Nintendo Hires Walking Gamers 289
Plug1 writes "CNN.com has an interesting article about nintendo hiring people to offer free samples of their games. Stephen Pellitier "will wear a 15-inch flat-screen TV on his chest and a pack of batteries on his back. With a game console and joysticks dangling from his waist, he will spend his weekends inviting passers-by to play games.""
imagine the possible pickup lines involving joysticks, buttons, and playing
with them! The potential for being beaten on the streets is just amazing!
there goes the 'kiddy system' argument (Score:3, Funny)
Re:there goes the 'kiddy system' argument (Score:3, Funny)
Re:there goes the 'kiddy system' argument (Score:3, Funny)
Re:there goes the 'kiddy system' argument (Score:4, Funny)
Re:there goes the 'kiddy system' argument (Score:2)
Beaten on the streets... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Beaten on the streets... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Beaten on the streets... (Score:2)
Drug dealers do this !!! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Drug dealers do this !!! (Score:1)
Re:Drug dealers do this !!! (Score:2)
We'll be reading about this more... (Score:1)
Re:We'll be reading about this more... (Score:2)
Re:We'll be reading about this more... (Score:2)
Nice target (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Nice target (Score:2)
How long until some kids beat this guys ass and take the game?
Why not just steal the games from the store he's out in front of? Seems a lot easier.
Re:Nice target (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Nice target (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Nice target (Score:2)
Indeed. Everyone knows the Temple of Nod is in Bosnia--(http://www.euronet.nl/users/jjk/games/Co
Chris Mattern
"I've programmed button #1 for rapid fire!" (Score:3, Funny)
"My joystick's been 'ruggedized' for exceptional durability and long lasting play!"
Oh, come on... (Score:3, Funny)
"Force Feedback"
Er, right. I'll be going now.
Dream (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Dream (Score:2, Funny)
Some Dream ... (Score:2)
From the CNN article [cnn.com]:
So, picture a chubby whale of a kid figuring the same thing about working for McDonalds on account of how much he likes burgers.
An employee telling a corporation how much he loves his job is a bit like an altar boy telling a Catholic priest how much he likes to be spanked.
Re: Some Dream ... (Score:2)
There's also the likelihood that if the concept takes off (and it does seem reasonably sound) that the role of games walker will be McJobbed down to lower pay and longer hours. No doubt Nintendo predicted that the pay and conditions of this novel position would, at least initially, be subject to public attention. Targetting the younger kids and parents demographic as they are, Nintendo have to be ultra-careful about generating any sense that they're taking advantage of kids, especially when some campaigner might use it to draw further attention to the fact that the company take no responsibility for the child labor policies of their Asian parts suppliers.
Incidentally, child labor and inhumane, dangerous working conditions are the big, dirty secret of tech: you can bet that your own computer computer contains its own share of human misery.
Human misery (Score:2)
For Christ's sake, that removes "playing Morrowind" from the list of things I can do without feeling guilty. All that's left is "selfless toil" and "modding up funny slashdot posts".
Monitor Inversion? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Monitor Inversion? (Score:3, Funny)
Finally a game... (Score:1)
Did I just read that? (Score:5, Funny)
must... get... mind... out... of... gutter...
excellent. (Score:1)
"With a game console and joysticks dangling from his waist."
hah! what a great way for geeks like us to meet REALY HAWT chix0Rz!
"scuse me, i'm having a problem with my joystick."
"wanna play a game? grab hold!"
"if you wanna donkey kong with me, yer gonna hafta play with the joystick."
Re:excellent. (Score:1)
i am twice the man as that single-joystick, wico-wielding fule over there!
Re:excellent. (Score:1)
This is dumb, everybody knows.. (Score:2, Funny)
Re:This is dumb, everybody knows.. (Score:2)
that's where I'd go... and I'd modify the costume with a little "tips" jar:)
Re:This is dumb, everybody knows.. (Score:2)
Sign me up... (Score:1)
The Amazing Walking Bilboard (Score:5, Interesting)
Think about the future this could bring, We advance from having a flat screen on the front and batteries on the back to an imbeded LCD/plasma screen in the chest and runs right off the electricity created by the brain. The games/advertisements are stored in the brain as well and just played back from memory.
Who needs walls and signs when the human body could do it more efficiently.
Of course, when this happens for real, I think it will be time to check myself out of the gene pool.
Re:The Amazing Walking Bilboard (Score:5, Interesting)
Remember the ying and yang - as this kind of thing becomes more popular, the counter-advertising culture will have to take _their_ campaign to a whole new level. This is what I'm most interested in seeing.
