the folks who have the "Space Quest Collection" (Yes, I've bought the real thing in eBay)...

    How do I get the VGA edition of the first game to start working? Every time I started the game in Win98, it will crash... Will this happen in WinXP?
  • Star Control (Score:2, Interesting)

    by kEnder242 ( 262421 )
    As long as we are talking about sequels to to classic games I can't _not_ mention Star Control 2.

    If only Accloade or whoever owns it now would get off its ass and let Paul Reiche and Fred Ford ( ) make another Starcon game (SC3 doesnt count)
  • There's no doubt whatsoever that a new Leisure Suit Larry needs to be made. I think it'd be beautiful to have a whole new generation of 14 year olds talking about it secretly during study hall promising 'naked girls' and 'boobies' but in the end getting stuck with 8-bit blocky humanoid-esque bigger blocks.
  • I always hated the Sierra adventure games. Compared to what Lucasfilm games/Lucasarts were producing, they were pretty terrible.

    Probably my favourite bit of Monkey Island was where you fell off the cliff and it brought up a 'Kings Quest' style game over sequence before revealing that it was, of course, just another gag.

  • Give me Starflight (Score:2, Interesting)

    by glsunder ( 241984 )
    If companies are going to start reviving old games, give me starflight. The only other game that I probably ever enjoyed as much as that one would be civII.
  • This is great news (Score:2, Interesting)

    by checkitout ( 546879 )
    You can check Sierra's page for the Spacequest series here [], it gives a good over on each of the games and the cover art is nostaligia in itself.

    I really hope they do release this, and its not just rumor. I think I would actually be compelled to purchase a game for the first time in years. Maybe I'm just old though, I hope people who never played the originals will check it out.
  • In Norway, we have no tradition for dubbing filmes, TV and games so everyone plays in English. The Sierra games, Larry and Space Quest, were a great help to me in learning how to write English and how to use it in conversations.

    I think countries that dub all media, such as Spain, have a big problem with coping with a population with little knowledge of the "international" language. Japan, even worse.

    • I think countries that dub all media, such as Spain, have a big problem with coping with a population with little knowledge of the "international" language.

      Problems with the 'international language'? I've a hard time believing that -- ever seen a Penélope Cruz movie? ;-)
    • jeeee, it's more nowegians out here who owe sierra their english... althoug i remember a place in SQ I, when i was stuck over a acid bath clingin on to a plunger(i still don't know wath those things are called in norwegian):

      >fuck plunger
      "you really don't want to do that"
    • by ArsSineArtificio ( 150115 ) on Friday February 08, 2002 @10:47AM (#2973975) Homepage
      We had this guy from Yugoslavia who started playing on the MUD I run. The problem was, he'd learned all his English from IRC and The poor guy thought that l33tsp33k was actual English, possibly because vowel-less "thx" and "ttfn" and whatnot kind of resemble Serbo-Croatian.

      He had a great grasp of English, but it was completely unreadable.

  • El Diablo ? Okay I've lost ya 'all :-)
  • I grew up on these games, I often replay old ones just to remember the great times I has when I was younger. I really hope they continue on the story line of Space Quest 6 which left us with quite a cliff hanger. Now only if they would make another Leisure Suit Larry...
  • ...two guys from Andromeda!
  • Awesome (Score:3, Insightful)

    by NiftyNews ( 537829 ) on Friday February 08, 2002 @09:00AM (#2973498) Homepage
    The only thing that could possibly be better is an update to some of the classic LucasArts games.

    Can you imagine an update to Day of the Tenticle, or dare I say it, Sam & Max? The latter game was quite possibly the most fun I have ever had on a PC.
  • An Independant SQ7? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by checkitout ( 546879 ) on Friday February 08, 2002 @09:07AM (#2973506)
    Looks as though some fans are also intending to release a version of Space Quest VII []

    It also gives a good bit of detail about why there haven't been any recent games in the series.
  • by Spire ( 101081 ) on Friday February 08, 2002 @09:38AM (#2973599)

    It is not clear at this point whether the rumored new Space Quest release will be a completely new game or a remake. Sierra has a long history of doing remakes, so I would not be quick to rule out the latter possibility.

    Those who might be interested in remakes of classic Sierra adventures should definitely check out Tierra Entertainment []. Tierra is basically a bunch of old Sierra game fanatics who are trying to revive the adventure game genre by remaking classic Sierra titles, as well as creating new ones.

    So far, they have actually completed a remake of the original King's Quest [I], with VGA-like graphics and full speech. Technology- and interface-wise, the game looks and plays roughly like KQ5. They even managed to get the guy who voiced King Graham in KQ5 to voice him in their remake of KQ1!

