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Doom Ported to Nokia phone 203

HellKrisp writes "UK based game developers WildPalm have released a port of id software's Doom for the Nokia 7650. Features of the port include audio support and bilinear filtering. The download weighs in at around 1.5MB as it is just the shareware version featuring only the first episode. The port was made using the source code publicly released by id software in 1997."
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Doom Ported to Nokia phone

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  • Oh Great... (Score:5, Funny)

    by Night0wl ( 251522 ) <iandow@ g m a> on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @01:00AM (#4605866) Homepage Journal
    Now people can kill people while driving while using their phones... ...

    Wait a minute..
  • by papasui ( 567265 ) on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @01:03AM (#4605882) Homepage
    to drive-by shooting. :)
  • by Hays ( 409837 ) on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @01:04AM (#4605886)
    This seems like the a great port for multiplayer reasons, but that's not mentioned anywhere on the page.

    I guess modem play wouldn't work? Hmm... Well there has to be some way to port the multiplayer. Whether people would want to burn up their minutes to kill their friends on their phones is another story (I would)
  • Doom III (Score:4, Funny)

    by sik0fewl ( 561285 ) <xxdigitalhellxx@h o t m a> on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @01:04AM (#4605889) Homepage
    So when can I play my Doom III pre-alpha on one of these things?
  • by Navius Eurisko ( 322438 ) on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @01:04AM (#4605892)
    Now when some business exec goes on an office rampage, the media can blame the Doom port on his cellphone!
  • by DarkHelmet ( 120004 ) <(ten.elcychtneves) (ta) (kram)> on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @01:06AM (#4605904) Homepage
    I'm reminded of that Sprint commercial where the guy is like:

    You were bored so you decided to do some kung fu.

    I'm can now imagine some guy running around with a gun shooting people, then the sprint guy comes up and goes:

    You were bored, so you decided to play a little doom.

    I bet that'll be a BIG hit in Columbine. </sarcasm>

  • by Butterwaffle Biff ( 32117 ) on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @01:07AM (#4605909)
    It used to be that a product was feature complete when you could use it to check your e-mail. Since cell phones had that first, it seems they're upping the ante:
    A product is not feature-complete unless you can play Doom with it
  • Orrigional DOOM without a DOS prompt... SINFULL!!!

    Oh well, at least this one wont (assumption) crash....
  • Next up... (Score:1, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward
    I'd love to see GTA for my cellphone.
    • Actually, when I was watching Return of the Jedi last night, interespersed as bookends for each part of the film were adverts which featured people playing a car driving game that looked suspiciously like some sort of GTA. Sorry I can't remember what phone it is, exactly. No doubt some other Channel 3-watching geek will be able to tell you.
      • I think the game was called 'Stuntman' - Maybe a 2D top down view conversion based on the 3D PS2 game?
        Maybe a motorola phone?

        I was reading somewhere that a lot of the new generation of mobiles use the same or a similar processor to a GameBoy Advance - so it should be easy to run the same kinds of games on them.
  • Snake and memory.. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Malduin ( 207683 ) <> on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @01:10AM (#4605927) Homepage
    I was content with snake and memory on my phone. Now it's just not going to be the same knowing that a classic FPS can be played on a cell phone!

    Heh, enable bluetooth or something similar and play multiplayer with the guy sitting next to you in the airport or something.

    I still wish I had a port of the Gameboy version of Tetris on my phone music and all.
  • quick reset (Score:5, Funny)

    by updog ( 608318 ) on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @01:13AM (#4605936) Homepage
    The DOOM 7650 Upgrade automatically includes support for sound without having to install our other games, and adds the following features:

    Start Mission Selection

    3 Additional Game Modes:

    Chainsaw Massacre, Killer Arsenal, God Mode

    Quick Reset, when not enough memory is available

    heh, i bet the Quick Reset feature was easy to implement :)

  • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

    Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • are you kidding?!?!, the orrigional doom ran on 486's... and ran descently with enought memory... these cells are just as, if not more, powerfull with MORE memory than the 486's of DOOM's day.

