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Nintendo Announces new Zelda, Mario & Metroid 260

MonkeyBot writes "Nintendo has posted news from the E3 convention concerning big name titles and their release dates. The new Metroids for the Cube and GBA, Legend of Zelda for the Cube, and a new Mario Game for the Cube are just a few of the titles for which new information is available. It'll be just like I'm a kid again, but with better graphics (and beer)!"
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Nintendo Announces new Zelda, Mario & Metroid

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  • Samus Aran in my pocket!
    ... for a brief moment... all is right in the world.
    • metroid II for the GBC was one of my favorite portable games of all time.

      now nearly every GBA game is awesome and worth countless hours under a well positioned lamp
    • I was just playing this a little bit. It looks very much like Super Metroid, but the enemies look cooler. The combat seems to be improved somewhat from what I remember. On the SNES, it could be simple and tedious to shoot the bad guys. On the GBA, it seems to take a little more skill and concentration, and is more fun.

      While Metroid Prime for the 'Cube reminds me of a PC FPS, the GBA incarnation of Metroid looks like the best of classic side-scrolling action, with some tweaks to make it even better.
  • by Hercynium ( 237328 ) <Hercynium&gmail,com> on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @05:22PM (#3568320) Homepage Journal
    This is the reason I like Nintendo better than all the other game systems out there... They had a great formula for fun video games 15 years ago, and they have stuck to what was proven fun and invented all sorts of new ways to keep it interesting! I *like* samus and mario and link... even if the game isn't all that good (think mario RPG) I still have fun playing it. It's just a way of going back :)

    • This is the reason I like Nintendo better than all the other game systems out there... They had a great formula for fun video games 15 years ago, and they have stuck to what was proven fun and invented all sorts of new ways to keep it interesting!

      And this is why I like my Sega Dreamcast. Nintendo just seems to take the same old characters and putting them in new games that really aren't that groundbreaking or original. New Mario Battle game. New Pokemon game. New Zelda game. It's like Police Academy 5 -- just not worth seeing the same thing over again (ok, bad example, but you get what I mean).

      Nintendo needs to come up with something new if they hope to finish #2 ahead of X-Box.
      • Now I'm in raving fanboy mode, but didn't Sonic 3 play exactly like Sonic 1? And didn't Mario 3 play quite a lot different than Mario 1? I'd mention Mario 2, but that was originally a completely different game.

        I have always found that Nintendo always strove for innovation - although that really bit them in the ass a few times *cough* *VirtuaBoy* *cough*

        In any case, what did Sega ever put out that was that original?

        Virtua Fighter series... Sonic 1... I can't think of more.

        Just because the Nintendo games star the same characters, it doesn't mean they don't innovate - Mario64 was nothing like other platform/adventure games of the time. Pikmin was very unique. Playing Earthbound was rather like an interesting drug trip at times.

        I could go on and on (as raving fanboys tend to do - for the record, I have/had a PSX, many PC games, gbc, gba, sega genesis, nintendo, sega master system, atari, etc - so I am more of a video game fanboy - I just really like Nintendo games :)
        • In any case, what did Sega ever put out that was that original?
          No way I'm letting this pass...Shenmue, Jet Grind Radio, Chu Chu Rocket, Typing of the Dead(don't give me any shit about that one, it's surprisingly enjoyable), Ecco the Dolphin, Seaman(published but not developed, so partial credit). That's just the Dreamcast era.

          I don't mean in any way to say that Nintendo *isn't* innovative, but credit where credit is due.

        • Jet Grind Radio [] — try finding a game that's just like it
          Virtua Tennis [] — the first tennis game that non-fans could enjoy
          Crazy Taxi [] — also unlike any other game... jumping, drifting cars... extreme obstacle courses
    • Fruity cutey story, but this is a Mario game, after all - unless you don't like RPG's, well, then why bother commenting about it? That would be like me ragging on Mario Golf because I don't like golf games or Metroid because I don't like platform games

      Holy shit, i'm such a fanboy

      • Mario RPG was good, but if you liked it, you've GOT to play Paper Mario on N64.

        The brilliant thing about Paper Mario was how much depth the game had relative to how complicated it was--there was more strategy in defeating a monster than in any post-VI Final Fantasy game, yet the game was so much simpler. Actually, there was a whole lot of brilliant things about Paper Mario--much better than Mario RPG.

