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The Sims Overtake Myst 292

krugdm writes "Gamespot is reporting that The Sims has now sold 6.3 million copies and has overtaken Myst as the best-selling PC game ever." My Sims lie dormant awaiting a wine that can breath life into them once again. I just have been too busy to reboot.
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The Sims Overtake Myst

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  • And yet... (Score:1, Offtopic)

    by rotor ( 82928 )
    Quake is number one on the Slashdot Poll today. Are geeks really that prone to violence?
  • by sulli ( 195030 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:00PM (#3230279) Journal
    Rounding errors, ballot stuffers, dynamic IPs, firewalls. If you're using these numbers to do anything important, you're insane.
  • Sims are disturbing (Score:2, Interesting)

    by meshko ( 413657 )
    I've always thought that the games like Sims are disturbing. I mean it's one thing to play a game were you do somethign you can't really do in the real life , like waste hordes of orcs or travel throught the City of Doors, but play in life?
    • by realgone ( 147744 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:29PM (#3230533)
      I mean it's one thing to play a game were you do somethign you can't really do in the real life... but play in life?

      You obviously haven't seen my kitchen sink recently. Those chore-loving Sims are high fantasy, far as I'm concerned. =)

  • Wait a second, Taco! You don't have time to reboot, but you would have time to put into the massive time-sucking vortex called The Sims?

    Something's wrong here.
  • Non-violent games (Score:4, Insightful)

    by CrazyJoel ( 146417 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:01PM (#3230293)
    It's weird that the top games are these non-violent, non-gorey games. But, the violent games far outnumber the non-violent ones.

    That's unless you like trapping your sims in small shacks and setting fire to them.

    Oh, and Mortimer punched me when I stole his wife.
    • by ArcticChicken ( 172915 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:15PM (#3230418)
      Non-violent? I have to say one of the most disturbing (yet mildly amusing) comments about a video game on Slashdot came from CmdrTaco last year []:

      Referring to the possibility of a Sims TV show:

      "This sounds pretty lame... unless they use my Sim Neighborhood: I used skins from 20 Female Television stars ranging from the girls of Friends, Xena, Buffy, and beyond. I made many households and played the game normally for awhile. After the ladies all fell in love with each other, purchased everything available in the game, and had successfull careers, I started luring neighbors over and trapping them in my attic, or drowning them in my pool. You haven't lived until you've seen Xena Warrior Princess die in a terrible grill fire while Sculley flails her arms in terror. Now that would be good TV. Especially with anatomically correct skins."

    • It's weird that the top games are these non-violent, non-gorey games. But, the violent games far outnumber the non-violent ones.

      No. It's all about the system requirements. A game like the Sims has a much larger population to sell to than a Quake.

      Of course Quake is a bad example. Id games are not merely about retail sales, licensing their engines are a big part of their business. So while Quake's requirements are a little steep, next years games based on the same engine do not seem as bad.

      The licensing of the engines also contributes to the raw number of titles that show up. There can be a lower cost of entry to game business this way, less risk, etc.
  • by whoda ( 569082 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:02PM (#3230298) Homepage
    MS Solitaire? It's come with every version of PC based Windows I've ever seen.
  • Consensus (Score:5, Funny)

    by geogeek6_7 ( 566395 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:02PM (#3230299) Homepage
    This game has also produced 6.3 million examples of why humans shouldn't be God.
  • Mr. Malda (Score:5, Informative)

    by SquadBoy ( 167263 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:03PM (#3230308) Homepage Journal
    Here you go. BTW you are most welcome. :)
  • by macsox ( 236590 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:03PM (#3230310) Journal
    one of the most revolutionary things about the sims is that a second version has not been important for so long -- that they can add more and more to the game with simple expansion packs that are relatively simple to create but hugely profitable.

    it will be interesting to see where this model continues to go -- release a fairly simple but intricate and engaging first version and add to it continuously, for a fee.
    • it will be interesting to see where this model continues to go -- release a fairly simple but intricate and engaging first version and add to it continuously, for a fee.

      Zillions of Web sites operate under the same model: Yahoo Mail,, Slashdot...

