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Games Entertainment

E3 Wrapup 127

If you read Slashdot with any sort of regularity you probably noticed a lot of game posts last week - new stuff being shown off at the Electronic Entertainment Expo. Let's wrap up the last few submissions and put the Expo to bed for a year. Neil Yates writes "210 pictures, 56 booth babe shots, spread over five pages - what more can we say; this is the killer E3 Expo pictorial feature - only on Envy News. Dial-up users beware - this is broadband territory!" angkor submits a link to a NYTimes story noting that sales of video games were way up last year, no doubt driven by the new consoles. And we had another submission, but the link seems to be broken, so I guess that's about it.
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E3 Wrapup

Comments Filter:
  • Envy? (Score:4, Funny)

    by Troed ( 102527 ) on Tuesday May 28, 2002 @07:15AM (#3594212) Homepage Journal
    this is the killer E3 Expo pictorial feature - only on Envy News. Dial-up users beware - this is broadband territory!

    this is the killer Slashdotting feature - only on Slashdot. Small Envy News sites beware - this is broadband++ territory!
    • Re:Envy? (Score:4, Funny)

      by ishark ( 245915 ) on Tuesday May 28, 2002 @07:29AM (#3594248)
      this is the killer E3 Expo pictorial feature - only on Envy News. Dial-up users beware - this is broadband territory!
      this is the killer Slashdotting feature - only on Slashdot. Small Envy News sites beware - this is broadband++ territory!

      Even worse: ``210 pictures, 56 booth babe shots, spread over five pages''. This is not "killer slashdotting feature", this is website hara-kiri.

      (and the hara-kiri succeeded: I managed to get the thumbnails of the 1st page, now it just timeout messages...)
      • I got the thumbs on the first page, but clicking any of them resulted in a nice javascript error. I guess envy news doesn't script for IE...
      • Re:Envy? (Score:3, Funny)

        by imr ( 106517 )
        strangely, only the babe booth babes is affected by the slashdot effect.
        Which I find annoying because it's the only page I wanted to reach.
      • Jeez, it doesn't take much to impress you guys does it? I went to therse pictures expecting loads of hot models and I get a few average chicks in jeans. Great.

        You need to get yer ass down to a motor show - the babes there are AMAZING!
    • found this link to a number of mirrors []
    • This is shell script territory.

      mkdir -p /tmp/babes && cd /tmp/babes && num=108;while [ $num -le 160 ]; do
      wget "$num.j pg"; num=`expr $num + 1`; done

      Wait, and then peruse at your leisure.
      Remove the stray spaces in the URL (slashcode added them)
    • This site [] gives insight in the ecosystem of the booth babe: morphology, pick order, behaviour and that sort of things..
  • by jms258 ( 569015 ) on Tuesday May 28, 2002 @07:16AM (#3594217)
    as if millions of computers suddenly initiated connections to port 80 of ... and were suddenly silenced. i feel that something terrible has happened.
  • I managed to get past the last page before the site got slashdotted. That was fast. Now I can comfortably see the pics from my cache.
  • Doom III video (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Digital_Fiend ( 41244 ) on Tuesday May 28, 2002 @07:23AM (#3594234) Journal
    In case y'all haven't seen it...

    Doom III gameplay video [] - not very good quality, 11 minutes long. It's best, I think, to look at screenshots first and then watch the video.

    The video is amazing. You should definitely download it.
  • Let me get this... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by edgrale ( 216858 ) on Tuesday May 28, 2002 @07:29AM (#3594245)
    The music, movie (was on /. a while ago) and now the game industry is doing profit records and yet they claim that piracy is going to driving them out of business?

    Excuse me? Could someone explain?