      • Mario RPG just came to mind because I was playing it last night... I love RPG's, and it fits the genre wonderfully, but I've found I like my RPG's on the well, less cutsey side.

        Gameplay was okay, but I thought the depth of the game was less than stellar. Just my opinion. ;)

        However... I was playing Luigi's Mansion on my brother's 'Cube and was totally sucked in! Geez that game's addictive!!! (yeah, and it's cutsey, I know)
        • And I can't stop.

          I just can't stop. It's not fair. Don't buy it, you will never stop playing.

          I never owned an N64 (no RPG's, bought a PSX) and regretted it - I love RPG's but I prefer the PC ones myself. Unfortunately, the console RPG's tend to be of the Fight/Level/Talk/Repeat, although it is nice when somebody introduces some new elements - my favourite console rpgs I played recently were Lufia 2 and Golden Sun (a bit generic and short, but the puzzles were ok, if a bit easy). But now I just play Morrowind.

          Damn Morrowind has stolen my life. And I gave up DAoC to get into less addictive games. Oh well.
    • I think that it's about time they re-incarnated Paperboy for GameCube. That was the best game ever. Of course, it would have to be 3-D, like every other game they have comtinued making new versions of. I would by ANY system that had that game...
  • Who would win in a fight?
  • But where is (Score:3, Insightful)

    by rgraham ( 199829 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @05:22PM (#3568327) Homepage
    Mario Cart? Which IMHO is the best racing game ever! I don't know how many times I've piloted Yoshi around all those tracks but I still find it fun every time I do.
  • I guess someone got nostalgic for the old days of nintendo cult status. Now if we can only convince them not to make 'em all totally in 3D maybe they'll have a chance. When I was a kid, video games only had two dimensions to them. And we liked it, gosh darn it. Built character, it did.
    And it helped develop 'hand-eye' coordination. Of course, then again, so does masturbation...
    • This is what I was thinking. I couldn't tell if Metroid is 100% 3D, but the other two are. Are we doomed to never having 2D games again? 3D games can be good, and definitely have a place, but it's sad to see all 2D games "replaced" by them. Can't we all just get along?

      Mario 64 was cool, but if they made a 2D Mario as well, would kids really think it was lame?

      • Metroid Prime for GameCube is fully 2D. Metroid Fusion for Gameboy Advance is 2D.
      • The new Contra is 2D! Just look! []
      • This is what I was thinking. I couldn't tell if Metroid is 100% 3D, but the other two are.

        Metroid Prime for the GameCube is 3D.

        Are we doomed to never having 2D games again?

        No. Metroid Fusion for the Gameboy Advance is 2D. The Gameboy Advance is where it's at for 2D games currently.

        Shigeru Miyamoto has an intresting response when asked about 2D vs 3D in this interview at GameSpot UK [].
      • It used to be hard and expensive, but with the libraries and graphics cards doing most of the work in 3D, writing a game in 3D is far easier. All you need to do now as a designer is:

        1.) Design Models
        2.) Design skeletal deformation scripts. (walk, run, jump, duck, roll)
        3.) Write the game code.
        4.) release the game title.

        and if you want it to run on another system
        5.) port the game code, and patch the few dissimilar graphics functions between machines.

        It used to be that to build a game you had to:
        1.) design models
        2.) design skeletal deformations for all movements.
        3.) render all movements and make dib sequences or some other indexed pre-rendered graphics sequences.
        4.) write your own scene renderer for whatever format your game will follow.
        5.) work out all the ugly crap that doesn't flow well.
        6.) patch a cruddy game engine on top of your game 'cause your budget is now gone.

        Then you had to go and trash everything if you wanted to do things better.

        Now the market is flooded with people wanting you to use their 3D engine. They write all the graphics stuff and tweak it for library xyz which in turn is tweaked to run really well on xyz chip. Leaves the game developers free to design and build a better game.
    • funny, yes, but OH SO TRUE...

      from the metroid article:
      Traverse a crippled spaceship and explore the vast worlds of Tallon IV in an all-new first-person perspective!

      how the FUCK are you going to play metroid in first-person?!
    • "And it helped develop 'hand-eye' coordination. Of course, then again, so does masturbation..."