      Heck, even Microsoft started doing the same thing when it began charging for Microsoft Plus! and service packs to Windows 95.
    • Yeh the Sims is apparently in a different market totally from other computer games. You wouldn't catch any hardcore gamer paying $30 for what is basically skins and bug fixes, but the Sims with their going 4 expansion packs has managed to get people to do exactly that. And an interesting thing about the sims community is that they expect people to pay for skins and ingame objects. Most of the successful sims skins and objects sites are going pay. I highly doubt anyone would pay for access to a site just because they had quake3 skins or extra weapons that really are just hacked up versions of the old ones.
  • by homer_ca ( 144738 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:03PM (#3230312)
    Time scale always annoyed me. Click on the sink and it takes 20min (game time) to put away the dishes. Click on the radio and it takes 15 min to walk across the room to turn it on. You have to wake up 2 hrs before work for enough time to shit, shower and shave and then eat breakfast. Where do they get these lazy fucks?
    • I'd say its a fairly accurate representation of real life.. I get up two hours before school so I can read slashdot and freshmeat in the mornings!

    • Time scale always annoyed me. Click on the sink and it takes 20min (game time) to put away the dishes....

      I kinda don't get why anybody likes this game at all. I got it for a Christmas present and I started playing it. My Sim kept leaving trash all around his house- so I had to make him go around and clean up all the time. I said to myself "Shoot, I gotta clean up in the real world all the time, what's so fun about cleaning up in the virtual world?" Honestly, the game is so much like real life that it becomes just as tedious as real life. I play games to get away from reality, not to experience more of it.

    • While I agree with you about the time scale annoyance factor ("finish your breakfast already you click click....."), you could say that it's made up for by how fast it is to demolish walls and replace them with an entirely new house. :)
  • Fun (Score:2, Funny)

    by matth ( 22742 )
    It's always fun to invite your neighbors over to your house and then as they get confortable and think you're nice, suddenly invest in some walls and keep them there hostage! MUAHAHAH =)
  • Why? (Score:2, Funny)

    'Cause you can't lock those annoying brothers from Myst into a doorless room and watch as the pee themselves.

    Says something about human nature, eh?

    Or does that just speak volumes about me?

    Perhaps I should keep these observances to myself.

  • by anpe ( 217106 )
    My Sims lie dormant awaiting a wine that can breath life into them once again

    Mine sleep in vomit : wine abuse ?
  • for a mod to put my Sims on the Myst island.
  • I can't remember the last time a game had so much TV advertising devoted to it... at least in the UK. Is it really any surprise that a game with such a wide potential audience and so much advertising is the such a high-selling game?

  • by WillSeattle ( 239206 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:08PM (#3230360) Homepage
    Look, you can even buy a distro (Mandrake) where they bundle in The Sims. And the bonus is you can then play Warcraft III when it's released, becuase it includes a sub to transgaming [].

    So reboot already. The time for Linux to be the gaming platform of the future is now. Windows is dead, and Bill G is starting to realize this. Good thing he cashed out a lot of money for his (actually good) Foundation.

    Got me The Sims. Gonna get Warcraft III. Need Black and White for WINE next.
    • Unfotunately, as far as I know, none of the expansion kits works in Wine yet. So you can buy the Mandrake distro + The Sims for Linux (which isn't available without the distro) and play the basic version which has already been out for a couple years - no Hot Date, no Livin' Large, no Vacation, and pay another $60+ for the privilege of doing so. This was true at least as of a month and half ago, when I signed up for Transgaming and was deeply disappointed by that and other aspects of the effort.
  • "I just have been too busy to reboot."

    Does that mean you're too busy to play as well?
  • by A.Soze ( 158837 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:08PM (#3230362)
    I'm waiting for a plug-in that lets me go house to house and frag my Sims at leisure. Then I'll feel like a God...

    "Goodness, how did you people ever live long enough to invent tools?"
    -Hobbes (the tiger, not the philosopher)
  • Dolls (Score:5, Funny)

    by Sludge ( 1234 ) <slashdot.tossed@org> on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:11PM (#3230382) Homepage
    The Sims has capitalised on a very smart way of getting grown men (amongst others) to play with dolls.

