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GTA3: Vice City Announced 174

broller writes "According to, Rockstar Games announced today that GTA3:Vice City, the next version of Grand Theft Auto will be released in October. GTA3 was released "October 2001 and has rapidly become the fastest selling, highest grossing game for PlayStation(R)2." The PC version of GTA3 hit stores today."
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GTA3: Vice City Announced

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    And it hit the warez sites yesterday.
    Deviance won the race.
    • Article refers to a GTA3 addon pack. The 'warez' version that just came out is the PC version of original GTA3.

      Incidentally, three groups released it. None managed to do a proper release, as all three cracks included on the iso are buggy. Deviance has re-packed one thats *supposed* to work, but doesn't. You can't use savegame after more than four minutes of play.

      So, SafeDisc3 is still secure. Just. Kinda. Maybe.
      • Yea, deviance had a bad crack on the original release, the released a -CRACKFIX version (30 minutes after the original release) , which was obviously on to much crack to do any good.

        Then 20 minutes later they released the CRACKFIX-REPACK, which does work correctly..

        I gues you are right, safedisc3 is still secure, for atleast 60 minutes worth of hacking ;-) (or: now that they went thru the process once, they will easely do it in half the time)

        Don't underestimate how smart some of the crackers of some of the warez groups are. Good ones are rare, but often highly gifted (the ones i knew were satelity programmers, compression specialists, etc) and often get big offers from agencies and game companies.. The main reason why they do not accept these job offers is because they know if they invent a great new protection scheme, its gonna get cracked within days, and they will have to start developing the next revission right away ;-)

  • I liked it. I'd love for it to be a giant multiplayer frag fest, though
    • That'd be really nice. Can you imagine making your own gang? cars and all? Add some AI to make missions interact with other players (not necessarily in your gang) and you'd have one heck of an addicting game, moreso than it is now.
      • B?gger creating your own gang. I want my own Club in Redlight - just call me Toni...

        I'd like to see more accurate hand to hand fighting and use of the baseball bat and maybe a bit of knifing... Imagine having some Virtua Fighter type moves in the game.

        It'd also be cool to have a few more indoor areas. The city was really great except for lack of Shopping malls etc to go mad in. The underground was the only place you could organise a siege against the law.

        Another thing that annoyed me was the way the cops came after you if you slapped down a gang member after he started it. There I was, minding my own business (I was sneaking up on that guy in china town in order to assasinate him, but that's beside the point) and along comes some jumped up chinese mafia member who tries to give me plastic surgery with a baseball bat. I slap him down and suddenly the cops are on my case... What gives man?
    • Multiplayer options (Score:2, Informative)

      by gabec ( 538140 )
      I agree. I don't see why they didn't include some kind of multiplayer abilities in GTA3.. It was in their older titles! :/ but whatever. I guess they'll just feed their competitors a little bit.

      I did some hunting a few weeks ago for a GTA-like game with multiplayer abilities and I think I found one.. It's called Mafia [] and is from TalonSoft []. It hasn't been released yet, but in theory it'll be out in a month or two.

      here's an exerpt from the page:

      * 3rd-person 3-D action game
      * 20 missions set in the 1930s underworld
      * Use weapons such as the Tommy gun, pump-action shotgun, baseball bat, or Molotov cocktail
      * Drive more than 60 different vehicles, including the Model T, Roadster, and delivery trucks
      * Multiplayer support via LAN or over the Internet

    • GTA3 was going to be Multi player upuntil a few weeks ago when the striped it out cause they said it felt rushed.