      Usually I'm looking at porn or something else such that I don't have time to stare at my penis, but if it gets you off....
  • by Tokerat ( 150341 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @05:24PM (#3568332) Journal
    About time Metroid was reincarneted. Now i have a good reason to go buy a GameCube sometime.

    I KNEW NIntendo wouldnt' let me down! Now if only their business tactics record wasn't for shame...
    • I KNEW NIntendo wouldnt' let me down! Now if only their business tactics record wasn't for shame...

      As opposed to Sony & Microsoft?

    • by krmt ( 91422 )
      I'm still bitter that Metroid never made it to the N64. And only one real Mario game, and at the very beginning of the product's cycle. Yeah, it's more than time for some renewal. Maybe one of these days I'll get a gamecube.

      I'm definitely going to pick up the GBA Metroid when that comes out. I hope a GBA Zelda is in the works, even though there's multiple GBC Zelda's, a full-fledged game like the SNES version would be perfect.
  • Poor Mario! (Score:3, Funny)

    by Liora ( 565268 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @05:24PM (#3568335) Journal

    Waiting to get the girl again?

    Mario sets off on his greatest adventure yet

    No, that would happen if he arrived on a pollution-free island and got to do some much deserved resting and relaxing there with Princess Peach.

    • I think he did that between the release of Mario64 and Mario Sunshine. The gameboy games were like reruns during the summertime, and Paper Mario does not count.

      My guess is that Nintendo called Luigi in to clear out that mansion at the last minute because Mario was still hungover from his rockin' vacation. The time for plumbin' with Peach is over buddy, it's time to get to adventurin'!
  • Get Your Past On (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    In a related note, Hollywood is sinking, and will be releasing an updated Spiderman, Apocalypse Now, Godfather, E.T., Star Wars, and a host of other dismal comebacks.
  • Recently Nintendo seems to be showing a new strategy of innovation.

    For example:

    1) Zelda is to be cel-shaded.
    2) Metroid will be a FPS.
    3) And unconfirmed rumors say that Mario Sunshine will be designed for 3dglasses, thats why the screenshots seem so odd.

    Nintendo must be trying to break their image of being totally conventional and change resisting.
    • "3) And unconfirmed rumors say that Mario Sunshine will be designed for 3dglasses, thats why the screenshots seem so odd."

      The reason the pictures are 'odd' is because they are photographs from projectors. I wouldn't take the glasses rumor too seriously.

      As for Nintendo 'using a new strategy of being innovative...', why is this a new strategy for Nintendo? Have you been paying attention to Nintendo's evolution? Look at the SNES controller, then look at the N64 controller, then look at the GC controller... notice something? They'z a little bit different. Look at the Playstation controller, then the PS2 controller... or look at the XBOX controller that wants to be a Dreamcast controller.

      What about the games? Look at how radically different the Mario games are from each other. Look at how Nintendo added the Super FX chip in Star Fox just to give gamers a new experience. Bah Im not gonna go on anymore, I think my point stands.

      The reason that Nintendo has got a strong following is because you can always buy a Nintendo product and get something that totally blows your mind. Too bad Sony and MS haven't figured that out yet.
  • This is welcome news! The only thing holding back the Gamecube is a lack of games. I own Star Wars, Resident Evil, Super Smash Bros, and Pikmin. I would buy a lot more but there aren't any games out there worth buying.

    THe gamecube price just dropped as well (luckily I bought my GC less than 30 days ago and got the difference back from the store I bought it at :)

    Could we have linked to some articles with pictures though? Or am I missing a link on the page?

    I heard (on Penny Arcade, I think) that there was supposed to be some big surprise announcement - I don't see anything mentioned here though...
  • Trailers are here!! (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Insane trailers (Very professional movie-like). Check it.