      dont worry about your framerates... just watch out for Imps arround the corner. :)
    • Re:framerate? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by jon_eaves ( 22962 ) on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @01:21AM (#4605981) Homepage
      I've seen it. I've played it. It's awesome.
      I was talking at a Nokia Developer Day (about Java in mobile phones), and was talking to another developer about choosing the appropriate games and applications to write to put on the phones.
      I actually said, "It's not like you'll want to play Quake on a phone", and they showed me the Doom port.
      It's pretty sweet, but using the little joystick thingy didn't make for a greatly easy gaming experience.
    • Actually I played the game with my friend's communicator. The game features full color display and original sound effects. Framerate was not huge but the game was very playable. Only complaint is the lack of good joystick or some other control device.
  • the gba doom port is pretty impressive framerate-wise, and it includes the full game with multiplayer. $30 retail is a bit steep for a decade old game though.
  • The alphas were just leaked and its already been shoehorned into a phone? Wow. Too bad the video card is 3 times the size of the phone.
  • Dont forget. (Score:5, Insightful)

    by packeteer ( 566398 ) <packeteer.subdimension@com> on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @01:20AM (#4605977)
    Id Software also released the source to Doom';s 1&2, Quakes 1&2, and i believe Wolfenstien. This is why i want to go ahead and pay full price for Id Software. You can almost call their business a sucessful open source model.
  • by Chris Burke ( 6130 ) on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @01:21AM (#4605983) Homepage
    Ten dollars isn't a lot of money, but then again Doom is an old game, and all you get for the $10 is an upgrade with better rendering. I'd think they'd do better just charging $10 up front. Also, is this a port of the GPL code base, or did they actually pay iD for a non-GPL code license?
    • by Anonymous Coward
      If I remember correctly, Doom wasn't released under the GPL. It was released under some other license (maybe id's own?) but the most obvious difference was that it didn't require developers to release their source code (in fact, it probably didn't address that issue). So, a lot of closed projects came about and that's what got Carmack to release the Quake 1 source under the GPL right from the beginning. Of course, I believe a lot of the major doom source ports (like Doom Legacy []) released their sources anyway.

      (For what it's worth, according to DoomWorld [], id re-released the source code under the GPL in 99.)
      • If I remember correctly, Doom wasn't released under the GPL. It was released under some other license (maybe id's own?) but the most obvious difference was that it didn't require developers to release their source code

        IIRC, it didn't allow commercial exploitation either. So this Nokia port must be either GPLed, or they bought a separate license from id.

  • But can it play Quake?
  • Shocking (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Deanasc ( 201050 ) on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @01:22AM (#4605990) Homepage Journal
    I hope it takes advantage of vibrate mode to further enhance play.
  • by trentfoley ( 226635 ) on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @01:22AM (#4605991) Homepage Journal
    To begin with, I hate entering text in phones. For me to have any fun playing Doom, I'll have to press 444 3 3 77 3 to start off with, and then 444 3 55 333 2 repeatedly thereafter. No thanks.
    • You get used to Texting pretty quick when you're broke. However, on the site they mention that God Mode and other cheats are options in the game.

      your precious thumbs should be fine.

      • Maybe you're on to something there. When typing, my right thumb is used only for the space bar, and the left thumb just hangs out being ballast or whatever.

        And, I always lost at "thumbs" games when I was a kid.

        It sucks being thumb-challenged as the cool gadgets get smaller and smaller.

    • Not a problem, just insert iddqd, idkfa, idspispopd, idbehold or whatever into the T9 dictionary and you only need to press 43373, 43532, 43774777673 etc.

  • by sigma ( 53086 ) on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @01:26AM (#4606008)
    Can you frag me now? Good!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    How legit is this? I mean, the port is fine, but they are charging for the "update". Yes, id software released the source code, but is this allowed? (Did they release it under GPL or some other license?)

    Also, I'm assuming they're distributing the original binary data for the levels (is THAT allowed?) yet at the bottom they urge you to buy the original version of Doom if you like the software. huh??
  • IDSPISPOPD? (Score:4, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @01:36AM (#4606042)
    How do I type this in?
  • hey bob, are you there? can you hear me? hey bob, bob?

    gurglegurgle gurglegurgle
    uuuh uuuh
    gurglegurgle gurglegurgle
    gurglegurgle gurglegurgle
    shreooooooow w

    oh yeah, i'm here, where are you?

    what the hell was that bob?
  • A total waste... (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Eric_Cartman_South_P ( 594330 ) on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @01:38AM (#4606053)
    ...all I want is good, simple, colorfull, plentyfull pr0n. Enough with all this "gaming" and "calling" and "talking" on phones.

    • all I want is good, simple, colorfull, plentyfull pr0n.

      The 7650 has a camera. I give it 12 months before half the drunk teenagers in America has nude pics of themselves posted on the net somewhere.

  • Now, instead of hearing the 11000th poor techno/classical phat beat on a phone in the theatre, I'll have to hear Romero and Carmack burping.

    Then again, this could make for a cool new DOIP (Doom over IP) standard. Could Linux make GOIP (Gnuoom over IP)?