      Too bad i was gonna be all over that and get it but they took my multiplayer mode away so i couldnt run my friends over... :(
    • by skilef ( 525335 )
      A guy edited some GTA3 config-files and found a server entry and a ping entry. There's not much info, but you can find it on this [] site. This could mean the guys at Rock* were too lazy to remove it, or they left the possibility open to play multiplayer games in the future.
  • Cool! (Score:2, Funny)

    by brainboyz ( 114458 )
    The next wave of whining and complaining from the politicians and "concerned parents" of America may commence now.
  • Why not GTA4? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by IRNI ( 5906 ) <irni@irni.nCOBOLet minus language> on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @08:18AM (#3564826) Homepage
    Kinda seems odd to come out with a new version of the game and keep the version number the same. Has GTA3 become what everyone associates with the Grand Theft Auto series and they don't want to chance having someone go "What is GTA4?". Seems sort of like Intel and their whole Pentium branding. Pent = 5. Yet they kept the name through the 6x86 line. It is odd that version numbers become the product's name eventually when the product really catches on.
    • I think you'll see GTA4 when the PS3 comes out. They seem to using that game as the tool to debut their new machine's capabilities.
    • Re:Why not GTA4? (Score:2, Interesting)

      by aarona ( 562545 )
      It's still based on the GTA3 engine. This is kind of like an extra missions pack in a way. It will play as a stand alone game though. The GTA4 name I'm sure will be rolled out at some point in the next year or two but I would expect it to have some significant improvement to the game engine.
    • Re:Why not GTA4? (Score:2, Informative)

      by wilhelm ( 5091 )
      If you had actually happened to read the article, you would realize that the game is to be called "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City". The Slash editors and the submitter both didn't apparently read it either, so you're in good company.
    • Re:Why not GTA4? (Score:5, Informative)

      by batkiwi ( 137781 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @08:38AM (#3564918)
      This is essentially GTA3 in a new city.

      No new features (or very few), same engine, etc, just new content.

      If it was a PC game, it would be released as an addon-pack (just the content, no engine, you'd have to own the first one, sims style), but since that's not feasable (and barely possible without a LOT of forethought) on a console, they're releasing a "new" GTA3.

      Make sense?
      • Go read the fucking article, it is not an addon-pack, therte will be new features and differnt game play. Here's the link, read it before you comment;
      • Actually, an add-on pack has been done for the Playstation (not PS2), and it did require the original game in order to play it. In fact, it was for the same game franchise, for the original GTA, and was called 'GTA London'. It was cheaper than a normal new game as well.
    • Re:Why not GTA4? (Score:4, Interesting)

      by Gannoc ( 210256 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @08:59AM (#3565015)
      Has GTA3 become what everyone associates with the Grand Theft Auto series and they don't want to chance having someone go "What is GTA4?"

      5 words: Super Street Fighter II Turbo

    • They actually did this same thing before, see "GTA: London" for the PC. Its basically an add-on pack for GTA3, in this case.
  • They seem to sell more because of the sheer ofensiveness than actual gameplay (although it is pretty fun), but I doubt it would be half as popular without the protect the children freaks foaming at the mouth..etc
    • Why not have a level/scene where your job is to escort a bunch of kids to school or some such thing? You could protect them from record lyrics and internet chat rooms.

      Oh wait. Those don't do any harm on their own. Hmmm. How 'bout the object is to make parents pay attention to their kids? Lots of replay value, and since the game is so difficult, only avid gamers need apply.

  • Arr, Matey! (Score:3, Funny)

    by Cpt_Kirks ( 37296 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @08:20AM (#3564843)
    The PC version of GTA3 hit stores today.

    Is it out on KaZaa yet?

    Or is it a very clever worm *NAMED* GTA3?
  • September: Jaguar
    October: GTA3: Vice City.

    Get this summer over with already!
  • Oh. My. God. (Score:3, Insightful)

    by defile ( 1059 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @08:25AM (#3564861) Homepage Journal

    The only thing I didn't like about playing GTA3 was that I knew it would end. That saddened me.

    I fear that I'm going to be reduced to a begging junkie sleeping outside of the store the night before it goes on sale.

    • End? GTA3 does not end. I beat it months ago, and I'm still playing. Finally got around to getting the Borgnine Taxi; next up, ambulance bonuses!