    Metroid. (Insane) nts/gamepa ge/gamecontent/images/e3/metroid_prime/e3_metroidp rime_gcn_trailer.wmv asd sda asd dasasd

    Zelda. (Cel-da? SWEET JESUS it looks great!) asd sda asd dasasd pa ge/gamecontent/images/e3/zelda-gcn/e3_zelda_gcn_tr ailer.wmv

    Mario Sunshine. Wow asd sda asd dasasd pa ge/gamecontent/images/e3/super_mario_sunshine/e3_m ariosun_gcn_trailer.wmv

    Wario asd sda asd dasasd pa ge/gamecontent/images/e3/wario_world/e3_warioworld _gcn_mov01.wmv

    Star Fox asd sda asd dasasd pa ge/gamecontent/images/e3/starfox_adventures/e3_sta rfoxadv_gcn_trailer.wmv

    Metroid Fusion (GBA - Oh.. my... f'ing .. god! 2d SNES love baby!) s/gamepa ge/gamecontent/images/e3/metroid_fusion/e3_metroid fusion_agb_mov01.wmv

    Zelda GBA (4 player CO-OP multiplayer! INSANE. - Screenshots only) ts . sp?gameId=1280

    Nintendo hands down has ended the console war with this lineup. Look at every single one of those. Infriggensane.

  • by jdbo ( 35629 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @05:27PM (#3568364) just from reading the headline, and my first thought was "that's insane!" next thought was - "wait, no, if they could pull off a combination Zelda/Mario/Metroid game, resolving the differences between the different gaming styles and envionments/back stories it'd be one of the most amazing narrative (gaming or otherwise) tricks ever accomplished!" third thought was - "holy crap, if a movie is ever made out of this combo game/story it would be even less coherent than the Super Mario Bros. movie, and thus be terribly harmful to the developing thought processes of our nation's youth - Nintendo must be stopped!!" fourth thought was - "maybe I should read the f***ing article, or at least the summary beneath the headline before posting my ever-so-important concerns". fifth thought was "this is Slashdot, no one will notice."

    ...and my sixth and final thought was "I can't believe you read this far."
  • I hope they maintain the quality of Metroid.
    I hope even more they increase the quality of this Metroid (as graphics, fun and challenge) over
  • by Larry_Z ( 139184 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @05:31PM (#3568388)
    Game Summary
    The latest Legend of Zelda adventure begins with young Link living a peaceful life on a tiny island. One day, Link witnesses a huge, menacing bird that snatches Link's younger sister and flies away with her. Link follows in hot pursuit. His search for her sets in motion an epic adventure that will have Link sailing the high seas and searching for answers to the mystery behind her disappearance.

    Checking out the game summary I can't help but think that Link is really Fox Mulder.
  • How Long? (Score:3, Funny)

    by Kriticism ( 225999 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @05:31PM (#3568392)
    I'm wondering how long it's going to take before we see an article on /. about someone who has taken all of these games and gotten them to run on a GB Advance/Gamecube chop-job that has been crammed inside of an old C64 case, and which uses a vector-analysis routine combined with a laser projection system to display them on the bare midriff of a Natalie Portman poster.
  • If metroid is as good as the original or the super metroid version, I might have to blow $149 for the system and $50 or $60 for the game. Plus I'm curious about that Pikmin game. Zelda might be a plus as well. I haven't been into mario much since the days of the 8 bit nintendo.
  • It'll be just like I'm a kid again, but with better graphics (and beer)!

    No it won't. Game companies, Nintendo included, stopped making fun games long ago and instead concentrated on what eye candy with no substance. You can't tell me that you can seriously compare any N64 or Gamecube game to an old-school Nintendo or SNES game and say it has the same level of fun because of the playability or content. This is why I stopped buying consoles, today they're all eye candy and no fun (with the possible exception of the GBA, though that's a stretch).
    • What? (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      You havent played Mario on the N64 or Zelda ont he N64 have you? They were right on par and just as fun as the originals! Thats all Nintendo cares about: FUN. Obviously you havent tried the Gamecube yet.. Go grab it and pick up SSMB. Good times..

    • I'll hold up Super Smash Brothers and Super Monkey Ball to any Nintendo or SNES game for fun, playability, or content. I'll agree that the 8/16 bit era of gaming was a golden age, but when I play some the Gamecube launch titles and look at Mario, Metroid, and especially Zelda screenshots, heck even some of my Dreamcast games, I start to suspect we might be starting a new golden age--that developers are finally starting to understand the medium of gameplay inside a 3d projections onto 2d surface.
  • Monkey Ball 2! (Score:4, Interesting)

    by dimer0 ( 461593 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @05:40PM (#3568465)
    What I'm waiting for is Monkey Ball 2..

