Grand Theft Auto Released For Free 443
Snover writes "It's already incredibly difficult to actually get to the site due to its extreme popularity, and can only get worse after the inevitable slashdotting, but Rockstar Games has updated their original hit, Grand Theft Auto, to run on 'modern' computers and released it for free to the public. It'd be nice if more gaming companies did this! Unfortunately, it (of course) is Windows-only and utilises the propietary DirectX API, but hey, free game for anyone that's paid the Microsoft tax! (The download speed, once you actually manage to connect to the site, is quite excellent -- it's maxing out my 2Mbps connection.)" Ah, what a classic game.
BRAVO! BRAVO! (Score:5, Insightful)
I've seen the opposite happen, where games are first freeware, then changed to a shareware or other license because they realized all the oodles of cash they could make off of it. I don't think that is a good practice and if more companies follow Rockstar's exmaple, they will have many more happy gamers that will gladly support their other products by purchasing them legitimately.
Ahh...the memories.
Re:BRAVO! BRAVO! (Score:5, Interesting)
Not everybody has the ability to dedicate time to projects that aren't profitable. It's great that Rockstar does, but don't spite small-time developers for having to eat, sleep indoors, etc.
Re:BRAVO! BRAVO! (Score:5, Interesting)
I don't believe this is the case. Personally, I think updating the game is merely icing on the cake. I think the good part about this is re-releasing FOR FREE an old game that for all intents and purposes has passed the end of its marketable life. I mean, I would be ecstatic if some of the games I played ages ago were released for free. Too often, games end up permanently shelved or only sold through the most obscure locations and stores. If there were suddenly a whole slew of releases for dos/win3.1, I'd probably dust off some of the old computer parts I still have (including my good old gravis ultasound and gamepad) and build a nice little system for these games.
No one says the small-time developers have to update old games to release them for free, just toss it out in its original form when it's passed the end of its shelf life (or if sequels have already been released). However, whether or not it is profitable is debatable. After all, playing the original version for free can stimulate people to purchase the latest release. (raise your hand if you ever bought the sequel to a game just because of how much you loved the original). So you end up dealing with 2 different categories of people. Those who have supported your company already and are looking for nostalgia (good to keep happy), and those who have never played the games in the series and if impressed, could shell out 50$ for the newest version (but of course if the game is shite, then it should promptly be buried beside all those Atari 2600 ET cartriges).
Re:BRAVO! BRAVO! (Score:3, Insightful)
They could port it to PDAs, GBA, GP32 etc (I believe it already exists for GBC). Or package it and its sequel into a 'greatest hits' disc for PS2 - it'd sell like hotcakes.
Those 'arcades greatest hits' and atari collections sell well enough that they keep making them. It's not just nostalgia, my 10 year old likes playing some of the old stuff every bit as much as I do. Good games are relatively timeless.
Just because something is a few years old doesnt mean its unmarketable.
Re:BRAVO! BRAVO! (Score:2)
I suppose the only reason more companies don't do this is simply the effort involved in updating them for modern systems - especially bearing in mind that they see no return. But I don't see any reason for companies not to release the source of their older games (a la Quake [quakesrc.org]), and let the communities around the games update them.
Re: unfortunately... (Score:3, Insightful)
Now, if more companies were like this, and less corporately minded then maybe we'd see more of this kind of thing.
Eh... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Eh...duh (Score:2)
IP, Copyright, and the Public Domain (Score:5, Interesting)
Hrm. Here's a thought on copyright reform:
Make all copyrights viable for 100 years from the date of the creation, period. The first year, the author is capable of receiving full royalties on their works. The next year, a 1% "copyright tax" is levied, to help administrate the copyright system, and as a sort of "copyright social security". Each year thereafter, that tax is increased by 1% - so you receive 100% of your revenue the first year, 99% the second, 98% the third, and so on. Make it a special 'income tax' for copyright holders.
Now, here's the cinch: As copyright holder, you can choose to release your work into the public domain at any time. By doing so, you get back a percentage of the money you paid into the system in taxes, based on the number of years left (i.e., if you had 19 years left until the copyright expired, releasing it into the public domain 19 years early would give you 19% of the total taxes you paid in over the last 81 years).
Any remaining money can be thrown at whatever bullshit "arts endowment" projects Congress seems to hold so dear, so long as the law stipulates that ONLY that money can go into the NEA. I.e., let the system feed back into itself.
What do you think, Sirs?
