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Games Entertainment

Bite My Shiney PC-Metal Game 191

dagashi writes "'The ingenious, creative mind of Matt Groening (The Simpsons) now brings arguably his greatest creation yet, Futurama, to the interactive entertainment screen.' Looks like Futurama is signed to become a game. Yeha!"
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Bite My Shiney PC-Metal Game

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  • Game... yay (Score:5, Insightful)

    by delta407 ( 518868 ) <slashdot@lerfjhaxGINSBERG.com minus poet> on Monday September 23, 2002 @05:59PM (#4315514) Homepage
    Frankly, I'd rather have the TV show.

  • Just in time for the New season! (Wait, aren't they canceled?)
    • actually they arent! they are going to be showing new shows in the us starting nov 10th!!(yay!) the show has stopped producing episodes but apparently they have enough episodes to last more than 1 whole season! Fox was ALWAYS pushing it off to show some crappy football game, so they stockpiled all of those episodes. As long as people keep watching, they might just bring it back after those episodes run out. Keep watching everyone!
  • by MikeSweetser ( 163852 ) on Monday September 23, 2002 @06:00PM (#4315525) Homepage
    blackjack? And hookers?
  • Shiney?! (Score:1, Flamebait)

    by doc_traig ( 453913 )
    I didn't watch Futurama... please tell me shiny is spelled this way out of reverence to something in the show.

    - DDT
  • Based on one of the greatest television series ever, has a lot going for it, except one thing - the lack of it being for pc. ... Good point, Bender.
    • except one thing - the lack of it being for pc.

      I saw PS2, GCN, Xbox. So in a way it's on PC. And if they do decide to make a game for the Game Boy Advance, it'll be a drastically different design (due to the GBA's hardware support for 2d but only software support for 3d), but it'll at least be playable on PC with a cart reader [visoly.com] and VisualBoyAdvance [emuhq.com].

  • After all of high-quality, super-fun-to-play Simpsons games, I'm very excited about this.
  • Wow... (Score:5, Funny)

    by krmt ( 91422 ) <therefrmhere@yah ... m minus math_god> on Monday September 23, 2002 @06:02PM (#4315540) Homepage
    This will go down in history right beside the many memorable, thrilling, and compelling Simpsons games for the NES and SNES, as well as nearly every other license-based game ever made. I can hardly contain myself.
    • Re:Wow... (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      How about the Blade Runner game for PC?
      That positively kicked ass.
  • Erm... (Score:1, Flamebait)

    Did anybody play The Simpsons' Road Rage? It sucked.

    License!=Good Game

    • unfortunately though, simpsons has been done to death. The new episodes, in my opinion, dont even compare to the old ones. Hopefully, futurama still has a fighting chance.
      • unfortunately though, simpsons has been done to death. The new episodes, in my opinion, dont even compare to the old ones. Hopefully, futurama still has a fighting chance.

        And yet, the Simpsons games way back on the original NES sucked as well, even though the Simpsons was still in its prime then. Therefore, just because Futurama isn't quite as run into the ground yet doesn't mean a game based upon it will be any good.

    • Strange, I thought that one was the best of the entire line of Simpsons games (starting with the Arcade version, of course).

      I guess that's the way life goes... can't please them all! :)
    • "Did anybody play The Simpsons' Road Rage? It sucked.

      License!=Good Game "

      Wow, what a thoughtfully expressed opinion!

      In all seriousness, though, parent poster makes a good point despite the retarded 'flamebait' moderation. Licenses do not instantly equal a good game. As a matter of fact, they tend to detract from it.

      People like familiarity. That's why movies and games bring in big $$$ when they have famous characters or actors in them. The problem is that they tend to focus on little else. They don't even need to!

      In most cases, licensed games are WORSE for it. I can see why, though. Most places think they need to pack the whole movie or TV show into a game. They don't seem to realize that one aspect of the license can be fun. Look at Rogue Squadron, for example. That game doesn't have you running around trying to get C3PO off of an Rebel ship. Instead, they focused on the fun part: Flying around and blowin shit up. Result? Good game. In the same vein, Shadows of the Empire stunk. It tried to be too much.