    Sega has the #1 sleeper hit for the gamecube right now.. Monkey Ball is by FAR the best game out for the system. It's got that cute-Nintendo-like-appeal. Extremely addicting. My buddies stop over and chuckle when I suggest we play Monkey Ball over Halo, GTA3, etc -- and then 5 hours later when we finish our last game of Monkey Target and can't hold our eyes open any more, it's time to put it away..

    • Amen brother. Monkey Ball 2 is definately going to blow up the spot, and will likely go down as one of the best party games ever. I'm eargerly waiting ... I'd take MonkeyBall over Halo any day! (I don't get Halo fans .. decent game, but FPSes on mouse-less systems will always be 2nd to the PC)
  • The knock on this game is that it has a "kiddie" look to it. I was worried that might be the case, but after seeing the game in action, I'm glad to say it works.

    It does have a semi-cartoony look to it, but I don't think it detracts from the game. Previous Zelda games have had what I would consider "kiddie" looks to them. Even Ocarina of Time made link look more like a little kid than an elf. What's been great about the Zelda series is the game play, which is deep and engrossing.

    Playing the new game, you quickly get caught up in it, and the cell-shaded look just works. It hasn't been overused enough yet to be cliche (although it's getting close), and it fits pretty well with the Zelda franchise. And, after seeing screen shots, you think I'm an idiot, I'd advise you to hold off on your judgement. The screen shots don't do it justice. Before I got my hands on the game, they weren't convicing me, either.
    • That's because Link *is* a kid. If you check your manuals, Zelda 2 starts on Link's 16th birthday. I don't know the time gap, but Zelda 1 had the same Link, but a few years earlier.

      Zelda 3 was a different link, but same age area. GB Zelda was right after it.

      The Link of the N64 games was a kid, though I don't think they gave an exact age. For part of Ocarina of Time Link was an adult though (7 years older).

      So, in short, Link looked like a kid because he was one.
    • Personally, I'm still hoping that the cel-shaded Zelda and the "ultra-realistic" in the original Zelda movie are part of the same game... just part of the Dark and Light world respectively.
  • It's finally happened:
    • Restore the power of Shine to keep the island clean.
    • Wash away island mess to restore the community to its pristine condition using Mario's new water pump device.
    Mario fights evil with a bottle of Windex!
  • by mblase ( 200735 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @06:10PM (#3568666)
    ...GameCube would be Marvel []: continuously re-introducing old popular titles in the hope that old fans with new incomes will buy them and restore the company's fortunes.

    ...Sega would be Image []: beautiful graphics time after time, but slow to realize that's not enough to keep them from crashing and burning.

    ...Sony would be Vertigo []: late to the party, but chock-full of great stories with some truly radical, if not entirely beautiful, graphics.

    ...Microsoft would Dark Horse []: rather than creating anything great on their own, buy up everyone else's popular ideas and market the hell out of them.
    • but who would be Valiant, the company with the best stories but mediocre graphics?

      Maybe I'm just a nutcase (as time goes on I feel more and more that way), but I'll take engaging story / gameplay over FX / graphics any day. I get a lot of heat because I don't play games like Soldier of Fortune. Give me an Atari 2600 over a GameCube anyday.
  • Gamespot Impressions (Score:3, Informative)

    by bryanbrunton ( 262081 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @06:30PM (#3568780)

    What you really want is the Gamespot impressions from guys who have actually played these games:

    Impressions []

    Perhaps its best the Zelda comes out next year. More time for Metroid and Mario.
  • I really wish these titles would have been release titles, or maybe at the very least come out a little sooner than February. My GC doesn't have all that many worthwhile games out for it right now. Rogue Leader was fun for a bit, Luigi's Mansion got old fast, as did Crazi Taxi and Sonic. Super Smash Brothers is awesome and the best game I've played on the GC so far because Ihaven't gotten my hands on Monkey Ball yet and I hear it is just as addicting. The next title besides these I'm on the look out for is Clone Wars which looks like it will be pretty sweet to play.