    Gender repression denial is a hugely untapped market.

    • The Sims has capitalised on a very smart way of getting grown men (amongst others) to play with dolls.

      They're not dolls, they're action figures. That's what my son tells me about all his transforming figures, LotR figurines, and all that stuff.

      Now if you could just do magic in The Sims - sweet!
      • You can do magic....its called catching your Sim on fire and turning it into an Urn.
        • You can do magic....its called catching your Sim on fire and turning it into an Urn.

          Well, I do have quite a few haunted houses on my blocks. On my Win machine (the one with House Party) there are at least five houses.

          One is a Black Widow - she's very charming, but there are many urns and gravestones on her tiny plot.

          Another is a surfer dude and his boardbabe. They have a surf shrine and a few have died at their cookouts cause it was too crowded. That's why they sleep on the second floor of their bamboo shack.

          Another is a family of ghouls. There's just a couple of them, but their plot has a moving pool that has claimed many a victim in its meandering path.

          And the last is a couple who are continually building stuff - they seem to have a habit of walling in their guests, forgetting about not having any doors, and then changing the layout.

          I wish we could get the expansions working in WINE - but until then I'll have to be satisfied with The Sims at least working on my Linux boxen.

  • Why does everyone else?

    Can anyone explain to me why this game is not exactly like playing with Barbie dolls? Granted, I play lots of console games...maybe this is another thing I just don't "get". =)

  • by t0qer ( 230538 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:14PM (#3230401) Homepage Journal
    I don't know the numbers on those two titles, but considering how many PC BANG (bang is korean for room) I.e. game houses that are popping up specializing in CS, it made me wonder if this entire article was just marketing "fluff"

    I just don't see many pcbangs renting out stations so people can play SIMS.
    • You can have a 5 minute or 5 hour game of counterstrike and call it a fairly 'complete game'.

      There's no way you can have a 5 hour game of Sims and call it 'complete'. Its a long-term strategy game, and that kind of thing just doesn't work in an arcade (or PC Bang, or whatever) :)
      • There's no way you can have a 5 hour game of Sims and call it 'complete'. Its a long-term strategy game, and that kind of thing just doesn't work in an arcade (or PC Bang, or whatever) :)

        Ok with that logic then why does Starcraft rank as #2 in these places? Starcraft doesn't really fit your mold of a quick fix game.
  • I don't get it (Score:5, Interesting)

    by praedor ( 218403 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:16PM (#3230421) Homepage

    I do not understand the draw of this game. There, I said it. I live life every day, mow the lawn when it needs it, go to work...why the HELL would I want to play a "game" within which I get to do the same crap? I play to escape and solve mysteries/puzzles, put my tactical and strategic wargaming skills against those of the computer or another person. Why do I want to play a game where I have to go to work, mow the lawn, etc?

    That said, I WOULD find it interesting if the game maker would BRING BACK the plague hamster that kills. Add plagues, pandemics, crime, terrorists, serial killers... THAT would be frickin' cool (or COULD be if done properly). You character goes for a walk at night and gets mugged or does the wrong girl/guy and gets a disease. Has a car accident. Make it gritty and more unpredictable. Toss in the wildcards. THAT would make it more interesting.

    As it is, I'll never touch it or even look at the box. I'll stick with Deus Ex, Half-Life, the coming Call of Cthulhu (YEAH!), and Warcraft III. REAL escapist fun games.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:22PM (#3230465)
      I play the Sims to unwind after work.

      Of course, my job is being an elite commander of a mutli-national elite counter-terrorist squad dedicated to the destruction of contraband nanotech viruses and eliminating cults of unspeakable extradimensional entities.
    • Agreed, although I did play it (pirate tryout of course -- I NEVER buy a game without trying it and I couldn't locate a demo quickly, so I just fired up IRC).