Re:IP, Copyright, and the Public Domain (Score:4, Insightful)
I, for one, would be quite resentful of a system that reduced the value of my creation(s) based on that kind of system and I think most individual copyright holders would feel the same. So, since corporations have legal rights very similar to private individuals, the law would have to apply equally and it would be just another penalty for individual creativity.
Solving the "copyright problem" is very, very simple and we all know it: Limit copyright duration to a very reasonable 20 years and have done with it. Profiting from a creation for 20 years is more than adequate, and such a term would encourage creative output on the part of individuals AND corporations. That number may look short, but really any longer term primarily benefits behemoth corporations (see Disney) and encourages them to stagnate and get testy with consumers who don't want to pay for the same piece of work over and over again until they're dead.
Of course, it certainly won't change like that in my lifetime given the power that "big business" (ouch) exerts over our national legislature but I can dare to dream (and support the right lobbying/public interest groups - i.e., these peoples). [eff.org]
Re:BRAVO! BRAVO! (Score:5, Insightful)
I do. I respect the hell out of ID software, releasing source to their older versions of Doom and Quake. Not to mention supporting Linux far more than many others. As a result, I have some bit of loyalty toward them. I'll be purchasing Doom III the minute it is released. Partly because it looks to be a really cool game, and partly because I trust ID software to where I don't even feel the need to snag the demo first. I know it will be first rate.
If I can get to the server, I'll snag GTA. Perhaps it will prompt me to finally pick up a copy of GTA III, which I've been tempted to do... perhaps it wouldn't be "brand loyalty" per se, but I do have a bit of respect for them for having done this, and that will influence future purchasing decisions. If that's what they were going for, then great -- mission accomplished.
Re:BRAVO! BRAVO! (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:BRAVO! BRAVO! (Score:5, Insightful)
You're suggesting that gamers have brand loyalty.
May I bring to your attention the fans of a game series that have switched consoles/platforms in order to continue enjoying their games? The game company is Squaresoft [squaresoft.com] and the game is Final Fantasy [squaresoft.com]
winex (Score:2, Interesting)
Sucker (Score:3, Funny)
This game rox (Score:2)
Oh well, since most of them won't make money by doing it, probably they won't...but here's some wishful thinking ;)
Original Wolf 3D (Score:4, Informative)
GTA free - thats great but... (Score:4, Funny)
Its already freely available (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Its already freely available (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Its already freely available (Score:2)
Re:Its already freely available (Score:2)
already been done... (Score:5, Informative)
When I last looked at the site (a year ago, admittidly), it had GTA1 up for download then.
Quick look shows it has GTA2, Hidden & Dangerous, and many others available for free download. All you have to do is watch some ads on your screen whilst the files download.
Re:already been done... (Score:5, Funny)
Put it on Kazaa! (Score:5, Insightful)
Since nobody around here really gives a crap about what the various companies think anywho, would someone please put this up on Kazaa or one of the other P2P networks? If we can make a habit of doing this when binaries are available then future /.ings might be somewhat abated.
Re:Put it on Kazaa! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Put it on Kazaa! (Score:5, Interesting)
Another company that has done this is cinemaware (www.cinemaware.com). I came to their site to download the freely available Amiga version of Defenders of the Crown, and ended up buying the remake. I still swing by their site every once in a while to check for news on their promised remake of Wings, which I'll also buy when it is released. Pretty good move by them, wouldn't you say?
BTW, GTA has always been available on Kazaa/Direct Connect etc, even before it was legal to distributable it.
Re:Put it on Kazaa! (Score:5, Insightful)
Make a Torrent for it!!! (Score:5, Interesting)
Nice editorializing (Score:3, Funny)
A little bitter about this are we?
Re:Nice editorializing (Score:2)
Does everything have to be about MS? (Score:5, Insightful)
This is just about the most childish story post I have ever seen Hemos.
Re:Does everything have to be about MS? (Score:2, Insightful)
How does a summary of a story about a free game become a microsoft bashing opportunity?
Huh? The ms-specific things stated mean that a lot of us can't play the game. It's not ms bashing - it's avoiding wasting our time.
Re:Does everything have to be about MS? (Score:2, Interesting)
Simple. It's part of the REQUIREMENTS for the game. I'm sorry if you believe that Rockstar should rewrite old games for free, for your OS of choice, but really, get off the
Oh yeah, the Micro$oft thing is played out. Your prejudices are clear enough without the $ sign.
Re:Does everything have to be about MS? (Score:2, Insightful)
First off, "person"? I suppose that works, but it reads strangely. We'd hardly expect a "David Weinberger" to be something else. Maybe "worker" or "contributor" or "author" or something, but "person" doesn't read well.