  • by Anonymous Coward
    I ported Wolf 3D to my blender. You gotta use the blender settings for moving and shooting, but it's all good.

    When the cyber demon enters the room, the blender goes into overdrive. It's insane. Toss some fruits in at the same time and by the time your game is over you got yourself a nice shake. Have it for breakfast, lunch, and then a sensible dinner and your on your way to losing weight and feeling great--just ask Tommy Lasorda.
  • Ported loooong ago (Score:3, Informative)

    by scubacuda ( 411898 ) <scubacuda&gmail,com> on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @01:44AM (#4606073)
    When I got a Nokia 9290 last year [], it had already DOOM installed on it.

  • first is was tunnels and static
    then roaming charges and digital loss
    now getting fragged by a cyberdemon on the I5

    I wonder in punching in `idbeholdf' will drop long distance charges?
  • I've been playing this on my Nokia 7650 since september 24th. I want DOOM 2!
  • Now what is the touch tone code for IDKFA?
  • Communicator Doom! (Score:3, Informative)

    by hispula ( 620415 ) <totoivio AT cc DOT helsinki DOT fi> on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @02:15AM (#4606166)
    Doom was actually earlier ported to a Nokia phone, namely the Communicator 9210. There was also a C64 Emulator available to Communicator, which might be a lot cooler and have an endless amount of classic games.

    Unfortunately I had an earlier 9110 model of Communicator, but it had a cool emulator for old Infocom text adventure games as well as Space Invaders.
  • does this mean I'll be able to play Wolf3d on my 7110?? ( :)
  • Ever wonder why new cell phones have so many useless features? It's the phone companies plans to distract stupid people while they're driving to kill them off. I'm all for it, it gets traffic moving, and we won't have any more slashdot stories about NASA paying $15,000 to provide teaching tools for anyone who actually has to prove man actually landed on the moon.
  • ... communicating. Nothing more, nothing less. Speach or SMS. Fine.
    For gaming I think a PC is a better choice. It has a proper screen, pointing device and sound. Why should I want to play games on my phone? Of the same reason that I should want my pencil to make coffee!
    Devices do have a purpose, or so I thought. Oh silly me. I'm just SOOOO boring and old fashioned.
    • have you ever been stuck on a train/coach for several hours? i prefer pulling out my 9210 and playing doom or some random c64 game than staring out of the window bored silly. and before you mention it, 9210s have a stupidly long battery life.
  • by CoderDevo ( 30602 ) <> on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @02:44AM (#4606243) Homepage
    Neo enters the subway car and grabs a window seat.
    Pulls his Nokia 7650 out of his pocket.
    Pulls out mono headphones and jacks them into the phone.
    Pulls out a bluetooth optical mouse.
    Opens trenchcoat and pulls out a bluetooth keyboard.
    Takes off his sunglasses
    Proceeds to play a single player 1993 vintage 2.5D first person shooter on a 2 inch screen.

    Hmmm, I don't think it looks cool and it sure doesn't sound like fun.
  • by Evil Adrian ( 253301 ) on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @02:52AM (#4606268) Homepage
    "Can you hear me now? BITCH?!?!"
  • Cell phones are going to become too smart for us one day, and it will end up being a Matrix type scenario. The phones will use really loud ring tones to destroy us. We will have to make a resistance group, and have Arnold travel back in time. And it will be the fault of Doom on cell phones.
  • CS To Be Ported To GameBoy de x.shtml
  • by pacc ( 163090 ) on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @03:32AM (#4606386) Homepage
    Nokia is launching a new phone with the same operating system as the 7650, but shaped like a portable gaming console [].

    I'm not really impressed by any phone these days (wasn't we supposed to replace them all with 3G any day now?) but once in a while Nokia strikes the jackpot. Check out the 6800 phone with revolutionary keyboard-thingie []. If it does run with the Symbian OS, I think it really could bring your PDA needs to your pocket.
    • If it does run with the Symbian OS, I think it really could bring your PDA needs to your pocket.

      The 6800 doesn't run on Symbian. The one you linked first (the N-Gage) does however.

  • Human Factors (Score:2, Interesting)

    by rovingeyes ( 575063 )
    It is fun to read all these things but seriously has anyone ever thought whether all these games etc on a cell phone is all that important?

    First of all, even laptops batteries don't last more than a couple of hours. And I'm sure if a Doom fanatic sits playing it on cell (don't bother whether he can distinguish guns) he wouldn't get away from it atleast for next couple of hours. Well the battery dies and guess what, he would be actually waiting for a call from an interviewer or whether his wife is in labor yet.

