All-In-One Arcade Console 152
ArcadEd wrote in to plug his
Arcade in a Box which is
essentially a PC ready to play MAME, but built into a console with true
arcade parts for the buttons and joystick for a more authentic arcade
video game experience. It's not quite as realistic as, say building your own cabinet, but it
definitely is a lot less time consuming ;)
Niche market, indeed! (Score:3, Interesting)
Yes, I have wanted the true arcade experience at home. The rich buy the cabs outright. The crafty either refurb or make their own mame boxes.
But is there enough market for people who kinda want the arcade experience at home, without sweating for it? Aren't they served very well by most consoles?
It seems to me that this is not die-hard enough for the truely rabid arcade fans. However I would love for their sales figures to prove me wrong!
no -- don't think so (Score:3, Insightful)
consoles suck at giving me the enjoyment i want:
1) every single gun i used for the console sucks ass. (compared to Time Crisis II guns in the arcades)
2) think DDR (dance dance revolution). you know how flimsy the "home" pads are? many people resorts to building their own, or ebay (it's popular), or buying a machine outright (it's a 5k machine!).
3) some of the more specialized contronls (just a *tad* specialized) are completely un-available. think any racing game. you have any idea how cheesy the logitech steering wheels are?
but at the mean time -- if they just sold some high quality stuff, (that can be used for more than one game), you bet i will get them.
Re:Niche market, indeed! (Score:1)
I believe the proper browser slur would be Nutscrape...
Why not just buy ... (Score:1)
(for Canadians who want one, try here [])
Can't do that! (Score:3, Funny)
kaillera (Score:1)
Re:kaillera (Score:2)
Re:kaillera (Score:1)
Wow, that is ass (Score:4, Insightful)
A couple of guys I know tore out the guts of a Mortal Combat cabinet, bolted in a PC and soldered the microswitches from the Cabinet's controls onto a keyboard's innards. That's authenticity.
Re:Wow, that is ass (Score:2)
Re:Wow, that is ass (Score:1)
Re:Wow, that is ass (Score:1)
Better than me and my Dpad controller though
Asteroids (Score:1)
The fun I could have...... (Score:1)
Now I just have to see if I can convince the boss to let us have it for our "State Of The Art" Ops desk.
Arcade in a Box is Patented?!!??? (Score:2)
Another question (Score:1)
How do I "fail to understand patents"? (Score:2, Interesting)
Patent (Score:2)
The path from prior art to this invention (Score:3, Interesting)
Hmmmm, I am a worker of ordinary knowledge and from what I see this invention is pretty obvious.
I'll show you how a computer science student with no electrical training could have thought up this mod.
The Apple II, C=64, Amiga, and Atari ST computers had their keyboards built into their cases. Some desktop x86 PC cases, and all notebook computers, are the same way. Call this piece of prior art "Keyboard In PC Case".
Some users have suggested modding a PC keyboard using microswitch buttons from an actual arcade machine, or otherwise connecting a JAMMA joystick to a PC using the PS/2 keyboard interface. Call this "Keyboard With Arcade Buttons".
Keyboard In PC Case + Keyboard To Arcade Buttons = what Ed is selling. Given the design goal "arcade enclosure for a device that runs software designed for Microsoft Windows", and given the prior art, I don't see how anybody with a CompTIA A+ certification [] could not have come up with such a mod.
Ed, could you provide more information on relevant patents so that we can know what you invented?
much fun (Score:5, Informative)
After some shopping around I bought a 27" tv an older desktop pc and visited HappControllers [] to get the arcade items I wanted. Home Depot for lumber. I wanted to use AdvanceMame [] on this arcade except the tv out support on linux really sux. not to mention the s-video support on AdvanceMame isn't that great. I ended up settling with windows98se running wine32.
The stability isn't great but it does work alright. I haven't seen windows crash during a game yet but between games durring selection and such it hasn't been all that great (long term as this box stays on all the time)
If anyone is looking to do this here is what I would suggest.
hagstorm [] electronics has a great keyboard encoder ke72t
buy a used arcade (look on ebay sort by stuff near you) make sure it has the size monitor you are looking for and a decent cabinet.
lots of ram and 1.2+ghz if you want to play newer games
64M and 233mhz if you are just in it for the clasiscs.
have fun with it.
happ controls link (Score:1)
Re:happ controls link (Score:2)
Re:much fun (Score:2)
And if you want to play the REALLY new games, you definately need 1.4ghz or higher. My Win XP machine with 1.4 Athlon and 768MB RAM *just* manages to play Metal Slug 3 at full frame rate most of the time. When there's a lot going on (as there frequently is with that game and its huge explosions) my machine really struggles...