      Anyway, I think I beat the dead horse enough. The parent poster was basically saying "Just because it's licensed from a good show doesn't mean it'll be a good game." And he's right. Too bad that the mod that nailed him didn't pay more attention to what he was saying.
  • Maybe this will be as difficult as all those simpsons NES games. They were almost as hard as super star wars.
    • Not to get off topic, but if you want to get into difficult games: Final Fantasy 5-XDeath Fight.
    • Maybe this will be as difficult as all those simpsons NES games. They were almost as hard as super star wars.

      What are you saying? Super Star Wars was a great game. If only they'd make it into a movie...
      • What are you saying? Super Star Wars was a great game. If only they'd make it into a movie...

        So you mean 3 solid hours of Luke doing that flip-lightsaber spin? You have wierd taste in movies...

        IIRC, that's pretty much how you beat that game. I never found it that hard.

        On the other hand, Star Wars: Rogue Leader for my GameCube ownz my sorry ass - I must be getting old or the games are getting harder.
  • Futurama will be released at the hight of its popularity. Exactly one year after its cancelation from FOX.

    Great Timing!
  • Has TV show ever succesfully transferred to a successful, fun video game? I can't think of any.
    • TMNT 1 and 2 were okay, I guess.
    • most tv based arcade games were allright
    • Hmmm, there have been plenty of turkeys but at least a couple of the games based upon the Star Trek universe have been decent.

      Elsewhere, you could make a case for a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle game or two and, for our younger brothers and sisters, various Barney, etc games were probably hours of fun.
    • Worst TV to videogame ever!
      ( ) Simpson's Road Rage(at least it had some sound clips
      ( ) X-Files game
      ( ) Star Trek ...whatever...
      Has TV show ever succesfully transferred to a successful, fun video game? I can't think of any.

      For that matter, what about video games becoming TV series? :)
  • Talk about a mountain of information! Who needs gameplay details? Why even bother telling us it'll be out "when it's done?!?"

    (I think this is the one Slashdot story where you probably won't have anything more interesting or insightful to contribute if you bother to follow the link.)
  • Hi, is there any game of TV series out there that is really fun for more than 2 minutes? I just remember a disney game ("duck tales"? I'm not sure...) on the old gameboy...
  • by neurojab ( 15737 )
    now YOU can navigate through fry's small intestine, defeat the "truck stop sandwich" parasites, find the splanknic ganglion, and personally tickle it. Yay!

  • by handsomepete ( 561396 ) on Monday September 23, 2002 @06:14PM (#4315622) Journal
    Normally I wouldn't say this, but this is old news indeed. It was announced and UDS got the rights in September of 2000... there's a reason it says (c) 2001 on the bottom of that page. CGEF has a little more info here [gotfuturama.com], although it's a mixture of fact and guesswork.

    I honestly did enjoy some of the early Simpsons games (can't tell if other comments are being sarcastic or not - Bart vs The Space Mutants and the original arcade game are fun) and am looking forward to this. Maybe it'll be good use of a TV license.
    • They may have had the rights, but the announcement on the website didn't happen until sometime between February 4th [archive.org] and June 1st, 2001 [archive.org].
    • I left UDS in March 2000 in order to pursuit another career (had been with the company since the start in 93/94) and by then they had started doing some prototyping, including experimenting with cellshaded 3D in order to give the graphics a good cartoon feeling.

      I will however move back to Norrköping and start working at UDS again by the 1st of November, so I will know more by then. I caught some glimpses by the game when I was visiting about a month ago and its some kind of 3rd person 3D adventure. Can't say anything about how it plays yet though.

  • Preempted? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday September 23, 2002 @06:17PM (#4315647)
    Judging by the last new episodes I watched; I think this game is going to be football based.
  • Also on Fox... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Otter ( 3800 ) on Monday September 23, 2002 @06:18PM (#4315661) Journal
    While a Futurama-themed arcade-style game doesn't especially excite me, this isn't the first Fox show they've turned into a game. Check out World's Scariest Police Chases [www.uds.se] . Now that's convergence!