      It's for control freaks, as someone mentioned. People who like to control people, but tend to be frustrated in their attempts at real life control. Personally, control freaks have always eluded my comprehension. I can't control much of anything, let alone other people, so why would I want to play a video game and try? I don't get it.
      • Control freaks? Hmmm, this sounds like a PERFECT game for...$CIENTOLOGISTS! Yes, $cientologist players could happily and without consequence squelch dissenters, prevent Sims characters from protesting at their "churches", have perfect, all-powerful OT III and higher characters with magical powers.

        I wonder what percentage of the Sims players are $cientologist?

      • "It's for control freaks, "
        so its a chicks game? ;)
    • by mjh ( 57755 ) <mark&hornclan,com> on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:49PM (#3230657) Homepage Journal
      I do not understand the draw of this game. There, I said it. I live life every day, mow the lawn when it needs it, go to work...why the HELL would I want to play a "game" within which I get to do the same crap?

      Becuase, if you're a geek, in the sims you occasionally get laid. For some of us, that's as unrealistic as running around with a BFG, and being able to get shot with a rocket launcher 7 times before dieing.

    • "I'll never touch it or even look at the box. "
      then how do you know you wont enjoy it? It could have the thing you think would be cool in it, and you wouldn't even know.

      I haen't played it because I have no interest in those KIND of games as a whole.
      Now that I have found out its so popular with women, I may buy it for my wife.
    • "As it is, I'll never touch it or even look at the box."

      It's hard to appreciate anything if you oversimplify it. Now there are 6.3 million people that think you're an idiot, heh.

    • Well, technically, you can be a serial killer if you have Hot Date. They key is to go to town and meet a lot of townies. Then you invite them over to your house. You lure them into the back room and then WALL THEM IN AND WATCH THEM PISS AND STARVE THEMSELVES!!! Ahem...

      I remember one time I had a baby and not enough simes to sleep/work/care for the baby. So some social worker came to reposses the baby. I removed all the exit doors and installed a bunch of fireplaces and wicker furniture to try and burn her for taking my baby. Not only did she not burn, but she can walk through walls. That was scary.

  • by chrae ( 159904 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:18PM (#3230447) Homepage
    • Its worldwide appeal spans hard-core gamers, casual computer users, and even gaming's most elusive group of consumers, women. Over
    • 50 percent of new Sims players are female."
    Other game makers should take heed to this. Targetting females or more specifically not targetting only males would make a lot of other games sell much better. IANAW, but I'm sure women aren't impressed with big breasts and alpha blended puddles of blood. And to tell you the truth, I don't care for it much either.

    Sure, a hot chick on the box will sell a few copies but good gameplay and depth in a game is what makes people tell thier friends to buy the game too. Say what you want about the Simms - it's definatly an involved game. That's why it sold so good.

    Just my opinion.
    • Exactly. Women represent a huge untapped market, not only in PC games, but in console games as well. I don't think I've seen a non-sports, non-smash-up, non-arcade, non-gore, non-RTS game for consoles. Maxis hit the nail on the head with the Sims - of course they've come out with lame stuff too (e.g. SimTower).

      I'm not saying that women don't/can't enjoy games popular with men, just that most women I know don't care for them. When I picked up a copy of the Sims for my brother, a friend of mine gushed over the box and said she'd buy a PC just to play the game and its expansions. Hot Date was a popular birthday gift among women friends.

      Perhaps a romance-style adventure, heavy on the character-interactive, would appeal to many women. I don't know - I'm a guy, so my clue factor is pretty low when in comes to games-that-appeal-to-women.

      Most programmers/game designers are men - I think it's probably pretty obvious that a game company that wants to cater to women should go woman-heavy in recruiting designers/coders.

      • I don't think I've seen a non-sports, non-smash-up, non-arcade, non-gore, non-RTS game for consoles.
        That's because you never got a DreamCast. Space Channel 5, Jet Set Radio, Seaman. Sega was never afraid to take a chance on a game concept.
    • ". IANAW, but I'm sure women aren't impressed with big breasts..."

      they say that, but if you had a two for 1 special on breast augmentation, you would have a line around the block.

    • Just to play devils advocate, I know of a girl (Extremely hot, like been-in-cosmo-hot) who absolutely loves games like GTA, Tekken, and Quake.