Re:much fun (Score:1)
Nice link, chuckwagon (Score:3, Informative)
Re:much fun (Score:1)
Contributory Liability (Score:1)
Re:Contributory Liability (Score:2)
I havent tried Neverwinter nights but I bet that could actually work out quite well.
Then there are of course all the freed and hand made roms available on the net (most of them suck)
of corse the primary use would be to play the 3500 illegal roms that are available to a diligent googler, that would be the primary use of something like this.
Where's the infringing use? (Score:2)
Where's the substantial noninfringing use?
Where's the infringing use? There are hundreds of PC games designed for use with a keyboard or digital joypad, such as Jazz Jackrabbit (proprietary) for PC, Street Fighter II (proprietary) for PC, or any of EA's console-style sports sims (also proprietary). Plug in a light gun and bind the joystick to WSAD[1] for a natural control setup for a first-person shooter. (Point your gun at the side of the screen to turn your character.) Or you can plug in a Visoly Flash Advance Linker and play Game Boy Advance games that you've bought at Best Buy, through the VisualBoyAdvance [] emulator. Loading licensed copies of those games onto a licensed copy of Windows creates fun without violating Title 17, United States Code [].
Or you could just throw on Mandrake 9 and an open-source game such as Tetanus On Drugs [], a GPL'd clone of Tetris that will make you hallucinate. Available for Windows, Linux[2], and Game Boy Advance. Or try any of the other excellent open-source games such as Doom, Tux Racer, etc. Some of the gnome-games work well with the included trackball.
I don't see how the arcade software publishers could even think of attacking this fellow.
__________[1] Yes, I know, "We Suck At Deathmatch." But are there really any advantages to EDSF over WSAD in the typical FPS game?
[2] Linux binaries aren't available because the distros' ABIs vary and because I have only so much space on my web host.
My friend and i... (Score:2, Interesting)
Lemme tell you something. There is a lot more pride in building something yourself than going out and buying it premade. You actually work to get it, and there is a special feeling in that.
Right now it's about half completed. We've got TONS of pictures, and I'm making the Mame Cabinet in POV-Ray for kicks. When it's all done, we'll be making a seperate page for it all and hopefully getting it posted on
It's too bad that this is really my friend's cabinet. In a way, I have selfishly acted as if it were my own. It's been such a project for me that I really wanna have one for myself. Unfortunatly it'll take a long time to make another. I don't know if I'll end up buying one or making one...
Re:My friend and i... (Score:2)
Do you have a website that I could check out and see what you have done so far?
Re:My friend and i... (Score:1)
Re:My friend and i... (Score:1)
CmdrTaco ain't the only one... (Score:2)
There are also some really cool examples []at the Build your own arcade controls FAQ. []
For the price of a high end PC setup (around $2,000US) you can have your self a kickass arcade machine, including the dedicated PC it takes to run MAME. I took the plunge last year and havn't regretted it for a minute.
Wife hates it tho...:)
Authenticity (Score:3, Informative)
I have built 2 MAME machines myself, both out of old cocktail style cabinets. It is my opinion that if you try to build a "do it all" control panel you will be sorely disappointed. The best control panel is one set up like the game you are emulating. It is easier if you like the classics (like I do), because their controls are similar. These monster CPO's do let you play many games, but if you are after the same feel as you remember, here are some pointers:
Keep it simple. Build more than one Control Panel if you have to play lots of games.
Use leaf switch joysticks and buttons. I used micro-switch types in my first CP, and replaced them with leaf style within a week.
Overkill (Score:2)
Anyone else think this is overkill for simulating machines that generally had < 1 MHz of processor, < 64k of memory and graphics in the 320x200 range (if you were lucky)?
They might have a better market if they just sold their button-box... Or better yet, some sort of lego-like button box where you could "plug in" buttons, trackballs, joysticks, &c, to get the same config as the original machine.
Re:Overkill (Score:1)
Re:Overkill (Score:2)
Overkill? Not bloody likely (Score:3, Informative)
Yes, for the 'classics' its' quite overkill. I've got MAME
However, when I want to bust out and kick some ass in Mortal Kombat III, the 486 just doesn't do it justice. Out comes the Athlon, and watch the body parts fly.