      At some point I'll have to collect all those packages, too.

    • Did you play 3 previous GTAs? ;-)
      In the original one you couldn't save at all, that's what I call junkie. Almost like playing Elite on ZX-Spectrum (never tried it though).

      I just with you could import your profile from GTA3, that would be neat.
  • See, this is why I don't go to mainstream news sites for my video game news. Yes, I'm talking about you, Slashdot. You missed the most important thing of the announcement. And, frankly, because of all the anti-Microsoft vibes around here, I have no clue why you missed it:

    Grand Theft Auto is now a Sony Exclusive franchise

    That means that, despite hundreds of reports to the contrary, Grand Theft Auto 3 will not be coming out for the Xbox.

    • by beddess ( 91414 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @08:36AM (#3564913) Homepage
      yep, you sure know what you're talking about.

      "Grand Theft Auto 3 and all future titles in the GTA franchise will be exclusive to PlayStation 2 until October 2004, SCEA announced today at its E3 press conference"

      here's the link []
    • Its worth noting that the actual quote from the head of Take Two is that Playstation 2 will be the only "Home Entertainment" machine that it will "enjoy" it on before October 2004. My interpretation is that we can still expect to see a PC port, just as we have for GTA3.

      And, of course, they can do an X-Box port as well, as long as no-one enjoys playing it - if it sucks it doesn't break the contract! ;-)
    • "You missed the most important thing of the announcement."

      Tomorrow on Slashdot : "Linux release, and it's 0.003% better than Windows. And by the way, the world is going to end tomorrow."

      Lets prioritize things here..
    • Grand Theft Auto is now a Sony Exclusive franchise

      Umm... it's coming out for PC. It's running on Windows. It's not as anti-Microsoft as you'd like, it just proves that the Xbox wasn't worth the time MS spent on it.
    • Well, yah..I hate to tell you, but its NOT coming out for the Xbox...O-well, less plastic for the landfill...
      Check it out, on an XBox site, too... []...
      Well, no big deal. We wouldnt want another Atari/landfill issue, now would we ;)
  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @08:31AM (#3564891)
    ..since Rockstar just announced [] their until-2005 exclusivity agreement with Sony yesterday.
  • or GTA; Vice City, not GTA3: Vice City
  • the realisim is not there. The car needs to incurr damage, the tires actually need to wear (Buy the best tires drive on them forever as they never wear out) you can slam into a wall at 212MPH and just simply stop. you cant flip over (I tried, when your car hit's the groun it magically rights it'sself)

    i love GTA, I play it alot. but they need to add some realisim into it.
    • Are you sure you aren't confusing GTA3 (Grand Theft Auto 3) with GT3 (Gran Turismo 3)?
    • Aren't you talking about Gran Tourismo rather than Grand Theft Auto 3?

      I know I can certainly flip my car on it's top and I've had more than my fair share take too much damage and explode.

    • You are actually talking about GT3, or Gran Tourismo 3. Not to be confused with GTA3, or Grand Theft Auto 3. You cannot buy new tires in GTA3, but you can sure as hell flip your car.
    • Dude, if you flip the car, it explodes!

      And if you slam into a wall at 212mph, chances are it's also going to catch fire and explode within a few seconds.

      Ok so the tires never wear out, but there isn't a tire shop in the entire game. "Oh, I have to kill some Triads up north. I wonder if I should get snowgrips?!"

      GTA has never been about realism, it's been about violent and chaotic fantasy. If the cars were really as gutless as real cars, well it just might remind us of real life and how boring it is, which is why we bought these expensive toys in the first place : to take a little break from reality.
      • I don't know about you guys, but when I play, the car is, uh, "worn out" well before the tires even think about having a chance to wear out. Just something about those INSANE STUNT BONUSes that makes me cackle hideously. When I get too frustrated with the mission I'm working on, I just drive around looking for ramp-like devices. The Duke boys got nuthin' on me. :)

    • Uh, hello?