Next we have "haveput" - oops. Then we need a comma to keep the next sentance from being a runon or something. Particular should be particularly, and "like/d" is obviously a typo.
I don't think he's had his coffee yet... despite his belonging to the "and-i-feel-fine" department.
So as you can see, Hemos is evidently having a bad day. After being laughed at, he must have felt the need to take it out on Microsoft.
Actually, if you look closer at the italics, all he posted on this story was "Ah, what a classic game." -- presumably, that means that Snover is being childish, and not Hemos. And I should know - this entire post is, well, childish.
Re:Does everything have to be about MS? (Score:3, Insightful)
Could it be you own large amounts of Microsoft stock? Do you work at the company? Or, are you just ignorant of the findings in the antitrust case?
Feel free to bash the open source community, Apple Computing, Sun, HP, IBM, or anyone else you find loathsome. Don't tell me how to regulate my expression (only CowboyNeal and the gang can do that here).
(this almost begs a new discussion on how the supreme court views freedom of expression online - you probably wouldn't like what they have to say about it) [cdt.org]
Re:Does everything have to be about MS? (Score:5, Insightful)
So why is it that when people are sick of the MS bashing, it has to be that they have some vested interest in MS? Why can't it be that they're just sick of it because it's repetitive, FUD filled, and a lot of it uncalled for? There hasn't even been any significant developments in that case for what a year now, maybe two?
"Boo hoo, they use Direct X so we can't play it on Linux."
That's like being upset that your PS2 can't play XBOX games. Who wants to listen to bitching about not having the right gaming setup? If you're not running Windows, but you want to play Windows games, that is your fault not Microsoft's.
So no, we don't want to listen to that childish bullshit. You made your bed, now lay in it.
Re:Does everything have to be about MS? (Score:4, Funny)
Man, it's a memorable day when somebody on Slashdot gives advice on how to get laid.
Re:Does everything have to be about MS? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Does everything have to be about MS? (Score:5, Insightful)
Probably because the Linux Zealots out there who use Linux solely for the purpose of flipping off Microsoft are realizing that Microsoft got the last laugh. Windows can do something that Linux can't do: attract game developers.
Re:Does everything have to be about MS? (Score:3, Insightful)
Can you please give me the URL for your slashdot? I think I may like it. The one I visit seems to have become overrun with astroturfers. :)
Don't you know you'll rot in hell? (Score:5, Funny)
Cop killing video games are evil! You have to repent to the lord Gates and be forgiven of your sins, washed away by the blood of the lame (Jobs).
Actually, never played the game myself. I remember ALL of the churches and law enforcement agencies in my area pitched a raving hissy fit though.
GTA Music (Score:2)
Re:GTA Music (Score:2, Informative)
Re:GTA Music (Score:2)
What I want to know is will this version still let me put in my own music CD and play music from that?
In the News Today! (Score:5, Funny)
police suspect slashdotting...
Finally, someone gets it... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Finally, someone gets it... (Score:2, Insightful)
Yet the rewards for promoting your current product are potentially staggering.
Don't these guys ever go to the supermarket and eat the free cheese? They aren't giving that stuff away to feed the homeless or something.
I think every game marketer should be required to spend a few years at Proctor & Gamble first. Now those guys really know how to, ummmmm, play the game.
Re:Finally, someone gets it... (Score:3, Interesting)
So while there's certainly positive marketing to be gained from giving away a game, there's still the risk in that the game being given away is not nearly as cool as the games it's being used to sell.
Demo vs. full version (Score:5, Interesting)
With the demo, you had only a short amount of time, and you could _almost_ finish all four missions successfully in the time given, if you were really fast. Attempting to get all four in one insane speed-mayhem rush was the most fun I've had playing a video game, _ever_. The full version just didn't provide the same level of excitement.
Re:Demo vs. full version (Score:3, Interesting)
There was nothing better than running down one of your classmates while he was standing in the middle of the road trying to steal a car. Ah, good times...
Re:Demo vs. full version (Score:2)
You have a few options
Play nice, complete missions, hide from the cops etc
Go on a spree for a couple of minutes before being "Busted"
Use the cheat codes and have fun
It all depends on what you're looking for from a game.
More places to download from (Score:5, Informative)
I'm guessing there are many other places also to download it from. But if you are willing to wait in line for it at fileshack, its another option.
Re:More places to download from (Score:5, Informative)
Might as well spread the waiting around a little.