For more information on MAME, see news:// [games.mame] or [] or the website at [] (where you can also see my mugshot, ugly as it is)
Re:Overkill (Score:1)
Re:Overkill (Score:2)
Of course not! The high processing power is not for the simulating machines themselves, but for the underlying OS (w98)
Re:Overkill (Score:1)
Overkill? No way. First law of emulation: It's Always Too Slow. Faster processor always means less noticeable slowdown.
I have a PIII-600, 256meg memory and a Geforce2MX400, and believe it or not, Street Fighter Alpha 3 (in xmame 0.59.2) is playable but it isn't exactly smooth, even when the original game had only an 11MHz 68000, 8MHz Z80, and a QSound sound chip... =)
hell, I can't even get the VICE emulator to emulate a 1MHz Commodore 64 at full speed! I was completely amazed when I transferred one demo to my real C64 and ran it there... "Wow, this is so fast." =)
Okay, so this 600MHz machine runs a 1MHz machine definitely passably. That means that, um, a 12GHz machine could emulate a CPS-2 box passably? I guess there's some need for assembly optimizations and JIT core in MAME, then =)
Authentic? (Score:4, Interesting)
Mame is great, and mame is an arcade emulator, however, most people who run mame in an arcade cabinet run it on a PC monitor which is the absolute laziest way of doing it, not to mention the ugliest. If you're not afraid of DOS you can make your DOS mame display on an arcade monitor, which is both authentic and prettier. I mean who has a 38" computer monitor?
Home made cabinets are ASS unless they're designed (DESIGNED, not "based") on real cabinets. Control panels are often too big, monitors are too small. A lot of money went in to the design of the real arcade cabinets, finding out exactly which height was most comfortable (and therefore profitable), which you just can't duplicate with a homemade cabinet unless you use antoher cabinet as a guide. and if you have another cabinet, why build your own.
Buying cabinets is also much cheaper than building them, and much less of a pain in the ass. Arcade Infinity [] has lots of cabinets that are less than $600. (look for Jamma cabinets in the gallery)
If you're going to do it, do it right. get a J-Pac ( []), use a computer for the sole purpose of sitting in your mame cabinet, and for God's Sake, please don't build your own cabinet unless you want to watch your friends wince at your effort when you have finished it.
Re:Authentic? (Score:2)
Re:Authentic? (Score:2)
Re:Authentic? (Score:1)
Re:Authentic? (Score:2)
Especially considering that a new arcade monitor will cost several hundred dollars by itself.
Wow... (Score:5, Insightful)
We're talking about toys here. Most people are already going to be a little embarrassed to put so much time and effort into such a childish indulgence, let alone becoming some sort of expert on it. And god forbid someone should want to make something of his own design with his own hands...
No... wait... the most pathetic was that time I was in a gaming store and saw a morbidly obese man with poor personal hygiene loudly deriding some 14-year-old kid for buying the plain dice. This is just a close second.
If you want to give suggestions, I'm sure people will appreciate it, but talking about how "home made cabinets are ASS" is just sad.
Re:Wow... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Wow... (Score:2)
not unlike what you just said to me, except this time its not to a 14 year old. do not critisize others unless you yourself are prepared to recieve the same criticism. what i stated was an opinion. you stated your opinion. do not expect readers to ignore my post after they read yours.
why don't you be a bit more constructive next time and state exactly why you feel my post was "the most incredibly pathetic brand of snobbery [you've] ever witnessed" instead of attempting (and failing) to make me feel inferior.
have a lovely day. I'm going to go make love to my girlfriend.
What part of "snob" don't you understand? (Score:2)
Some people are boastful about their skills, talents, and accomplishments, and derisive of others who don't measure up to the same standards. This is rude, but not pathetic (unless they're making stuff up), because at least they're talking about positive traits. Being a snob about your indulgences, especially ones commonly seen as childish, is sad, sad, sad.
Incidentally, the "I'm not pathetic, I have sex!" defense is now a pathetic cliche.
Re:What part of "snob" don't you understand? (Score:2)
Yes, i know. Its funny though. I know i was basically invalidating myself but i found it funny enough to do anyway.
no hard feelings (of course), and thanks for your opinion.
Re:Wow... (Score:1)
If I witnessed that, I would have yelled out at the guy and said "Shouldn't you be playing everquest right now?"
Hopefully the rest of the store would join in with mocking laughter.