    The next step would be obviously to stream movies... Well I've seen some models which can handle videos. Seriously, I cannot watch a movie on my 17'' monitor without complaining, how desperate can people can get to watch and play on the go. So far, wireless hasn't caught up like in Japan just becoz most people feel that this is quite unimportant.

    I'd say better make those networks and services better so that atleast people can hear "old movies" and not "monkey with cold". Games and movies on cell phones might sound good but practically I find them waste of time and resources.

    • It is fun to read all these things but seriously has anyone ever thought whether all these games etc on a cell phone is all that important?

      Well, yes. Of course a laptop is better for gaming, but that's not the point. At least here in snowy old Finland, you always have your phone with you, but carrying a laptop is more of a chore. In a typical scenario, you go to the bank and there's a 30-person line in front of you. Instead of grumbling and getting bored silly, you take out your phone and play some games while you wait. They don't need to be equivalent to laptop / PC games, the use case scenario is totally different.

      The same argument could go for laptops vs. desktops... of course desktops are much better game platforms, but when you're on the road you have a laptop and not the decktop along with you :).

  • Erm. I don't know what this guy is trying to do, selling an upgrade to an open sourced game.

    He has to release the source code, so...

  • by trenton ( 53581 ) < minus cat> on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @03:40AM (#4606412) Homepage
    I first played Doom in 1994 on a 486DX2-66 with 8 megs of ram. At the time, it was a pretty good computer, but it was no P-66. Doom ran damn well, though.

    Now, Nokias run the same game at adequate speed. Shouldn't I conclude the graphics and cpu capabilites equal those of my old desktop?

  • ... will be to port Blue Max to American Standard's new digital toilet. BOMBS AWAY!

    (sorry for the double posting... forgot to turn on cookies)
  • by Joel Rowbottom ( 89350 ) on Wednesday November 06, 2002 @04:16AM (#4606505) Homepage
    I've got a 7650 [] and thought I'd try out this version of Doom on it.

    Well, it's not too bad - certainly playable, although I couldn't get the sound to work. The catch is that it requires so much damn memory to run that you have to shut down *every* application on the phone, and free up as much memory as possible. So while it's installed, you can't even add addresses.

    Not worth it for me, but it's a nice gimmick. Shows what these devices are capable of if they had at least a little bit more memory in - 4MB isn't enough, are you listening Nokia? ;)

  • I have this on the Nokia 9290 Communicator. I was completely blown away by the fact that it plays better than on my first desktop. It makes any boring meeting/seminar/family event a thing of the past when you know you can just find a seat and whip out your phone. From what I've heard, its fully capable of multiplayer as well (even between PC and Phone), but I have not tried it.
  • They're attacking this from the wrong direction.

    Small, handheld game systems already exist. Downsize a GBA by 10%, and put the phone bits inside one of those, instead of trying to futz a screen into a current phone.

    A Nokia/GameBoy would bring a whole lot of advantages. Current userbase, a lot of existing games, better graphics.
  • I had a 386 computer. It played, but often enough I had to hit F5 (turn down detail) or lower the screenres a bit. Now they can play this thing on a phone? What exactly is the PC equivilency in the phones (CPU, RAM, etc)?

    While I'm not about to upgrade to a new phone just to play doom... I might keep it in mind when the next time to upgrade comes (as long as the phone is also a good phone).

    Some problems (forgive my pessimism)
    Once cellular-multiplayer versions of popular games comes out, I think that the cell phone companies are going to have some problems with plans like "Unlimited Evenings and Weekends". Airwaves in certain areas could very well start to get congested (as it is, I often cannot call out if I'm in a big city near a special event such as the yearly fireworks show, too many people on the phone).

    The local phone company actually snipped their "unlimited long-distance" plan to X-hundred minutes because of a problem in small cities. Residents would wait until weekends or after 7 to dial the nearest big city where there were "free internet" providers, and hog the lines until early morning hours doing downloads. I can forsee the same issues with cells and games, etc, and you get a whole bunch of people constantly online playing doom or Tetris.

    That day might be a ways away, but it is still a good possibility.
  • As cool of a hack as this is, why bother to do a port to a cellphone. Surely they could have gotten better performance by doing new coding to simulate the same game play. Thats the reason games aren't ported to ti calculators, they are rewritten clones of the original games.
  • I've got a Ericsson T68i ..., any chance of me being lucky?

    I want to play too :(

  • USA Support (Score:2, Insightful)

    by ebresie ( 123014 )
    Sigh..and when will the USA be supported with all these cool new phones

"The hands that help are better far than the lips that pray." -- Robert G. Ingersoll