Re:The Amazing Walking Bilboard (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:The Amazing Walking Bilboard (Score:2)
Re:The Amazing Walking Bilboard (Score:3, Insightful)
Chances are you won't. You cant advertise if there is no message on the creative. Duh.
Re:The Amazing Walking Bilboard (Score:3, Interesting)
"Think about the future this could bring, We advance from having a flat screen on the front and batteries on the back to an imbeded LCD/plasma screen in the chest and runs right off the electricity created by the brain. The games/advertisements are stored in the brain as well and just played back from memory."
Yeah, but what will the screen show when he checks out that hot chick walking by? Memories of his first time?
Re:The Amazing Walking Bilboard (Score:2)
Re:The Amazing Walking Bilboard (Score:2)
No matter what anyone else says, walking with heavy batteries on your back dealing with the public all day is nasty-ass work for $100.
Re:The Amazing Walking Bilboard (Score:2)
Re:The Amazing Walking Bilboard (Score:2, Funny)
Yeah, I read some story someplace about how in the future, newspapers will be sold by shouting children on street corners instead of those dumb old machines.
(I, personally, could never spend six hours watching other people play gamecube at my expense. I'd have to take on all comers in a Super Monkey Ball deathmatch.)
Re:The Amazing Walking Bilboard (Score:2)
bad pickup lines? (Score:1, Redundant)
Sorry.. couldn't resist
You mean you can get paid to do this? (Score:1)
Visit my website assmuffins.
beaten up. (Score:2)
Hell - I might even steal it.
That can be kinda nasty (Score:1)
I'll stick to my own joystick, thank you very much...
Re:That can be kinda nasty (Score:2)
Pick-Up Lines (Score:5, Funny)
4. You sure set off my Chrono Trigger.
3. Want to see what I can draw in Mario Paint?
2. I'll be Link, and you can be my Zelda.
1. Want to play with my Mario?
Re:Pick-Up Lines (Score:2, Funny)
No, no.... even better...
"Would you like to meet my little plumber?"
Re: (Score:3, Funny)
shootemup (Score:1)
Duck Hunt? (Score:5, Funny)
$100 a day, $35000 per year?? (Score:2, Interesting)
You think being beat up is unrealistic? How about taking insults all day about how much cooler Dreamcast, xbox, is? How about the snotty kid who wants to play for hours? Good luck to these people, they will need it!!!
Re:$100 a day, $35000 per year?? (Score:2)
Re:$100 a day, $35000 per year?? (Score:3, Funny)
Whoa! (Score:1)
Not the best idea... (Score:1)
How many will get stolen? (Score:1)
where was this idea 6 years ago? (Score:1)
umm. (Score:1)
Muggings about to get a boost (Score:1)
I don't know about you guys, but I can't wait to round-up my hoodlum friends and yank the whole kit off some unlucky PR monkey.
Imagine.. (Score:1)
ya know.... (Score:2, Funny)
"come on man. play eternal darkness"
"come on."
'go away! oh god please go away'
This is absolutely... (Score:1)
It is silly. I don't think anyone would stoop so low as to become a walking game console stand...
Every teen i know and their dog have at least one console, and don't expect to find someone walking on the streets, with a console on his head to find out about the latest gaming news.
Who is this "idea" targeted at? My mother returning from the grocery store?
On a lighter note, this scheme involves gamers ever getting OUT of their rooms...
Go ahead, mod me as troll, but deep inside you you know that while games are fun, there's something to be said about self respect.
National Exposure (Score:5, Insightful)
The neatest thing about this campaign is that sure...this may not work, but it made national news because it's a new idea.
So...they spend a couple of hundred bucks to pay a few guys to walk around crowded areas on weekends. Pay a couple thousand on hardware...probably about 500 for each. And reap the (probably small benefits) associated with this campaign. But...the national exposure this should generate because of the fact that it's new and wierd would probably have costed hundreds to thousands of times what they spent on the few kids and units.
Re:National Exposure (Score:4, Insightful)
If anything there are more choices for advertising media than ever. Been to a bar lately? Advertisments over urinals (I have seen GTA3 ads on these), postcards by the doors, coasters, swizzlesticks, matchbooks. It's all fair game these days. My company used cars wrapped in ads to get their message out. There is a company were you can lease models to hand out product samples.