    (not inteded as a troll/flamebait, mod me down if you wish)
    • -"going to"
    • What's to explain? They assume they'll sell even more if there's less piracy. The gaming market is growing, but it will have to grow if the PC gaming market is to survive as well as all the three console markets.
      The companies selling consoles in particular, ie Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony, have a special interest to get rid of piracy. While it has been quite correctly stated that the success of the PS is in big part due to the fact that it was relatively easy to pirate, the manufacturers aren't happy at all when they sell lots of consoles but not so many games - after all, none of the companies gets any money from selling the consoles themselves. Nintendo used to, until the lastest price drop, but not so anymore, and Microsoft pays an estimated $180 per console. So obviously, they need to sell a heap of games to get even, not to mention make a profit.
      If piracy was really rampant in the console market, it'd go down, and fast. But although two out of three of the current consoles are already cracked, it isn't likely to get very bad. Console gamers are (on average!) less experienced with computer than the PC gamers, and even most PC gamer enthusiast will have a relatively hard time getting console warez from the net. Not that it's impossible, but even the rips, ie the versions with some of the game data removed are CD sized downloads, if not larger. That's probably the most effective protection, anyway, the original games are often DVD sized, so that people without a DVD burner won't be able to do anything with them even if they manage to get them.
      Ah well I could ramble on and on on this, suffice to say, I don't think the gaming industry is in any danger because of piracy; I don't think it's helping, either, but the industry associations obviously exaggerate.
    • Ah see, but the Gaming Industry is different from the Recording and Film Industries in that it grew up with piracy. There has always been computer piracy. Back in the day it was simple to copy floppy disks and all your friends had the game. Game Companies began to come up with ways to combat this from simple methods like "What is the third word in the fourth paragraph on the 25th page" to pinwheels. Eventually many other ways to combat piracy came to be such as the hidden tracks and CD keys. But it has always been a part of the industry and if asked most of the industry will say that it always will be apart of the industry. So the goal is not to stop piracy but to make it hard for the average person and make it more worth their while to simply buy the game legally.

      That is a whole different mindset than the Recording and Film industries that take the opinion that all piracy must stop. This is just plain stupid. There never will be a way to stop all piracy. Instead, if you set your prices at a place where it is more cost efficent to buy the movie or CD then spend hours working on it online, then people will buy. But when CDs have reached $16 a pop and DVDs are cheaper to produce than VHS but cost almost $10 as much, yes piracy is going to happen. And in this way it is their own fault. If they simply would realize that some piracy is going to happen and instead focus on making it so that it simply is not a cost efficent way to go, then piracy would go down and they would not be affecting fair use.
    • If you'd been to E3, you would have seen the effect of this.

      The South Hall, which was traditionally a PC game hall, was filled with more consoles than PC's. While I can name a dozen or more impressive console titles off the top of my head, I can only think of about two, maybe three interesting PC titles. PC gaming, compared to a few years ago, is more stagnant and smaller. That's not completely piracys fault, but it is a factor in Publishers and Developers shifting focus (what? I can sell 5-10x more copies by releasing on a console? sure!)

      Piracy isn't driving any of the console players out of business, since only the uberhardcore have the patience to mod their consoles and swap discs everytime they want to play pirated games. The only console that was affected was the Dreamcast, since all you had to do was download and burn a disc.

      It is driving PC sales down, since all someone has to do is download (P2P-Client-of-the-month) and click on "l33t-gta3.iso", and presto - instant game.

      So no, it's not some OMG HOT HOT RIAA-esque conspiracy where they're selling more and fudging figures to claim piracy, it's because PC gaming is being heavily affected by it, while console gaming isn't.
  • by Xpilot ( 117961 ) on Tuesday May 28, 2002 @07:33AM (#3594259) Homepage thousands of geeks who didn't get a chance to go to E3 are just dying to see the babe shots^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hnew games and stuff.

    • So I come back the day after to see what all the rage was about.

      All I see is shitty dark & blurry pics. Nary a babe in sight.

      Hmmm. I feel deceived. What adding the word "babe" to a post will make a guy do.
  • by Wind_Walker ( 83965 ) on Tuesday May 28, 2002 @07:43AM (#3594283) Homepage Journal
    Dial-up users beware - this is broadband territory

    Slashdot users beware - this is slashdotted territory.

    I think I'll check back later... like next week.

  • slashdots (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 28, 2002 @07:49AM (#3594292)
    News for dorky consumers, stuff that matters to their capitalist overlords.
  • Doom 3 for Linux? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by andersbd ( 530590 )
    I *really* look forward to Doom 3. Does anyone know if it will be released for Linux?
    • Doom 3 will be released for Linux; Carmack has mentioned in one of his .plans that while id will not be putting a boxed version out (as was the case with Quake 3), they will at least have an unsupported binary.
  • And we had another submission, but the link seems to be broken, so I guess that's about it.

    Oh, as opposed to the link being broken 3 minutes after the story is posted because of the /. effect. Watch out nerds - this is slashdotting territory!

    It's like the Darwin Awards for webservers.