The email rockstar sent me about this yesterday (Score:5, Informative)
Re:The email rockstar sent me about this yesterday (Score:2)
Re:The email rockstar sent me about this yesterday (Score:2)
Re:The email rockstar sent me about this yesterday (Score:2)
account-gta@server is email
once you get the game:
echo "/dev/null" > ~/.forward-gta
You will never get another email there. If this became widespread, it would be defeated, but for now...
One of the best networked games ever (Score:5, Interesting)
Actually, if someone reverse engineered the network protocol and made a server for it that allowed persistent multiplayer GTA I that would be bloody fantastic. It seems that everyone is making MMORPGs now, but they're all spending too much effort on the graphics, and not enough on gameplay. (Except for a couple of notable entrenched examples which have crappy graphics, but have become extremely popular. You know what they are.)
Not to rain on everybody's parade... (Score:5, Insightful)
Source code available? (Score:3, Funny)
Are they releasing the source too, as I think ID did with Doom?
That way we can kill processes by crashing into them. But seriously, if there is source released, we can get it ported to Linux.
Re:Source code available? (Score:3, Funny)
That's okay. You can try again tomorrow, when
WineX (Score:5, Informative)
Funny thing is, hardly anyone ever paid for GTA... (Score:5, Insightful)
Those with slower machines opted for multiplayer GTA, which was also not paid for. Unlike Quake, I was led to believe that this was the norm for GTA, and that compared to the sales, the number of GTA "users" was staggering. But this might have something to do with the fact that stores refused to carry the product.
Anyway, this is hardly amazing news, as there were already patches for GTA back in the day that allowed for Glide accelerated graphics ( for all that fixed overhead angle texture-scaling ). Moving it to Direct3D is simply a small step in the same direction.
But, then again, there are dozens of classic software titles that could receive a similar treatment. But the companies don't want to let go of anything remotely valuable, and even make up excuses about having to support a free product. I would not be surprised if the GTA community takes up most of the support slack on this one, so maybe that will blow one of the most common developer's excuses right out of the water.
I want payback (Score:2, Funny)
WHY don't other companies do this? (Score:2, Insightful)
It's almosed impossible to properly run this game with sound and everything on a modern PC unless your modern PC happends to have a legacy sb16 awe ISA card.
If they released old titles perhaps small communities would pop up not to mention the good will the company would get.
just my $.02
Re:WHY don't other companies do this? (Score:2)
A few companies keep old titles on hand for download-at-purchase time, which requires very little effort. That is a decent model... Of course, you feel kind of cheated when after downloading it is a royal pain in the ass to get working.
For old dos games, I suggest trying dosemu *and* dosbox (http://dosbox.zophar.net/). They each do better than the other depending on the game. But neither is perfect.
In this case, the free original makes for a great promotion for the series. Series games I can see benefiting greatly from the early titles being free.
Of course, this release and The Ur Quan Masters (re-release of starcon2, sc2.sourceforge.net). Are the ideal way of doing a re-release, free and refreshed for modern platforms. UQM is a tad better as it is open sourced and therefore will evolve to new systems so long as there is any demand.
don't bother trying for a while (Score:5, Informative)
We have received your information; unfortunately, we cannot provide you with this download at this time.
they should put this BEFORE you register.
Not eligible to download the game. (Score:3, Interesting)
Anyone not eligible?
Good PR Move on their part (Score:2)
Great for them, perhaps others can take the hint..
Why not the source? (Score:5, Insightful)
One great example of how releasing the source brings benefits to fans of a game is Descent Freespace 2. Early last year Volition released the source code to the game. I know personally I enjoyed hacking around with it a bit for fun (and playing make believe that I coded games for a living instead of backend java apps
Releasing the source to GTA would undoubtedly spawn similar projects to enhance what is still a great game, and who knows some of the ideas the community may come up with could help Rockstar out with new innovations for latest games in the series.
Way to go Rockstar!!! I will go buy a game now! (Score:5, Insightful)
Half of them are games once bought that no longer run on modern PCs. So I've already spent the money. Populous, Warcraft I, all the old sierra games, etc.
It's really nice of them to release an updated copy but I'd appreciate just releasing the source even more.
I don't mind supporting a company that does this one bit!
Way to go guys!
Thank You Rockstar (Score:2)
I used to play this game all the time via modem with a friend of mine "back in the day" (for me at least, I'm only 21).
