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Doom For the SonyEricsson P800 smartphone 91

Peter van Sebille writes "It's with the greatest pleasure that I announce the availability of EDoom for the P800, version 1.0. You may download EDoom for free from: EDoom for the SonyEricsson P800 is fully playable by using the stylus as an on-screen joystick, has 8 channel stereo sound support and an on-screen virtual keyboard, alpha-blended in the Doom scene. Happy Dooming!!!!"
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Doom For the SonyEricsson P800 smartphone

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  • had somebody devised a hack to make these phones remotely or something ? :-)
  • Doom is so old hat. All the cool electronic devices have Quake!

    And it's a P800 as well, that's more than capable of running Quake III... providing you bump the graphics down a little, natch.

    • Re:Doom? (Score:2, Insightful)

      It probably wouldn't run Quake 3 well... my Dell Axim has a 300 MHz XScale (comparable about to a 206 MHz StrongARM, maybe slighly slower) and it runs Quake I [] at only 7.2 fps. That's a far cry from a playable Quake III... the same guy ported Quake II, but that's far from playable.
    • Doom is so old hat. All the cool electronic devices have Quake!

      And it's a P800 as well, that's more than capable of running Quake III... providing you bump the graphics down a little, natch.
      Well, stop whining and start porting!? ;oP


  • EDoom-P800 - EDoom for the SonyEricsson P800
    Port of EDoom to the SonyEricsson P800 (Symbian OS version 7). This time the port is more complete, game safe/load works, it has 8 channel sound support and can be configured to either rotate the screen to the left or right.


    * Latest version of EDoom for the P800 is 1.0. Download the .SIS file and install it on the P800 as per normal. Also read the comments below on WAD files.
    * Latest source code is released under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
    To build from source do this:
    o Unzip the EDoom source code.
    o Change directory to \doom\doomapp\group and build the project edoom.
    o Change directory to \doom\epoc\group and build the project doom.

    WAD files

    Just as for EDoom for the Psion devices, the P800 version of EDoom doesn't come with the original WAD files. Again, doom1.wad and doom3.wad is probably what't you're after. So, be creative! Buy a copy of Doom, search for them on the net or "borrow" them from your Dad (afterall, Doom is pretty old ;-)). Essentially I don't care as long as you're not going to mail me asking for a copy.
    Once you have them, store them on the P800 in the folder called DOOM under Document.


    No project without screenshots nowadays, so here goes. This is the EDoom frontend from which you start EDoom. When started you get the EDoom's splash screen.Choose single player game from the menu and you get here. EDoom is 320x200 and you may configure it to be rotated to either the left or the right.You can also save & load games; when saving a game, you can use the on-screen virtual keyboard, conveniently alpha-blended with the Doom scene.

    Game control

    Game control was one of the... let's call it challanging aspects of porting EDoom to the P800 ;-). Here's what I've settled for in the end:

    * Navigation: Use the stylus as an on screen joystick. The rules are:
    o Move the stylus up / down to go forwards / backwards.
    o Move the stylus left / right to turn left / right.,
    o When moving left / right at the same time as forwards / backwards the left / right delta movement is done in smaller increments to prevent jitter.
    o Strafe left / right when moving forwards / backwards to make a big turn in that direction.
    * Fire: Camera Button.
    * Use/Open door: Browser Button.
    * Strafe left/right: Jog dial up/down.
    * Look up/down: Jog dial left/right.
    * Jump: Jog dial inwards.
    * Other: Use the on-screen virtual keyboard for alpha-numeric input when needed (for example when loading / saving a game). Commonly used keys like ENTER, ESC, Y and N, and 1-6 for switching weapons are also included on the toolbar.
    * Configuration: You can change the key / button assignments as per normal via the menu (Options -> Setup Controls). The P800 specific keys have been mapped to keys A-G.

    (last updated: 26 Jan 2003)
    • by Pike65 ( 454932 ) on Sunday January 26, 2003 @08:08AM (#5161130) Homepage
      It can handle the original WAD files? Wow, maybe I should put my old level designs back on my website again ; )

      Is there any word about multiplayer (sorry if this is on the site - I'm in a hurry)? Now *that* would rock. I mean, it's a communication device for crying out loud, and fragging has been one of the expressive of languages since Man first started hitting each other with sticks . . .
  • Reason Number 2 [] to get rid of that GBA ;-/