    I had some other wisecrack to say, but it's been a long weekend and my skull is broken, so that's about it.
  • >Dial-up users beware - this is broadband

    Broadband is overrated: I get a timeout at exactly 90 seconds using either a 56k at home or T1 at work.

    I won't be upgrading to broadband anytime soon!

  • referrer blocked (Score:2, Redundant)

    by shomon2 ( 71232 )
    I just went in through the google cache, and it loaded just fine, no /. effect, so it's probably referrer-blocked...

  • by hage ( 581704 ) on Tuesday May 28, 2002 @09:22AM (#3594677)
    I wonder if they're going to attribute increased sales to "strengthed" copy protection schemes. You know, those strengthened schemes that force legitimate users to find and download the NoCD crack. []

    Don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to a 2003 chock full of games whose copy protection scheme [] isn't compatible with my CD-ROM. I'm sure it's stopping pirates, though!
  • I've been following the proceedings on Blue's but it seems like almost every video I've seen linked is in Windows Media Format (or the latest DIVX -- gotta love a codec that breaks compatibility with every release).

    So has anybody converted these to MPEG or something?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Looks like Games Domain have come up with the goods: []
  • Everyone just wants to drool over the booth babes anyways, myself included. So here they are! []
  • Although it's a cam from E3, watching the Doom III engine in action just made my jaw drop. Can't wait!

    Check out the video here [].

    Mirrors here []
  • by Jugalator ( 259273 ) on Tuesday May 28, 2002 @11:22AM (#3595565) Journal
    Well, if it's E3 babes you want, it's E3 babes [] you shall get!
    Honestly, who cares which year's E3 it's from? ;)
  • More booth babes (Score:2, Interesting)

    by robotgod ( 306628 )
    Ok, here's some more booth babe links here they are! [] and here! [] more [] and more [] here too [] here's a documentary on the species [] and here's an interesting article including interviews with the babes []
  • The U.S. Army-made game, America's Army was the single most surpising game to come out of E3. The thought that the Army is making a good, super-realistic, free game somehow makes me proud to be an American. It certainly shows that the Army's advertising department is willing to try out new ideas.

    I wonder, if this is a success, will we be seeing a sequel? Or how about other games based on the Navy/Air Force/Marines/etc.? Well, we already have a plethora of good air combat sims already...
    • by Anonymous Coward
      The game is free, except for the fact that you have to be within the ages of 13-34 to get them to send it to you; some posters have previously pointed out that the age 13 minimum may because of COPA (the Child Online Protection Act), but there's absolutely no reason for an age 34 maximum. That doesn't make me proud to be an American, it makes me afraid to have anything to do with it because I don't want them to draft my ass immediately the next time there's a war and say "Oh, you got the highest score in your area, so we pushed you through to recruitment asap..."
      • And don't be so such a whinny pussy. If you're over 34 there's no way you could join. Why would they waste money of someone who couldn't join?
  • More Booth Babes (Score:2, Informative)

    by gururise ( 263174 )
    For your pleasure..

    Take a look at these Booth Babes [] from last years E3!

    We had a great time. I especially enjoyed the photos with the police girls!


  • by Uggy ( 99326 ) on Tuesday May 28, 2002 @01:54PM (#3596740) Homepage


    for ((a=108; a <= LIMIT ; a++))

    # 108 to 194
  • ...submit a story to Slashdot to a site with over 3 pictures unless you have 6 redundant OC-128's
  • I thought it was interesting that Acclaim unvieled a console game with full frontal nudity, Dave Mirra: XXX. No nude screen shots (unfortunately), but IGN has a story about it. Here's the link []. As far as I know this is a first, but can anybody fill me in as to past console games with nudity (at least, North American games)?
  • Looking for real coverage of E3?

    Try's E3 Coverage [], it's been going since Day Zero of E3.

  • Not that I personally care but I noticed this lead in to the forum discussion on booth babes -- What happens to these women borders on prostitution and solicitation in some cases... In several cases, drunken and stinking men would come up and hug them, grab their [expletive], or just try to grope or kiss them without so much as asking. Men wearing wedding rings for crissake would give these women hotel room numbers, phone numbers, and keys! All this on top of long days wearing next to nothing, having few (if any) breaks, and being paid cash or check as they walked out the door at the end of the conference.

    And yet they've got a whole big gallery of them to slobber over?

    I'm just guessing about the latter though, it was /.'ed into oblivion :)

Them as has, gets.