Re:Authentic? (Score:1)
I wimped out and used the VGA monitor approach. I spent *months* trying to get my MK3's monitor to work and finally gave up.
"Me too" on the J-Pac. Killer product. Don't get into MAME without one.
Last suggestion if you're into this: get your buttons and supplies and stuff from Happ Controls [].
news? (Score:1)
as an aside, did cmdrtaco make that cabinet or is he hosting it for someone else? If you made it, props to ya, i think its the coolest project out there, and not too expensive, or hard to do. And the reward is great!
if anyone needs some more info, the forums and site at []
Ultimarc parts (Score:2, Informative)
Semi Off topic, new emu vivannono (Score:3, Informative)
A namco system 22 emulator (ridge racer, ect) has been release called vivannono.
You can find out about it here.
Site moved (Score:1)
Arcade systems... (Score:1)
I played this one a few times and it's really good. Probably what I would want to get if I had the cash.
Re:Arcade systems... (Score:1)
Atari Controller/Console (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Atari Controller/Console (Score:1)
who like to play NES games, i presume.
Re:Atari Controller/Console (Score:1)
Preserve the classics (Score:4, Interesting)
If you come across a classic cabinet in your hunt for a machine to "MAME," please consider restoring it. There are many resources available on the net and usenet [video.arcade.collecting] for parts and assistance in doing so. I've put many a converted classic back together and it's a real thrill to see a long-dead machine come back from the dead. sells thouse too (Score:1)
I can't get over thinking that they are some sort of sells thouse too (Score:1)
No they're not (Score:1)
Please at least click on the colorful little bits of underlined text in the stories before posting, there are pretty pictures on that site that everyone can understand even without reading.
Don't buy one... (Score:1)
Let me say a few things (Score:5, Informative)
My website does not say the product is patented, it is pending, I am working with lawyers to see if it is legit. If you take the time to read my reasoning for patenting, maybe you will understand. I was torn between this for quite sometime. After posting messages at and I came to the conclusion that I should try it. Everyone I chatted with agreed. This is not final, and I may not even go through with it considering how high the cost is.
There is nothing illegal in the box, or any modified hardware. It is no different than buying up computer parts and piecing one together to sell to a user, like most computer stores do.
My sales are not hi, and I don't expect them to be, I take great pride in each unit that I build for someone. Every piece of the unit is custom designed for the users.
Trust me, I don't have the time to be making 1000's of these and I don't plan on that. I enjoy making people happy that want to relive their childhood.
I built my first mame cabinet almost 4 years ago.
If have questions, please feel free to email me at
To set the record straight, in my dealings with BYOAC ( and other custom built arcade cabinet sites, no one has ever created a box like this.
Re:Let me say a few things (Score:2)
Yup, patent law can be nuts, but in this case it would be doing what it's intended to... protect the owners of small business.
Re:Let me say a few things (Score:1)
Hint: (Score:1, Interesting)
Mount the boards on the side of the arcade cabinet or wherever is safe.
The look and feel from a TV is much less blocky than that from a
It definitely preserves the 80's feeling. I've been running mine on a Pentium 200 for about 4 years now.
Oh and get a TV-out VGA card that does whatever your TV wants or some kind of converter. Playing arcade games in a cabinet is way different from playing on a PC. Get that authentic feeling. Works for me
Joysticks ? get a broken keyboard/new one and find out how the lattice works and solder it into the real ones. The PCB has solder connections... play with it
I suppose it's ok but... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:I suppose it's ok but... (Score:1)
Beer? When I played games drunk, I noticed that whatever was remaining of my skills (that is not much) suddently went to hell, so I decided that I should never drink and play. =)
Would be good for other drinks, though...
Re:I suppose it's ok but... (Score:1)
What about star wars, omega race, pole position? (Score:1)
When people *sit down* in my star wars machine, hold the *controller* and watch the vector graphics on a *low-resolution* 25" wells-gardner monitor, they see why MAME is LAME (don't take that the wrong way - you know what I mean
In my opinion people tend to fall into two camps - either they are into games and want to collect them and will play MAME on their PC (because it just wouldn't make sense to have a MAME arcade machine) or they are 100% MAME-based and don't want to get into the business of having a bunch of 250 lb. room-stealing boxes sitting around. The problem seems to be that once you get one game, you get the itch and fall into the former camp - thus giving you no reason to buy a product like this. I hope the people behind this product are doing it just for the love of gaming and not for profit as the market just isn't there... But that's just my opinion.