  • I've upgraded in step with ID's releases for a long while now. Am I going to have to do that with my phone now?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    While a cool project in its own right, I am not sure many people would be dooming on their mobiles. Much like I fear that the proposal of porn services making 3G viable in Europe. The small screen could be an issue.
  • newtonquake (Score:5, Interesting)

    by nounderscores ( 246517 ) on Sunday January 26, 2003 @07:47AM (#5161094)
    I hope this won't be like newtonquake [].
  • In the beginning they called it Gameboy,
    now they call it cell phones.
  • HUH? (Score:2, Interesting)

    8 channel stereo sound? Doesn't stereo usually means two and 8 channel would imply 8 different speakers? I could be wrong, but in my experience, it's usually slashdot that's wrong.
    • Re:HUH? (Score:5, Informative)

      by Bronster ( 13157 ) <> on Sunday January 26, 2003 @08:03AM (#5161120) Homepage
      I could be wrong, but in my experience, it's usually slashdot that's wrong.

      Nope, you're wrong.

      Specifically, 8 channel stereo sound means that it can play 8 different sounds at once, through two speakers. If you've ever used a keyboard (that's a music keyboard, you know - with black and white keys, not just ivory ones) with only a few channels, you will recognise the sound of not-enough-channels.

      Playing chords sounds very different depending which keys you hit first...

      Anyway, 8 channel sound means that the noise of your rockets exploding won't suddenly stop half way through when you grunt.
      • Like in the original Doom, when you fire the BFG ... it immediately becomes silent when you grunt. :P
    • The original specification for stereo was 3 channels. I don't remember the whole story, but it was reduced to 2 channels at introduction by marketing folks.
  • not on a phone (Score:1, Interesting)

    by MoFoYa ( 644563 )
    Gaming on a mobile device tends to be limited to a few min. while waiting for a bus or train or certain death or something.

    I don't think advanced gaming will really take off- at least not yet. The screen size issue, as seen on other comments, is a major one.
    Could we maybe see a pair of glasses that plug ---- did I say plug - i mean that bluetooth to your phone with a HUD for larger mobile gaming pleasure.

    for now it may be something for doom fans to do while waiting for Doom III
  • by Motherfucking Shit ( 636021 ) on Sunday January 26, 2003 @07:59AM (#5161110) Journal
    Now when I'm in a public place and some idiot's cellphone starts blasting his favorite ringtone at 300 decibels, I don't have to sit there and take it... I can just frag him!
  • Great Phone (Score:5, Informative)

    by fastdecade ( 179638 ) on Sunday January 26, 2003 @07:59AM (#5161114)
    Typical ambiguous slashdot headline had me concerned for a second ... I'm really looking forward to this phone.

    I noted a few pros and cons a few days ago wrt PDA/Phone combos [].

    Upsides of P800:
    - size of a normal phone
    - pen-based input. Using Jot, which might have been a problem for grafitti fans until palm announced its shifting to Jot
    - all the usual stuff - MP3s, camera, bluetooth
    - java
    - Unbelievably, a mame [] port.

    More downsides:
    - Cost - currently selling at about US$900.
    - Proprietary Sony memory stick rather than SD/MMC card.
    • Maybe I'm just an order of magnitude more geeky than you are, but my first thought was exactly what the article turned out to be. =)
      • Heh.. I wokr in the mobile phone industry and my first thought was "shit, this market is -harsh-!"

        But hey, it's really a toug spot: Sony/Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia and Samsung are slugging it out pretty badly (good for the consumers!!).
  • yeah but when will they make it for my nokia 3310
  • How many levels can you play through until your phone dies?
  • I'm really wondering, who has a P800? I've thought about getting one, but they keep on pushing the relase date back it's going to be more worthwhile in getting a Palm and hooking it up to, e.g., the t68i.

    There seems to be a lot of programs coming out for it - suggesting there are a lot of dev kits out - but in real-life there doesn't seem to be any sign of the phone at all. All the while everyone else, i.e. Nokia etc., is coming out with affordable phones with simple games that actually work.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      Been on sale here in Finland (and some other European countries) since before christmas, I've had mine for almost a month soon. And the price is around 800euros (~800USD). Im starting to love my p800 more and more, now that some decent software has started to appear.
    • I don't own it myself, but I saw a guy playing with it at IKEA in Singapore last friday... He was eating swedish meatballs and chicken nuggets I believe...
    • I have a P800 but to obtain the phone easy, I bought the development kit. I did so, partially because it's fun to have the development kit and partially because it was a way I could get the phone without having to wait:

      P800 Developer's Bundle []

      They used to ship pre-release phones but you'll note on that site, that in the last week they have changed to shipping commerical phones, which makes me think that the consumer release of the phones will happen very soon.