    Had Mario, Link, and Samus been in the initial wave of titles for the GC I think it probably would have sold even more units than it did. The classic Nintendo characters are franchises the XBox simply doesn't have and the playstation took several years to develop. I've played Metroid so many times I can hum the music to it on command. It disappointed me after getting my GC that some of the first games I had on my original Nintendo were going to take so long to get to it. The first Nintendo I got was the version with R.O.B and the light gun. From the get go I had Super Mario Brothers, Duck Hunt, and Gyroscope. Soon after I got Metroid and Kid Icarus which are two games I longed for on the N64 after I bought it off eBay. Zelda of course dominated a good deal of my time, I've got gold cartridge versions of both Zelda 1 and 2 lying around somewhere. I'm hoping these titles which have been in the works for a while turn out to be as entertaining as the originals. I thought Nintendo did a good job with Zelda 3 and Super Metroid on the SNES because for a while both games dominated my free time and cut into some of my sleep. While i would have hoped they came sooner I know three things I'm sticking on my wish list of nostalgic things.
  • I dont remember MarioTM. Who is that?
  • Coverage at Gamespot (Score:3, Informative)

    by Lac ( 135355 ) on Wednesday May 22, 2002 @07:03PM (#3568955)

    Here are a few quick Gamespot coverage links. They contain much more information than the Nintendo links and provide screenshots.

    Metroid Prime hands-on []
    Super Mario Sunshine hands-on []
    The Zelda title gamespace []

  • It seems there are many comments of the form "now I have a reason to buy a GameCube". It will be interesting to see if Nintendo's sales really defy the normal trends, and surge instead of levelling off.

    I hate to be a member of the XBox team. Imagine the XBox and the GameCube drag racing down the freeway, the XBox pretty impressed by its own top speed, when suddenly the Cube rolls down his window and says "Hey, buddy, how do get this thing out of second gear?" The Cube then laughs, peels out going from fourth to fifth, and smokes the poor XBox.

    -Paul Komarek
  • [Does the Fanboy Dance]

    This is great news! I just today... today... bought a Gamecube and Super Smash Bros Melee. I just can't put it down. In fact, the only reason I'm on /. right now is because I have to eat dinner.

    I haven't decided on Zelda yet, but from the looks of things Mario and Metroid are must-haves.

    Now, somebody see about getting Bowser his own game.

  • Nintendo is so influential (at least it was in my life as a kid), that I STILL play Zelda: A Link to the Past on an SNES emulator for my Mac [].

    I converted to Playstation when Sega and Nintendo began to fade. Zelda 64, in my opinion, sucked... but I am confident "ZeldaCube" could be pretty good. Will I buy a GameCube to play it? If it brings back the mystery of exploration (like Link to the Past did but 64 did not do as well), I just might actually.

    I love my PS2... but I do miss good ole Nintendo games.
  • There's a great collection of screenshots and videos up on the ign website [].

    Personally I can't wait for Mario Sunshine.. Mario64 was easily one of the most entertaining games I've ever played and it can only get better from there :-)
  • I see they have Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem too. Hmm, someone goes to Rhode Island and explores past lives, with sanity levels.

    Sounds Cthulhoid to me ...

    Who says GameCube is just for kids ...

    Now if only they'd do The Sims for the GameCube, my world would be complete!
  • I have been following the Nintendo Gamecube news for some time. All the big games are far into the future. The release date for Zelda has been pushed back (IIRC this was announced after the price drop). Is Nintendo just trying to stop people from buying PS2, Xbox?
  • Rmemeber Space Ace? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by roberto0 ( 242247 )
    Seeing the preview video of Zelda reminded me of Those old Don Bluth games Space Ace and Dungeons & Dragons. They had comic humor, but more improtantly, they were completely animated (hand-drawn) games. The new Link has the animated look you might see in a cartoon rather than a video game. Even the new Samas Aran looks more stylish than real.

    I like this approach to V/G design. Sacrificing realism for style is definitely something that adds to the replay value of a game. I hate to sound like a Nintendo worshipper, but I think they've hit the nail on the head with these 2.

    And incedentally, if I mysteriously disappear for a few days when these games come out...
    Tell my parents that I'm very very happy :)
  • Beer certainly is one of the best parts of game playing. I'm sure it improves my aim on some games too.

"Buy land. They've stopped making it." -- Mark Twain