May want to check this out as well... (Score:1)
This guy gives detailed instructions on how to create your own Arcade Style Metal Dance Pad for $135.
I'm on step number 5, and this thing is turning out great!
Ah the sweet memories (Score:2)
Why Cabinets again? (Score:2)
At home, the console paradigm works much better: Sitting or laying down somewhere comfortable, using a hand-held controller on an extended cord, viewing the TV screen from afar. And heck, you can even use that very same TV for other everyday uses! Like watching programs, viewing DVDs, recording on your VCR/PVR, and routing pr0n videos though your TV-out and onto the bigger screen. Did I just say that last one out loud?
But seriously, can you name one good reason to have big honking stand-up arcade cabinet? Unless you run your home like a real arcade, it's doubtful.
Re:Why Cabinets again? (Score:2)
Re:Why Cabinets again? (Score:1)
Re:Why Cabinets again? (Score:1)
My guess would be that there are some people out there what want a "real" cabinet for that "arcade experience". Instead, IMHO, they should do what the rest of us collectors do and go and buy real games and boards instead of snarfing ROMs... :/
> "Sic 'em up, little buddy"
Sam -n- Max? :)
ROMs (Score:1)
Illegal time :) (Score:1)
But you need to buy them illegally. Definately a market for it.
I'll hack my own (Score:1)
If you want to make your own... (Score:1)
Re:And you can have all of this (Score:1, Interesting)
Re:already slashdotted?? (Score:1)
What's wrong with Tyan?
Just because you
a) are too cheap to buy their recommended ram
b) can't be bothered to ground yourself when you're swapping cards in and out every other day
doesn't mean Tyan's boards suck.
I love Tyan's boards. If you're having that much trouble with it, try giving treating it with better care, slob.
Re:already slashdotted?? (Score:2)
Tyan boards are nice.
Re:already slashdotted?? (Score:1)
finally replaced it a month ago with a soyo k7v dragon plus. no crashes since.
An easier suggestion (Score:2)
First off you will need a small x86 computer platform. The VIA Eden EPIA does the trick. The EPIA is smaller than the original Nintendo, it can be run without any fans, and it has built in CPU, Video, Audio, USB, and NIC. Not only that, but the built in video has TV-Outs, so you can hook up your NES Box to a big screen TV!
Next your home built NES box will need console gamepads. Not those cheesy PC gamepads, but real standard commonplace gamepads. The original Playstation gamepads will do the trick. They are tough, small, responsive, and easily fit in your hand. In order to be able to hook them up to your NES box, you will need PS Converter USB adapters (all parts listed below).
Finall you will need 64MB of PC133 SDRAM, and you will also need a harddrive. A 2GB drive should be enough. Put a barebones Debian Linux install on it, along with the best NES emulator there is: FCE Ultra. Everything wraps up into one neat package that you can hook up to your TV alongside your VCR.
Here are links for the ingredients:
Re:An easier suggestion still (Score:1)
Another non-trivial bonus is that a Dreamcast with two arcade sticks doubles as a superb Soul Calibur machine in its spare time, but you knew that, right? has all the Dreamcast emulation stuff you'd want; many older MAME games run full speed as well.
Wrong (Score:2)
Emulation on the dreamcast is interesting, but in practice its not all that great. The software is too young at the moment to be of use to hardcore gamers. FCE Ultra on an EPIA is just like the real thing! It runs at full speed, with perfect emulation.
Need I neven get into SNES or Arcade emulation on the Dreamcast? Its there, but its slow! Even for 1980s games!
Re:Overpowered and Overpriced (Score:1)
Mortal Kombat on P200? (Score:1)
Try playing mortal kombat on your p200 and see what happens.
Are you sure SNES9x has problems on a p200? Mortal Kombat With Blood Patch, MK2, and Ultimate MK3 have all been released on Super NES. (Yes, the MK3 engine ran on what was essentially PS1 hardware, but the Super NES port was nearly pixel perfect.) If you have the cartridges, hook up a cart reader, and play away.
Re:Windows 98? Why? (Score:2, Informative)
Sources of legal ROMs? (Score:2)
There are many ways for people to get legal roms, legally.
There are? What way would you suggest for players to obtain licenses for arcade game binaries cheaper than buying the boards themselves?
My solution was to play the PC port. []
Re:Sources of legal ROMs? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Sources of legal ROMs? (Score:2)