Why do slashdotters... (Score:2, Funny)
(in case you didn't hear, I have a 1.5 Mbps download rate)
Cool thats its out, but...... (Score:5, Interesting)
About 6 months ago I downloaded it for my Palm Pilot
Bastards!! (Score:5, Funny)
That'll show'em...
Re:Society loves violence (Score:5, Insightful)
Nope. We were fighting wars long before video game came about; they just make us good at using the drones.
Violence breed violence and encourages hate. Why do we love to hate?
Because hate encourages violence, they hate us, and thus they visit violence upon us and we visit violence upon them.
This is why "love thy enemy" is such an important part of our culture. We bomb Afghanistan out of the stone age, and then hold their hand as they struggle to sort out all the damage their ex-ruler did. We did the same thing with Japan and Germany, and we'll do the same thing with Iraq.
Re:Society loves violence (Score:2)
Perhaps you haven't noticed... (Score:2, Insightful)
Or do you think Saddam Hussein started making WMD's after too many rounds of Command & Conquer..?
Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Society loves violence (Score:5, Funny)
*cough* *cough* counter-strike [gamespy.com] *cough* *cough*
Re:Society loves violence (Score:5, Insightful)
All you proved is that the most popular online game is Counter-Strike, but I bet there are more than 120k players in Everquest... something like 400k players last time I checked, though I doubt they are all playing at once.
Re:Society loves violence (Score:2)
Re:Society loves violence (Score:3, Funny)
Let us all join hands and sing "Kumbaya" then...
(hint: that won't help)
Re:Society loves violence (Score:5, Insightful)
I'm all in favor of trying to root out the causes of hate, but it's annoying when you ask a question like "why do we love to hate?" as though you yourself were a pixie floating free above the human condition who had never actually hated anyone or anything. The roots of hatred go a lot deeper than video games.
Re:Society loves violence (Score:2, Funny)
well, gee... (Score:2)
Well, I've already learned to love to hate you, so it must not have anything to do with games and more to do with what a vicious asshole i am.
"Concidering" (Score:5, Funny)
I'm not a native speaker, so I am always happy to learn new idioms. Does "concidering" mean "drink some cider together"? Please concider this with me!
Re:wine(x) might work (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:"Microsoft Tax." (Score:5, Insightful)
The relative quality of your experiences does not change the fact that for the vast majority of the population, it is perceived that one has no option but to pay for Windows. Therefore, it's a tax. The term describes the current status quo quite well really.
Re:"Microsoft Tax." (Score:2, Insightful)
except with a big BUT.
BUT, the general public does not see Windows as the scourge that most Linux users do. In fact, if you plopped down Linux in front of most users, in five minutes you would hear "I want Windows back".
Re:"Microsoft Tax." (Score:3, Insightful)
For the medium term, bare boxes are a perfectly acceptable vendor alternative. They're still obligated to exchange defective hardware but most Linux users can support themselves. The "we can't support it." argument doesn't matter either. The vendor doesn't need to know what I'm running. Just fork over the box and I'll worry about the OS.
Re:"Microsoft Tax." (Score:2, Informative)
It is called so because you pay it EVEN if you do NOT want Windows (or DOS in the old days).
Your Linux/Windows comparsion clearly falls into the "Troll" category.
Re:"Microsoft Tax." (Score:2)
In fact he said: "I do think it sucks that you have to pay for windows even if you're not going to use it."
And he reads
Re:"Microsoft Tax." (Score:2, Insightful)
'Microsoft Tax' refers to the fact that it can be difficult to avoid paying for a copy of Windows with a new PC even if you don't actually intend to use it. It's a complaint about Microsoft's business practices, not the fact that Windows isn't free.
Re:"Microsoft Tax." (Score:2)
Since you're going to use Windows, it is a purchase price. It is a big difference and the term tax is merited no matter how much you personally like and want Windows.
Re:"Microsoft Tax." (Score:3, Insightful)
And I tend to agree with him. I'm a developer and I like to spend my time doing things that no one else has done before.
Re:What tax? (Score:2)
Guess what? GPLed software pays my bills very nicely indeed. I do very well out of converting businesses from paying through the nose for proprietary operating systems and software, to using Free (as in [beer|speech]) software. I get the work, because companies don't want to pay thousands of pounds every year to be forced to upgrade.
I get paid because I know how to make it work, just like you'd have to pay someone who knows how to make Windows work. The big difference is, I don't have to renew my MCSE every year, and I don't look for as much money as MCSEs. I like solutions, and happy customers, not big invoices.
Re:What tax? (Score:2)
Re:Confusion (Score:2)