      It's a very nice phone. I really like it a lot and don't regret the purchase at all.
  • Old technology (Score:1, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward

    It's nice that Ericsson finally decided to release a smartphone, but Nokia 7650 has been in stores for almost a year now. It also runs Doom and has almost everything that P800 has. I bet that Nokia will release new smartphone in few months that surpasses P800 in every feature.

    • Ericsson released the first smartphone by a big vendor. It was the R380.

      It is very lacking when compared to current smart
      phones, but it was released 2 and a bit years ago.
      It's only real flaw was that it has a closed OS.
      Nokia's next release will not beat the P800,
      simply because a user with enough patience can write thier own apps for the P800,
      and it comes with 16Mb sony memory stick (which is only usefull in the phone).

      If you look at the specs, the R380 is almost a
      Clie with a teeny screen.

      no i'm not an ericsson stooge, just a normal stooge

  • by titzandkunt ( 623280 ) on Sunday January 26, 2003 @08:31AM (#5161191)
    Otherwise, why would you be posting articles under purposefully misleading titles such as "Doom For the SonyEricsson P800 smartphone"?

    Look what happened to MIPS after a headline was published about the slide of Mips ratings [] as a viable performance indicator.

    You must be one of those Illuminati dudes or something.

    • Mod that up. Thanks for the MIPS laugh. I hadn't heard of that incident. Scary!

      Imagine if Slashdot had editors. You know, people who could think up a clear, unambiguous and descriptive headline like, oh I dunno, "Play Doom on the SonyEricsson P800" or "Doom running on SonyEricsson P800". I nearly shit myself when I saw the current headline.
  • sure, but... (Score:2, Informative)

    by LinuxPunk ( 641305 )
    ya, it looks cool, seems to have pretty smooth graphics, but who has the $1400 CDN to actually buy this phone?:O On another note, I think the idea of using the stylus fr the joystick movement was a bad idea, i.e. wouldn't the screen be obscured and hence harder to see what your doing by having to hold a stylus in front of the game the whole time? Plus having the game full screen by holding the device sideways would be awkward while using the stylus to move, and using the required buttons to fire, etc.
  • by rbeattie ( 43187 ) <> on Sunday January 26, 2003 @09:01AM (#5161245) Homepage
    I'm sort of surprised by the lack of posts and enthusiasm for this topic in general from all you geeks. This stuff is really, really cool.

    This isn't just a phone it's a connected risc computer in your hand. This goes for the P800 as well as for the other Symbian phones such as the Nokia 7650 which I own. The hackability is amazing.

    First the hardware: These phones run on 32 bit RISC-based ARM processors. Your Gameboy Advance is running on an ARM too but at 16Mhz, these phones are all 100Mhz or more. They're fast. They all have several megs of memory (though the 7650 could be better), full color screens, and support for cool shit like Bluetooth.

    The Symbian OS is a full-fledged 32bit OS. It has a real directory structure, support for all the protocols you can think of and it was designed from the ground up for mobile devices so it Just Works. The P800 even has support for Personal Java on the same level as native programs which will make it easy for the zillions of Java programmers out there to create cool-ass apps pretty easily.

    I bought my phone a month ago and I'm amazed every day by the stuff it does. When I connect to the GPRS network the phone gets a real IP address. This means I can browse the web with a normal web browser, use an Instant Messenger, FTP, telnet, or anything else you can think of doing from a PC, but from my phone! The P800 already has a VNC client ready to go! And when I'm at home, instead of having to connect to the somewhat slow GPRS, I use Bluetooth to connect to my computer and get an IP address that way (I share out my DSL line just like using WiFi). Now I can do all the above, but at better speeds without wasting my GPRS meg alotment. I can synch, browse the web, send messages etc. but from my couch across the room (though normally it's perfect for the john).

    The 3D games are amazing, better than anything I've seen so far on the Gameboy. And one game called MSG Karting, allows players to race each other over Bluetooth. I haven't tried it yet because I'm the only one I know with a Symbian phone, but it's possible already. No more cables.

    I bought the phone to play with the tech and I haven't been let down. Every day I think of something else I can do or want to do with the phones. There's lots of interesting developments going on right now. In the next MONTH you're going to see more Symbian phones from Nokia and Siemens (both in the U.S. and Europe) as well wider availability of the P800. Plus, if you read the news lately, you'll see that unlike the rest of the tech sector, there's actually GOOD news coming out of the mobile world. Nokia and Qualcomm both just announced kick ass sales and the fact the both have over $8 Billion in the bank in cash. This is good stuff to hear... makes you realize where the next boom is going to be.