      We're talking about "Grand Theft Auto: Vice City" here, not "Gran Turismo".

      And anyway, tires *do* wear in GT3 (and GT2, for that matter), they're just "infinitely replaceable". Car damage would be nice, as it would discourage people from doing the "let the wall do the turning" 'trick'.

      (uh, sorry for the OT :-])

    • You certainly can flip it. And if you do, you need to get out, pretty sharpish.

      You're getting mixed up with something else, I think - you can't buy tyres and there's no speedometer visible. And the car very definately incurs damage in GTA3.

    • > the realisim is not there. The car needs to incurr
      > damage,

      Eh? Cars do incur damage! Lots of it!

      > the tires actually need to wear (Buy the
      > best tires drive on them forever as they never
      > wear out)

      Eh? You don't buy tires - and I don't want to
      see that added.

      > you can slam into a wall at 212MPH and
      > just simply stop.

      EH? Car burns!

      > you cant flip over (I tried,
      > when your car hit's the groun it magically
      > rights it'sself)

      WHAT!? I flip mine all the time after jumps!

      > i love GTA, I play it alot. but they need to
      > add some realisim into it.

      You see, you DIDN'T READ THE ARTICLE! AT ALL!

      You mean Grand Tourismo. Everyone else is talking
      about Grand Theft Auto.

    • No it doesn't. That is what made it so fun. You put grand turismo physics in GTA and it would be dull.
  • I relay hope this isnt hit by aussie
    clasivication laws..

  • this site [] reported a rumor about a GTA-Miami add-on, where the city is built on a rough model of the actual city of Miami. (Similar to Midtown Madness []) - Although these are just rumors... it would be a nice add on. Think of pthe possibilities.
    • Uhhhh, "Vice City". As in "Miami Vice". Liberty City is based on NYC. "Vice City" will be roughyl based on Miami.

      Make sense?
      • Gotcha. I must have read this before anything about "Vice City" was mentioned, because they were only saying Miami. But heh, it makes sense.
        • It's supposed to take place in the 80's, so expect lots of white blazers, open-collared pastel shirts and spurious references to both Crockett and Tubbs.

  • I bought the PC version yesterday. I hadn't had a chance to try int on PS2 but I have played the first two games on PC. So far I'm enyoying the hell out of it. One thing I noticed that doesn't seem to be getting around is that you can make new skins for the main character model trivially. The new dismemberment isn't anything to write home about, the model just clean breaks some of itself off, and the detach body parts don't seem to stick around. Still better than nothing though. Driving is a bit tricky with the keybord, I think my biggest problem is using the handbrake and footbrake together effectivly. It's not horrible though, so some more practice and maybe some key re-mapping will surely solve that.
    Overall, it looks to be worth my $52. Now if only SOF2 wasn't being released TODAY...
  • GTA hopes and dreams (Score:4, Interesting)

    by British ( 51765 ) <> on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @08:55AM (#3565000) Homepage Journal
    I really do hope for an MMORPG version of this. Imagine 20-30 of the main player characters running around in the city causing havok. You could have full-on gang wars, crazy races and several other challenges.

    I heard that Vice city will be taking place in my favorite decade, the 1980s. We can only hope for Crocket and Tubbs references, several genres of 80s music on the radio, and be able to drive Toyota minivans around. I wonder if they'd have a Fiero-like car that starts on fire in the back? Would you be up against a gang of "punks", complete with thin sunglasses and mohawks? Will there be some special Knight Rider car that's cleverly hidden that has special weapons?

    We can only dream for now.

    Another thing I'd like to see is more mini-missions. How about drive a city bus around? The firetruck missions proved to me that driving around a firetruck in a busy city is a real PITA that isn't forgiving to the occasional running over people or smashing other cars.
    • There was a game called syndicate wars that was alot like this.
      Unfortionatly the graphics were terrible and you kept loosing your units behind buildings (alpha transparency wasn't an option then).
      The gameplay was awesome though, not to mention the cool sci-fi neo-tokyo surroundings.
    • Maybe there making it for the 80's so they don't have to redu some of there radio songs.