TV, radio, internet (banners, spam, popups), print (magazines, newspapers) outdoor, sponsorships, 'guerilla media' (Bars, wild postings, samplings, elevator LCDs, floor graphics), LCDs in checkout lines. Christ, even the divders in the supermarket checkout lines have ads on them.
Advertising is becoming so commonplace and persistant that companies need something to differentiate themselves. Hence this new campaign by nintendo.
It's fucking brilliant.
I'm a media planner and I wish I had the opportunity to come up with this idea.
Nintendo's Street Team (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Nintendo's Street Team (Score:2, Insightful)
Privacy Concerns? (Score:3, Funny)
Cool. (Score:2)
Nintendo's doing them a favor (Score:2)
What game is this? (Score:2)
Looks like fun.
I wondered..... (Score:2)
Slashdot 2012 (Score:3, Funny)
The 13 surviving "walking video game" employees had a major victory in court today when Dr. Robert E. Burdick [panelofconsultants.com], medical expert witness for the class action suit showed that the flat panel screens used to display the games on the "walking video game" employees actually exposed its wearers to 800 times the amount of radiation as would typically be used in a dental x-ray.
Nintendo's [nintendo.com] defense panel had no comment, except to say that their medical expert would also be testifying as soon as his chemotherapy treatments permitted.
In other news, the goatse.cx [] troll is still actively spamming the slashdot comment boards.
Obligatory comment. (Score:3, Funny)
Suggestion for MS (Score:2)
I hope M$ doesn't try to get in on this. (Score:2, Funny)
beaten on the streets (Score:2)
No shit. I'd beat up some nintendo smurf to get my hands on a large flatscreen version of the latest & greatest console.
Similar Stunt At 2001 E3 (Score:2, Informative)
Judging by the looks on some of the girls' faces, I think they were equipped with geek-recoil mechanisms. There's nothing quite like being surrounded by four fat, smelly computer geeks playing games and staring at your tits! (Or so I'm told!)
Finally... (Score:2)
I was a Nintendo Demonstrator.... (Score:2, Interesting)
I did pretty well at it, and won a Mario Paint. (It was all location, Christmas time at one of the busiest malls in New Jersey.)
Of course, this version of a Nintendo demostrator sounds like a real life rip off of the Sega game, "The Typing of the Dead." In that game, if you've never seen it, the Agents have Dreamcasts with big batteries attached to their back and Dreamcast keyboards in front as they kill off zombies with a well typed phrase. (Too bad "Typing of the Dead" isn't coming out, as far as I know, for Gamecube. They could package it with the keyboard peripheral they are supposed to release...)
<wistful sigh> ... well, now I'm off to sleep (well, to watch an episode of Trigun and then sleep) I have to go to my boring Web $TITLE job tommorrow... Hope those kids enjoy their time as Nintendo demonstrators... </wistful sigh>
BREAKING NEWS!! (Score:2, Funny)
A gang of uppity mimes armed with make believe billy clubs and pretend guns violently pantomimed through the vicious, grisly murders of each and every one of the Nintendo employees.
Although no one was injured, the crystal-clear depiction of their own demise sent the Gaming crew into a deep, trance-like coma.
"Obviously," said the police spokesman, "we are dealing with ninja mimes."
This can't be right. Gamers can't walk. (Score:2)
Any walking distance greater than that from the car to the mall tends to inspire panic and cardiac arrest.
Not a good idea. (Score:2)
Either that, or an angry mob of people'll hog tie the kid up with the controller wires he has hooked up to him.
Yeah, that's what gamers are known for... (Score:2)
Yeah, that's what gamers are known for - their clever pick-up lines. ROTFLMAO
Re:Beaten up? (Score:1)
Re:Beaten up? (Score:2)
Re:Beaten up? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Beaten up? (Score:1)
Hrm I can see it now a little sign that says this game system will ceace to function in 12 hours to keep kids from stealing them.
Whatever (Score:2, Insightful)
I'm a 140# hippie who practices yoga and kung fu. Occasionally I cross paths with someone like you who announces his might and tries to start a fight. I try to avoid fights, but roid freaks seem to never take no for an answer. I only throw the second punch, and make the first (and only) connect.
Choose your fights carefully, and realize the stupidity in risking your life over material possessions that will soon become worthless.
Re:CNN. Good going, and good reporting. (Score:1)
Re:CNN. Good going, and good reporting. (Score:1, Flamebait)
Re:CNN. Good going, and good reporting. (Score:2)
Re:obligatory comment (Score:5, Funny)
Yeah- hot women have absolutely nothing to do unless there's some kind of geek convention going on.