    They have several other games currently under development, including:

    • a Quest for Glory II remake
    • a King's Quest II remake

    I discovered them a few months ago, and was very impressed by what they had accomplished. I would highly recommend that any classic Sierra adventure game fans give them the support and encouragement they deserve.

    They are using a game engine called Adventure Game Studio [], which has been used by others to create other Sierra-like adventure games as well.

    • If I remember correctly, Sierra On-Line actually Remade Kings Quest I, Space Quest I, and Leisure Suit Larry I, all with spiffed up VGA graphics and [if memory serves] full speech.
      • Space Quest I and Leisure Suit Larry 1, as well as Police Quest I and Quest for Glory I, were all remade with 256-color VGA graphics, a mouse-only interface, but no speech (using the SCIV interpreter).

        King's Quest I, on the other hand, was remade with 320x200 16-color EGA graphics (the original had 160x200 16-color EGA/Tandy/PCjr graphics), a primarily-text interface, and also no speech (using the SCI0 interpreter).
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • by MacBrave ( 247640 ) on Friday February 08, 2002 @09:52AM (#2973658) Journal
    For an interesting look at the founding and early history of Sierra I recommend the classic book Hackers by Steven Levy. qid=1013176234/sr=2-2/ref=sr_2_2/002-5989678-81544 46

    • "Roger Wilco vs the evil MMORPG" (read that as some kind of "mooooooooorpgf", kinda like a growl)
    • "Son of Volhaul's New Revenge"
    • "Space Quest VII: In It For The Money"
    • "Space Quest VIII: Now Where's SQ7" (rememeber Leisure Suit Larry IV: The Missing Floppies?)
    • "Space Quest VII: Now you really care for the title? It's Roger Wilco! He's Back! Woohoo!!"

    And maybe, just maybe, if this one doesn't get as much pirated as the previous games (and doesn't suck), we will be able to see and play Space Quest X and Space Quest XII (remember SQ4: The Time Rippers"?), and Sim Sim, and kill that damn Energizer Bunny!

    SQ3 was the best of course. =)
  • Mixed? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Satai ( 111172 ) on Friday February 08, 2002 @10:20AM (#2973784)
    If you check out some of the older developments that concerned Space Quest 7, it doesn't look entirely rosy. They wanted to make it multiplayer, or 3-D, or one of many different things that kind of stole away from the charm of the first six games. If I remember correctly, number 6 even came with an AVI advertising the seventh game, which was in development at that time. So is this a new project, or just a revisitation of the old?

    And more importantly, are either of the Two Guys from Andromeda involved?
  • Will Sierra pull another of their standard operating procedures of waiting until the game's development is pretty close to completetion, fan interst is high, and then suddenly cancel it for no good reason, like the Babylon 5 space combat sim, along with many other good projects, only to release yet another Half Life spin-off instead?

    Not that I'm bitter or anything . . .
  • Maniac Mansion 3 (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Krilomir ( 29904 )
    Now we only need Lucasarts to produce a new Day of the Tentacle game. That game is one of the funniest games I've ever played, beating every Larry and Monkey Island adventure game out there. That said, I wouldn't mind another Leisure Suit Larry game either...

    The problem is though, that I don't believe these kind of adventure games can sell anymore. The last great adventure game was Monkey Island 4, and the adventure game genre died long time before that was released...

    They need to innovate somehow. But how?
    • Not MM3, but Zak2 (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Txurlo ( 555886 )
      The genre as we know it effectively died a few years ago.
      But don't you forget Grim Fandango, also by LucasArts, which had every single thing we loved about the adventures of old.
      It was funny, it was inmersing, it had an excellent soundtrack, it was difficult as hell in some parts of it, but above all, it was FUN!
      And don't forget those German guys [] which are producing a sequel to one of the greatest (then) LucasFilms games of all time, Zak McKracken & The Alien Mindbenders. It's a fan project, it looks very nice, it's GPL'd, and they need volunteers, by the way. =)

      • You must remember the original intent of these games. Which was to take you on an adventure. In this adventure you would fight battles, solve puzzles and be the hero.

        This genre of game is far from dead. The reason we don't see the text interface for controlling characters any more is that there are better ways of doing it. Check out the Resident evil series, Final Fantasy series, this is the evolution.

        People don't want to use the old style because it simply isn't real enough anymore. I hope the new space quest will be much more realistic and use modern technology. Can you imagine a space quest like resident evil? (Instead of being creepy, and scary it could be funny as hell and weird)
  • I never liked those old Sierra games. You could die because of very illogical things, like walking past the wrong side of a rock. Didn't make sense at all. I enjoyed the Gabriel Knight series immensely though. Anyone know if there will be a GK IV?
  • just a few more Space Quest games, we'll hit number 10: The Latex Babes of Estros. Finally, a reason to buy the latest/greatest video card.
  • by FortKnox ( 169099 ) on Friday February 08, 2002 @11:00AM (#2974056) Homepage Journal
    Even new innovations may not save it.