      "She's on FIRE! and she's burning throught the night."
    • Rockstar has a game called "State of Emergency" which may suit some of those needs. From what I've heard, it's not as good as GTA3, but it's not entirely crap either.
    • When I saw this article, a mmorpg (how do you pronounce that, anyway?) was the first thing I thought of. How dope would that be? Your gang consists of you, your little brother, a housewife in Denver, and some professor from Belgium. Forget about Camelot, AC, even Star Wars Online, this is the "Killer" App.

      But then I thought of the liability insurance Sony would have to carry because of the "Off-line PKing".

      Having Korean gangsters shooting at your car is only cool in a video game.
  • This game is not an expansion pack, it's a stand alone. Even the press release says the game will be called Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

    Just another friendly reminder to please read articles before you post them :)
  • If there will be a london 1960's mission pack, I personally thought that was more fun then the game, For example you stole some spys car and all the missions followed the mr bond plot line.

  • by Rogerborg ( 306625 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @08:58AM (#3565012) Homepage

    Executive producer, producer, chief executive officer... chances are that none of these people have seen more than a couple of screenshots and concept drawings of the latest evolution. Wake me up when one of the developers is talking about how good and how soon it'll be.

  • Circle(6), R1, L2, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle. nuff' said.
  • by CaffeineAddict2001 ( 518485 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @09:04AM (#3565039)
    1) Australian Parliment Level. Guess what the mission is?
    2) Marching Bands and playgrounds( in tribute to postal)
    3) Mormons (with bikes!), Jehovah's Witnesses, Krishnas, etc.
    4) Nudist Park Rampage
    5) Drinking at the wheel improves score
  • Lack of multiplayer is the reason i'm NOT buying GTA3 for PC. What fool made this decision? Or is it simply an engine problem? GTA2 had wonderful multiplayer setup. How disapointing. I guess I'll have to go out and buy the PS2 version - as soon as it goes down in price; It should be a 'greatest hit' title like GT3 by now.
  • Hmmm 1980's, vice city, I hope we get the Miami Vice sound track with it. Why do I see the main character wearing a white sport jacket? I wonder if we'll be able to check out South Beach. We all know that they were hinting at Miami being chosen (the police chief, the airport, billboards, etc.)

    Whatever it is, it's gonna be cool.
  • I havent got all the way through GTA3... Espresso 2 Go is frustrating.
    • Espresso 2 Go is frustrating.

      The best vehicle to use for this mission is the bulletproof Patriot you got for finishing all of Ray's missions.

      Start the mission by driving around all three islands, so that you have the red dots for all of the booths on your map before you destroy any of them. I find it's easier if you take out the Columbians in the booth beforehand (either driveby 'em with the Uzis or use the "car shield" trick and snipe 'em.)

      When you've visited all the booth locations, go back to Portland and go over to Salvatore's mansion. Park towards the edge of the driveway, not far from the two parked Sentinels. Climb on top of your Patriot and arm yourself with the rocket launcher. Aim through the trees and blow the first booth to kingdom come. Immediately hop into your Patriot and tear off to the next booth. As long as you don't get too hung up by the cops or flip your vehicle, you should be able to get to all the booths in the time you've got. Don't forget to pop into the Pay n'Spray to get your BP Patriot fixed if it gets too wasted (you'll almost certainly need to do this once, since the truck takes damage every time you flatten a booth.)
    • ***SPOILER***

      Drive round the city to get the location of all stands before you hit the first stand. Then make sure you do it in a fast or strong car. The Bulletproof Cheetah rocks...if you haven't got that, you can do it in the Bulletproof Patriot, that Ray whatsisname gives you.
    • Ok, so I'm posting to the same thread twice. Bah.