    So when you read something like they put Doom on these phones, don't think, "bah" think, "ooh! What ELSE are they going to do" because these computers (not phones) are going to be everywhere within the next year or so and the innovations are just starting.


    • I agree that this is awesome technology with great impact.

      Don't forget J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) which is becoming common in less expensive phones.

      Although not nearly as powerful computationally, I think the combination of phones that can be programmed by anybody and GPRS packet data networking will be just as important as the more expensive 'communcator' phones, because it will reach the masses.

      #Begin Nostalgia
      Hopefully J2ME programming on limited devices may bring back something of the art of efficient programming, which has been neglected on desktop machines with GHz, hundres of MBs of RAM, and Gigs of hard disks. Remember all that could be done on 1 MHz Apple IIs with 64 kB of RAM...
      #End Nostalgia
    • Two questions... You say you connect via Bluetooth to the internet when you're at home. Why do you bother when you're at home and have access to a "real" computer? And out of insane curiosity, what kind of range do you get?

      At any rate, I'm not picking up one of these until a carrier besides Sprint has unlimited data for cheap. Until then, I'm sticking with my Treo 300. Did I mention it has a real IP address too? ;)
    • One should note that comparing this phone to the GBA isn't exactly fair, given the massive difference in price point. Based on another post here, this phone retails for about $900??? That's almost an order of magnitude more expensive than a GBA. I'd hope this thing is more powerful!
    • He is not a real slashdot reader! He is clearly a shill for SonyEricsson® trying to create grassroots buzz for the amazing new SonyEricsson P800®!!! []

      Is it not clear that this company has gone to considerable lengths to train it's actors to avoid detection as Ericsson spokespeople!?!
  • Nokia 7650 (Score:3, Interesting)

    by MyGirlFriendsBroken ( 599031 ) <[moc.em] [ta] [yelekrebretxed]> on Sunday January 26, 2003 @09:03AM (#5161249) Homepage Journal

    There is also a port to the Nokia 7650 avilable []. I've not tried it myself yet but it looked playable on my mates phone

    I don't think playing it with sound on the train would be such a great idea and it looks like a really good way to bring a premeture end to the navigation joystick on the phone!

  • by raynet ( 51803 ) on Sunday January 26, 2003 @10:03AM (#5161370) Homepage
    There has been a version of Doom for Nokia Communicator for sometime now, called Doom 9210 (original eh :). This P800 version only seems to have more sfx channels, but IIRC P800 has faster processor than in 9210, so that shouldn't be a problem.
  • MAME port! (Score:2, Interesting)

    by dracvl ( 541254 )

    The big news here, IMNSHO, is the MAME port he has done, a bit further down the page. How about playing Galaxian (screenshot) [] or Pac-man (screenshot) [] on your mobile phone - the real arcade versions? :)

    This is a very good reason in itself to consider the P800 as a phone. But hey, I'm probably just missing the old times ;)

  • This phone runs Symbian, right? I thought SmartPhone was an MS trademark/platform? Could someone please straighten these terms out for us who use telephones to telephone with...
    • Well freestyle was a Sony trademark once, but since people started to use it for any portable casetteplayer it got into dictionaries and isn't usable for trademarks anymore.
      Liberate your language!
  • by mr.henry ( 618818 ) on Sunday January 26, 2003 @10:54AM (#5161541) Journal
    I bought the SonyEricsson T68i confident that it would make girls sexually attracted to me. For some reason, it has not helped out at all. I'm pretty sure the P800 will fix this though.
  • Great! Now instead of people holding a phone to their ear while they drive, they'll be holding it in front of their face!

    Seriously though, I just can't get excited anymore about new ports of old games for (insert device here). Doom II was ported to Gameboy Advance, complete with multiplayer features, and even though I loved the game, I still passed. Here's an idea, somebody take an extra week or two and make a new game!
  • why not say it like it is:

    SonyEricsson P800 smartphone is Doomed


    SonyEricsson P800 smartphone meets its Doom?
  • In the original doom and quake src ID includes an assembly module called sndmxa (or something like that; it stands for sound mixer) it emulates multi channel sound where there is none. Or is the Phone actually capable of better than my first soundblaster or is it realtime mixing sound?
  • nick burns (Score:1, Funny)

    by mindgam3r ( 591946 )
    we could take a look at that article and then we could take a look at your copy of tron on betamax
  • And here I was, thinking that I needed to warn my friend who is looking to buy a new cellphone NOT to look at this model -- figured that it was, for some reason, being immediately EoL'd and those on the market would spontaneously combust or something...

    Context and inflection is everything, I guess

"He don't know me vewy well, DO he?" -- Bugs Bunny