      She's rare, but that market is out there (Just look at Ms. Case [])

      Cool thing about the girl mentioned above, The Gimp [] caught her interest at a starbucks here and we started talking. UNIX can help you meet girls.
    • Ditto Ditto Ditto.

      I bought The Sims on the day it came out, installed it, and my wife, usually at best indifferent about computer games, proceeded to kick me out of my chair and not be seen for the next month. She still plays, though of course not as intensely. It's like a doll house, only seamier. She's bought all the expansion packs, and there's been a bunch of them.

      Will Wright's a friggin' genius. And like many geniuses, he just realizes the obvious about human nature. Wake up developers. Be more willing to foray off the fantasy/space reservation, get away from the combat ethos a little, and you might find that women really will play and get addicted to video games.

    • Say what you want about the Simms - it's definatly an involved game.

      Yeah, but it's kinda out-dated. The Dimms is more advanced. :)

  • by SkulkCU ( 137480 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:20PM (#3230456) Homepage Journal

    I know people don't like hearing this, but I never really considered Myst a game. It was more like a story book with some clicking thrown in, and some maddeningly inane puzzle things.

    Nice story, bad game. Obiously, quite a few people disagreed, but whatever.
    • Myst was just so popular because it was packaged with probably every gateway computer sold during that time. How many people went to the store and bought it, and how many people got it with a new computer?
  • by chrisvr ( 41985 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:26PM (#3230497)
    What does it say about our society today that the Sims games are so popular? Video games were always a pretty antisocial pursuit, but at least we didn't fool ourselves into thinking they weren't. The Sims becomes a replacement for living our own lives, and we don't even mind it.

    It's amazing how the Sims can suck people into this alternate reality where the game play consists of managing characters who, for the most part, are just living their lives. And all of a sudden you look up and it's six hours later, and you haven't taken out your own trash, or called one of your friends, or worked out, and are eating cold leftover pizza. And instead of being bothered by the irony of that, you tell yourself, "just a few minutes more, I almost have these two characters ready to get married."

    It's way creepy. And even creepier that I'm thinking "gee, it's been a while since I fired the game up, I think maybe I'll go see where I left off." And I should be going to the gym, cleaning the house, making dinner or spending more time trying to find a job!
    • I think the appeal is that you get to pat your self on the back for keeping YOURSELF alive so long, as well. It's hard to keep them alive and happy, so therefore, you're doing a great job in real life by just managing to take a shower once in a while.
    • You've done it! You've answered the mystery of the Sims! What mystery? I don't frickin' know because I'll never frickin' touch that stupid frickin' game BUT...someone else posted a comment about how long it takes to put the dishes away or turn on a radio across the room. The Sims must be playing the Sims so that the mundane aspects of REAL life that they normally do go undone so they can play the Sims and run the mundane lives of these computer pustules. I think it is an infinite regression. The Sims play the Sims who play the Sims, etc, etc.

      Stupid fuckin' game. It speaks VOLUMES about the game that character DO DISHES or TAKE OUT TRASH, or shower, shit, brush teeth, etc, etc. Hell, I sure hope the people who get off playing that "game" do at least the same thing as their pustule Sims characters do.

      I'd actually play the game if I could create a molecular biologist character who creates a nasty plague virus and releases it, wiping out whole geographic Sims areas. Or let me be the leader of a Sims country and develop a neutron bomb and start lobbing it at enemy Sims cities. THAT would be cool.

    • The Sims is fun. That's all there is to it. Really. The people who look into more deeply and then say they can't understand why anyone would want to play at life (or worse - the people who say it's sick to want to play at like) are the only ones getting sucked into an alternate reality here. The fact is, it's just a game. It's essentially a building/money-management/time-management game. It follows the same formula as all games do - set up a premise, give a challenge, and then provide a reward for completing the challenge.

      The premise is that you get to control a bunch of simulated people. The challenge is to keep them happy so they can succeed at their job and ultimately this rewards you by allowing you to add more crap to their house or build a bigger house or whatever. It's fun to be able to design any kind of living environment you want and then see how "people" react to it.