    The real score would be a Temptation Island game, though. Tiffani [fox.com] may have been underutilized on the show, but I can assure you she'd play a much more prominent [fox.com] role in my fantasies, errrr, gaming.

    • While a Futurama-themed arcade-style game doesn't especially excite me, this isn't the first Fox show they've turned into a game. Check out World's Scariest Police Chases [www.uds.se] . Now that's convergence!

      Does Sheriff John Bunnell or that other detective with the toupee make it into the game?

      I like the fact that no matter what city they have a helicopter filming a chase, it's the same announcer each time, faking the same enthusiasm, even though he's sitting in a studio just watching it on a monitor and narrating it.

      Seriously, I don't see how good this game could be...it's one thing to see it on TV in real life, but in a video game? I could play GTA and get the same effect, probably.
  • As long as I dont have to go around and spray paint random objects so the aliens won't take over Springfield I'll be happy.

  • no thanks. (Score:2, Interesting)

    by _ph1ux_ ( 216706 )
    futurama is good for its writing. not its graphics. I can bet that the graphics in any futurama game will likely look close to the TV show - in which case, I'll play Hitman 2, UT(X) and other visually pleasing games.

    Its kind of like southpark on DVD - I bought the movie and watched it maybe two times ever.... waste of money.
  • If there was ever a game that should use cell shading this would be it. Hell, half the show already looks like Jet Grind Radio, they could probably recycle all the sets. :)
  • by sam_handelman ( 519767 ) <.moc.liamg. .ta. .namlednah.leumas.> on Monday September 23, 2002 @06:27PM (#4315700) Journal
    Let's fire up Yacc. Okay, I've parsed these statements, and yes, they really are an advertisement for a videogame.

    The ingenious, creative mind of Matt Groening (The Simpsons) now brings arguably his greatest creation yet, Futurama, to the interactive entertainment screen.

    so, this parses into

    Featuring Bender, Fry, Leela and a whole host of other Futurama characters we've come to know, love and bemuse at, this 3D arcade adventure game is winging its way toward you soon.


    Recall, an advertisement for a videogame can be parsed with the following grammar:




    | a statement that a game is to be made.

    | something which is uniquely characterised as not funny.

    | a cultural reference.

    | any sentence containing the words "adventure" and "3D."

    Next week we'll learn how to parse slashdot comments, a preview -

    Imagine a beowulf cluster of... er.... videogames.

  • Actually if done right as a MMORPH, it proly would be really fun..
  • by taernim ( 557097 )
    But will Zoidberg be as lovably hatable in the game?

    Hopefully he will serve some sort of purpose where he says annoying things, you smack him around, and then people cheer.

    That would be pretty close to the show. ;)
  • - a Fry timeline would be fun

    - centerfolds; one of Leela, one of Zoidberg

    - Good soundbites from the show

    - Digs at Fox for letting go the best thing they had going

    - What else? :)
  • Matt Groening recently announced the latest creation in a series of video games based on his Fox TV shows. "Futurama", based on the TV show of the same name, is his first non-Simpsons forray into the realm of video game spin-offs. "The potential for this game is amazing," said Mr. Groening. "We made a killing with the Simpsons games despite a complete lack of creative effort. One can only imagine how successful a game based on a show that's actually been cancelled will be." Stan Skinner, owner of TheStupid.com, concurred, adding "TheStupid will snap this game off the shelves. Everyone knows that the writers save the best jokes for the video game spinoffs, making purchasing this game an absolute necessity for the Futurama fan." "I'm just so happy that Matt has been so generous," exlaimed Judy Thomas. "There arn't many in the television industry who would so readily leap at the chance to sell old material in a new media format."
  • by deadb0lt ( 519221 ) <(moc.liamg) (ta) (noraa.nosbocaj)> on Monday September 23, 2002 @06:42PM (#4315794) Homepage
    From my experience with Matt Groening spawned games, they all end up being really bad. The only good ones were "Bart VS The Space Mutants" and "Simpson's Bowling". It's too bad they get a competent team together and produce a great game. Simpsons with the right team of people could make a phenolemal game.