    The adventure series died. Look at the latest Kings Quest, or Quest for Glory V. No one bought them.
    They need to make it have an incredible plot like a Resident Evil-type game, or a FPS.

    Don't get me wrong, I was born and bred on adventure games, but I don't think they'll be able to sell enough if they "stick to their guns", and do it the way they always have...
  • All we NEED is another FPS (or Not)......

    Honestly, isn't the FPS getting pretty tired now? It's all about pushing polys through DirectX now and haveing all of these freaky features on a graphics card like vertex shaders and other bits most gamers care less about. Games I love now are Roller Coaster Tycoon (all of it's expansions too), The SIMS which pulled off a highly detailed 3-d world WITHOUT needing a 3D card! Oh sure, it does not look exactly like a real person, but who cares! Games should be fun and while I agree there is some sort of stress relief that comes from blowing people away in Q3A or hitting people in GTA, it's just not that fun or addicting like games like SQIII and SQIV were. I remember telling my roomies ok just one more puzzle and I'll turn it off...heh heh. Also, if you notice the latest trend in games, it isn't FPS. Look at the top ten:

    The Sims: Hot Date - Electronic Arts
    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Electronic Arts
    The Sims - Electronic Arts
    RollerCoaster Tycoon - Infogrames
    Zoo Tycoon - Microsoft
    Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Activision
    The Sims: Livin' Large - Electronic Arts
    Empire Earth - Vivendi Universal
    Backyard Basketball - Infogrames
    Civilization III - Infogrames

    How many of these stress or need a good 3d card? Um only one I can think of (Wolfenstein).

    This is a plea to Sierra...if you need to make SQVII 3d, don't get crazy with it. Make it work on the LCD(lowest common denominator, not Liquid Crystal Display) system. If you do that, it will sell. Not everyone can afford a 399 Geforce 4ti 4600. Alot of people have Geforce 2's, TNT's and Geforce 3's....not so many have the Geforce 4. Pushing the envelope is cool, but when all the hard work is done in hardware it kind of takes something away from it, in my personal opinion.
    • Need to calm down a little bit. Your getting a little too excited. But I'm with you I hope it sticks true to what it originally was and doesn't try to be a 3-d polygon machine. This game is such a classic it would be ashame to release something that would make you think of it as something less. I still remember the bar in the first one and how many times I used the F word trying to race that cruiser thing through the desert. And the most amazing thing is how long I was able to play a game that if I recall right fit on a single 5 1/4 disk. I do though look forward to seeing what they come up with.
  • I enjoyed Space Quest, but what I would really like to see is a new wing commander game. All the wing commander games were so ahead of their time. The last few titles tended to focus on cinema tics more than gameplay. My favorites were Wing Commander 3 and Privateer. Wing commander 3 was so cool for its time, especially with all the cinematic sequences plus it had Mark Hamill ;) With the exception of Quake 1, I have never been blown away by a game as much as I was by the WC series.
  • Grrr... (Score:2, Funny)

    by prator ( 71051 )
    Get key from above closet
    "I don't know what you are talking about."
    Get key
    "I don't know what you are talking about."
    Get the fscking key!!!
    "Do you talk to your mother with that mouth?"
    Look above closet
    "You find a key above the closet."

  • Maybe I'm just being stoopid, but ...

    ...look at Nintendo's Zelda series.

    With a new game in the works, it must still be quite popular. To me at least, each Zelda was reason enough to buy the next console.

    I'm sick, I know. Aside from the Cube (which I'll be purchasing once the new Zelda is released), I own every Nintendo console and every version of Zelda.

    Surely I'm not the only one?
  • Come on Sierra.. if you are going to make a new Space Quest, you really should make a new Leisure Suit Larry.. maybe one with real actresses and actors? Or at least some of those cool graphics we worship modern video cards for.
  • Ever played Neuromancer? it was ported to C64, PC, and amiga.

    That game was a bit linear in some aspects, but for a C64 adventure game, it was way ahead of it's time, BBS, hacking, AI, Action (cyberspace), etc.. that game simply made me drool. Even now and then sometimes I pop my DOS laptop and complete it, I'd wish so much for a NeuroMancer II based on today's technologies, it would be a major MAJOR piece of game if it would be done well. Back then all these buzzwords weren't even common, heck, "multimedia" wasn't even a buzzword.

    I don't understand why Sierra shoved all these King quest, hero quest, space quest, larry tries to get laid quest, etc.. when better games like monkey islant, maniac mansion, zak mc kraken or neuromancer beatting them down (not graphically but story-wise and adventure-wise) didn't get pushed as much. I guess it's a matter of taste.

Computers are useless. They can only give you answers. -- Pablo Picasso