      It's also just as escapist as any other game. Think about it- when was the last time you controlled the lives of an entire neighborhood of people? Jesus, people, it's not like this is a first person shooter where your goal is to go take a shit every five minutes.

      Lighten up.
  • Well... (Score:3, Funny)

    by mosschops ( 413617 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @03:26PM (#3230499)
    I just have been too busy to reboot.

    I guess that's better than too busy rebooting, like the rest of us working under Windows. *sighs*
  • two for two (Score:2, Funny)

    by DdJ ( 10790 )
    Hm, Myst was the #1 game for a long time, and now The Sims is the #1 game? That's two for two games that I can't stand...
  • A game with no people or a game with roboslaves to allow you to play god. Sounds like geek heaven to me. If only the real world could be that way. We could all be the far weird comic book store guy from the Simpsons.
  • Someone above posted that they'd pay to be able to put their sims on Myst island. That got me thinking, wouldn't it be cool if you could put the sims in other games as well.

    You could get your sim to work out and become a football player and play him in the next Madden.

    They could join STAR and be in the next Resident Evil game.

    They could become drug lords and be in next GTA

    The possibilities abound!

    Me, I'm waiting for the iPod version, so I can upload my sim onto some computers at CompUSA, it would then lounge around with other uploaded sims, acting as an itelligent agent looking for kewl software for me to later download.
  • My Sims lie dormant awaiting a wine that can breath life into them once again.

    If they're in that advanced stage of alcoholism to not even be able to move, they shouldn't be picking and choosing the type of wine. pick any alcoholic beverage and run with it. i guess the sims have a 1 step AA program: step 1 -- just don't run on wine. ;)

  • I'd wager good money that while the sims and myst sold more games, Doom, Quake, Half-Life, Starcraft or even Everquest have been played more hours by the fewer people.

    Granted, this doesn't make publishing companies happy (except for Verant maybe), but it should make the developers happy.
  • I gave up on the game after the first time playing it.

    Ten minutes (real life ten minutes) just to walk over to the fridge and open the door to get some food. . . . nooo thank you!

    The Japanese do MUCH better LifeSims IMNSHO.

    Besides, the game is WAAAAY to limited. Unless I can plot to control the world, what's the point?
  • But, but I thought all PC games were warezzzzzzzzzzzed!

    I thought that rampant copying and wanton piracy were destroying the industry!

    I thought that people would never buy something they could just rip and download for free!

    I thought that games were a niche market!

    I thought that games would never appeal to the mainstream!

    I thought PC games didn't make any money!

    Whaddya wanna bet whoever came up with the idea for this game had to perform the equivalent of giving birth to a washing machine in order to get it green-lighted by the publisher?

    This game has made approximately Three HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS in gross sales (if it was priced at $50).

    This provides a two-word answer to any game publisher from this point forward who says:

    "Ehhh, PC games can't make money"
    "Ehhh, ehhh, Piracy is damaging the industry"
    "Ehhhh, you need state of the art 3D graphics to sell"
    "Ehhhh, people only want to play action games"

    "The Sims"
  • Ironic, isn't it? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by The Cat ( 19816 ) on Tuesday March 26, 2002 @07:00PM (#3231715)
    Of the top two best selling PC games of all time, with a total combined sales of approximately ELEVEN MILLION UNITS, one was an adventure game and the other was a simulation.


  • this is shipped units, not sales. There is no mention of the return rate. I'd be interested in seeing what NPD cosnidered the most selling game of all time as their figures come from retail sales, not manufacturer shipping invoices.
  • Myst was released in 1993. The Sims was released in 2000.

    While Myst has been around a lot longer than The Sims, most games get their greates number of sales fairly soon after the release of the game. The computer market in 1993 was much smaller than it was in 2000.

    So the fact that Myst sold (or shipped) as many copies as it did is really quite impressive. That it's still being sold at all is even more impressive.

    I'll be more impressed with the performance of The Sims if it's still selling well in 2007.

  • Aberfrow wengi exra exra ... TIRA MA! Daberfrow wibber braso frebberzeb!

All Finagle Laws may be bypassed by learning the simple art of doing without thinking.