      But unless moankey is a very bad flamer, the mod on this post is wrong. Espresso 2 Go is a mission in GTA3 that is a ballache. Took me quite a few goes. And obviously some other people had problems with it too.

      So like I said, it's either a flame that is rather unflame-like (er, a black body post? Ahem...) or it's modded badly.
  • With all the great reviews, I headed to the store and buyed the PC version. What is wrong with the reviewers nowadays? I usually like racing games but this game is really annoying, it's just like that Wreckless game.

    If you like Wreckless you'll probably love this game because the gameplay is a little better but if you hated Wreckless like I did well then GTA3 is a huge disappointment.
    • well, if you were expecting a racing game it'd
      probably be pretty damned dissapointing.

      mostly because it isn't a racing game tho :0

      a few of the missions are races within the city though.
    • Re:Thanks a lot (Score:3, Informative)

      by NineNine ( 235196 )
      I usually like racing games but this game is really annoying, it's just like that Wreckless game.

      Maybe you didn't like Grand Theft Auto 3 because it's NOT a racing game.
  • You just can't beat that "Scarface" soundtrack while playing GTA. I don't know, maybe "Pulp Fiction" would come close
    • I dunno, I think I beat Flashback FM for coolness while playing last night. Thanks to GTA3 PC's ability to play MP3's if you place shortcuts in a directory, I took a directory of my MP3's that only included one-shots, stuff where I only had one song from an artist, and wound up with some very odd gaming moments.

      Taking a hooker to the pier for a little "health inrease mambo" to Paradise by the Dashboard Light. (And then killing her to get my money back)

      Driving away from an exploding warehouse with Paul Simon's "You can call me Al"

      Simply cruising the streets with not -only- the Top Gun theme, but followed immediately by the Peter Gunn theme, the Theme from Shaft, and the James Bond theme to top it off.

      Today's GTA3 music... Devo!

      All it really needs now is the ability to skip back or ahead a track on the MP3 channel.
  • Here's my choices:

    Belfast (during the 'troubles')
    Buenos Aires
    LA (after the Lakers win)

    oh wait, is that still funny?

  • by $beirdo ( 318326 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @11:08AM (#3565954) Homepage
    The motorcycles! Remember those from GTA and GTA II? (Superbike etc.) They were so fast that you couldn't stay on for more than a few seconds, but they did the coolest jumps and added lots of extra craziness. Bring back the bikes!
    • Hmmm... They certainly did seem conspicuous in their absense, but I wonder if they consciously decided to leave them out? Such high-speed vehicles may make it impossible to load the terrain fast enough on the PS2. Alternately, they could make them the same speed as the other cars, but that kind of kills the point.
  • by grakwell ( 571986 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @11:09AM (#3565957)
    Vice City PD.

    • Real problems are few and far between: Cruise the city's 20 donut shops in the mean-time.
    • In-Car computer to look up offender info. Also has mini-games. Tetris, anyone?
    • Points accumulate as you make speeders sit and wait for you to walk over & ticket them
    • Max character height: 5'6"
    • Don't forget to read those Miranda rights, or the DA will be pissed
    • Most up-to-date bureaucracy simulator *ever!* Literally thousands of forms to fill out.
    • High speed chases are dangerous, and have been banned. Call in the copters to follow them and go for more donuts.
    • Immersive domestic disturbances
    • Realistic AI. Whatever you do, at least half the city still thinks you're the bad guy.
    • Bike Cop & Meter Maid classes in the next expansion pack
  • In search of a quick fix, I went to the local evil super store (i.e Best Buy). They're not putting it out until tomorrow because "we always put out new software on Thursday"

    I *hate* those places...
  • The PC version of GTA3 hit stores today.

    A Politically Correct version of Grand Theft Auto?

    I find that hard to believe.

Lawrence Radiation Laboratory keeps all its data in an old gray trunk.