    Cross your fingers for next one guys.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • by LPetrazickis ( 557952 ) <leo@petr+slashdot.gmail@com> on Monday September 23, 2002 @06:50PM (#4315836) Homepage Journal
    It's Shinney Metal Ass! Do you want to get sued, boy?:)
    • [a chainsaw noise is heard]
      Bart: Hey! I found a shortcut through your hedge maze.
      Willy: Why you little --
      [thinking] No, no, go easy on the wee one. His father's going
      to go crazy and chop 'em all into haggis!
      Bart: What's haggis?
      Willy: [gasps] Boy...you read my thoughts! You've got the Shinning.
      Bart: You mean "Shining".
      Willy: [sotto voce] Shh! You want to get sued?
      Now look, boy: if your Dad goes gaga, you just use that...Shin of
      yours to call me and I'll come a running. But don't be reading
      my mind between four and five. That's Willy's time!
  • sounds like a nice place to work: "UDS is an interactive entertainment developer based in Norrköping and Gothenburg, Sweden. The company was founded in 1993, with an idea of using highly skilled and motivated programmers and artists to make top-notch computer games for Windows and the console market. Today we are 75 full-time employees, all of which are among the best in their respective fields. Almost everyone at UDS has a background on the Scandinavian demo scene. Trust is a keyword here at UDS. We fully trust our employees in terms of both loyalty and competence, and we do everything in our power to make our employees trust us. Furthermore, we have always given our employees lots of individual freedom, combined with a great deal of responsibility. We believe this is the best way to ensure creativity and commitment."
  • IMHO the simpsons games (I love the show) SUCKED so i'm imagining that the Futurama (good show) Game(s) will SUCK also.
  • Dear What-if machine,

    What if life was more like a video game?
  • by bpfinn ( 557273 ) on Monday September 23, 2002 @06:57PM (#4315889)
    The Hypnotoad [hypnotoad.org] commands you to buy the video game.
  • by phillymjs ( 234426 ) <slashdotNO@SPAMstango.org> on Monday September 23, 2002 @07:04PM (#4315934) Homepage Journal
    To make the Futurama game experience as much like the TV show as possible, the game checks the date and time when it is launched. If the game is launched on Sunday evenings between late September and January, it starts in the middle.

  • Futurama: "Wow, I'm watching a really great show."
    Virtual Futurama: "Wow, I could almost swear I was watching Futurama."
    Virtual Virtual Futurama: "Wow, I could almost swear I was watching Virtual Futurama."
  • I've invented a new machine that will transform our lives into a video game!

    Fry: Yes! I've always wanted to see an animated version of myself!

    Bender: Oh great. Now I have to deal with the real you AND the virtual you.

    Leela: I want to axe you, will this have stereoscopic goggle support?

    Professor: Heavens no, I'm not a MIRACLE worker.

    Leela: Oh good.
  • ...but it was smacked down so hard by Fox's lawyers that they've basically rewritten history and you can barely find any trace [atariage.com] of its existance on the web. I know an Atari 2600 hack of Oink with Futurama characters is a violation of copyright, but I don't have to like the way Fox behaved. I don't know that I'll bother with an official game after that.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Though there's hardly any information listed about the game, it made me think of that old Sierra game "SpaceQuest".

    It was a graphical adventure game, where you walked around the screen and typed in commands, often having to interact with the environment in real-time.

    (I remember a particularly hard part with a spider, a rock, and an exploding aerosol can or something like that).

    Well, here's to old times spent in front of well-made creative games. Maybe we'll get a good one out of this!

"Who cares if it doesn't do anything? It was made with our new Triple-Iso-Bifurcated-Krypton-Gate-MOS process ..."
